mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 17:11:02 +00:00
7436 lines
112 KiB
7436 lines
112 KiB
// FIXED ENTITY STRING (by BjossiAlfreds)
// 1. Made a monster_turret reachable (b#1)
// The turret spawns but is behind a func_door that never
// opens. It has targetname t332 but is never targeted, so I set it
// to t311 instead so it opens after pressing the console nearby.
// 2. Fixed nagging help message (b#2)
// This is more of a code bug but can be avoided by a mapfix too.
// Basically trigger_always trigger during savegame loads when they
// really shouldn't. It's harmless most of the time but target_help
// modify the global game state which is not cleared at this point.
// 3. Fixed wrong/overlapping secret sound effect (b#3)
// 4. Fixed old classnames (b#4)
"spawnflags" "2"
"angle" "0"
"message" "Maintenance Hangars"
"classname" "worldspawn"
"sky" "rogue2"
"nextmap" "rammo1"
"sounds" "5"
"classname" "item_enviro"
"spawnflags" "2048"
"origin" "776 1832 64"
"model" "*1"
"classname" "func_water"
"spawnflags" "2048"
"team" "argh1"
"model" "*2"
"classname" "trigger_hurt"
"dmg" "4000"
"model" "*3"
"classname" "func_train"
"spawnflags" "2050"
"targetname" "arc"
"target" "t148"
"model" "*4"
"classname" "func_train"
"spawnflags" "2"
"target" "t204"
"targetname" "t206"
"target" "t400"
"origin" "-1272 1336 808"
"spawnflags" "2049"
"classname" "hint_path"
"classname" "trigger_relay"
"targetname" "t11"
"delay" "5"
"killtarget" "t399"
"target" "t11help" // b#2: added this
"origin" "96 -480 8"
"origin" "-584 840 664"
"spawnflags" "6144"
"classname" "weapon_bfg"
"origin" "-592 904 648"
"angle" "90"
"spawnflags" "6148"
"classname" "misc_deadsoldier"
"model" "*5"
"classname" "func_explosive"
"targetname" "t294"
"model" "*6"
"wait" "-1"
"targetname" "t367"
"speed" "200"
"sounds" "1"
"angle" "-1"
"classname" "func_door"
"origin" "584 1440 280"
"classname" "item_health_large"
"origin" "-960 672 536"
"spawnflags" "2048"
"target" "t119"
"targetname" "t126"
"delay" ".5"
"classname" "trigger_relay"
"model" "*7"
"wait" "-1"
"targetname" "t311"
"spawnflags" "2048"
"sounds" "1"
"lip" "4"
"angle" "-2"
"classname" "func_door"
"classname" "info_player_intermission"
"angles" "15 135 0"
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"classname" "item_health_large"
"origin" "-736 1232 280"
"classname" "trigger_always"
"spawnflags" "2048"
"target" "t11"
"origin" "88 -456 8"
"targetname" "t399"
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"classname" "item_health_large"
"origin" "1000 1568 280"
"classname" "item_health"
"origin" "-1280 1520 912"
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"classname" "point_combat"
"classname" "info_player_deathmatch"
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"origin" "-344 1800 104"
"origin" "-568 576 664"
"classname" "ammo_disruptor"
"origin" "-584 840 664"
"classname" "ammo_flechettes" // b#4: nails -> flechettes
"origin" "-1136 1224 784"
"classname" "ammo_flechettes" // b#4: nails -> flechettes
"origin" "-1456 1224 784"
"classname" "ammo_slugs"
"origin" "-1120 1600 784"
"classname" "ammo_prox"
"origin" "-1448 1576 784"
"classname" "ammo_rockets"
"origin" "-1280 1544 912"
"spawnflags" "5888"
"classname" "weapon_rocketlauncher"
"origin" "-624 616 848"
"classname" "item_health"
"origin" "-592 1104 848"
"classname" "ammo_cells"
"origin" "-640 1000 848"
"classname" "ammo_rockets"
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"classname" "item_armor_jacket"
"origin" "-72 1112 656"
"classname" "ammo_shells"
"origin" "-24 1112 656"
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"classname" "weapon_supershotgun"
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"classname" "ammo_grenades"
"origin" "-384 1184 664"
"classname" "ammo_rockets"
"origin" "-384 856 664"
"classname" "item_health"
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"classname" "ammo_cells"
"origin" "-544 480 544"
"classname" "ammo_rockets"
"origin" "-544 552 544"
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"angle" "180"
"classname" "info_player_deathmatch"
