/* * Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA. * * ======================================================================= * * This file implements the .cin video codec and the corresponding .pcx * bitmap decoder. .cin files are just a bunch of .pcx images. * * ======================================================================= */ #include #include "header/client.h" #include "input/header/input.h" // don't need HDR stuff #define STBI_NO_LINEAR #define STBI_NO_HDR // make sure STB_image uses standard malloc(), as we'll use standard free() to deallocate #define STBI_MALLOC(sz) malloc(sz) #define STBI_REALLOC(p,sz) realloc(p,sz) #define STBI_FREE(p) free(p) // Switch of the thread local stuff. Breaks mingw under Windows. #define STBI_NO_THREAD_LOCALS // include implementation part of stb_image into this file #define STB_IMAGE_IMPLEMENTATION #include "refresh/files/stb_image.h" extern cvar_t *vid_renderer; cvar_t *cin_force43; int abort_cinematic; typedef struct { byte *data; int count; } cblock_t; typedef struct { qboolean restart_sound; int s_rate; int s_width; int s_channels; int width; int height; int color_bits; byte *pic; byte *pic_pending; /* order 1 huffman stuff */ int *hnodes1; /* [256][256][2]; */ int numhnodes1[256]; int h_used[512]; int h_count[512]; } cinematics_t; cinematics_t cin; void SCR_LoadPCX(char *filename, byte **pic, byte **palette, int *width, int *height) { byte *raw; pcx_t *pcx; int x, y; int len, full_size; int dataByte, runLength; byte *out, *pix; *pic = NULL; /* load the file */ len = FS_LoadFile(filename, (void **)&raw); if (!raw || len < sizeof(pcx_t)) { return; } /* parse the PCX file */ pcx = (pcx_t *)raw; raw = &pcx->data; if ((pcx->manufacturer != 0x0a) || (pcx->version != 5) || (pcx->encoding != 1) || (pcx->bits_per_pixel != 8) || (pcx->xmax >= 640) || (pcx->ymax >= 480)) { Com_Printf("Bad pcx file %s\n", filename); return; } full_size = (pcx->ymax + 1) * (pcx->xmax + 1); out = Z_Malloc(full_size); *pic = out; pix = out; if (palette) { *palette = Z_Malloc(768); memcpy(*palette, (byte *)pcx + len - 768, 768); } if (width) { *width = pcx->xmax + 1; } if (height) { *height = pcx->ymax + 1; } for (y = 0; y <= pcx->ymax; y++, pix += pcx->xmax + 1) { for (x = 0; x <= pcx->xmax; ) { dataByte = *raw++; if ((dataByte & 0xC0) == 0xC0) { runLength = dataByte & 0x3F; dataByte = *raw++; } else { runLength = 1; } while (runLength-- > 0) { if ((*pic + full_size) <= (pix + x)) { x += runLength; runLength = 0; } else { pix[x++] = dataByte; } } } } if (raw - (byte *)pcx > len) { Com_Printf("PCX file %s was malformed", filename); Z_Free(*pic); *pic = NULL; } FS_FreeFile(pcx); } void SCR_StopCinematic(void) { cl.cinematictime = 0; /* done */ if (cin.pic) { Z_Free(cin.pic); cin.pic = NULL; } if (cin.pic_pending) { Z_Free(cin.pic_pending); cin.pic_pending = NULL; } if (cl.cinematicpalette_active) { R_SetPalette(NULL); cl.cinematicpalette_active = false; } if (cl.cinematic_file) { FS_FCloseFile(cl.cinematic_file); cl.cinematic_file = 0; } if (cin.hnodes1) { Z_Free(cin.hnodes1); cin.hnodes1 = NULL; } /* switch back down to 11 khz sound if necessary */ if (cin.restart_sound) { cin.restart_sound = false; CL_Snd_Restart_f(); } } void SCR_FinishCinematic(void) { /* tell the server to advance to the next map / cinematic */ MSG_WriteByte(&cls.netchan.message, clc_stringcmd); SZ_Print(&cls.netchan.message, va("nextserver %i\n", cl.servercount)); } int SmallestNode1(int numhnodes) { int i; int best, bestnode; best = 99999999; bestnode = -1; for (i = 0; i < numhnodes; i++) { if (cin.h_used[i]) { continue; } if (!cin.h_count[i]) { continue; } if (cin.h_count[i] < best) { best = cin.h_count[i]; bestnode = i; } } if (bestnode == -1) { return -1; } cin.h_used[bestnode] = true; return bestnode; } /* * Reads the 64k counts table and initializes the node trees */ void Huff1TableInit(void) { int prev; int j; int *node, *nodebase; byte counts[256]; int numhnodes; cin.hnodes1 = Z_Malloc(256 * 256 * 2 * 4); memset(cin.hnodes1, 0, 256 * 256 * 2 * 4); for (prev = 0; prev < 256; prev++) { memset(cin.h_count, 0, sizeof(cin.h_count)); memset(cin.h_used, 0, sizeof(cin.h_used)); /* read a row of counts */ FS_Read(counts, sizeof(counts), cl.cinematic_file); for (j = 