Quake II 7.42 to 7.43:
- Recover from a lost sound device, do not crash of no sound device is
  available. This fixes several problem with DisplayPort and HDMI audio,
  especially with the Intel Windows GPU drivers.
- Several small game logic fixes. This includes a fix for a potential
  progress blocker in 'The Torture Chambers' introduced in the last
  release. (by BjossiAlfreds)
- Add the 'gl1_particle_square' cvar, it forces square particles in
  the GL1 renderer. (by Mason UnixBeard)
- The software renderer is no longer experimental.
- Add an option to configure the gun Z offset in the software renderer.

Quake II 7.41 to 7.42:
- The console can now be scrolled with the mouse wheel. (by maxcrofts)
- Fix entities on non-horizontal surfaces rendered in full black.
- Add an option to choose the display Quake II runs on. (by Spirrwell)
- Add an option to specify the display refresh rate used in fullscreen.
- Allow mouse 'sensitivity' to be set to non-integral values.
- Port cvar operations from q2pro. These allow the manipulation of cvar
  values, supported are: dec, inc, reset, resetall and toggle
- Put the client into pause mode during savegame load. This prevents the
  world getting forwarded about 100 frames during load, time in which
  the player might be hurt by monsters or the environment.
- New commands: 'listentities' allows listing of entities. 'teleport'
  teleports the player to the given coordinates.
- Fix loading of config files not ending in newlines.
- A lot of fixes for subtle, long standing AI and game play bugs. (by
- Quicksaves can now be loaded and saved throught the savegame menus.
- The software renderer now skips frames with no changes. This improves
  performance quite a bit, especially on slow CPUs. (by Denis Pauk)

Quake II 7.40 to 7.41:
- Some bugfixes to HTTP downloads introduced in 7.40.
- Fix several crashes when loading savegames in coop.
- Fix some out of memory aborts when loading maps with a lot surfaces.
- Allow autodetection of the desktop resolution. Set 'r_mode' to '-2' to
  enable that. (by Denis Pauk)
- Several fixes to the OpenGL 3.2 renderer. Some dynamic lights were
  missing, for example for most explosions. Stencil shadows were broken
  under some conditions. Performance was bad with the AMD driver under
  Windows. Intel Ivy Bridge didn't work. Under some conditions lights
  were too bright.
- Add an optional fix for lighting problems in maps that misuse sky
  surfaces for interior lighting. Set 'gl_fixsurfsky' to '1' to enable
- Another bunch of timing fixes. The game should now hold the framerate
  under all conditions, even with crappy Windows GPU drivers.
- The quake2.exe wrapper forces the Quake II window into focus. This
  prevents Quake II starting in background.

Quake II 7.30 to 7.40:
- Add support for HTTP downloads. Both the r1q2 and q2pro URL schemes
  are supported, if a file is unavailable over HTTP the download code
  falls back to UDP.
- Savegames can be removed through the menu by pressing 'del' on the
  selected savegame. (by Jonathan Bergeron)
- Support external entity files. This was submitted by @NeonKnightOA.
- Some fixes to OGG/Vorbis music playback. The music keeps playing after
  s_restart and ogg_shuffle is handled correctly by the menu.
- Another round of timing fixes. Average frame times are now taken into
  account when taking an educated guess on the next frames render time.
  And the display refresh rate detection no longer cripple working GPU
  drivers in an efford to work around bugs in older version of AMDs.
- A lot of fixes to the internal memory management. The game is now
  much more memory efficient, this allows playing of extremly big maps
  without crashes. This is largly based upon work done by Denis Pauk.
- New and much more detailed documentation.
- Enhancements to the software renderer. Retexturing packs are now
  supported, general cleanup and bugfixes. (by Denis Pauk)

Quake II 7.21 to 7.30:
- Removed support for SDL 1.2.
- Removed static dependencies to libogg, libvorbis and libz.
- Fixed several bugs regarding render- and fullscreen switch.
- A lot of fixes and improvements to the software renderer. It's now
  able to render the whole game without artifacts and much faster than
  before. (by Denis Pauk)

Quake II 7.20 to 7.21:
- Fix some render glitches in the software renderer. (by Denis Pauk)
- Render the weapon independent of the current field of view, otherwise
  the weapon distorts with very high FOV settings. The weapons FOV can
  be set through r_gunfov, it defaults to 90.
- Rework the OGG/Vorbis backend. This fixes several annoying bugs, and
  adds support for alternative track <=> file mappings. Use this to
  implement support for the audio tracks supplied by the GOG.com version
  of Quake II.