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"classname" "item_doppleganger"
"spawnflags" "5888"
"origin" "40 2528 -176"
"spawnflags" "5888"
"classname" "weapon_etf_rifle" // b#4: nailgun -> etf_rifle
"origin" "-96 2528 -176"
"classname" "ammo_flechettes" // b#4: nails -> flechettes
"origin" "-224 2656 -168"
"angle" "0"
"classname" "info_player_deathmatch"
"origin" "-152 2208 -112"
"spawnflags" "1536"
"classname" "ammo_tesla"
"origin" "168 2104 -112"
"classname" "item_health_small"
"origin" "144 2232 -112"
"classname" "item_armor_combat"
"origin" "-80 1768 96"
"spawnflags" "1536"
"classname" "weapon_plasmabeam" // b#4: heat -> plasma
"origin" "-80 1832 96"
"classname" "ammo_cells"
"origin" "776 1840 64"
"spawnflags" "5888"
"classname" "item_sphere_defender"
"origin" "640 2656 -48"
"spawnflags" "5888"
"classname" "item_quad"
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"classname" "ammo_tesla"
"origin" "416 2128 64"
"classname" "ammo_prox"
"origin" "416 2232 64"
"classname" "ammo_disruptor"
"origin" "-392 1792 112"
"spawnflags" "0"
"classname" "item_health_large"
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"spawnflags" "5888"
"classname" "weapon_supershotgun"
"origin" "-808 1816 152"
"angle" "0"
"classname" "info_player_deathmatch"
"origin" "-744 2016 144"
"classname" "ammo_shells"
"origin" "-736 1640 144"
"classname" "ammo_cells"
"origin" "272 -416 -64"
"classname" "ammo_prox"
"origin" "-736 1280 280"
"spawnflags" "5888"
"classname" "weapon_proxlauncher"
"origin" "-736 1320 280"
"classname" "ammo_prox"
"origin" "-416 1248 280"
"classname" "ammo_tesla"
"origin" "480 288 280"
"classname" "ammo_rockets"
"origin" "208 320 280"
"spawnflags" "5888"
"classname" "weapon_rocketlauncher"
"origin" "480 544 280"
"classname" "item_health"
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"targetname" "t274"
"spawnflags" "17"
"dmg" "20"
"classname" "trigger_hurt"
"origin" "-80 1176 280"
"classname" "item_health"
"origin" "160 1464 280"
"classname" "item_health"
"origin" "728 792 368"
"classname" "ammo_tesla"
"origin" "672 800 376"
"angle" "270"
"classname" "info_player_deathmatch"
"origin" "928 888 368"
"classname" "item_health"
"classname" "item_health_large"
"origin" "1632 984 80"
"classname" "item_armor_combat"
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"origin" "1648 864 80"
"classname" "item_armor_body"
"spawnflags" "1792"
"origin" "1648 864 80"
"classname" "weapon_chainfist"
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"origin" "1056 1560 280"
"classname" "item_health_small"
"spawnflags" "1536"
"origin" "1344 656 272"
"classname" "ammo_disruptor"
"spawnflags" "0"
"origin" "1072 912 368"
"classname" "weapon_disintegrator"
"origin" "1072 960 368"
"spawnflags" "5888"
"classname" "item_bandolier"
"spawnflags" "5888"
"origin" "1288 920 408"
"classname" "item_sphere_hunter"
"origin" "1288 808 408"
"spawnflags" "5888"
"classname" "item_health_mega"
"spawnflags" "5888"
"origin" "1520 864 56"
"classname" "item_health"
"origin" "880 480 272"
"classname" "ammo_cells"
"spawnflags" "1792"
"origin" "872 648 272"
"classname" "weapon_hyperblaster"
"spawnflags" "5888"
"origin" "872 560 272"
"classname" "ammo_flechettes" // b#4: nails -> flechettes
"origin" "-272 -1040 -64"
"classname" "item_armor_shard"
"spawnflags" "1792"
"origin" "424 -176 184"
"classname" "item_health"
"spawnflags" "512"
"origin" "416 -120 184"
"classname" "item_health_large"
"spawnflags" "1024"
"origin" "408 -64 184"
"classname" "info_player_deathmatch"
"angle" "270"
"origin" "-32 -16 280"
"classname" "weapon_grenadelauncher"
"origin" "-88 72 272"
"classname" "ammo_grenades"
"origin" "-144 72 272"
"classname" "weapon_machinegun"
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"origin" "112 16 -64"
"classname" "ammo_bullets"
"origin" "-120 48 -64"
"classname" "ammo_shells"
"origin" "-712 -136 -48"
"spawnflags" "1024"
"classname" "weapon_shotgun"
"spawnflags" "1024"
"origin" "-656 -136 -48"
"classname" "item_armor_jacket"
"spawnflags" "2048"
"origin" "-456 -168 -256"
"classname" "item_armor_shard"
"origin" "-1048 -176 -240"
"classname" "item_health"
