# ----------------------------------------------------- # # Makefile for the rogue game module for Quake II # # # # Just type "make" to compile the # # - Ground Zero Game (game.so) # # # # Dependencies: # # - None, but you need a Quake II to play. # # While in theorie every client should work # # Yamagi Quake II ist recommended. # # # # Platforms: # # - FreeBSD # # - Linux # # - Mac OS X # # - OpenBSD # # - Windows # # ----------------------------------------------------- # # Detect the OS ifdef SystemRoot YQ2_OSTYPE ?= Windows else YQ2_OSTYPE ?= $(shell uname -s) endif # Special case for MinGW ifneq (,$(findstring MINGW,$(YQ2_OSTYPE))) YQ2_OSTYPE := Windows endif # Detect the architecture ifeq ($(YQ2_OSTYPE), Windows) ifdef MINGW_CHOST ifeq ($(MINGW_CHOST), x86_64-w64-mingw32) YQ2_ARCH ?= x86_64 else # i686-w64-mingw32 YQ2_ARCH ?= i386 endif else # windows, but MINGW_CHOST not defined ifdef PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 # 64 bit Windows YQ2_ARCH ?= $(PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432) else # 32 bit Windows YQ2_ARCH ?= $(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE) endif endif # windows but MINGW_CHOST not defined else ifneq ($(YQ2_OSTYPE), Darwin) # Normalize some abiguous YQ2_ARCH strings YQ2_ARCH ?= $(shell uname -m | sed -e 's/i.86/i386/' -e 's/amd64/x86_64/' -e 's/arm64/aarch64/' -e 's/^arm.*/arm/') else YQ2_ARCH ?= $(shell uname -m) endif endif # On Windows / MinGW $(CC) is undefined by default. ifeq ($(YQ2_OSTYPE),Windows) CC ?= gcc endif # Detect the compiler ifeq ($(shell $(CC) -v 2>&1 | grep -c "clang version"), 1) COMPILER := clang COMPILERVER := $(shell $(CC) -dumpversion | sed -e 's/\.\([0-9][0-9]\)/\1/g' -e 's/\.\([0-9]\)/0\1/g' -e 's/^[0-9]\{3,4\}$$/&00/') else ifeq ($(shell $(CC) -v 2>&1 | grep -c -E "(gcc version|gcc-Version)"), 1) COMPILER := gcc COMPILERVER := $(shell $(CC) -dumpversion | sed -e 's/\.\([0-9][0-9]\)/\1/g' -e 's/\.\([0-9]\)/0\1/g' -e 's/^[0-9]\{3,4\}$$/&00/') else COMPILER := unknown endif # ---------- # Base CFLAGS. These may be overridden by the environment. # Highest supported optimizations are -O2, higher levels # will likely break this crappy code. ifdef DEBUG CFLAGS ?= -O0 -g -Wall -pipe else CFLAGS ?= -O2 -Wall -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer endif # Always needed are: # -fno-strict-aliasing since the source doesn't comply # with strict aliasing rules and it's next to impossible # to get it there... # -fwrapv for defined integer wrapping. MSVC6 did this # and the game code requires it. override CFLAGS += -std=gnu99 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv # -MMD to generate header dependencies. Unsupported by # the Clang shipped with OS X. ifneq ($(YQ2_OSTYPE), Darwin) override CFLAGS += -MMD endif # OS X architecture. ifeq ($(YQ2_OSTYPE), Darwin) override CFLAGS += -arch $(YQ2_ARCH) endif # ---------- # Switch of some annoying warnings. ifeq ($(COMPILER), clang) # -Wno-missing-braces because otherwise clang complains # about totally valid 'vec3_t bla = {0}' constructs. CFLAGS += -Wno-missing-braces else ifeq ($(COMPILER), gcc) # GCC 8.0 or higher. ifeq ($(shell test $(COMPILERVER) -ge 