mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 03:41:32 +00:00
ref_vk: Load IBSQ map format
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 369 additions and 57 deletions
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ State:
* base1: correct wall light, broken model light
* base2: correct wall light, broken model light, broken lift
* q64/outpost: no known issies
* mguhub: loaded, transparent walls
* mguhub: loaded, transparent walls and broken logic for surface fall in next maps
* GL3/GLES3:
* base1: broken wall light, broken model light
* base2: broken wall light, broken model light, broken lift
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ State:
* base1: correct wall light, broken model light
* base2: correct wall light, broken model light, broken lift
* q64/outpost: no known issies
* mguhub: loaded, transparent walls
* mguhub: loaded, transparent walls and broken logic for surface fall in next maps
Goals (none of it finished):
* Single player support
@ -327,8 +327,7 @@ static void
Mod_CalcSurfaceExtents(model_t *loadmodel, msurface_t *s)
float mins[2], maxs[2], val;
int i, j, e;
mvertex_t *v;
int i;
mtexinfo_t *tex;
int bmins[2], bmaxs[2];
@ -339,6 +338,9 @@ Mod_CalcSurfaceExtents(model_t *loadmodel, msurface_t *s)
for (i = 0; i < s->numedges; i++)
int e, j;
mvertex_t *v;
e = loadmodel->surfedges[s->firstedge + i];
if (e >= 0)
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ CalcSurfaceExtents(model_t *loadmodel, msurface_t *s)
static int
calcTexinfoAndFacesSize(const lump_t *fl, const byte *mod_base, const lump_t *tl)
calcTexinfoAndFacesSize(const byte *mod_base, const lump_t *fl, const lump_t *tl)
dface_t* face_in = (void *)(mod_base + fl->fileofs);
texinfo_t* texinfo_in = (void *)(mod_base + tl->fileofs);
@ -335,7 +335,83 @@ calcTexinfoAndFacesSize(const lump_t *fl, const byte *mod_base, const lump_t *tl
return ret;
// Extension to support lightmaps that aren't tied to texture scale.
static int
calcTexinfoAndQFacesSize(const byte *mod_base, const lump_t *fl, const lump_t *tl)
dqface_t* face_in = (void *)(mod_base + fl->fileofs);
texinfo_t* texinfo_in = (void *)(mod_base + tl->fileofs);
if (fl->filelen % sizeof(*face_in) || tl->filelen % sizeof(*texinfo_in))
// will error out when actually loading it
return 0;
int ret = 0;
int face_count = fl->filelen / sizeof(*face_in);
int texinfo_count = tl->filelen / sizeof(*texinfo_in);
// out = Hunk_Alloc(count * sizeof(*out));
int baseSize = face_count * sizeof(msurface_t);
baseSize = (baseSize + 31) & ~31;
ret += baseSize;
int ti_size = texinfo_count * sizeof(mtexinfo_t);
ti_size = (ti_size + 31) & ~31;
ret += ti_size;
int numWarpFaces = 0;
for (int surfnum = 0; surfnum < face_count; surfnum++, face_in++)
int numverts = LittleLong(face_in->numedges);
int ti = LittleLong(face_in->texinfo);
if ((ti < 0) || (ti >= texinfo_count))
return 0; // will error out
int texFlags = LittleLong(texinfo_in[ti].flags);
/* set the drawing flags */
if (texFlags & SURF_WARP)
if (numverts > 60)
return 0; // will error out in R_SubdividePolygon()
// Vk_SubdivideSurface(out, loadmodel); /* cut up polygon for warps */
// for each (pot. recursive) call to R_SubdividePolygon():
// sizeof(vkpoly_t) + ((numverts - 4) + 2) * VERTEXSIZE*sizeof(float)
// this is tricky, how much is allocated depends on the size of the surface
// which we don't know (we'd need the vertices etc to know, but we can't load
// those without allocating...)
