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synced 2025-02-16 17:11:03 +00:00
renders: inital support of SiN def/sbm/sam load
Added only file format support without model overwrite. Based on https://web.archive.org/web/20001212060900/http://starbase.neosoft.com:80/~otaku/program.html
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 414 additions and 14 deletions
@ -36,12 +36,15 @@ Models support:
| md2 | Anachronox | 8/10/16 bit | Single | No tagged surfaces, unchecked with game |
| mdx | Kingpin | 8 bit | Many | No sfx support, unchecked with game |
| fm | Heretic 2 | 8 bit | Many | |
| def | SiN | Part of sam | Many | Unchecked with game |
| dkm | Daikatana DKM1 | 8 bit | Many | Unchecked with game |
| dkm | Daikatana DKM2 | 10 bit | Many | Unchecked with game |
| md3 | Quake 3 | 16 bit | Many | No tags support |
| md5 | Doom 3/Quake 4 | float | Many | Requires md2 for skins |
| sbm | SiN | Part of sam | Many | Unchecked with game |
| sam | SiN | 8 bit | Many | Unchecked with game |
All models support only single texture for all meshes and only up to 255 frames.
All models support only single texture for all meshes and frames limit based on game protocol.
Texture support:
@ -88,6 +91,7 @@ Games:
* SDK: https://www.quaddicted.com/files/idgames2/planetquake/hereticii/files/Ht2Toolkit_v1.06.exe
* Tech info: http://h2vault.infinityfreeapp.com/index.html
* SiN:
* Tools: [SiNview](https://web.archive.org/web/20001212060900/http://starbase.neosoft.com:80/~otaku/program.html)
* Tools: https://www.moddb.com/games/sin/downloads/sin-modding-tools-and-other-stuff
* SDK: https://github.com/NightDive-Studio/sin-ex-game
@ -150,7 +150,8 @@ Mod_LoadFrames_MD2(dmdx_t *pheader, byte *src, size_t inframesize, vec3_t transl
poutframe->translate[j] = LittleFloat(pinframe->translate[j]);
poutframe->translate[j] += translate[j];
// verts are all 8 bit, so no swapping needed
/* verts are all 8 bit, so no swapping needed */
for (j=0; j < pheader->num_xyz; j ++)
Mod_LoadFrames_VertMD2(poutframe->verts + j, pinframe->verts[j].v);
@ -159,6 +160,57 @@ Mod_LoadFrames_MD2(dmdx_t *pheader, byte *src, size_t inframesize, vec3_t transl
Load the SiN sam animation format frames
static void
Mod_LoadFrames_SAM(dmdx_t *pheader, sin_sam_header_t **anims, int anim_num,
vec3_t translate, float scale)
int curr_frame = 0, i;
for (i = 0; i < anim_num; i++)
sin_frame_t *pinframe;
int k;
pinframe = (sin_frame_t *) ((char *)anims[i] + anims[i]->ofs_frames);
for (k = 0; k < anims[i]->num_frames; k++)
daliasxframe_t *poutframe;
dtrivertx_t *verts;
int j;
poutframe = (daliasxframe_t *) ((byte *)pheader
+ pheader->ofs_frames + curr_frame * pheader->framesize);
memcpy(poutframe->name, anims[i]->name, sizeof(poutframe->name));
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
poutframe->scale[j] = LittleFloat(pinframe[k].scale[j]) * scale / 0xFF;
poutframe->translate[j] = LittleFloat(pinframe[k].translate[j]);
poutframe->translate[j] += translate[j];
verts = (dtrivertx_t*)((char *)(pinframe + k) + pinframe[k].ofs_verts);
/* verts are all 8 bit, so no swapping needed */