Quake II 7.10 to 7.20:
- Add the soft renderer back. This feature is considered experimental.
  The porting of the old soft renderer code to SDL and it's cleanup
  were done by Denis Pauk.
- Rename several cvars to be consistent across different renderers.
  The configuration file will be converted at the first start, when an
  old cvar name is used a message is printed.
- Make the client unicode compatible. Yamagi Quake II can now be 
  installed into pathes with unicode characters in it. On Windows the
  user name of the current account may contain unicode characters.
  As a side effect the game can run on ReFS volumes. While '+set
  basedir' is still supported, the unicode compatible '-datadir'
  should be used.
- Another round of timing fixes. The game is now capable of holding
  the requestes or vsync framerate even on slow machines and with
  problematic GL drivers.
- Fix server side mod handling, their configs are now saved to the
  correct directories and the configs are reexeced at mod startup.

Quake II 7.02 to 7.10:
- Joystick support including haptic feedback. This fantastic work was
  done by Denis Pauk. The dirty work is done by SDL, how good or bad
  a joystick or gamepad is supported depends on SDLs support for it.
- Fix the old SDL sound backend, s_openal set to 0 is working again.
- Fix possible Vorbis buffer underruns if too many sound samples are
  in flight. This occured only in large multi player games with at
  least 6 custom models.
- Fix a possible crash on Windows if MSAA was set to a value not
  supported by the driver.
- It's now possible to play through the whole game on a Raspberry PI
  and other ARM boards. Please note that the RPIs hardware is really
  limited. Only the OpenGL 1.4 renderer is supported and the framerate
  is highly dependend on the screen resolution.

Quake II 7.01 to 7.02:
- Fix several corner cases regarding render library loading. The game
  should now always fall back to the OpenGL 1.4 renderer if the new
  OpenGL 3.2 renderer can't be initialized. Also the game aborts if no
  useable OpenGL implementation exists.
- Refactor the search path code. This should fix several bugs with
  Quake II writing to the wrong directories or being unable to find
  some / all assets.
- Reimplement portable binaries. If called with the -portable command
  line option Quake II saves all data (configs, savegames, screenshorts
  etc.) into it's systemwide installation directory and not users home
  directory. In contrast to the old implementation on Windows stdout.txt
  contains all output, the first lines are no longer missing.
- vid_fullscreen set to 1 now keeps the desktops resolution. Set it to 2
  to change the resolution.
- Instead of a list with precalculated FOV values the video menu now
  shows a slider with possible values from 60 to 120. Horplus is now
  always enabled, set the horplus cvar to 0 to disable it.
- The game is now able to hold the requested framerate (either by the
  vsync or the gl_maxfps cvar) with an accuracy of about +/- 1% as long
  as the hardware is fast enough.  The framecounter was reimplemented
  to be much more precise.
- Fix misspredictions if an original client running on Win32 connects
  to a Yamagi Quake II server running on Linux/i386.

Quake II 7.00 to 7.01:
- Fix build of GL3 for platforms without SSE.
- Fix Jennel Jaquays name in credits and quit screen.
- Make Quake II high DPI aware on Window Vista and above.
- Fix some problems with loading dependend librarys on Windows.

Quake II 6.00 to 7.00:
- Remove the broken multitexturing render path from the OpenGL 1.4
  renderer. It was switched off by default in 6.00.
- Reimplement the support for shared renderer libraries. Please note
  the this is an incompatible implementation with an custom API. The
  original renderer libraries will not work!
- Implement an OpenGL 3.2 renderer. This renderer has the same look
  and feel as the old OpenGL 1.4 renderer but makes heavy use of
  modern OpenGL and GPU features. An OpenGL 3.2 capable GPU (Intel
  starting with Ivy Bridge on Windows or Sandy Bridge on Linux, Nvidia
  staring with G80 and AMD starting with R600 / HD2000) is required.
- Fix OpenAL compatibility with modern openal-soft versions.
- Several fixes and optimizations to OpenAL, implement support for
  doppler effects. (by xorw)

Quake II 5.34 to 6.00:
- Make the client asynchronous. The old behaviour can be forced by
  setting cl_async to 0. Please note that asynchronicity can lead to
  problems if the old SDL 1.2 backend is used and vsync is enabled.
- Implement gl_overbrightbits in the non multitexturing case.  A value
  of 1 just fixes lighting on water surfaces, higher values increase
  the brightness of everything.
- General renderer overhaul for better compatibility with modern GPUs.
  OpenGL 1.4 is now required, older versions are no longer supported.
  Multitexturing was deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
- Fix some longstanding AI problems.
- Several general gameplay fixes.

