Switching to fullscreen through a SDL2 call is nice, but the renderer
needs to be reinitialized. Without it some things will break, for
example the gamma setting.
Retexturing support is now always on (you can still switch it off with
the gl_retexturing CVAR), as we don't have the additional libjpeg
dependency anymore.
stb_image is used for tga, jpg and the newly supported png, so the
old tga and jpeg loading code has been removed.
I furthermore cleaned up the somehow messy and possibly slightly broken
retexturing selection code in R_FindImage()
Check and use GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two and use it if present to allow using all textures unscaled. This makes a huge visual improvement since most skins are not power-of-two textures.
Without this define newer versions of jpeg define a type "bool" as char,
while the MinGW headers define it as "unsigned short". Automake should
have detected that, but...
The code used build fine on my workstation, since Mesa3D has the
required macros since ever. But on Windows gl.h is still limited
to OpenGL 1 (really?).
MSAA was a long wanted and often requested feature. Just set set the
desired number of samples with gl_msaa_samples and do a vid_restart.
This code is based upon work done in Hecatomb.
Makefile is adjusted, it compiles and works mostly, but
* For some reason (bug in SDL_GetRelativeMouseState() ?)
mouse input doesn't work properly.. it seems to be bound
to window borders, even if input is grabbed
* some keys can't be used anymore because there's no SDLK_*
for them anymore (gotta find out if this is important)
* Maybe some of the changes need cleanup
Those extensions have become part of ARB about 15 years ago and most if
not all video cards still in use should support the ARB versions. I
believe that at least parts of this code were disfunctional.
This removes the need to define the old qgl function names to the
official OpenGL names. The OpenGL functions are now called directly
without any abstraction.
With this change the "refresh" make target doesn't any longer exists.
It was merged into the "client" target. One will need a "make clean"
before building yQ2 after this change.