// so we just count warped faces and use a generous estimate below
// Vk_BuildPolygonFromSurface(out);
// => poly = Hunk_Alloc(sizeof(vkpoly_t) + (numverts - 4) * VERTEXSIZE*sizeof(float));
int polySize = sizeof(vkpoly_t) + (numverts - 4) * VERTEXSIZE*sizeof(float);
polySize = (polySize + 31) & ~31;
ret += polySize;
// yeah, this is a bit hacky, but it looks like for each warped face
// 256-55000 bytes are allocated (usually on the lower end),
// so just assume 48k per face to be safe
ret += numWarpFaces * 49152;
ret += 5000000; // and 5MB extra just in case
return ret;
/* Extension to support lightmaps that aren't tied to texture scale. */
static int
Mod_LoadBSPXDecoupledLM(const dlminfo_t* lminfos, int surfnum, msurface_t *out)
@ -398,11 +474,6 @@ SetSurfaceLighting(model_t *loadmodel, msurface_t *out, byte *styles, int lighto
static void
Mod_LoadFaces(model_t *loadmodel, const byte *mod_base, const lump_t *l,
const bspx_header_t *bspx_header)
@ -437,9 +508,7 @@ Mod_LoadFaces(model_t *loadmodel, const byte *mod_base, const lump_t *l,
for (surfnum = 0; surfnum < count; surfnum++, in++, out++)
int side;
int ti;
int planenum;
int side, ti, planenum;
out->firstedge = LittleLong(in->firstedge);
out->numedges = LittleShort(in->numedges);
@ -500,6 +569,130 @@ Mod_LoadFaces(model_t *loadmodel, const byte *mod_base, const lump_t *l,
out->extents[i] = 16384;
out->texturemins[i] = -8192;
Vk_SubdivideSurface(out, loadmodel); // cut up polygon for warps
if (r_fixsurfsky->value)
if (out->texinfo->flags & SURF_SKY)
out->flags |= SURF_DRAWSKY;
/* create lightmaps and polygons */
if (!(out->texinfo->flags & (SURF_SKY | SURF_TRANS33 | SURF_TRANS66 | SURF_WARP)))
if (!(out->texinfo->flags & SURF_WARP))
Vk_BuildPolygonFromSurface(out, loadmodel);
static void
Mod_LoadQFaces(model_t *loadmodel, const byte *mod_base, const lump_t *l,
const bspx_header_t *bspx_header)
int i, count, surfnum, lminfosize, lightofs;
const dlminfo_t *lminfos;
msurface_t *out;
dqface_t *in;
in = (void *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);
if (l->filelen % sizeof(*in))
ri.Sys_Error(ERR_DROP, "%s: funny lump size in %s",
__func__, loadmodel->name);
count = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
out = Hunk_Alloc(count * sizeof(*out));
loadmodel->surfaces = out;
loadmodel->numsurfaces = count;
lminfos = Mod_LoadBSPXFindLump(bspx_header, "DECOUPLED_LM", &lminfosize, mod_base);
if (lminfos != NULL && lminfosize / sizeof(dlminfo_t) != loadmodel->numsurfaces) {
R_Printf(PRINT_ALL, "%s: [%s] decoupled_lm size %ld does not match surface count %d\n",
__func__, loadmodel->name, lminfosize / sizeof(dlminfo_t), loadmodel->numsurfaces);
lminfos = NULL;
for (surfnum = 0; surfnum < count; surfnum++, in++, out++)
int side, ti, planenum;
out->firstedge = LittleLong(in->firstedge);
out->numedges = LittleLong(in->numedges);
if (out->numedges < 3)
ri.Sys_Error(ERR_DROP, "%s: Surface with %d edges",
__func__, out->numedges);
out->flags = 0;
out->polys = NULL;
planenum = LittleLong(in->planenum);
side = LittleLong(in->side);
if (side)
out->flags |= SURF_PLANEBACK;
if (planenum < 0 || planenum >= loadmodel->numplanes)
ri.Sys_Error(ERR_DROP, "%s: Incorrect %d planenum.",
__func__, planenum);
out->plane = loadmodel->planes + planenum;