Quake II 5.33 to 5.34:
- Add support for stereo 3D (by Valery Guskov)
- Make gibt solid so they move with conveyor belts.
- Disable gl_ext_multitexturing by default.
- Switch from an arch whitelist to an "all archs are supported"
- Add a new README.

Quake II 5.32 to 5.33:
- Add OGG volume slider in settings menu
- Fixed some bugs in volume settings
- Replaced HUD scale option in video menu with generic UI scale
- General UI upscaling improvements
- Better support for keyboards with AZERTY layout

Quake II 5.31 to 5.32:
- Fix problems with never openal-soft versions.
- Fix overbright bits not applied to regular meshes. (by David Reid)
- Several improvements to GUI / HUD scaling. (by David Reid)
- Don't stop generating gibs after map change.
- A new high resolution application / windows icon. (by Ryan)
- Don't display baseq2 savegames in mods / addons.
- Some smaller bugfixes.

Quake II 5.30 to 5.31:
- Enabled hud scaling by default and added an option to the video menu
  to switch scaling off.
- Fixed animated textures on transparent surfaces.
- Added CMake as an optional build system.
- Implemented a persistent console history. (by caedes)
- Fix bug with high velocities in vents in 32bit builds.
- A lot of small fixes and changes. (by Ozkan Sezer)

Quake II 5.24 to 5.30:
- Support for Mac OS X was overhauled. (by Jarvik7)
- Overhauled retexturing support, replacing libjpeg with stb_image,
  adding png support because it was so easy (by caedes).
- Fix gamma (was broken in last release)
- Fix mouse grabbing (again!)
- Add binary directory to game data path

Quake II 5.23 to 5.24:
- Fix keyboard layouts in the console.
- Use GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two if it's supported by the GPU.
- Provide gl_consolescale and gl_menuscale cvars to change the scale
  of the console and the menu.
- Several bugfixes and improvements to the sound system.  Some bugs
  were fixed and the underwater effect is now supported in the SDL
backend. (by bibendovsky)

Quake II 5.22 to 5.23:
- Provide gl_hudscale cvar that can be changed to scale the HUD, for
  high resolutions etc. (by caedes)
- Several menu improvements.
- A better work around for the "the mouse cursor hits the window
  border" SDL2 problem.

Quake II 5.21 to 5.22:
- Provide a fallback if SDL2s relative mouse mode cannot be activated.
- Add support for MSAA through the gl_msaa_samples cvar.

Quake II 5.20 to 5.21:
- Fix a bug regaring mouse key handling (reported by phenixia2003)
- Correct MS Windows builds. Add official support for Win64. This
  still needs some testing.
- Allow to shutdown the client by pressing ctrl-c or sending SIGTERM.
  Unix / Linux only.

Quake II 5.11 to 5.20
- Integrate the refresher into the client and remove QGL. This means
  that ref_gl.so is gone and libGL is now linked like every other lib.
  (by Alejandro Ricoveri)
- Port the client to SDL 2.0. The newer SDL version solves some long
  standing problems, like broken keyboard layouts and non working SDL
  sound on Windows. While SDL 2.0 is enabled by default, one can switch
  back to SDL 1.2 by editing the Makefile.
- OS X support was put to hold. While OS X support is nice to have,
  non of the deveolpers has interest in maintaining it. Until someone
  steps up and takes responsibility, no OS X versions will be released.

Quake II 5.10 to 5.11
- A lot of bugfixes.
- Videos are scaled to 4:3 to prevent distortions.
- Another sound system cleanup.

Quake II 5.00 to 5.10
- Support for OS X. (by W. Beser)
- Correct field of view handling (by Ricardo Garci)
- Many improvements to the mouse release code (by svdijk)
- Scrolling save / load menus (by svdijk)

Quake II 4.21 to 5.00
- Backport to Microsoft Windows.
- Support for OpenBSD. (by Jonathan Gray)
- Aspect ration can be set via the video menu.
- A better random number generator.
- The SDL sound driver is now selectable by "s_sdldriver".

Quake II 4.20 to 4.21
- Fix several segfaults with OpenAL. (reported by Joran and
- Add a file CONTRIBUTE.
- Some minor changes to the Makefile.

Quake II 4.10 to 4.20
- Add an options framework to allow disabling most option features
  (OGG/Vorbis, ZIP file loading, OpenAL, etc) at compile time.
- Integrate OpenAL support, enabling surround sound and better stereo
  sound calculations.
- Enforce the "C" locale to prevent libraries like broken LADSPA
  plugins to override it and break printf, scanf, etc.

Quake II 4.03 to 4.10
- Change the behavior of hotkey menus to fix some strange bugs and
  memory leaks in the menu system.
- Add the "gl_farsee" cvar. When set to "1" Quake II renders maps up
  to 4096x4096 units instead of being limited to 2300x2300. The
  default is "0". (by Richard Allen)
- Add support for the high resolution retexturing pack.
- Reenable support for gamma via SDL, since the upstream bug was fixed
  with SDL 1.2.15. Gamma via X11 can be forced by defining X11GAMMA at
  compile time.
- Add support for big endian architectures and enable the build on
  SPARC64 CPUs. (by Kieron Gillespie)

Quake II 4.02 to 4.03
- Fix wrong function call in the Quake II file system.
- Fix gl_ext_multitexture set to 1. (reported by Richard Allen and
  Lukas Sabota)
- Print the version number in the window title.

Quake II 4.01 to 4.02
- Fix a linker problem manifesting only on Ubuntu.

Quake II 4.00 to 4.01
- Fix a linker problem.
- Fix a problem with displaying the version number.

Quake II 3.00 to 4.00
- A major rewrite of the savegame system.
- Add a crash handler, printing a backtrace on Linux platforms.
- Add support for system wide installations.
- ctf was moved into a separate download.
- All open bugs were fixed.
- Fix spawnpoint selection if single player maps are loaded via
- Rename ~/.quake2 to ~/.yq2 to ease parallel installation with other
  Quake II clients.
- The client does no longer crash if the menu is opened while
  connecting to remote server.
- The game code received a code audit and major rework.

Quake II 3.00RC2 to 3.00
- Improve compatiblity with pulseaudio (by Ozkan Sezer)

Quake II 3.00RC1 to 3.00RC2
- Many improvements to the OGG/Vorbis support. (by Ozkan Sezer)
- The map command now works even when a server is running.

Quake II 2.11 to 3.00RC1
- Complete refactoring and code audit of the client, leading to much
  cleaner and more maintainable code and improved stability.
- Fixed a wrong cast under linux. This could result in sudden crashes.
- Reworked the input system.
- Much improved console tab completion.
- Better TTY output of the startup and shutdown.
- More reliable shutdown of the client.
- Plugged a memory leak in the quake file system.
- Major rework of the sound system:
  - A lot of bugfixes for the upper layer.
  - Simplified code and removed crap from the 90ies.
  - Rewrote the low level backend from scratch.
- Major rework of the refresher:
  - Added multitexturing and paletted textures back (this was
    requested by many, many people).
  - Rewrote the SDL backend.
  - Reimplemented the gamma control using native X11 calls.  This
    should fix the gamma for all setups.
  - Support for overbright bits.
- Changed the window title to "Yamagi Quake II".

Quake II 2.10 to 2.11
- Fix a bug in the client. This fixes the strange crashes under
  Ubuntu. (Reported by many, special thanks to jhansonxi for his help)
- Add a null pointer check in cl_view.c. This fixes a rare case crash
  in Ground Zero when files are missing. (by Sascha K.)
- Add a script as possible work around for Ubuntu bug 32452 (by

Quake II 2.10RC3 to 2.10:
- Fix blending

Quake II 2.10RC2 to 2.10RC3:
- The refresher uses OpenGL 1.4 not 1.0
- Saner standard configuration
- Fix a bug when a video follows a video (like in Ground Zero)
- Fix a crash when enabling OGG/Vorbis in the menu
- Fix a crash when changing level after deactivating OGG/Vorbis
- Do not show the gun symbol when fov is bigger than 91 and cl_gun is
  set to 2

Quake II 2.10RC to 2.10RC2:
- Fix a problem with machine gun soldiers deadlocking
- Change CFLAGS to a saner default
- Quake II now creates ~/.quake2 if it doesn't exist (reported by N.
- Slightly better game performance (~10 FPS)

Quake II 2.00 to 2.10RC:
- Automagical releases the mouse when the console is opened
- Increased the maximal amount of file descriptores from 64 to 256.
  This should fix some very rare crashes with 'The Reconing' and
  possible similar problems with mods.  (reported by E. Müller)
- Support for custom resolutions (by caedes and Yamagi)

Quake II 1.05 to 2.00:
- Ogg/Vorbis Support as an optional replacement for the CD playback
- Support for hardware gamma via SDL
- Support for grabbing the mouse
- Some bugfixes

Quake II 1.04 to 1.05:
- Fix slowdown with CD music under Linux (by caedes)

Quake II 1.03 to 1.04:
- Added icon (by caedes)
- Added README
- Removed duplicated file