/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Yamagi Burmeister * Copyright (C) 1997-2005 Id Software, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA. * * ======================================================================= * * This is the Quake II input system backend, implemented with SDL. * * ======================================================================= * * Joystick threshold code is partially based on http://ioquake3.org code. */ #include "../../client/header/keyboard.h" #include "../generic/header/input.h" #include "../../client/header/client.h" /* There's no sdl-config on OS X and Windows */ #ifdef SDL2 #include #else /* SDL1.2 */ #include #endif /*SDL2 */ /* SDL 1.2 <-> 2.0 compatiblity cruft */ #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 0) #define SDLK_KP0 SDLK_KP_0 #define SDLK_KP1 SDLK_KP_1 #define SDLK_KP2 SDLK_KP_2 #define SDLK_KP3 SDLK_KP_3 #define SDLK_KP4 SDLK_KP_4 #define SDLK_KP5 SDLK_KP_5 #define SDLK_KP6 SDLK_KP_6 #define SDLK_KP7 SDLK_KP_7 #define SDLK_KP8 SDLK_KP_8 #define SDLK_KP9 SDLK_KP_9 #define SDLK_RMETA SDLK_RGUI #define SDLK_LMETA SDLK_LGUI #define SDLK_COMPOSE SDLK_APPLICATION #define SDLK_PRINT SDLK_PRINTSCREEN #define SDLK_SCROLLOCK SDLK_SCROLLLOCK #define SDLK_NUMLOCK SDLK_NUMLOCKCLEAR #endif #define MOUSE_MAX 3000 #define MOUSE_MIN 40 /* Globals */ static int mouse_x, mouse_y; static int old_mouse_x, old_mouse_y; static qboolean mlooking; #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 0) static int joystick_yaw, joystick_pitch; static int joystick_forwardmove, joystick_sidemove; static int joystick_up; static int back_button_id = -1; static char last_hat = SDL_HAT_CENTERED; static qboolean left_trigger = false; static qboolean right_trigger = false; qboolean show_haptic = false; /* Haptic feedback types */ enum QHARPICTYPES { HAPTIC_EFFECT_UNKNOWN = -1, HAPTIC_EFFECT_BLASTER = 0, HAPTIC_EFFECT_MENY, HAPTIC_EFFECT_HYPER_BLASTER, HAPTIC_EFFECT_MACHINEGUN, HAPTIC_EFFECT_SHOTGUN, HAPTIC_EFFECT_SSHOTGUN, HAPTIC_EFFECT_RAILGUN, HAPTIC_EFFECT_ROCKETGUN, HAPTIC_EFFECT_GRENADE, HAPTIC_EFFECT_BFG, HAPTIC_EFFECT_PALANX, HAPTIC_EFFECT_IONRIPPER, HAPTIC_EFFECT_ETFRIFLE, HAPTIC_EFFECT_SHOTGUN2, HAPTIC_EFFECT_TRACKER, HAPTIC_EFFECT_PAIN, HAPTIC_EFFECT_STEP, HAPTIC_EFFECT_TRAPCOCK, HAPTIC_EFFECT_LAST }; struct hapric_effects_cache { int effect_type; int effect_id; }; static int last_haptic_volume = 0; static struct hapric_effects_cache last_haptic_efffect[HAPTIC_EFFECT_LAST]; static int last_haptic_efffect_size = HAPTIC_EFFECT_LAST; static int last_haptic_efffect_pos = 0; /* Joystick */ static SDL_Haptic *joystick_haptic = NULL; static SDL_Joystick *joystick = NULL; static SDL_GameController *controller = NULL; #endif /* CVars */ cvar_t *vid_fullscreen; static cvar_t *in_grab; static cvar_t *exponential_speedup; cvar_t *freelook; cvar_t *lookstrafe; cvar_t *m_forward; static cvar_t *m_filter; cvar_t *m_pitch; cvar_t *m_side; cvar_t *m_up; cvar_t *m_yaw; cvar_t *sensitivity; static cvar_t *windowed_mouse; #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 0) /* Joystick sensitivity */ static cvar_t *joy_yawsensitivity; static cvar_t *joy_pitchsensitivity; static cvar_t *joy_forwardsensitivity; static cvar_t *joy_sidesensitivity; static cvar_t *joy_upsensitivity; /* Joystick direction settings */ static cvar_t *joy_axis_leftx; static cvar_t *joy_axis_lefty; static cvar_t *joy_axis_rightx; static cvar_t *joy_axis_righty; static cvar_t *joy_axis_triggerleft; static cvar_t *joy_axis_triggerright; /* Joystick threshold settings */ static cvar_t *joy_axis_leftx_threshold; static cvar_t *joy_axis_lefty_threshold; static cvar_t *joy_axis_rightx_threshold; static cvar_t *joy_axis_righty_threshold; static cvar_t *joy_axis_triggerleft_threshold; static cvar_t *joy_axis_triggerright_threshold; /* Joystick haptic */ static cvar_t *joy_haptic_magnitude; #endif extern void GLimp_GrabInput(qboolean grab); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* * This creepy function translates SDL keycodes into * the id Tech 2 engines interal representation. */ static int IN_TranslateSDLtoQ2Key(unsigned int keysym) { int key = 0; /* These must be translated */ switch (keysym) { case SDLK_PAGEUP: key = K_PGUP; break; case SDLK_KP9: key = K_KP_PGUP; break; case SDLK_PAGEDOWN: key = K_PGDN; break; case SDLK_KP3: key = K_KP_PGDN; break; case SDLK_KP7: key = K_KP_HOME; break; case SDLK_HOME: key = K_HOME; break; case SDLK_KP1: key = K_KP_END; break; case SDLK_END: key = K_END; break; case SDLK_KP4: key = K_KP_LEFTARROW; break; case SDLK_LEFT: key = K_LEFTARROW; break; case SDLK_KP6: key = K_KP_RIGHTARROW; break; case SDLK_RIGHT: key = K_RIGHTARROW; break; case SDLK_KP2: key = K_KP_DOWNARROW; break; case SDLK_DOWN: key = K_DOWNARROW; break; case SDLK_KP8: key = K_KP_UPARROW; break; case SDLK_UP: key = K_UPARROW; break; case SDLK_ESCAPE: key = K_ESCAPE; break; case SDLK_KP_ENTER: key = K_KP_ENTER; break; case SDLK_RETURN: key = K_ENTER; break; case SDLK_TAB: key = K_TAB; break; case SDLK_F1: key = K_F1; break; case SDLK_F2: key = K_F2; break; case SDLK_F3: key = K_F3; break; case SDLK_F4: key = K_F4; break; case SDLK_F5: key = K_F5; break; case SDLK_F6: key = K_F6; break; case SDLK_F7: key = K_F7; break; case SDLK_F8: key = K_F8; break; case SDLK_F9: key = K_F9; break; case SDLK_F10: key = K_F10; break; case SDLK_F11: key = K_F11; break; case SDLK_F12: key = K_F12; break; case SDLK_F13: key = K_F13; break; case SDLK_F14: key = K_F14; break; case SDLK_F15: key = K_F15; break; case SDLK_BACKSPACE: key = K_BACKSPACE; break; case SDLK_KP_PERIOD: key = K_KP_DEL; break; case SDLK_DELETE: key = K_DEL; break; case SDLK_PAUSE: key = K_PAUSE; break; case SDLK_LSHIFT: case SDLK_RSHIFT: key = K_SHIFT; break; case SDLK_LCTRL: case SDLK_RCTRL: key = K_CTRL; break; case SDLK_RMETA: case SDLK_LMETA: key = K_COMMAND; break; case SDLK_RALT: case SDLK_LALT: key = K_ALT; break; case SDLK_KP5: key = K_KP_5; break; case SDLK_INSERT: key = K_INS; break; case SDLK_KP0: key = K_KP_INS; break; case SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY: key = K_KP_STAR; break; case SDLK_KP_PLUS: key = K_KP_PLUS; break; case SDLK_KP_MINUS: key = K_KP_MINUS; break; case SDLK_KP_DIVIDE: key = K_KP_SLASH; break; case SDLK_MODE: key = K_MODE; break; case SDLK_COMPOSE: key = K_COMPOSE; break; case SDLK_HELP: key = K_HELP; break; case SDLK_PRINT: key = K_PRINT; break; case SDLK_SYSREQ: key = K_SYSREQ; break; case SDLK_MENU: key = K_MENU; break; case SDLK_POWER: key = K_POWER; break; case SDLK_UNDO: key = K_UNDO; break; case SDLK_SCROLLOCK: key = K_SCROLLOCK; break; case SDLK_NUMLOCK: key = K_KP_NUMLOCK; break; case SDLK_CAPSLOCK: key = K_CAPSLOCK; break; default: break; } return key; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ extern int glimp_refreshRate; /* * Updates the input queue state. Called every * frame by the client and does nearly all the * input magic. */ void IN_Update(void) { qboolean want_grab; SDL_Event event; unsigned int key; /* Get and process an event */ while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { switch (event.type) { #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 0) case SDL_MOUSEWHEEL: Key_Event((event.wheel.y > 0 ? K_MWHEELUP : K_MWHEELDOWN), true, true); Key_Event((event.wheel.y > 0 ? K_MWHEELUP : K_MWHEELDOWN), false, true); break; #endif case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: #if !SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 0) if (event.button.button == 4) { Key_Event(K_MWHEELUP, true, true); Key_Event(K_MWHEELUP, false, true); break; } else if (event.button.button == 5) { Key_Event(K_MWHEELDOWN, true, true); Key_Event(K_MWHEELDOWN, false, true); break; } #endif /* fall-through */ case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: switch( event.button.button ) { case SDL_BUTTON_LEFT: key = K_MOUSE1; break; case SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE: key = K_MOUSE3; break; case SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT: key = K_MOUSE2; break; case SDL_BUTTON_X1: key = K_MOUSE4; break; case SDL_BUTTON_X2: key = K_MOUSE5; break; default: return; } Key_Event(key, (event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN), true); break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: if (cls.key_dest == key_game && (int)cl_paused->value == 0) { mouse_x += event.motion.xrel; mouse_y += event.motion.yrel; } break; #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 0) case SDL_TEXTINPUT: if((event.text.text[0] >= ' ') && (event.text.text[0] <= '~')) { Char_Event(event.text.text[0]); } break; #endif case SDL_KEYDOWN: #if !SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 0) if ((event.key.keysym.unicode >= SDLK_SPACE) && (event.key.keysym.unicode < SDLK_DELETE)) { Char_Event(event.key.keysym.unicode); } #endif /* fall-through */ case SDL_KEYUP: { qboolean down = (event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN); #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 0) /* workaround for AZERTY-keyboards, which don't have 1, 2, ..., 9, 0 in first row: * always map those physical keys (scancodes) to those keycodes anyway * see also https://bugzilla.libsdl.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3188 */ SDL_Scancode sc = event.key.keysym.scancode; if(sc >= SDL_SCANCODE_1 && sc <= SDL_SCANCODE_0) { /* Note that the SDL_SCANCODEs are SDL_SCANCODE_1, _2, ..., _9, SDL_SCANCODE_0 * while in ASCII it's '0', '1', ..., '9' => handle 0 and 1-9 separately * (quake2 uses the ASCII values for those keys) */ int key = '0'; /* implicitly handles SDL_SCANCODE_0 */ if(sc <= SDL_SCANCODE_9) { key = '1' + (sc - SDL_SCANCODE_1); } Key_Event(key, down, false); } else #endif /* SDL2; (SDL1.2 doesn't have scancodes so nothing we can do there) */ if((event.key.keysym.sym >= SDLK_SPACE) && (event.key.keysym.sym < SDLK_DELETE)) { Key_Event(event.key.keysym.sym, down, false); } else { Key_Event(IN_TranslateSDLtoQ2Key(event.key.keysym.sym), down, true); } } break; #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 0) case SDL_WINDOWEVENT: if(event.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST || event.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED) { Key_MarkAllUp(); } else if(event.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MOVED) { // make sure GLimp_GetRefreshRate() will query from SDL again - the window might // be on another display now! glimp_refreshRate = -1; } #else /* SDL1.2 */ case SDL_ACTIVEEVENT: if(event.active.gain == 0 && (event.active.state & SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS)) { Key_MarkAllUp(); } #endif break; #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 0) case SDL_CONTROLLERBUTTONUP: case SDL_CONTROLLERBUTTONDOWN: /* Handle Controller Back button */ { qboolean down = (event.type == SDL_CONTROLLERBUTTONDOWN); if(event.cbutton.button == SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_BACK) { Key_Event(K_JOY_BACK, down, true); } } break; case SDL_CONTROLLERAXISMOTION: /* Handle Controller Motion */ { char* direction_type; float threshold = 0; float fix_value = 0; int axis_value = event.caxis.value; switch (event.caxis.axis) { /* left/right */ case SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTX: direction_type = joy_axis_leftx->string; threshold = joy_axis_leftx_threshold->value; break; /* top/bottom */ case SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTY: direction_type = joy_axis_lefty->string; threshold = joy_axis_lefty_threshold->value; break; /* second left/right */ case SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTX: direction_type = joy_axis_rightx->string; threshold = joy_axis_rightx_threshold->value; break; /* second top/bottom */ case SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTY: direction_type = joy_axis_righty->string; threshold = joy_axis_righty_threshold->value; break; case SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERLEFT: direction_type = joy_axis_triggerleft->string; threshold = joy_axis_triggerleft_threshold->value; break; case SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERRIGHT: direction_type = joy_axis_triggerright->string; threshold = joy_axis_triggerright_threshold->value; break; default: direction_type = "none"; } if (threshold > 0.9) threshold = 0.9; if (axis_value < 0 && (axis_value > (32768 * threshold))) axis_value = 0; else if (axis_value > 0 && (axis_value < (32768 * threshold))) axis_value = 0; // Smoothly ramp from dead zone to maximum value (from ioquake) // https://github.com/ioquake/ioq3/blob/master/code/sdl/sdl_input.c fix_value = ((float)abs(axis_value) / 32767.0f - threshold) / (1.0f - threshold); if (fix_value < 0.0f) fix_value = 0.0f; axis_value = (int)(32767 * ((axis_value < 0) ? -fix_value : fix_value)); if (cls.key_dest == key_game && (int)cl_paused->value == 0) { if (strcmp(direction_type, "sidemove") == 0) { joystick_sidemove = axis_value * joy_sidesensitivity->value; joystick_sidemove *= cl_sidespeed->value; } else if (strcmp(direction_type, "forwardmove") == 0) { joystick_forwardmove = axis_value * joy_forwardsensitivity->value; // We need to be twice faster because with joystic we run... joystick_forwardmove *= cl_forwardspeed->value * 2; } else if (strcmp(direction_type, "yaw") == 0) { joystick_yaw = axis_value * joy_yawsensitivity->value; joystick_yaw *= cl_yawspeed->value; } else if (strcmp(direction_type, "pitch") == 0) { joystick_pitch = axis_value * joy_pitchsensitivity->value; joystick_pitch *= cl_pitchspeed->value; } else if (strcmp(direction_type, "updown") == 0) { joystick_up = axis_value * joy_upsensitivity->value; joystick_up *= cl_upspeed->value; } } if (strcmp(direction_type, "triggerleft") == 0) { qboolean new_left_trigger = abs(axis_value) > (32767 / 4); if (new_left_trigger != left_trigger) { left_trigger = new_left_trigger; Key_Event(K_TRIG_LEFT, left_trigger, true); } } else if (strcmp(direction_type, "triggerright") == 0) { qboolean new_right_trigger = abs(axis_value) > (32767 / 4); if (new_right_trigger != right_trigger) { right_trigger = new_right_trigger; Key_Event(K_TRIG_RIGHT, right_trigger, true); } } } break; /* Joystick can have more buttons than on general game controller * so try to map not free buttons */ case SDL_JOYBUTTONUP: case SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN: { qboolean down = (event.type == SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN); /* Ignore back button, we dont need event for such button */ if (back_button_id == event.jbutton.button) return; if(event.jbutton.button <= (K_JOY32 - K_JOY1)) { Key_Event(event.jbutton.button + K_JOY1, down, true); } } break; case SDL_JOYHATMOTION: { if (last_hat != event.jhat.value) { char diff = last_hat ^ event.jhat.value; int i; for (i=0; i < 4; i++) { if (diff & (1 << i)) { /* check that we have button up for some bit */ if (last_hat & (1 << i)) Key_Event(i + K_HAT_UP, false, true); /* check that we have button down for some bit */ if (event.jhat.value & (1 << i)) Key_Event(i + K_HAT_UP, true, true); } } last_hat = event.jhat.value; } } break; #endif case SDL_QUIT: Com_Quit(); break; } } /* Grab and ungrab the mouse if the* console or the menu is opened */ want_grab = (vid_fullscreen->value || in_grab->value == 1 || (in_grab->value == 2 && windowed_mouse->value)); /* calling GLimp_GrabInput() each is a but ugly but simple and should work. * + the called SDL functions return after a cheap check, if there's * nothing to do, anyway */ GLimp_GrabInput(want_grab); } /* * Removes all pending events from SDLs queue. */ void In_FlushQueue(void) { #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 0) SDL_FlushEvents(SDL_FIRSTEVENT, SDL_LASTEVENT); #else SDL_Event event; while(SDL_PollEvent(&event)); #endif Key_MarkAllUp(); } /* * Move handling */ void IN_Move(usercmd_t *cmd) { if (m_filter->value) { if ((mouse_x > 1) || (mouse_x < -1)) { mouse_x = (mouse_x + old_mouse_x) * 0.5; } if ((mouse_y > 1) || (mouse_y < -1)) { mouse_y = (mouse_y + old_mouse_y) * 0.5; } } old_mouse_x = mouse_x; old_mouse_y = mouse_y; if (mouse_x || mouse_y) { if (!exponential_speedup->value) { mouse_x *= sensitivity->value; mouse_y *= sensitivity->value; } else { if ((mouse_x > MOUSE_MIN) || (mouse_y > MOUSE_MIN) || (mouse_x < -MOUSE_MIN) || (mouse_y < -MOUSE_MIN)) { mouse_x = (mouse_x * mouse_x * mouse_x) / 4; mouse_y = (mouse_y * mouse_y * mouse_y) / 4; if (mouse_x > MOUSE_MAX) { mouse_x = MOUSE_MAX; } else if (mouse_x < -MOUSE_MAX) { mouse_x = -MOUSE_MAX; } if (mouse_y > MOUSE_MAX) { mouse_y = MOUSE_MAX; } else if (mouse_y < -MOUSE_MAX) { mouse_y = -MOUSE_MAX; } } } /* add mouse X/Y movement to cmd */ if ((in_strafe.state & 1) || (lookstrafe->value && mlooking)) { cmd->sidemove += m_side->value * mouse_x; } else { cl.viewangles[YAW] -= m_yaw->value * mouse_x; } if ((mlooking || freelook->value) && !