ti = LittleLong(in->texinfo);
if ((ti < 0) || (ti >= loadmodel->numtexinfo))
ri.Sys_Error(ERR_DROP, "%s: bad texinfo number",
out->texinfo = loadmodel->texinfo + ti;
lightofs = Mod_LoadBSPXDecoupledLM(lminfos, surfnum, out);
if (lightofs < 0) {
memcpy(out->lmvecs, out->texinfo->vecs, sizeof(out->lmvecs));
out->lmshift = DEFAULT_LMSHIFT;
out->lmvlen[0] = 1.0f;
out->lmvlen[1] = 1.0f;
CalcSurfaceExtents(loadmodel, out);
lightofs = in->lightofs;
SetSurfaceLighting(loadmodel, out, in->styles, lightofs);
/* set the drawing flags */
if (out->texinfo->flags & SURF_WARP)
out->flags |= SURF_DRAWTURB;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
out->extents[i] = 16384;
out->texturemins[i] = -8192;
Vk_SubdivideSurface(out, loadmodel); // cut up polygon for warps
@ -571,19 +764,54 @@ Mod_LoadLeafs(model_t *loadmodel, const byte *mod_base, const lump_t *l)
ri.Sys_Error(ERR_DROP, "%s: wrong marksurfaces position in %s",
__func__, loadmodel->name);
// gl underwater warp
#if 0
static void
Mod_LoadQLeafs(model_t *loadmodel, const byte *mod_base, const lump_t *l)
dqleaf_t *in;
mleaf_t *out;
int i, j, count;
in = (void *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);
if (l->filelen % sizeof(*in))
ri.Sys_Error(ERR_DROP, "%s: funny lump size in %s",
__func__, loadmodel->name);
count = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
out = Hunk_Alloc(count * sizeof(*out));
loadmodel->leafs = out;
loadmodel->numleafs = count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++, in++, out++)
unsigned firstleafface;
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
for (j=0 ; j<out->nummarksurfaces ; j++)
out->firstmarksurface[j]->flags |= SURF_UNDERWATER;
for (poly = out->firstmarksurface[j]->polys ; poly ; poly=poly->next)
poly->flags |= SURF_UNDERWATER;
out->minmaxs[j] = LittleFloat(in->mins[j]);
out->minmaxs[3 + j] = LittleFloat(in->maxs[j]);
out->contents = LittleLong(in->contents);
out->cluster = LittleLong(in->cluster);
out->area = LittleLong(in->area);
// make unsigned long from signed short
firstleafface = LittleLong(in->firstleafface) & 0xFFFF;
out->nummarksurfaces = LittleLong(in->numleaffaces) & 0xFFFF;
out->firstmarksurface = loadmodel->marksurfaces + firstleafface;
if ((firstleafface + out->nummarksurfaces) > loadmodel->nummarksurfaces)
ri.Sys_Error(ERR_DROP, "%s: wrong marksurfaces position in %s",
__func__, loadmodel->name);
@ -624,6 +852,42 @@ Mod_LoadMarksurfaces(model_t *loadmodel, const byte *mod_base, const lump_t *l)
static void
Mod_LoadQMarksurfaces(model_t *loadmodel, const byte *mod_base, const lump_t *l)
int i, count;
int *in;
msurface_t **out;
in = (void *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);
if (l->filelen % sizeof(*in))
ri.Sys_Error(ERR_DROP, "%s: funny lump size in %s",
__func__, loadmodel->name);
count = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
out = Hunk_Alloc(count * sizeof(*out));
loadmodel->marksurfaces = out;
loadmodel->nummarksurfaces = count;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
int j;
j = LittleLong(in[i]);
if ((j < 0) || (j >= loadmodel->numsurfaces))
ri.Sys_Error(ERR_DROP, "%s: bad surface number",
out[i] = loadmodel->surfaces + j;
// calculate the size that Hunk_Alloc(), called by Mod_Load*() from Mod_LoadBrushModel(),