for (j=0; j < pheader->num_xyz; j ++)
Mod_LoadFrames_VertMD2(poutframe->verts + j, verts[j].v);
poutframe->verts[j].lightnormalindex = verts[j].lightnormalindex;
curr_frame ++;
@ -2479,6 +2531,259 @@ Mod_LoadModel_MDX(const char *mod_name, const void *buffer, int modfilelen,
return extradata;
static void *
Mod_LoadModel_SDEF_Text(const char *mod_name, char *curr_buff, readfile_t read_file,
struct image_s ***skins, int *numskins)
char models_path[MAX_QPATH];
char base_model[MAX_QPATH];
char skinnames[255][MAX_SKINNAME];
char animations[255][MAX_QPATH];
char fullbasename[MAX_QPATH * 2];
int actions_num, skinnames_num, i, base_size;
sin_sbm_header_t *base;
sin_sam_header_t *anim[255];
void *extradata = NULL;
vec3_t translate = {0, 0, 0};
float scale;
actions_num = 0;
skinnames_num = 0;
scale = 1.0f;
memset(models_path, 0, sizeof(models_path));
if (strcmp(COM_Parse(&curr_buff), "SDEF"))
return NULL;
while (curr_buff)
const char *token;
token = COM_Parse(&curr_buff);
if (!*token)
/* found start of comment */
else if (!strncmp(token, "/*", 2))
token = COM_Parse(&curr_buff);
/* search end of comment */
while (curr_buff && strncmp(token, "*/", 2))
token = COM_Parse(&curr_buff);
else if (!strcmp(token, "path"))
strncpy(models_path, COM_Parse(&curr_buff), sizeof(models_path));
else if (!strcmp(token, "scale"))
scale = (float)strtod(COM_Parse(&curr_buff), (char **)NULL);
else if (!strcmp(token, "id") ||
!strcmp(token, "group") ||
!strcmp(token, "!init:") ||
!strcmp(token, "!main:") ||
!strcmp(token, "client") ||
!strcmp(token, "server"))
/* Just skipped for now */
curr_buff = strchr(curr_buff, '\n');
if (*curr_buff == '\n')
curr_buff ++;
const char *ext;
ext = COM_FileExtension(token);
if (!strcmp(ext, "sbm"))
snprintf(base_model, sizeof(base_model),
"%s/%s", models_path, token);
token = COM_Parse(&curr_buff);
ext = COM_FileExtension(token);
if (!strcmp(ext, "sam"))
snprintf(animations[actions_num], sizeof(animations[actions_num]),
"%s/%s", models_path, token);
actions_num ++;
if (!strcmp(ext, "tga"))
snprintf(skinnames[skinnames_num], sizeof(skinnames[skinnames_num]),
"%s/%s", models_path, token);
skinnames_num ++;
base = (sin_sbm_header_t*)read_file(base_model, &base_size);
if (base_size <= 0)
R_Printf(PRINT_DEVELOPER, "%s: %s, No base model for animation for %s\n",
__func__, mod_name, base_model);
return NULL;
int num_tris = 0;
sin_trigroup_t *trigroup = (sin_trigroup_t *)((char*)base + sizeof(sin_sbm_header_t));
for(i = 0; i < base->num_groups; i ++)
num_tris += trigroup[i].num_tris;
int framescount = 0;
int animation_num = 0;
for (i = 0; i < actions_num; i++)
int anim_size;
anim[animation_num] = (sin_sam_header_t*)read_file(animations[i], &anim_size);
if (anim_size <= 0)
R_Printf(PRINT_DEVELOPER, "%s: %s empty animation %s\n",
__func__, mod_name, animations[i]);
if (anim[animation_num]->num_xyz != base->num_xyz)
R_Printf(PRINT_DEVELOPER, "%s: %s, incorrect count tris in animation in %s\n",
__func__, mod_name, animations[i]);
animation_num ++;
framescount += anim[i]->num_frames;
if (!animation_num)
R_Printf(PRINT_DEVELOPER, "%s: %s no aanimation found\n",
