The ThrowHead() and ThrowClientHead() functions are special. They
transform the entity given in `self` (mostly the caller itself) into a
ripped off head. They don't reset the entities clip mask, which may
cause problems in interactions with other entities. Fix that by reseting
the clip mask to `MASK_SHOT`.
Suggested by @BjossiAlfreds.
The laser guard is implemented different than the other guards, the
'last stand' animation doesn't match the implementation. Work around
that by avoid that animation.
Found by @drakonorodny and fix suggested by @BjossiAlfreds.
There were complains that always generating footsteps is annoying,
because there will be footsteps while swimming or jumping. Refine
the cvar a little bit:
* `0`: No footsteps at all.
* `1`: Vanilla Quake II behavior.
* `2`: Always footsteps as long as the player has a ground entity.
* `3`: Always footsteps.
The changes the meaning of the values, `2` has become `3`.
I added the CMakeLists.txt 6 or 7 years ago so I could load the code
into Jetbrains Clion. I have moved to another editor years ago and the
cmake stuff is effectively unmaintained since then. We kept it around
in case that we'll do a MSVC port, but that's unlikely at this point.
Since bugreport and problems with the CMakeLists.txt keep coming up,
finally retire them. They can be resurrected from the git history if
we'll ever need them again.
Part of yquake2/yquake2#725.
1: The Vanilla Quake II behaviour, footsteps are generated when the
player is faster than 255.
0: Footstep sounds are never generated.
2: Footstep sounds are always generated.
Defaults to `1`
$PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE seems to contain the architecture of the host,
but we need the architecture the current MinGW shell is targeting.
$MINGW_CHOST seems to be just that, and on my system it's either
i686-w64-mingw32 (mingw32.exe) or x86_64-w64-mingw32 (mingw64.exe)
(No idea what it looks like for Windows on ARM...)
As fixing this would otherwise break existing savegames, I bumped the
SAVEGAMEVER to "YQ2-4" and added a quirk for older savegameversions:
On Windows i386 savegames that contain "AMD64" instead of "i386" as
architecture are also accepted.
(For YQ2-1 this didn't seem necessary, apparently "i386" was hardcoded)
In coop it's often hard to get on the same elevator together, because
they're immediately triggered once the first player steps on it.
This cvar sets a delay (1 second by default) for the elevator to wait
before moving, so other players have some time to get on it.
If you like elevators/platforms that suck, just set it to `0` :-P
Currently only used in func_plat, if it turns out that other entities
are used for automatically triggered platforms, we'll have to adapt
those as well (I guess wait_and_change() is generally useful for that).
We're not bumping the savegame version because they should only break in
an uncommon corner case: *Coop* savegames created with clients including
this change will not work on older clients - SP savegames are not
affected and old savegames on new clients also still work.