// will use (=> includes its padding), so we'll know how big the hunk needs to be
static int calcLumpHunkSize(const lump_t *l, int inSize, int outSize)
@ -644,13 +908,8 @@ static int calcLumpHunkSize(const lump_t *l, int inSize, int outSize)
return size;
static void
Mod_LoadBrushModel (model_t *mod, const void *buffer, int modfilelen)
Mod_LoadBrushModel(model_t *mod, const void *buffer, int modfilelen)
const bspx_header_t *bspx_header;
byte *mod_base;
@ -659,6 +918,14 @@ Mod_LoadBrushModel (model_t *mod, const void *buffer, int modfilelen)
header = (dheader_t *)buffer;
i = LittleLong(header->ident);
ri.Sys_Error(ERR_DROP, "%s: %s has wrong ident (%i should be %i)",
__func__, mod->name, i, IDBSPHEADER);
i = LittleLong(header->version);
@ -678,18 +945,41 @@ Mod_LoadBrushModel (model_t *mod, const void *buffer, int modfilelen)
// calculate the needed hunksize from the lumps
int hunkSize = 0;
hunkSize += calcLumpHunkSize(&header->lumps[LUMP_VERTEXES], sizeof(dvertex_t), sizeof(mvertex_t));
hunkSize += calcLumpHunkSize(&header->lumps[LUMP_EDGES], sizeof(dedge_t), sizeof(medge_t));
if (header->ident == IDBSPHEADER)
hunkSize += calcLumpHunkSize(&header->lumps[LUMP_EDGES], sizeof(dedge_t), sizeof(medge_t));
hunkSize += calcLumpHunkSize(&header->lumps[LUMP_EDGES], sizeof(dedge_t), sizeof(medge_t));
hunkSize += sizeof(medge_t) + 31; // for count+1 in Mod_LoadEdges()
int surfEdgeCount = (header->lumps[LUMP_SURFEDGES].filelen+sizeof(int)-1)/sizeof(int);
if(surfEdgeCount < MAX_MAP_SURFEDGES) // else it errors out later anyway
hunkSize += calcLumpHunkSize(&header->lumps[LUMP_SURFEDGES], sizeof(int), sizeof(int));
hunkSize += calcLumpHunkSize(&header->lumps[LUMP_LIGHTING], 1, 1);
hunkSize += calcLumpHunkSize(&header->lumps[LUMP_PLANES], sizeof(dplane_t), sizeof(cplane_t)*2);
hunkSize += calcTexinfoAndFacesSize(&header->lumps[LUMP_FACES], mod_base, &header->lumps[LUMP_TEXINFO]);
hunkSize += calcLumpHunkSize(&header->lumps[LUMP_LEAFFACES], sizeof(short), sizeof(msurface_t *)); // yes, out is indeed a pointer!
if (header->ident == IDBSPHEADER)
hunkSize += calcTexinfoAndFacesSize(mod_base, &header->lumps[LUMP_FACES], &header->lumps[LUMP_TEXINFO]);
hunkSize += calcLumpHunkSize(&header->lumps[LUMP_LEAFFACES], sizeof(short), sizeof(msurface_t *)); // yes, out is indeed a pointer!
hunkSize += calcTexinfoAndQFacesSize(mod_base, &header->lumps[LUMP_FACES], &header->lumps[LUMP_TEXINFO]);
hunkSize += calcLumpHunkSize(&header->lumps[LUMP_LEAFFACES], sizeof(int), sizeof(msurface_t *)); // yes, out is indeed a pointer!
hunkSize += calcLumpHunkSize(&header->lumps[LUMP_VISIBILITY], 1, 1);
hunkSize += calcLumpHunkSize(&header->lumps[LUMP_LEAFS], sizeof(dleaf_t), sizeof(mleaf_t));
hunkSize += calcLumpHunkSize(&header->lumps[LUMP_NODES], sizeof(dnode_t), sizeof(mnode_t));
if (header->ident == IDBSPHEADER)
hunkSize += calcLumpHunkSize(&header->lumps[LUMP_LEAFS], sizeof(dleaf_t), sizeof(mleaf_t));
hunkSize += calcLumpHunkSize(&header->lumps[LUMP_NODES], sizeof(dnode_t), sizeof(mnode_t));
hunkSize += calcLumpHunkSize(&header->lumps[LUMP_LEAFS], sizeof(dqleaf_t), sizeof(mleaf_t));
hunkSize += calcLumpHunkSize(&header->lumps[LUMP_NODES], sizeof(dqnode_t), sizeof(mnode_t));
hunkSize += calcLumpHunkSize(&header->lumps[LUMP_MODELS], sizeof(dmodel_t), sizeof(model_t));