__func__, mod_name);
return NULL;
dmdx_t dmdxheader, *pheader = NULL;
dmdxheader.skinwidth = 256;
dmdxheader.skinheight = 256;
dmdxheader.framesize = sizeof(daliasxframe_t) - sizeof(dxtrivertx_t);
dmdxheader.framesize += base->num_xyz * sizeof(dxtrivertx_t);
dmdxheader.num_meshes = base->num_groups;
dmdxheader.num_skins = skinnames_num;
dmdxheader.num_xyz = base->num_xyz;
dmdxheader.num_st = base->num_st;
dmdxheader.num_tris = num_tris;
dmdxheader.num_frames = framescount;
/* (count vert + 3 vert * (2 float + 1 int)) + final zero; */
dmdxheader.num_glcmds = (10 * dmdxheader.num_tris) + 1 * dmdxheader.num_meshes;
/* just skip header */
dmdxheader.ofs_meshes = sizeof(dmdxheader);
dmdxheader.ofs_skins = dmdxheader.ofs_meshes + dmdxheader.num_meshes * sizeof(dmdxmesh_t);
dmdxheader.ofs_st = dmdxheader.ofs_skins + dmdxheader.num_skins * MAX_SKINNAME;
dmdxheader.ofs_tris = dmdxheader.ofs_st + dmdxheader.num_st * sizeof(dstvert_t);
dmdxheader.ofs_frames = dmdxheader.ofs_tris + dmdxheader.num_tris * sizeof(dtriangle_t);
dmdxheader.ofs_glcmds = dmdxheader.ofs_frames + dmdxheader.num_frames * dmdxheader.framesize;
dmdxheader.ofs_end = dmdxheader.ofs_glcmds + dmdxheader.num_glcmds * sizeof(int);
*numskins = dmdxheader.num_skins;
extradata = Hunk_Begin(dmdxheader.ofs_end + Q_max(*numskins, MAX_MD2SKINS) * sizeof(struct image_s *));
pheader = Hunk_Alloc(dmdxheader.ofs_end);
*skins = Hunk_Alloc((*numskins) * sizeof(struct image_s *));
memcpy(pheader, &dmdxheader, sizeof(dmdxheader));
memcpy((byte*)pheader + pheader->ofs_skins, (byte *)skinnames,
pheader->num_skins * MAX_SKINNAME);
/* st */
st_vert_t *st_in = (st_vert_t *)((char *)base + base->ofs_st);
dstvert_t *st_out = (dstvert_t *)((char *)pheader + pheader->ofs_st);
for (i = 0; i < pheader->num_st; i ++)
st_out[i].s = (int)(st_in[i].s * pheader->skinwidth + 256) % 256;
st_out[i].t = (int)(st_in[i].t * pheader->skinheight + 256) % 256;
/* tris and mesh */
sin_trigroup_t *trigroup_in = (sin_trigroup_t *)((char*)base + sizeof(sin_sbm_header_t));
dtriangle_t *pouttriofs = (dtriangle_t *) ((char *)pheader + pheader->ofs_tris);
dmdxmesh_t *mesh_nodes = (dmdxmesh_t *)((char *)pheader + pheader->ofs_meshes);
int tris_ofs = 0;
for(i = 0; i < base->num_groups; i ++)
sin_triangle_t *tri_in;
int j;
mesh_nodes[i].ofs_tris = tris_ofs;
mesh_nodes[i].num_tris = trigroup_in[i].num_tris;
/* offset from current group */
tri_in = (sin_triangle_t *)((char*)(trigroup_in + i) + trigroup_in[i].ofs_tris);
for (j = 0; j < trigroup_in[i].num_tris; j++)
int k;
for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
pouttriofs[tris_ofs + j].index_st[k] = LittleShort(tri_in[j].index_st[k]);
pouttriofs[tris_ofs + j].index_xyz[k] = LittleShort(tri_in[j].index_xyz[k]);
tris_ofs += mesh_nodes[i].num_tris;
Mod_LoadFrames_SAM(pheader, anim, animation_num, translate, scale);
Mod_LoadFixImages(mod_name, pheader, false);
for (i = 0; i < animation_num; i++)
return extradata;
static void *
Mod_LoadModel_SDEF(const char *mod_name, const void *buffer, int modfilelen,
readfile_t read_file, struct image_s ***skins, int *numskins, modtype_t *type)
