adjusted to new GL3 stuff, of course.
Also, more code for light style/lightmap scale support.
Should probably (maybe) work once we have really have 4 textures
per lightmap id.
(And then of course dynamic lights are still missing)
the screenshot command now supports the filetype as optional argument
(just "screenshot" will use tga like before):
"screenshot png" will save the screenshot as PNG, same with jpg, png
and tga.
For jpg, you can even specify the quality, like "screenshot jpg 90"
(the Quality is between 1 and 100, like with libjpeg).
To reduce duplicated code, I addeed Vid_WriteScreenshot() to refimport_t
and implement most of it in the client (vid.c).
The renderer still fetches the raw image data from OpenGL or whatever
and then calls re.VidWriteScreenshot() which will write it to disk in
the format requested by the user.
pass both normal texture and lightmap to shader instead of rendering the
level geometry again with the lightmap and GL_BLEND.
This is not done, some translucent surfaces are buggy now and it's only
static lightmaps. For this to work properly I'll need to add some more
shaders with and without lightmaps and use them accordingly.
For example, translucent surfaces (SURF_TRANS33/66) never have
lightmaps, neither to pertubed ones (SURF_DRAWTURB) like water and lava,
but scrolling surfaces (SURF_FLOWING) like elevators do use lightmaps
(as long as they're not also transulcent or perturbed)...
well, seems to work, but once the lightmaps are rendered with the normal
textured faces, maybe the dynamic part can be done in shader?
(Might even look less blocky, because it's not limited to lightmap
resolution then)
that struct can/should be used with gl3state.vao3D which expects data
as 7 floats (x,y,z, s,t, lms,lmt) - this is used for brushes, sprites,
the sky and more (not for models though).
(For rendering brushes the struct isn't used, the data already is in
that format in float arrays)
beams are now rendered, they are used by the BFG and in some levels for
lasers etc
which just called R_PolyBlend().. no idea what that all was about..
and no idea why it happend in 3D mode, it's much easier after
SetGL2D(), then it can share code with GL3_Draw_FadeScreen() and doesn't
need any additional messing with transformation matrices
* The particles look more fuzzy than in old renderer - I think it looks
better this way ;)
* Not sure I keep the way they're rendered - instead of calculating and
passing the distance in GL3_ShutdownShaders() I could set the player
(camera) origin in a UBO and calculate distance (and based on that
the size) in the vertex shader. I could also pass the basic point size
via UBO, it's the same for all particles..
* Deleting shader programs is a lot shorter now and using a loop and
the fact that consecutive fields of the same type in a struct have
the same memory layout as an array of that type.
Now I can just add a gl3ShaderInfo_t to gl3state, set it up in
GL3_InitShaders() and don't have to add anything to
GL3_ShutdownShaders() (this is good, I forgot that all the time and
didn't notice, as it doesn't cause visible errors)
* Of course the color attribute has 4 floats, not 2..
* I read that updating UBOs with glBufferData() is kinda slow.
I didn't change that (yet), but at least all three GL3_UpdateUBO*()
functions now call updateUBO() which can easily be changed to do
whatever is best without touching the other three functions.
* When using gl_pointparameters, the particles always had the same size
regardless of resolution, i.e. they look bigger (use bigger part of
screen) at lower resolutions. Now I scale gl_particle_size according
to the resolution, assuming the configured size looks good at 800x600
(or generally 600px vertical)
* When not using gl_pointparameters, a textured triangle is rendered.
The texture had a resolution of 8x8 pixels and looked like a cross,
now it's 16x16 and has rounded ages, looking more like a circle.
So particles with "gl_pointparameters 0" should look much better now.
turns out R_MYgluPerspective() was not the same as gluPerspective()
and thus not equivalent to HMM_Perspective() either. Because of this,
the weapon and corresponding arm looked different in GL3 vs GL1.
Created GL3_MYgluPerspective() to fix that.
Also tested optimized code in GL3_RotateForEntity() and
rotAroundAxisZYX(), use this code from now on and cleaned it all up by
removing commented out code.
that was easy..
however, not related to this change or left vs right hand, the gun
seems to be drawn too far back, we should see more of the arm..
I wonder where that went wrong...
introducing vertex color attributes GL3_ATTRIB_COLOR (it's used for
lighting models and to render models flat-colored, I think that's used
for quad damage effect and similar)
kind of messy commit with all the shit from last weekend, finished now
Most importantly the common vertex attribute layout stuff using
still no 3D rendering, but in theory it should be able to load models,
bsps etc, just not render them yet.
also moved/copied md2.c and sp2.c to gl/ and gl3/ because they use
renderer-specific types
only for 2D rendering, as we don't have 3D yet; also this might need
a more flexible solution later, as some textures are not supposed to
have intensity applied.
According to the old R_Upload32*() and R_LightScaleTexture() the ones
without mipmaps didn't get intensity. Those were it_pic and it_sky (and
the ones in the "scrap", but those were it_pic too)
when called from R_FindImage() the palette wasn't used anyway.
R_FindImage() now passes NULL.