"spawnflags" "1792"
"origin" "-240 -352 -256"
"classname" "item_armor_jacket"
"spawnflags" "1792"
"origin" "-240 -416 -256"
"classname" "weapon_railgun"
"spawnflags" "5888"
"origin" "-672 -736 -240"
"classname" "ammo_slugs"
"origin" "-744 -736 -240"
"classname" "info_player_deathmatch"
"origin" "-352 -416 -248"
"angle" "180"
"classname" "target_help"
"targetname" "t397"
"origin" "-152 1088 664"
"message" "Destroy remaining resistance"
"model" "*9"
"classname" "trigger_once"
"spawnflags" "2048"
"target" "t397"
"classname" "target_help"
"message" "Use fighter lift to\nenter upper levels."
"targetname" "jam"
"origin" "-192 1776 136"
"classname" "target_goal"
"targetname" "jam"
"origin" "-168 1768 120"
"classname" "target_speaker"
"spawnflags" "4"
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"targetname" "jam"
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"classname" "target_help"
"origin" "168 2696 -104"
"targetname" "t218"
"spawnflags" "1"
"message" "Gain access to\nResearch Hangar"
"classname" "target_help"
"message" "Return to sewer via pipe."
"targetname" "t311"
"origin" "-720 1912 184"
"classname" "target_goal"
"targetname" "t311"
"origin" "-784 1944 168"
"classname" "target_help"
"origin" "48 -168 344"
"spawnflags" "1"
"message" "Gain entrance to waste\ndisposal control."
"targetname" "t11help" // b#2: t11 -> t11help
"model" "*10"
"classname" "trigger_once"
"target" "t315"
"targetname" "t301"
"spawnflags" "2052"
"classname" "trigger_always"
"target" "t386"
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"classname" "trigger_always"
"spawnflags" "1792"
"target" "t385"
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"classname" "func_train"
"_minlight" ".2"
"dmg" "1000"
"spawnflags" "2"
"target" "t40"
"targetname" "t43"
"classname" "trigger_always"
"spawnflags" "1792"
"target" "t395"
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"model" "*12"
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"classname" "trigger_relay"
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"targetname" "t302"
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"classname" "trigger_relay"
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"target" "t385"
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"classname" "func_button"
"targetname" "iliketrafficlights"
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"classname" "target_speaker"
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"targetname" "iliketrafficlights"
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"classname" "trigger_relay"
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"spawnflags" "1"
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"classname" "func_wall"
"classname" "point_combat"
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"targetname" "t373"
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"targetname" "t300"
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"origin" "-1656 1408 960"
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"targetname" "t362"
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"spawnflags" "0"
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"classname" "point_combat"
"target" "t321"
"origin" "-408 1272 288"
"angle" "180"
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"classname" "monster_gunner"
"targetname" "t311"
"target" "t318"
"targetname" "t317"
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"target" "t317"
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"origin" "-128 -1448 720"
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"origin" "-448 328 320"
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"classname" "monster_gunner"
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"origin" "-352 -224 -360"
"classname" "target_changelevel"
"targetname" "t313"
"spawnflags" "2048"
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"model" "*31"
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"targetname" "rsewer2a"
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"angle" "45"
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