(in_strafe.state & 1)) { cl.viewangles[PITCH] += m_pitch->value * mouse_y; } else { cmd->forwardmove -= m_forward->value * mouse_y; } mouse_x = mouse_y = 0; } #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 0) if (joystick_yaw) { cl.viewangles[YAW] -= (m_yaw->value * joystick_yaw) / 32768; } if(joystick_pitch) { cl.viewangles[PITCH] += (m_pitch->value * joystick_pitch) / 32768; } if (joystick_forwardmove) { cmd->forwardmove -= (m_forward->value * joystick_forwardmove) / 32768; } if (joystick_sidemove) { cmd->sidemove += (m_side->value * joystick_sidemove) / 32768; } if (joystick_up) { cmd->upmove -= (m_up->value * joystick_up) / 32768; } #endif } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* * Look down */ static void IN_MLookDown(void) { mlooking = true; } /* * Look up */ static void IN_MLookUp(void) { mlooking = false; IN_CenterView(); } #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 0) /* * Shutdown haptic functionality */ static void IN_Haptic_Shutdown(void); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* * Init haptic effects */ static int IN_Haptic_Effect_Init(int dir, int period, int magnitude, int length, int attack, int fade) { /* * Direction: * North - 0 * East - 9000 * South - 18000 * West - 27000 */ int effect_id; static SDL_HapticEffect haptic_effect; SDL_memset(&haptic_effect, 0, sizeof(SDL_HapticEffect)); // 0 is safe default haptic_effect.type = SDL_HAPTIC_SINE; haptic_effect.periodic.direction.type = SDL_HAPTIC_POLAR; // Polar coordinates haptic_effect.periodic.direction.dir[0] = dir; haptic_effect.periodic.period = period; haptic_effect.periodic.magnitude = magnitude; haptic_effect.periodic.length = length; haptic_effect.periodic.attack_length = attack; haptic_effect.periodic.fade_length = fade; effect_id = SDL_HapticNewEffect(joystick_haptic, &haptic_effect); if (effect_id < 0) { Com_Printf ("SDL_HapticNewEffect failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); Com_Printf ("Please try to rerun game. Effects will be disabled for now.\n"); IN_Haptic_Shutdown(); } return effect_id; } static int IN_Haptic_Effects_To_Id(int haptic_effect) { if ((SDL_HapticQuery(joystick_haptic) & SDL_HAPTIC_SINE)==0) return -1; int hapric_volume = joy_haptic_magnitude->value * 255; // * 128 = 32767 max strength; if (hapric_volume > 255) hapric_volume = 255; else if (hapric_volume < 0) hapric_volume = 0; switch(haptic_effect) { case HAPTIC_EFFECT_MENY: case HAPTIC_EFFECT_TRAPCOCK: case HAPTIC_EFFECT_STEP: /* North */ return IN_Haptic_Effect_Init( 0/* Force comes from N*/, 500/* 500 ms*/, hapric_volume * 48, 200/* 0.2 seconds long */, 100/* Takes 0.1 second to get max strength */, 100/* Takes 0.1 second to fade away */); case HAPTIC_EFFECT_PAIN: return IN_Haptic_Effect_Init( 0/* Force comes from N*/, 700/* 700 ms*/, hapric_volume * 196, 300/* 0.3 seconds long */, 200/* Takes 0.2 second to get max strength */, 200/* Takes 0.2 second to fade away */); case HAPTIC_EFFECT_BLASTER: /* 30 degrees */ return IN_Haptic_Effect_Init( 2000/* Force comes from NNE*/, 500/* 500 ms*/, hapric_volume * 64, 200/* 0.2 seconds long */, 100/* Takes 0.1 second to get max strength */, 100/* Takes 0.1 second to fade away */); case HAPTIC_EFFECT_HYPER_BLASTER: return IN_Haptic_Effect_Init( 4000/* Force comes from NNE*/, 500/* 500 ms*/, hapric_volume * 64, 200/* 0.2 seconds long */, 100/* Takes 0.1 second to get max strength */, 100/* Takes 0.1 second to fade away */); case HAPTIC_EFFECT_ETFRIFLE: /* 60 degrees */ return IN_Haptic_Effect_Init( 5000/* Force comes from NEE*/, 500/* 500 ms*/, hapric_volume * 64, 200/* 0.2 seconds long */, 100/* Takes 0.1 second to get max strength */, 100/* Takes 0.1 second to fade away */); case HAPTIC_EFFECT_TRACKER: return IN_Haptic_Effect_Init( 7000/* Force comes from NEE*/, 500/* 500 ms*/, hapric_volume * 64, 200/* 0.2 seconds long */, 100/* Takes 0.1 second to get max strength */, 100/* Takes 0.1 second to fade away */); case HAPTIC_EFFECT_MACHINEGUN: /* 90 degrees */ return IN_Haptic_Effect_Init( 9000/* Force comes from E*/, 800/* 800 ms*/, hapric_volume * 88, 600/* 0.6 seconds long */, 200/* Takes 0.2 second to get max strength */, 400/* Takes 0.4 second to fade away */); case HAPTIC_EFFECT_SHOTGUN: /* 120 degrees */ return IN_Haptic_Effect_Init( 12000/* Force comes from EES*/, 700/* 700 ms*/, hapric_volume * 100, 500/* 0.5 seconds long */, 100/* Takes 0.1 second to get max strength */, 200/* Takes 0.2 second to fade away */); case HAPTIC_EFFECT_SHOTGUN2: /* 150 degrees */ return IN_Haptic_Effect_Init( 14000/* Force comes from ESS*/, 700/* 700 ms*/, hapric_volume * 96, 500/* 0.5 seconds long */, 100/* Takes 0.1 second to get max strength */, 100/* Takes 0.1 second to fade away */); case HAPTIC_EFFECT_SSHOTGUN: return IN_Haptic_Effect_Init( 16000/* Force comes from ESS*/, 700/* 700 ms*/, hapric_volume * 96, 500/* 0.5 seconds long */, 100/* Takes 0.1 second to get max strength */, 100/* Takes 0.1 second to fade away */); case HAPTIC_EFFECT_RAILGUN: /* 180 degrees */ return IN_Haptic_Effect_Init( 18000/* Force comes from S*/, 700/* 700 ms*/, hapric_volume * 64, 400/* 0.4 seconds long */, 100/* Takes 0.1 second to get max strength */, 100/* Takes 0.1 second to fade away */); case HAPTIC_EFFECT_ROCKETGUN: /* 210 degrees */ return IN_Haptic_Effect_Init( 21000/* Force comes from SSW*/, 700/* 700 ms*/, hapric_volume * 128, 400/* 0.4 seconds long */, 300/* Takes 0.3 second to get max strength */, 100/* Takes 0.1 second to fade away */); case HAPTIC_EFFECT_GRENADE: /* 240 degrees */ return IN_Haptic_Effect_Init( 24000/* Force comes from SWW*/, 500/* 500 ms*/, hapric_volume * 64, 200/* 0.2 seconds long */, 100/* Takes 0.1 second to get max strength */, 100/* Takes 0.1 second to fade away */); case HAPTIC_EFFECT_BFG: /* 270 degrees */ return IN_Haptic_Effect_Init( 27000/* Force comes from W*/, 800/* 800 ms*/, hapric_volume * 100, 600/* 0.2 seconds long */, 100/* Takes 0.1 second to get max strength */, 100/* Takes 0.1 second to fade away */); case HAPTIC_EFFECT_PALANX: /* 300 degrees */ return IN_Haptic_Effect_Init( 30000/* Force comes from WWN*/, 500/* 500 ms*/, hapric_volume * 64, 200/* 0.2 seconds long */, 100/* Takes 0.1 second to get max strength */, 100/* Takes 0.1 second to fade away */); case HAPTIC_EFFECT_IONRIPPER: /* 330 degrees */ return IN_Haptic_Effect_Init( 33000/* Force comes from WNN*/, 500/* 500 ms*/, hapric_volume * 64, 200/* 0.2 seconds long */, 100/* Takes 0.1 second to get max strength */, 100/* Takes 0.1 second to fade away */); default: return -1; } } static void IN_Haptic_Effects_Info(void) { show_haptic = true; Com_Printf ("Joystic/Mouse haptic:\n"); Com_Printf (" * %d effects\n", SDL_HapticNumEffects(joystick_haptic)); Com_Printf (" * %d effects in same time\n", SDL_HapticNumEffectsPlaying(joystick_haptic)); Com_Printf (" * %d haptic axis\n", SDL_HapticNumAxes(joystick_haptic)); } static void IN_Haptic_Effects_Init(void) { last_haptic_efffect_size = SDL_HapticNumEffectsPlaying(joystick_haptic); if (last_haptic_efffect_size > HAPTIC_EFFECT_LAST) last_haptic_efffect_size = HAPTIC_EFFECT_LAST; for (int i=0; i= 0) SDL_HapticDestroyEffect(joystick_haptic, *effect_id); *effect_id = -1; } static void IN_Haptic_Effects_Shutdown(void) { for (int i=0; ivalue <= 0) return; if (!joystick_haptic) return; if (last_haptic_volume != (int)(joy_haptic_magnitude->value * 255)) { IN_Haptic_Effects_Shutdown(); IN_Haptic_Effects_Init(); } last_haptic_volume = joy_haptic_magnitude->value * 255; if (strstr(name, "misc/menu")) { effect_type = HAPTIC_EFFECT_MENY; } else if (strstr(name, "weapons/blastf1a")) { effect_type = HAPTIC_EFFECT_BLASTER; } else if (strstr(name, "weapons/hyprbf1a")) { effect_type = HAPTIC_EFFECT_HYPER_BLASTER; } else if (strstr(name, "weapons/machgf")) { effect_type = HAPTIC_EFFECT_MACHINEGUN; } else if (strstr(name, "weapons/shotgf1b")) { effect_type = HAPTIC_EFFECT_SHOTGUN; } else if (strstr(name, "weapons/sshotf1b")) { effect_type = HAPTIC_EFFECT_SSHOTGUN; } else if (strstr(name, "weapons/railgf1a")) { effect_type = HAPTIC_EFFECT_RAILGUN; } else if (strstr(name, "weapons/rocklf1a")) { effect_type = HAPTIC_EFFECT_ROCKETGUN; } else if (strstr(name, "weapons/grenlf1a") || strstr(name, "weapons/hgrent1a")) { effect_type = HAPTIC_EFFECT_GRENADE; } else if (strstr(name, "weapons/bfg__f1y")) { effect_type = HAPTIC_EFFECT_BFG; } else if (strstr(name, "weapons/plasshot")) { effect_type = HAPTIC_EFFECT_PALANX; } else if (strstr(name, "weapons/rippfire")) { effect_type = HAPTIC_EFFECT_IONRIPPER; } else if (strstr(name, "weapons/nail1")) { effect_type = HAPTIC_EFFECT_ETFRIFLE; } else if (strstr(name, "weapons/shotg2")) { effect_type = HAPTIC_EFFECT_SHOTGUN2; } else if (strstr(name, "weapons/disint2")) { effect_type = HAPTIC_EFFECT_TRACKER; } else if (strstr(name, "player/male/pain") || strstr(name, "player/female/pain") || strstr(name, "players/male/pain") || strstr(name, "players/female/pain")) { effect_type = HAPTIC_EFFECT_PAIN; } else if (strstr(name, "player/step") || strstr(name, "player/land")) { effect_type = HAPTIC_EFFECT_STEP; } else if (strstr(name, "weapons/trapcock")) { effect_type = HAPTIC_EFFECT_TRAPCOCK; } if (effect_type != HAPTIC_EFFECT_UNKNOWN) { // check last effect for reuse if (last_haptic_efffect[last_haptic_efffect_pos].effect_type != effect_type) { // FIFO for effects last_haptic_efffect_pos = (last_haptic_efffect_pos+1) % last_haptic_efffect_size; IN_Haptic_Effect_Shutdown(&last_haptic_efffect[last_haptic_efffect_pos].effect_id); last_haptic_efffect[last_haptic_efffect_pos].effect_type = effect_type; last_haptic_efffect[last_haptic_efffect_pos].effect_id = IN_Haptic_Effects_To_Id(effect_type); } SDL_HapticRunEffect(joystick_haptic, last_haptic_efffect[last_haptic_efffect_pos].effect_id, 1); } #endif } /* * Initializes the backend */ void IN_Init(void) { Com_Printf("------- input initialization -------\n"); mouse_x = mouse_y = 0; #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 0) joystick_yaw = joystick_pitch = joystick_forwardmove = joystick_sidemove = 0; #endif exponential_speedup = Cvar_Get("exponential_speedup", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); freelook = Cvar_Get("freelook", "1", 0); in_grab = Cvar_Get("in_grab", "2", CVAR_ARCHIVE); lookstrafe = Cvar_Get("lookstrafe", "0", 0); m_filter = Cvar_Get("m_filter", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); m_up = Cvar_Get("m_up", "1", 0); m_forward = Cvar_Get("m_forward", "1", 0); m_pitch = Cvar_Get("m_pitch", "0.022", 0); m_side = Cvar_Get("m_side", "0.8", 0); m_yaw = Cvar_Get("m_yaw", "0.022", 0); sensitivity = Cvar_Get("sensitivity", "3", 0); #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 0) joy_haptic_magnitude = Cvar_Get("joy_haptic_magnitude", "0.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); joy_yawsensitivity = Cvar_Get("joy_yawsensitivity", "1.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); joy_pitchsensitivity = Cvar_Get("joy_pitchsensitivity", "1.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); joy_forwardsensitivity = Cvar_Get("joy_forwardsensitivity", "1.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); joy_sidesensitivity = Cvar_Get("joy_sidesensitivity", "1.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); joy_upsensitivity = Cvar_Get("joy_upsensitivity", "1.