(LoadPCX() is still called with non-NULL palette from Draw_GetPalette())
the arguments were not used anyway, and returning true/false is clearer
than returning -1 (for error) or sth else (which has no deeper meaning
* PrepareForWindow() can now return -1 if there's an error
* suppress some warnings in Makefile
* fix error for building ref_gl.dylib on OSX
So in all code in the reflib (ref_gl.dll/.so/.dylib) calls to
ri.Con_Printf(print_level, fmt, ...) have been replaced by calls to
R_Printf(print_level, fmt, ...) which uses ri.Com_VPrintf().
and the changes in the including files for this.
(also removed gl.h includes from local.h, as it's already included in
qgl.h which is included by local.h)
Multitexturing was never part of any official Quake II release. It was
added in version 3.21, which was released only in source. Over the years
many developers tried to fix multitexturing, including myself. Yamagi
Quake II had it even enabled by default for several releases... But:
* Multitexturing is poorly implemented and **slow**
* Multitexturing leads to render errors, for example in city3
* Multitextring is ortogonal to the normal render path and adds a
lot of special cases to the renderer
Remove it for good. Ciao, it wasn't a nice time. :) The last version
before this commit was at least somewhat fixed, read some of the worst
problems were fixed. If someone's ever going to resurrect it, it would
be a good idea to start at that point.
When the video is scaled through OpenGL we can just throw it on our
vertexes and everything's alright. But when we're softscaling the video
we must consider that the videos size doesn't really match the vertex
especially in the intermission videos, the text looked broken, as parts
of the characters were missing.
This is because Draw_StretchRaw() converts the 320x240 video frame into
a 256x256 texture, without doing proper interpolation (just skipping
some pixels instead).
Now, if the GPU supports non-power-of-two texture sizes, the video
frames are uploaded as textures in their original size.
(Also fixed a harmless typo in common.h)
This is a slighty revised version of id Software original code. Icculus
code may have some advantages on broken drivers or underpowered GPUs.
Today it's just a performance hook. This is a first step in fixing #147.
This is based on work submitted by Scott "pickle" Smith. It's said that
vertex arrays are somewhat faster and more compatible than the old way.
This may remove support of some very, very old GPUs like the Riva128.
This is more less cosmetics since gl_tex_solid_format == GL_RGB and
GL_LIGHTMAP_FORMAT == GL_RGBA. No measurable FPS change on Nvidia and
Intel. Based upon the OpenGL ES patch by Scott "pickle" Smith.
This is based upon the original OpenGL ES patch by Scott "pickle"
Smith. This change gives about the same frame rate on an 750TI but
about 3% more frames on an Ivy Bridge IGP with Mesa3D...
Hardware gamma is broken, especially in fullscreen, and a Mac user told me
that setting HW/screen gamma on OSX is a bad idea anyway, because it resets
the monitor calibration.
The game /should/ look ok with vid_gamma 1 (if your display is configured
properly), but if you think it's too dark set it a bit higher and do
Multitexturing was enabled by default in 0f7b422. It gives a small but
on todays hardware neglectable performance boost, but caused several
problems over the years. For example gl_showtris doesn't work with it
and there's at least one render glitch in city3.bsp.
As Jack Whitham noticed [0], animated textures freeze at their first
frame if they're on a transparent surface. This can be seen in base3
(Com Centre), for example. At least for the OpenGL renderer this is
caused by the fact that the animation chain is never forwarded if the
texture is bound to a transparent surface. The fix is to do exactly
I can only speculate why the animations on transparent surfaces were
never used / implemented. Maybe performance issues or it was just
Switching to fullscreen through a SDL2 call is nice, but the renderer
needs to be reinitialized. Without it some things will break, for
example the gamma setting.
Retexturing support is now always on (you can still switch it off with
the gl_retexturing CVAR), as we don't have the additional libjpeg
dependency anymore.
stb_image is used for tga, jpg and the newly supported png, so the
old tga and jpeg loading code has been removed.
I furthermore cleaned up the somehow messy and possibly slightly broken
retexturing selection code in R_FindImage()
Check and use GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two and use it if present to allow using all textures unscaled. This makes a huge visual improvement since most skins are not power-of-two textures.
Without this define newer versions of jpeg define a type "bool" as char,
while the MinGW headers define it as "unsigned short". Automake should
have detected that, but...
The code used build fine on my workstation, since Mesa3D has the
required macros since ever. But on Windows gl.h is still limited
to OpenGL 1 (really?).
MSAA was a long wanted and often requested feature. Just set set the
desired number of samples with gl_msaa_samples and do a vid_restart.
This code is based upon work done in Hecatomb.
Makefile is adjusted, it compiles and works mostly, but
* For some reason (bug in SDL_GetRelativeMouseState() ?)
mouse input doesn't work properly.. it seems to be bound
to window borders, even if input is grabbed
* some keys can't be used anymore because there's no SDLK_*
for them anymore (gotta find out if this is important)
* Maybe some of the changes need cleanup
Those extensions have become part of ARB about 15 years ago and most if
not all video cards still in use should support the ARB versions. I
believe that at least parts of this code were disfunctional.
This removes the need to define the old qgl function names to the
official OpenGL names. The OpenGL functions are now called directly
without any abstraction.
With this change the "refresh" make target doesn't any longer exists.
It was merged into the "client" target. One will need a "make clean"
before building yQ2 after this change.