0; j < 256; j++) { cin.h_count[j] = counts[j]; } /* build the nodes */ numhnodes = 256; nodebase = cin.hnodes1 + prev * 256 * 2; while (numhnodes != 511) { node = nodebase + (numhnodes - 256) * 2; /* pick two lowest counts */ node[0] = SmallestNode1(numhnodes); if (node[0] == -1) { break; /* no more counts */ } node[1] = SmallestNode1(numhnodes); if (node[1] == -1) { break; } cin.h_count[numhnodes] = cin.h_count[node[0]] + cin.h_count[node[1]]; numhnodes++; } cin.numhnodes1[prev] = numhnodes - 1; } } cblock_t Huff1Decompress(cblock_t in) { byte *input; byte *out_p; int nodenum; int count; cblock_t out; int inbyte; int *hnodes, *hnodesbase; /* get decompressed count */ count = in.data[0] + (in.data[1] << 8) + (in.data[2] << 16) + (in.data[3] << 24); input = in.data + 4; out_p = out.data = Z_Malloc(count); /* read bits */ hnodesbase = cin.hnodes1 - 256 * 2; /* nodes 0-255 aren't stored */ hnodes = hnodesbase; nodenum = cin.numhnodes1[0]; while (count) { inbyte = *input++; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (nodenum < 256) { hnodes = hnodesbase + (nodenum << 9); *out_p++ = nodenum; if (!--count) { break; } nodenum = cin.numhnodes1[nodenum]; } nodenum = hnodes[nodenum * 2 + (inbyte & 1)]; inbyte >>= 1; } } if ((input - in.data != in.count) && (input - in.data != in.count + 1)) { Com_Printf("Decompression overread by %i", (int)(input - in.data) - in.count); } out.count = out_p - out.data; return out; } byte * SCR_ReadNextFrame(void) { int r; int command; // the samples array is used as bytes or shorts, depending on bitrate (cin.s_width) // so we need to make sure to align it correctly YQ2_ALIGNAS_TYPE(short) byte samples[22050 / 14 * 4]; byte compressed[0x20000]; int size; byte *pic; cblock_t in, huf1; int start, end, count; /* read the next frame */ r = FS_FRead(&command, 4, 1, cl.cinematic_file); if (r == 0) { /* we'll give it one more chance */ r = FS_FRead(&command, 4, 1, cl.cinematic_file); } if (r != 4) { return NULL; } command = LittleLong(command); if (command == 2) { return NULL; /* last frame marker */ } if (command == 1) { /* read palette */ FS_Read(cl.cinematicpalette, sizeof(cl.cinematicpalette), cl.cinematic_file); cl.cinematicpalette_active = 0; } /* decompress the next frame */ FS_Read(&size, 4, cl.cinematic_file); size = LittleLong(size); if (((size_t)size > sizeof(compressed)) || (size < 1)) { Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Bad compressed frame size"); } FS_Read(compressed, size, cl.cinematic_file); /* read sound */ start = cl.cinematicframe * cin.s_rate / 14; end = (cl.cinematicframe + 1) * cin.s_rate / 14; count = end - start; FS_Read(samples, count * cin.s_width * cin.s_channels, cl.cinematic_file); if (cin.s_width == 2) { for (r = 0; r < count * cin.s_channels; r++) { ((short *)samples)[r] = LittleShort(((short *)samples)[r]); } } S_RawSamples(count, cin.s_rate, cin.s_width, cin.s_channels, samples, Cvar_VariableValue("s_volume")); in.data = compressed; in.count = size; huf1 = Huff1Decompress(in); pic = huf1.data; cl.cinematicframe++; return pic; } void SCR_RunCinematic(void) { int frame; if (cl.cinematictime <= 0) { SCR_StopCinematic(); return; } if (cl.cinematicframe == -1) { return; /* static image */ } if (cls.key_dest != key_game) { /* pause if menu or console is up */ cl.cinematictime = cls.realtime - cl.cinematicframe * 1000 / 14; return; } frame = (cls.realtime - cl.cinematictime) * 14.0 / 1000; if (frame <= cl.cinematicframe) { return; } if (frame > cl.cinematicframe + 1) { Com_Printf("Dropped frame: %i > %i\n", frame, cl.cinematicframe + 1); cl.cinematictime = cls.realtime - cl.cinematicframe * 1000 / 14; } if (cin.pic) { Z_Free(cin.pic); } cin.pic = cin.pic_pending; cin.pic_pending = NULL; cin.pic_pending = SCR_ReadNextFrame(); if (!cin.pic_pending) { SCR_StopCinematic(); SCR_FinishCinematic(); cl.cinematictime = 1; /* the black screen behind loading */ SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque(); cl.cinematictime = 0; return; } } static int SCR_MinimalColor(void) { int i, min_color, min_index; min_color = 255 * 3; min_index = 0; for(i=0; i<255; i++) { int current_color = (cl.cinematicpalette[i*3+0] + cl.cinematicpalette[i*3+1] + cl.cinematicpalette[i*3+2]); if (min_color > current_color) { min_color = current_color; min_index = i; } } return min_index; } /* * Returns true if a cinematic is active, meaning the * view rendering should be skipped */ qboolean SCR_DrawCinematic(void) { int x, y, w, h, color; if (cl.cinematictime <= 0) { return false; } /* blank screen and pause if menu is up */ if (cls.key_dest == key_menu) { R_SetPalette(NULL); cl.cinematicpalette_active = false; return true; } if (!cl.cinematicpalette_active) { R_SetPalette(cl.cinematicpalette); cl.cinematicpalette_active = true; } if (!cin.pic) { return true; } if (cin_force43->value) { w = viddef.height * 4 / 3; if (w > viddef.width) { w = viddef.width; } w &= ~3; h = w * 3 / 4; x = (viddef.width - w) / 2; y = (viddef.height - h) / 2; } else { x = y = 0; w = viddef.width; h = viddef.height; } if (!vid_renderer) { vid_renderer = Cvar_Get("vid_renderer", "gl1", CVAR_ARCHIVE); } if (Q_stricmp(vid_renderer->string, "soft") == 0) { color = SCR_MinimalColor(); /* Soft render requires to reset palette before show RGBA image */ if (cin.color_bits == 32) { R_SetPalette(NULL); } } else { color = 0; } if (x > 0) { Draw_Fill(0, 0, x, viddef.height, color); } if (x + w < viddef.width) { Draw_Fill(x + w, 0, viddef.width - (x + w), viddef.height, color); } if (y > 0) { Draw_Fill(x, 0, w, y, color); } if (y + h < viddef.height) { Draw_Fill(x, y + h, w, viddef.height - (y + h), color); } Draw_StretchRaw(x, y, w, h, cin.width, cin.height, cin.pic, cin.color_bits); return true; } byte * SCR_LoadHiColor(const char* namewe, const char *ext, int *width, int *height) { char filename[256]; int bytesPerPixel; byte *pic, *data = NULL; void *rawdata; size_t len; Q_strlcpy(filename, namewe, sizeof(filename)); Q_strlcat(filename, ".", sizeof(filename)); Q_strlcat(filename, ext, sizeof(filename)); len = FS_LoadFile(filename, &rawdata); if (!rawdata || len <=0) { return NULL; } data = stbi_load_from_memory(rawdata, len, width, height, &bytesPerPixel, STBI_rgb_alpha); if (data == NULL) { FS_FreeFile(rawdata); return NULL; } pic = Z_Malloc(cin.height * cin.width * 4); memcpy(pic, data, cin.height * cin.width * 4); free(data); return pic; } void SCR_PlayCinematic(char *arg) { int width, height; byte *palette = NULL; char name[MAX_OSPATH], *dot; In_FlushQueue(); abort_cinematic = INT_MAX; /* make sure background music is not playing */ OGG_Stop(); cl.cinematicframe = 0; dot = strstr(arg, "."); /* static pcx image */ if (dot && !strcmp(dot, ".pcx")) { cvar_t *r_retexturing; Com_sprintf(name, sizeof(name), "pics/%s", arg); r_retexturing = Cvar_Get("r_retexturing", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE); if (r_retexturing->value) { char namewe[256]; cin.color_bits = 32; /* Remove the extension */ memset(namewe, 0, 256); memcpy(namewe, name, strlen(name) - strlen(dot)); cin.pic = SCR_LoadHiColor(namewe, "tga", &cin.width, &cin.height); if (!cin.pic) { cin.pic = SCR_LoadHiColor(namewe, "png", &cin.width, &cin.height); } if (!cin.pic) { cin.pic = SCR_LoadHiColor(namewe, "jpg", &cin.width, &cin.height); } } if (!cin.pic) { SCR_LoadPCX(name, &cin.pic, &palette, &cin.width, &cin.height); cin.color_bits = 8; } cl.cinematicframe = -1; cl.cinematictime = 1; SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(); cls.state = ca_active; if (!cin.pic) { Com_Printf("%s not found.\n", name); cl.cinematictime = 0; } else if (palette) { memcpy(cl.cinematicpalette, palette, sizeof(cl.cinematicpalette)); Z_Free(palette); } return; } Com_sprintf(name, sizeof(name), "video/%s", arg); FS_FOpenFile(name, &cl.cinematic_file, false); if (!cl.cinematic_file) { SCR_FinishCinematic(); cl.cinematictime = 0; /* done */ return; } SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(); cin.color_bits = 8; cls.state = ca_active; FS_Read(&width, 4, cl.cinematic_file); FS_Read(&height, 4, cl.cinematic_file); cin.width = LittleLong(width); cin.height = LittleLong(height); FS_Read(&cin.s_rate, 4, cl.cinematic_file); cin.s_rate = LittleLong(cin.s_rate); FS_Read(&cin.s_width, 4, cl.cinematic_file); cin.s_width = LittleLong(cin.s_width); FS_Read(&cin.s_channels, 4, cl.cinematic_file); cin.s_channels = LittleLong(cin.s_channels); Huff1TableInit(); cl.cinematicframe = 0; cin.pic = SCR_ReadNextFrame(); cl.cinematictime = Sys_Milliseconds(); }