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); joy_axis_leftx = Cvar_Get("joy_axis_leftx", "sidemove", CVAR_ARCHIVE); joy_axis_lefty = Cvar_Get("joy_axis_lefty", "forwardmove", CVAR_ARCHIVE); joy_axis_rightx = Cvar_Get("joy_axis_rightx", "yaw", CVAR_ARCHIVE); joy_axis_righty = Cvar_Get("joy_axis_righty", "pitch", CVAR_ARCHIVE); joy_axis_triggerleft = Cvar_Get("joy_axis_triggerleft", "triggerleft", CVAR_ARCHIVE); joy_axis_triggerright = Cvar_Get("joy_axis_triggerright", "triggerright", CVAR_ARCHIVE); joy_axis_leftx_threshold = Cvar_Get("joy_axis_leftx_threshold", "0.15", CVAR_ARCHIVE); joy_axis_lefty_threshold = Cvar_Get("joy_axis_lefty_threshold", "0.15", CVAR_ARCHIVE); joy_axis_rightx_threshold = Cvar_Get("joy_axis_rightx_threshold", "0.15", CVAR_ARCHIVE); joy_axis_righty_threshold = Cvar_Get("joy_axis_righty_threshold", "0.15", CVAR_ARCHIVE); joy_axis_triggerleft_threshold = Cvar_Get("joy_axis_triggerleft_threshold", "0.15", CVAR_ARCHIVE); joy_axis_triggerright_threshold = Cvar_Get("joy_axis_triggerright_threshold", "0.15", CVAR_ARCHIVE); #endif vid_fullscreen = Cvar_Get("vid_fullscreen", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE); windowed_mouse = Cvar_Get("windowed_mouse", "1", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE); Cmd_AddCommand("+mlook", IN_MLookDown); Cmd_AddCommand("-mlook", IN_MLookUp); #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 0) SDL_StartTextInput(); #else SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_DELAY, SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_INTERVAL); #endif #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 0) /* joystik init */ if (!SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER | SDL_INIT_HAPTIC)) { if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER | SDL_INIT_HAPTIC) == -1) { Com_Printf ("Couldn't init SDL joystick: %s.\n", SDL_GetError ()); } else { Com_Printf ("%i joysticks were found.\n", SDL_NumJoysticks()); if (SDL_NumJoysticks() > 0) { int i; for (i=0; istring); Com_Printf (" * lefty = %s\n", joy_axis_lefty->string); Com_Printf (" * rightx = %s\n", joy_axis_rightx->string); Com_Printf (" * righty = %s\n", joy_axis_righty->string); Com_Printf (" * triggerleft = %s\n", joy_axis_triggerleft->string); Com_Printf (" * triggerright = %s\n", joy_axis_triggerright->string); Com_Printf ("Controller thresholds: \n"); Com_Printf (" * leftx = %f\n", joy_axis_leftx_threshold->value); Com_Printf (" * lefty = %f\n", joy_axis_lefty_threshold->value); Com_Printf (" * rightx = %f\n", joy_axis_rightx_threshold->value); Com_Printf (" * righty = %f\n", joy_axis_righty_threshold->value); Com_Printf (" * triggerleft = %f\n", joy_axis_triggerleft_threshold->value); Com_Printf (" * triggerright = %f\n", joy_axis_triggerright_threshold->value); backBind = SDL_GameControllerGetBindForButton(controller, SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_BACK); if (backBind.bindType == SDL_CONTROLLER_BINDTYPE_BUTTON) { back_button_id = backBind.value.button; Com_Printf ("\nBack button JOY%d will be unbindable.\n", back_button_id+1); } break; } else { char joystick_guid[256] = {0}; SDL_JoystickGUID guid; guid = SDL_JoystickGetDeviceGUID(i); SDL_JoystickGetGUIDString(guid, joystick_guid, 255); Com_Printf ("For use joystic as game contoller please set SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG:\n"); Com_Printf ("e.g.: SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG='%s,%s,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,back:b1,...\n", joystick_guid, SDL_JoystickName(joystick)); } } } else { joystick_haptic = SDL_HapticOpenFromMouse(); if (joystick_haptic == NULL) Com_Printf ("Most likely mouse isn't haptic\n"); else IN_Haptic_Effects_Info(); } } } #endif Com_Printf("------------------------------------\n\n"); } #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 0) /* * Shuts the backend down */ static void IN_Haptic_Shutdown(void) { if (joystick_haptic) { IN_Haptic_Effects_Shutdown(); SDL_HapticClose(joystick_haptic); joystick_haptic = NULL; } } #endif void IN_Shutdown(void) { Cmd_RemoveCommand("force_centerview"); Cmd_RemoveCommand("+mlook"); Cmd_RemoveCommand("-mlook"); Com_Printf("Shutting down input.\n"); #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 0) IN_Haptic_Shutdown(); if (controller) { back_button_id = -1; SDL_GameControllerClose(controller); controller = NULL; } if (joystick) { SDL_JoystickClose(joystick); joystick = NULL; } #endif } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */