# ------------------------------------------------------ # # Makefile for the "Yamagi Quake 2 Client" # # # # Just type "make" to compile the # # - SDL Client (quake2) # # - Server (q2ded) # # - SDL OpenGL-Refresher (ref_gl.so or ref_gl.dll) # # - Quake II Game (baseq2) # # # # Base dependencies: # # - SDL 1.2 # # - libGL # # # # Platforms: # # - FreeBSD # # - Linux # # - OpenBSD # # - Windows (MinGW) # # ------------------------------------------------------ # # User configurable options # ------------------------- # Enables CD audio playback. CD audio playback is used # for the background music and doesn't add any further # dependencies. It should work on all platforms where # CD playback is supported by SDL. WITH_CDA:=yes # Enables OGG/Vorbis support. OGG/Vorbis files can be # used as a substitute of CD audio playback. Adds # dependencies to libogg, libvorbis and libvorbisfile. WITH_OGG:=yes # Enables the optional OpenAL sound system. # To use it your system needs libopenal.so.1 # or openal32.dll (we recommend openal-soft) # installed WITH_OPENAL:=yes # Enables retexturing support. Adds # a dependency to libjpeg WITH_RETEXTURING:=yes # Set the gamma via X11 and not via SDL. This works # around problems in some SDL version. Adds dependencies # to pkg-config, libX11 and libXxf86vm. Unsupported on # Windows and OS X. WITH_X11GAMMA:=no # Enables opening of ZIP files (also known as .pk3 paks). # Adds a dependency to libz WITH_ZIP:=yes # Enable systemwide installation of game assets WITH_SYSTEMWIDE:=no # This will set the default SYSTEMDIR, a non-empty string # would actually be used. On Windows normals slashes (/) # instead of backslashed (\) should be used! WITH_SYSTEMDIR:= # This will set the architectures of the OSX-binaries. # You have to make sure your libs/frameworks supports # these architectures to build an universal ppc-compatible # one would add -arch ppc for example, but I did not tested # it! OSX_ARCH := -arch i386 -arch x86_64 # This will set the build options to create an MacOS .app-bundle. # The app-bundle itself will not be created, but the runtime paths # will be set to expect the linked Frameworks in *.app/Contents/ # Frameworks and the game-data will be expected in # *.app/ # Contents/Resources OSX_APP := yes # ====================================================== # # !!! DO NOT ALTER ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE !!! # # ====================================================== # # Detect the OS ifdef SystemRoot OSTYPE := Windows else OSTYPE := $(shell uname -s) endif # Detect the architecture ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Windows) # At this time only i386 is supported on Windows # (amd64 works, but building an 64 bit executable # is not that easy. Especially SDL and OpenAL are # somewhat problematic) ARCH := i386 else # Some platforms call it "amd64" and some "x86_64" ARCH := $(shell uname -m | sed -e s/i.86/i386/ -e s/amd64/x86_64/) endif # Refuse all other platforms as a firewall against PEBKAC # (You'll need some #ifdef for your unsupported plattform!) ifeq ($(findstring $(ARCH), i386 x86_64 sparc64 ia64),) $(error arch $(ARCH) is currently not supported) endif # ---------- # Base CFLAGS. # # -O2 are enough optimizations. # # -fno-strict-aliasing since the source doesn't comply # with strict aliasing rules and it's next to impossible # to get it there... # # -fomit-frame-pointer since the framepointer is mostly # useless for debugging Quake II and slows things down. # # -g to build always with debug symbols. Please DO NOT # CHANGE THIS, since it's our only chance to debug this # crap when random crashes happen! # # -MMD to generate header dependencies. (They cannot be # generated if building universal binaries on OSX) ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Darwin) CFLAGS := -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fomit-frame-pointer \ -Wall -pipe -g CFLAGS += $(OSX_ARCH) else CFLAGS := -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fomit-frame-pointer \ -Wall -pipe -g -MMD endif # ---------- # Systemwide installation ifeq ($(WITH_SYSTEMWIDE),yes) CFLAGS += -DSYSTEMWIDE ifneq ($(WITH_SYSTEMDIR),"") CFLAGS += -DSYSTEMDIR=\"$(WITH_SYSTEMDIR)\" endif endif # ---------- # Extra CFLAGS for SDL ifneq ($(OSTYPE), Windows) ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Darwin) SDLCFLAGS := else SDLCFLAGS := $(shell sdl-config --cflags) endif endif # ---------- # Extra CFLAGS for X11 ifneq ($(OSTYPE), Windows) ifneq ($(OSTYPE), Darwin) ifeq ($(WITH_X11GAMMA),yes) X11CFLAGS := $(shell pkg-config x11 --cflags) X11CFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config xxf86vm --cflags) endif endif endif # ---------- # Base include path. ifeq ($(OSTYPE),Linux) INCLUDE := -I/usr/include else ifeq ($(OSTYPE),FreeBSD) INCLUDE := -I/usr/local/include else ifeq ($(OSTYPE),OpenBSD) INCLUDE := -I/usr/local/include else ifeq ($(OSTYPE),Darwin) INCLUDE := endif # ---------- # Base LDFLAGS. ifeq ($(OSTYPE),Linux) LDFLAGS := -L/usr/lib -lm -ldl -rdynamic else ifeq ($(OSTYPE),FreeBSD) LDFLAGS := -L/usr/local/lib -lm else ifeq ($(OSTYPE),OpenBSD) LDFLAGS := -L/usr/local/lib -lm else ifeq ($(OSTYPE),Windows) LDFLAGS := -lws2_32 -lwinmm else ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Darwin) LDFLAGS := $(OSX_ARCH) -lm endif # ---------- # Extra LDFLAGS for SDL ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Windows) SDLLDFLAGS := -lSDL else ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Darwin) SDLLDFLAGS := -framework SDL -framework OpenGL -framework Cocoa else SDLLDFLAGS := $(shell sdl-config --libs) endif # ---------- # Extra LDFLAGS for X11 ifneq ($(OSTYPE), Windows) ifneq ($(OSTYPE), Darwin) ifeq ($(WITH_X11GAMMA),yes) X11LDFLAGS := $(shell pkg-config x11 --libs) X11LDFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config xxf86vm --libs) endif endif endif # ---------- # When make is invoked by "make VERBOSE=1" print # the compiler and linker commands. ifdef VERBOSE Q := else Q := @ endif # ---------- # Phony targets .PHONY : all client game icon refresher server # ---------- # Builds everything all: client server refresher game # ---------- # Special target to compile # the icon on Windows ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Windows) icon: @echo "===> WR build/icon/icon.res" ${Q}stuff/misc/mkdir -p build/icon ${Q}windres stuff\icon\icon.rc -O COFF -o build\icon\icon.res endif # ---------- # Cleanup ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Windows) clean: @echo "===> CLEAN" @-rmdir /S /Q release build else clean: @echo "===> CLEAN" ${Q}rm -Rf build release endif # ---------- # The client ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Windows) client: @echo "===> Building quake2.exe" ${Q}stuff/misc/mkdir.exe -p release $(MAKE) release/quake2.exe build/client/%.o: %.c @echo "===> CC $<" ${Q}stuff/misc/mkdir.exe -p $(@D) ${Q}$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(SDLCFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -o $@ $< ifeq ($(WITH_CDA),yes) release/quake2.exe : CFLAGS += -DCDA endif ifeq ($(WITH_OGG),yes) release/quake2.exe : CFLAGS += -DOGG release/quake2.exe : LDFLAGS += -lvorbisfile -lvorbis -logg endif ifeq ($(WITH_OPENAL),yes) release/quake2.exe : CFLAGS += -DUSE_OPENAL -DDEFAULT_OPENAL_DRIVER='"openal32.dll"' endif ifeq ($(WITH_ZIP),yes) release/quake2.exe : CFLAGS += -DZIP -DNOUNCRYPT release/quake2.exe : LDFLAGS += -lz endif release/quake2.exe : LDFLAGS += -mwindows else client: @echo "===> Building quake2" ${Q}mkdir -p release $(MAKE) release/quake2 build/client/%.o: %.c @echo "===> CC $<" ${Q}mkdir -p $(@D) ${Q}$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(SDLCFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -o $@ $< ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Darwin) build/client/%.o : %.m @echo "===> CC $<" ${Q}mkdir -p $(@D) ${Q}$(CC) $(OSX_ARCH) -x objective-c -c $< -o $@ endif ifeq ($(WITH_CDA),yes) release/quake2 : CFLAGS += -DCDA endif ifeq ($(WITH_OGG),yes) release/quake2 : CFLAGS += -DOGG ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Darwin) release/quake2 : LDFLAGS += -framework Vorbis -framework Ogg else release/quake2 : LDFLAGS += -lvorbis -lvorbisfile -logg endif endif ifeq ($(WITH_OPENAL),yes) ifeq ($(OSTYPE), OpenBSD) release/quake2 : CFLAGS += -DUSE_OPENAL -DDEFAULT_OPENAL_DRIVER='"libopenal.so"' else ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Darwin) release/quake2 : CFLAGS += -DUSE_OPENAL -DDEFAULT_OPENAL_DRIVER='"/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenAL.framework/OpenAL"' release/quake2 : LDFLAGS += -framework OpenAL else release/quake2 : CFLAGS += -DUSE_OPENAL -DDEFAULT_OPENAL_DRIVER='"libopenal.so.1"' endif endif ifeq ($(WITH_ZIP),yes) release/quake2 : CFLAGS += -DZIP -DNOUNCRYPT release/quake2 : LDFLAGS += -lz endif endif ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Darwin) ifeq ($(OSX_APP), yes) release/quake2 : LDFLAGS += -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker @loader_path/../Frameworks endif endif # ---------- # The server ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Windows) server: @echo "===> Building q2ded" ${Q}stuff/misc/mkdir.exe -p release $(MAKE) release/q2ded.exe build/server/%.o: %.c @echo "===> CC $<" ${Q}stuff/misc/mkdir.exe -p $(@D) ${Q}$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -o $@ $< release/q2ded.exe : CFLAGS += -DDEDICATED_ONLY release/q2ded.exe : LDFLAGS += -lz ifeq ($(WITH_ZIP),yes) release/q2ded.exe : CFLAGS += -DZIP -DNOUNCRYPT release/q2ded.exe : LDFLAGS += -lz endif else server: @echo "===> Building q2ded" ${Q}mkdir -p release $(MAKE) release/q2ded build/server/%.o: %.c @echo "===> CC $<" ${Q}mkdir -p $(@D) ${Q}$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -o $@ $< release/q2ded : CFLAGS += -DDEDICATED_ONLY ifeq ($(WITH_ZIP),yes) release/q2ded : CFLAGS += -DZIP -DNOUNCRYPT release/q2ded : LDFLAGS += -lz endif endif # ---------- # The refresher ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Windows) refresher: @echo "===> Building ref_gl.dll" ${Q}stuff/misc/mkdir.exe -p release $(MAKE) release/ref_gl.dll build/refresher/%.o: %.c @echo "===> CC $<" ${Q}stuff/misc/mkdir.exe -p $(@D) ${Q}$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(SDLCFLAGS) $(X11CFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -o $@ $< release/ref_gl.dll : LDFLAGS += -shared ifeq ($(WITH_RETEXTURING),yes) release/ref_gl.dll : CFLAGS += -DRETEXTURE release/ref_gl.dll : LDFLAGS += -ljpeg endif else refresher: @echo "===> Building ref_gl.so" ${Q}mkdir -p release $(MAKE) release/ref_gl.so build/refresher/%.o: %.c @echo "===> CC $<" ${Q}mkdir -p $(@D) ${Q}$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(SDLCFLAGS) $(X11CFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -o $@ $< release/ref_gl.so : CFLAGS += -fPIC release/ref_gl.so : LDFLAGS += -shared ifeq ($(WITH_X11GAMMA),yes) release/ref_gl.so : CFLAGS += -DX11GAMMA endif ifeq ($(WITH_RETEXTURING),yes) release/ref_gl.so : CFLAGS += -DRETEXTURE ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Darwin) release/ref_gl.so : LDFLAGS += -framework libjpeg else release/ref_gl.so : LDFLAGS += -ljpeg endif endif endif # ---------- # The baseq2 game ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Windows) game: @echo "===> Building baseq2/game.dll" ${Q}stuff/misc/mkdir.exe -p release/baseq2 $(MAKE) release/baseq2/game.dll build/baseq2/%.o: %.c @echo "===> CC $<" ${Q}stuff/misc/mkdir.exe -p $(@D) ${Q}$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -o $@ $< release/baseq2/game.dll : LDFLAGS += -shared else game: @echo "===> Building baseq2/game.so" ${Q}mkdir -p release/baseq2 $(MAKE) release/baseq2/game.so build/baseq2/%.o: %.c @echo "===> CC $<" ${Q}mkdir -p $(@D) ${Q}$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -o $@ $< release/baseq2/game.so : CFLAGS += -fPIC release/baseq2/game.so : LDFLAGS += -shared endif # ---------- # Used by the game GAME_OBJS_ = \ src/common/shared/flash.o \ src/common/shared/rand.o \ src/common/shared/shared.o \ src/game/g_ai.o \ src/game/g_chase.o \ src/game/g_cmds.o \ src/game/g_combat.o \ src/game/g_func.o \ src/game/g_items.o \ src/game/g_main.o \ src/game/g_misc.o \ src/game/g_monster.o \ src/game/g_phys.o \ src/game/g_spawn.o \ src/game/g_svcmds.o \ src/game/g_target.o \ src/game/g_trigger.o \ src/game/g_turret.o \ src/game/g_utils.o \ src/game/g_weapon.o \ src/game/monster/berserker/berserker.o \ src/game/monster/boss2/boss2.o \ src/game/monster/boss3/boss3.o \ src/game/monster/boss3/boss31.o \ src/game/monster/boss3/boss32.o \ src/game/monster/brain/brain.o \ src/game/monster/chick/chick.o \ src/game/monster/flipper/flipper.o \ src/game/monster/float/float.o \ src/game/monster/flyer/flyer.o \ src/game/monster/gladiator/gladiator.o \ src/game/monster/gunner/gunner.o \ src/game/monster/hover/hover.o \ src/game/monster/infantry/infantry.o \ src/game/monster/insane/insane.o \ src/game/monster/medic/medic.o \ src/game/monster/misc/move.o \ src/game/monster/mutant/mutant.o \ src/game/monster/parasite/parasite.o \ src/game/monster/soldier/soldier.o \ src/game/monster/supertank/supertank.o \ src/game/monster/tank/tank.o \ src/game/player/client.o \ src/game/player/hud.o \ src/game/player/trail.o \ src/game/player/view.o \ src/game/player/weapon.o \ src/game/savegame/savegame.o # ---------- # Used by the client CLIENT_OBJS_ := \ src/backends/generic/qal.o \ src/backends/generic/vid.o \ src/backends/sdl/cd.o \ src/backends/sdl/sound.o \ src/client/cl_cin.o \ src/client/cl_console.o \ src/client/cl_download.o \ src/client/cl_effects.o \ src/client/cl_entities.o \ src/client/cl_input.o \ src/client/cl_inventory.o \ src/client/cl_keyboard.o \ src/client/cl_lights.o \ src/client/cl_main.o \ src/client/cl_network.o \ src/client/cl_parse.o \ src/client/cl_particles.o \ src/client/cl_prediction.o \ src/client/cl_screen.o \ src/client/cl_tempentities.o \ src/client/cl_view.o \ src/client/menu/menu.o \ src/client/menu/qmenu.o \ src/client/menu/videomenu.o \ src/client/sound/openal.o \ src/client/sound/snd_vorbis.o \ src/client/sound/snd_wav.o \ src/client/sound/sound.o \ src/common/argproc.o \ src/common/clientserver.o \ src/common/collision.o \ src/common/crc.o \ src/common/cmdparser.o \ src/common/cvar.o \ src/common/filesystem.o \ src/common/glob.o \ src/common/md4.o \ src/common/movemsg.o \ src/common/misc.o \ src/common/netchan.o \ src/common/pmove.o \ src/common/szone.o \ src/common/zone.o \ src/common/shared/flash.o \ src/common/shared/rand.o \ src/common/shared/shared.o \ src/common/unzip/ioapi.o \ src/common/unzip/unzip.o \ src/server/sv_cmd.o \ src/server/sv_conless.o \ src/server/sv_entities.o \ src/server/sv_game.o \ src/server/sv_init.o \ src/server/sv_main.o \ src/server/sv_save.o \ src/server/sv_send.o \ src/server/sv_user.o \ src/server/sv_world.o ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Windows) CLIENT_OBJS_ += \ src/backends/windows/network.o \ src/backends/windows/system.o \ src/backends/windows/shared/mem.o else CLIENT_OBJS_ += \ src/backends/unix/main.o \ src/backends/unix/network.o \ src/backends/unix/signalhandler.o \ src/backends/unix/system.o \ src/backends/unix/shared/hunk.o endif ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Darwin) CLIENT_OBJS_ += src/backends/sdl_osx/SDLMain.o endif # ---------- # Used by the server SERVER_OBJS_ := \ src/common/argproc.o \ src/common/clientserver.o \ src/common/collision.o \ src/common/crc.o \ src/common/cmdparser.o \ src/common/cvar.o \ src/common/filesystem.o \ src/common/glob.o \ src/common/md4.o \ src/common/misc.o \ src/common/movemsg.o \ src/common/netchan.o \ src/common/pmove.o \ src/common/szone.o \ src/common/zone.o \ src/common/shared/rand.o \ src/common/shared/shared.o \ src/common/unzip/ioapi.o \ src/common/unzip/unzip.o \ src/server/sv_cmd.o \ src/server/sv_conless.o \ src/server/sv_entities.o \ src/server/sv_game.o \ src/server/sv_init.o \ src/server/sv_main.o \ src/server/sv_save.o \ src/server/sv_send.o \ src/server/sv_user.o \ src/server/sv_world.o ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Windows) SERVER_OBJS_ += \ src/backends/windows/network.o \ src/backends/windows/system.o \ src/backends/windows/shared/mem.o else SERVER_OBJS_ += \ src/backends/unix/main.o \ src/backends/unix/network.o \ src/backends/unix/signalhandler.o \ src/backends/unix/system.o \ src/backends/unix/shared/hunk.o endif # ---------- # Used by the OpenGL refresher OPENGL_OBJS_ = \ src/backends/generic/qgl.o \ src/backends/sdl/input.o \ src/backends/sdl/refresh.o \ src/refresh/r_draw.o \ src/refresh/r_image.o \ src/refresh/r_light.o \ src/refresh/r_lightmap.o \ src/refresh/r_main.o \ src/refresh/r_mesh.o \ src/refresh/r_misc.o \ src/refresh/r_model.o \ src/refresh/r_scrap.o \ src/refresh/r_surf.o \ src/refresh/r_warp.o \ src/refresh/files/md2.o \ src/refresh/files/pcx.o \ src/refresh/files/sp2.o \ src/refresh/files/tga.o \ src/refresh/files/jpeg.o \ src/refresh/files/wal.o \ src/common/shared/shared.o ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Windows) OPENGL_OBJS_ += \ src/backends/windows/shared/mem.o else OPENGL_OBJS_ += \ src/backends/unix/shared/hunk.o endif # ---------- # Rewrite pathes to our object directory CLIENT_OBJS = $(patsubst %,build/client/%,$(CLIENT_OBJS_)) SERVER_OBJS = $(patsubst %,build/server/%,$(SERVER_OBJS_)) OPENGL_OBJS = $(patsubst %,build/refresher/%,$(OPENGL_OBJS_)) GAME_OBJS = $(patsubst %,build/baseq2/%,$(GAME_OBJS_)) # ---------- # Generate header dependencies CLIENT_DEPS= $(CLIENT_OBJS:.o=.d) SERVER_DEPS= $(SERVER_OBJS:.o=.d) OPENGL_DEPS= $(OPENGL_OBJS:.o=.d) GAME_DEPS= $(GAME_OBJS:.o=.d) # ---------- # Suck header dependencies in -include $(CLIENT_DEPS) -include $(SERVER_DEPS) -include $(OPENGL_DEPS) -include $(GAME_DEPS) # ---------- # release/quake2 ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Windows) release/quake2.exe : $(CLIENT_OBJS) icon @echo "===> LD $@" ${Q}$(CC) build/icon/icon.res $(CLIENT_OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) $(SDLLDFLAGS) -o $@ else release/quake2 : $(CLIENT_OBJS) @echo "===> LD $@" ${Q}$(CC) $(CLIENT_OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) $(SDLLDFLAGS) -o $@ endif # release/q2ded ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Windows) release/q2ded.exe : $(SERVER_OBJS) icon @echo "===> LD $@.exe" ${Q}$(CC) build/icon/icon.res $(SERVER_OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ else release/q2ded : $(SERVER_OBJS) @echo "===> LD $@" ${Q}$(CC) $(SERVER_OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ endif # release/ref_gl.so ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Windows) release/ref_gl.dll : $(OPENGL_OBJS) @echo "===> LD $@" ${Q}$(CC) $(OPENGL_OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) $(SDLLDFLAGS) -o $@ else ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Darwin) release/ref_gl.so : $(OPENGL_OBJS) @echo "===> LD $@" ${Q}$(CC) $(OPENGL_OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) $(SDLLDFLAGS) -o $@ else release/ref_gl.so : $(OPENGL_OBJS) @echo "===> LD $@" ${Q}$(CC) $(OPENGL_OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) $(X11LDFLAGS) -o $@ endif # release/baseq2/game.so ifeq ($(OSTYPE), Windows) release/baseq2/game.dll : $(GAME_OBJS) @echo "===> LD $@" ${Q}$(CC) $(GAME_OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ else release/baseq2/game.so : $(GAME_OBJS) @echo "===> LD $@" ${Q}$(CC) $(GAME_OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ endif # ----------