void *extradata;
char *text;
text = malloc(modfilelen + 1);
memcpy(text, buffer, modfilelen);
text[modfilelen] = 0;
extradata = Mod_LoadModel_SDEF_Text(mod_name, text, read_file, skins, numskins);
*type = mod_alias;
return extradata;
@ -2649,7 +2954,8 @@ Mod_LoadModel
void *
Mod_LoadModel(const char *mod_name, const void *buffer, int modfilelen,
vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, struct image_s ***skins, int *numskins,
findimage_t find_image, loadimage_t load_image, modtype_t *type)
findimage_t find_image, loadimage_t load_image, readfile_t read_file,
modtype_t *type)
void *extradata = NULL;
@ -2661,6 +2967,11 @@ Mod_LoadModel(const char *mod_name, const void *buffer, int modfilelen,
switch (LittleLong(*(unsigned *)buffer))
extradata = Mod_LoadModel_SDEF(mod_name, buffer, modfilelen,
read_file, skins, numskins, type);
extradata = Mod_LoadModel_MDX(mod_name, buffer, modfilelen,
skins, numskins, type);
@ -370,6 +370,23 @@ Mod_LoadBrushModel(model_t *mod, const void *buffer, int modfilelen)
mod->numframes = 2; /* regular and alternate animation */
/* Temporary solution, need to use load file dirrectly */
static char *
Mod_ReadFile(const char *name, int *size)
char *buffer, *data;
*size = ri.FS_LoadFile(name, (void **)&buffer);
if (*size <= 0)
return NULL;
data = malloc(*size);
memcpy(data, buffer, *size);
return data;
* Loads in a model for the given name
@ -476,7 +493,7 @@ Mod_ForName(const char *name, model_t *parent_model, qboolean crash)
mod->extradata = Mod_LoadModel(mod->name, buf, modfilelen,
mod->mins, mod->maxs,
(struct image_s ***)&mod->skins, &mod->numskins,
(findimage_t)R_FindImage, (loadimage_t)R_LoadPic,
(findimage_t)R_FindImage, (loadimage_t)R_LoadPic, Mod_ReadFile,
if (!mod->extradata)
@ -371,6 +371,23 @@ Mod_LoadBrushModel(gl3model_t *mod, const void *buffer, int modfilelen)
mod->numframes = 2; /* regular and alternate animation */
/* Temporary solution, need to use load file dirrectly */
static char *
Mod_ReadFile(const char *name, int *size)
char *buffer, *data;
*size = ri.FS_LoadFile(name, (void **)&buffer);
if (*size <= 0)
return NULL;
data = malloc(*size);
memcpy(data, buffer, *size);
return data;
* Loads in a model for the given name
@ -477,7 +494,7 @@ Mod_ForName(const char *name, gl3model_t *parent_model, qboolean crash)
mod->extradata = Mod_LoadModel(mod->name, buf, modfilelen,
mod->mins, mod->maxs,
(struct image_s ***)&mod->skins, &mod->numskins,
(findimage_t)GL3_FindImage, (loadimage_t)GL3_LoadPic,
(findimage_t)GL3_FindImage, (loadimage_t)GL3_LoadPic, Mod_ReadFile,
if (!mod->extradata)
@ -371,6 +371,23 @@ Mod_LoadBrushModel(gl4model_t *mod, const void *buffer, int modfilelen)
mod->numframes = 2; /* regular and alternate animation */
/* Temporary solution, need to use load file dirrectly */
static char *
Mod_ReadFile(const char *name, int *size)
char *buffer, *data;
*size = ri.FS_LoadFile(name, (void **)&buffer);
if (*size <= 0)
return NULL;
data = malloc(*size);
memcpy(data, buffer, *size);
return data;
* Loads in a model for the given name
@ -477,7 +494,7 @@ Mod_ForName(const char *name, gl4model_t *parent_model, qboolean crash)
mod->extradata = Mod_LoadModel(mod->name, buf, modfilelen,
mod->mins, mod->maxs,
(struct image_s ***)&mod->skins, &mod->numskins,
(findimage_t)GL4_FindImage, (loadimage_t)GL4_LoadPic,
(findimage_t)GL4_FindImage, (loadimage_t)GL4_LoadPic, Mod_ReadFile,
if (!mod->extradata)
@ -327,10 +327,12 @@ typedef struct
} bspxlightgrid_t;
/* Shared models func */
typedef char* (*readfile_t)(const char *name, int *size);
typedef struct image_s* (*findimage_t)(const char *name, imagetype_t type);
extern void *Mod_LoadModel(const char *mod_name, const void *buffer, int modfilelen,
vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, struct image_s ***skins, int *numskins,
findimage_t find_image, loadimage_t load_image, modtype_t *type);
findimage_t find_image, loadimage_t load_image, readfile_t read_file,
modtype_t *type);
extern int Mod_ReLoadSkins(struct image_s **skins, findimage_t find_image,
loadimage_t load_image, void *extradata, modtype_t type);
extern struct image_s *GetSkyImage(const char *skyname, const char* surfname,
@ -378,6 +378,23 @@ Mod_LoadBrushModel(model_t *mod, const void *buffer, int modfilelen)
/* Temporary solution, need to use load file dirrectly */
static char *
Mod_ReadFile(const char *name, int *size)
char *buffer, *data;
*size = ri.FS_LoadFile(name, (void **)&buffer);
if (*size <= 0)
return NULL;
data = malloc(*size);
memcpy(data, buffer, *size);
return data;
* Loads in a model for the given name
@ -484,7 +501,7 @@ Mod_ForName(const char *name, model_t *parent_model, qboolean crash)
mod->extradata = Mod_LoadModel(mod->name, buf, modfilelen,
mod->mins, mod->maxs,
(struct image_s ***)&mod->skins, &mod->numskins,
(findimage_t)R_FindImage, (loadimage_t)R_LoadPic,
(findimage_t)R_FindImage, (loadimage_t)R_LoadPic, Mod_ReadFile,
if (!mod->extradata)
@ -345,6 +345,23 @@ Mod_LoadBrushModel(model_t *mod, const void *buffer, int modfilelen)
mod->numframes = 2; /* regular and alternate animation */
/* Temporary solution, need to use load file dirrectly */
static char *
Mod_ReadFile(const char *name, int *size)
char *buffer, *data;
*size = ri.FS_LoadFile(name, (void **)&buffer);
if (*size <= 0)
return NULL;
data = malloc(*size);
memcpy(data, buffer, *size);
return data;
* Loads in a model for the given name
@ -460,7 +477,7 @@ Mod_ForName(const char *name, model_t *parent_model, qboolean crash)
mod->extradata = Mod_LoadModel(mod->name, buf, modfilelen,
mod->mins, mod->maxs,
(struct image_s ***)&mod->skins, &mod->numskins,
(findimage_t)Vk_FindImage, (loadimage_t)Vk_LoadPic,
(findimage_t)Vk_FindImage, (loadimage_t)Vk_LoadPic, Mod_ReadFile,
if (!mod->extradata)
@ -1013,11 +1013,9 @@ typedef struct
} drbrushside_t;
#define SDEFHEADER (('F' << 24) + ('E' << 16) + ('D' << 8) + 'S') /* little-endian "SDEF" */
typedef struct
unsigned char x,y,z,normal_index;
} trivertx_t;
#define SBMHEADER ((' ' << 24) + ('M' << 16) + ('B' << 8) + 'S') /* little-endian "SBM " */
#define SAMHEADER ((' ' << 24) + ('M' << 16) + ('A' << 8) + 'S') /* little-endian "SAM " */
typedef struct
Reference in a new issue