SDL 3 has a new approach to fullscreen handling, which is way better
than the old fiddling with several window flags. In SDL 3:
* The SDL_FULLSCREEN_FLAG puts the window in fullscreen window mode.
* For exclusive fullscreen a fullscreen mode must be requested and set.
* Applying the mode to the window is asynchronous, the mode change may
occure at any later time. The window can be synchronized to force the
mode change.
This is - of course - totaly untested, since the client doesn't build
yet with SDL 3. There will likely be bugs and shortcomings.
And the code is still ugly, it can be refactored somewhat more.
Not many changes here. `make ref_gl1` now builds a library and it works
with the proof of concept port of the client.
SDL3 dropped support for hardware gamma, so `vid_gamma` will be ignored
until we can come up with something else. If we can, gamma without
shaders is hard to impossible :/
SDL3 TODOs will be marked with 'TODO SDL3:'.
This is hidden behind WITH_SDL3, which is disabled by default.
Additionally rename the SDL sources files in the client to represent the
SDL major version they are supporting. They will be forked for SDL 3.
That isn't optimal, because it forces us to support two variants of the
same code. However the changes between SDL 2 and 3 are too big to work
with #ifdef and something like function pointer magic is even more
Added a player speed display that prints the players speed and ground speed at the top right corner. The function can be toggled on using cl_showspeed 1.
Fixes a bug where duplicate keyboard entries would occur in menu fields when using the keypad keys with num-lock on.
Adds `IN_NumpadIsOn` function returning the state of the numpad key.
I encountered a bug where the monster_boss2 aka hornet in biggun.bsp
somehow slipped into the void while pushed out of it's compartment.
I'm unable to reproduce it, but analysis showed that the hornet isn't
spawned in ambush mode. As soon as the player fires a gun it starts
moving. Maybe that is enough to slip out of the compartment.
Additionally the hornet is a targeted monster. Monsters triggered by
level logic must be set to ambush, otherwise sound and level logic
triggering mess each other up.
Fixes a bug where duplicate keyboard entries would occur in menu fields when using the keypad keys with num-lock on.
Menu fields now mirror behaviour of the console field.
Removed keypad left arrow case from console key ignore list.