mod->extradata = Hunk_Begin(hunkSize);
@ -702,8 +992,16 @@ Mod_LoadBrushModel (model_t *mod, const void *buffer, int modfilelen)
/* load into heap */
Mod_LoadVertexes(mod->name, &mod->vertexes, &mod->numvertexes, mod_base,
&header->lumps[LUMP_VERTEXES], 0);
Mod_LoadEdges(mod->name, &mod->edges, &mod->numedges,
mod_base, &header->lumps[LUMP_EDGES], 1);
if (header->ident == IDBSPHEADER)
Mod_LoadEdges(mod->name, &mod->edges, &mod->numedges,
mod_base, &header->lumps[LUMP_EDGES], 1);
Mod_LoadQEdges(mod->name, &mod->edges, &mod->numedges,
mod_base, &header->lumps[LUMP_EDGES], 1);
Mod_LoadSurfedges(mod->name, &mod->surfedges, &mod->numsurfedges,
mod_base, &header->lumps[LUMP_SURFEDGES], 0);
Mod_LoadLighting(&mod->lightdata, mod_base, &header->lumps[LUMP_LIGHTING]);
@ -712,13 +1010,31 @@ Mod_LoadBrushModel (model_t *mod, const void *buffer, int modfilelen)
Mod_LoadTexinfo(mod->name, &mod->texinfo, &mod->numtexinfo,
mod_base, &header->lumps[LUMP_TEXINFO], (findimage_t)Vk_FindImage,
r_notexture, 0);
Mod_LoadFaces(mod, mod_base, &header->lumps[LUMP_FACES], bspx_header);
Mod_LoadMarksurfaces(mod, mod_base, &header->lumps[LUMP_LEAFFACES]);
if (header->ident == IDBSPHEADER)
Mod_LoadFaces(mod, mod_base, &header->lumps[LUMP_FACES], bspx_header);
Mod_LoadMarksurfaces(mod, mod_base, &header->lumps[LUMP_LEAFFACES]);
Mod_LoadQFaces(mod, mod_base, &header->lumps[LUMP_FACES], bspx_header);
Mod_LoadQMarksurfaces(mod, mod_base, &header->lumps[LUMP_LEAFFACES]);
Mod_LoadVisibility(&mod->vis, mod_base, &header->lumps[LUMP_VISIBILITY]);
Mod_LoadLeafs(mod, mod_base, &header->lumps[LUMP_LEAFS]);
Mod_LoadNodes(mod->name, mod->planes, mod->numplanes, mod->leafs,
mod->numleafs, &mod->nodes, &mod->numnodes, mod_base,
if (header->ident == IDBSPHEADER)
Mod_LoadLeafs(mod, mod_base, &header->lumps[LUMP_LEAFS]);
Mod_LoadNodes(mod->name, mod->planes, mod->numplanes, mod->leafs,
mod->numleafs, &mod->nodes, &mod->numnodes, mod_base,
Mod_LoadQLeafs(mod, mod_base, &header->lumps[LUMP_LEAFS]);
Mod_LoadQNodes(mod->name, mod->planes, mod->numplanes, mod->leafs,
mod->numleafs, &mod->nodes, &mod->numnodes, mod_base,
Mod_LoadSubmodels (mod, mod_base, &header->lumps[LUMP_MODELS]);
mod->numframes = 2; /* regular and alternate animation */
@ -851,6 +1167,8 @@ Mod_ForName (const char *name, model_t *parent_model, qboolean crash)
/* fall through */
Mod_LoadBrushModel(mod, buf, modfilelen);
@ -875,12 +1193,8 @@ Mod_ForName (const char *name, model_t *parent_model, qboolean crash)
Specifies the model that will be used as the world
* Specifies the model that will be used as the world
RE_BeginRegistration (char *model)
@ -905,6 +1219,7 @@ RE_BeginRegistration (char *model)
r_worldmodel = Mod_ForName(fullname, NULL, true);
if (r_worldmodel != models_known)
ri.Sys_Error(ERR_DROP, "%s: Loaded a brush model after the world", __func__);
@ -1004,13 +1319,8 @@ Mod_Modellist_f (void)
R_Printf(PRINT_ALL, "Used %d of %d models%s.\n", used, mod_max, freeup ? ", has free space" : "");
void RE_EndRegistration (void)
RE_EndRegistration (void)
int i;
model_t *mod;
@ -1021,7 +1331,7 @@ void RE_EndRegistration (void)
for (i = 0, mod = models_known ; i < mod_numknown; i++, mod++)
for (i = 0, mod = models_known; i < mod_numknown; i++, mod++)
if (!mod->name[0])
Reference in a new issue