80000; echo $$?),0) # -Wno-format-truncation and -Wno-format-overflow # because GCC spams about 50 false positives. CFLAGS += -Wno-format-truncation -Wno-format-overflow endif endif # ---------- # Defines the operating system and architecture override CFLAGS += -DYQ2OSTYPE=\"$(YQ2_OSTYPE)\" -DYQ2ARCH=\"$(YQ2_ARCH)\" # ---------- # For reproduceable builds, look here for details: # https://reproducible-builds.org/specs/source-date-epoch/ ifdef SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH CFLAGS += -DBUILD_DATE=\"$(shell date --utc --date="@${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH}" +"%b %_d %Y" | sed -e 's/ /\\ /g')\" endif # ---------- # Using the default x87 float math on 32bit x86 causes rounding trouble # -ffloat-store could work around that, but the better solution is to # just enforce SSE - every x86 CPU since Pentium3 supports that # and this should even improve the performance on old CPUs ifeq ($(YQ2_ARCH), i386) override CFLAGS += -msse -mfpmath=sse endif # Force SSE math on x86_64. All sane compilers should do this # anyway, just to protect us from broken Linux distros. ifeq ($(YQ2_ARCH), x86_64) override CFLAGS += -mfpmath=sse endif # ---------- # Base LDFLAGS. LDFLAGS ?= # It's a shared library. override LDFLAGS += -shared # Required libaries ifeq ($(YQ2_OSTYPE), Darwin) override LDFLAGS += -arch $(YQ2_ARCH) else ifeq ($(YQ2_OSTYPE), Windows) override LDFLAGS += -static-libgcc else override LDFLAGS += -lm endif # ---------- # Builds everything all: rogue # ---------- # When make is invoked by "make VERBOSE=1" print # the compiler and linker commands. ifdef VERBOSE Q := else Q := @ endif # ---------- # Phony targets .PHONY : all clean rogue # ---------- # Cleanup clean: @echo "===> CLEAN" ${Q}rm -Rf build release # ---------- # The rogue game ifeq ($(YQ2_OSTYPE), Windows) rogue: @echo "===> Building game.dll" ${Q}mkdir -p release $(MAKE) release/game.dll else ifeq ($(YQ2_OSTYPE), Darwin) rogue: @echo "===> Building game.dylib" ${Q}mkdir -p release $(MAKE) release/game.dylib else rogue: @echo "===> Building game.so" ${Q}mkdir -p release $(MAKE) release/game.so release/game.so : CFLAGS += -fPIC endif build/%.o: %.c @echo "===> CC $<" ${Q}mkdir -p $(@D) ${Q}$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< # ---------- ROGUE_OBJS_ = \ src/g_ai.o \ src/g_chase.o \ src/g_cmds.o \ src/g_combat.o \ src/g_func.o \ src/g_items.o \ src/g_main.o \ src/g_misc.o \ src/g_monster.o \ src/g_newai.o \ src/g_newdm.o \ src/g_newfnc.o \ src/g_newtarg.o \ src/g_newtrig.o \ src/g_newweap.o \ src/g_phys.o \ src/g_spawn.o \ src/g_sphere.o \ src/g_svcmds.o \ src/g_target.o \ src/g_trigger.o \ src/g_turret.o \ src/g_utils.o \ src/g_weapon.o \ src/dm/ball.o \ src/dm/tag.o \ src/monster/berserker/berserker.o \ src/monster/boss2/boss2.o \ src/monster/boss3/boss3.o \ src/monster/boss3/boss31.o \ src/monster/boss3/boss32.o \ src/monster/brain/brain.o \ src/monster/carrier/carrier.o \ src/monster/chick/chick.o \ src/monster/flipper/flipper.o \ src/monster/float/float.o \ src/monster/flyer/flyer.o \ src/monster/gladiator/gladiator.o \ src/monster/gunner/gunner.o \ src/monster/hover/hover.o \ src/monster/infantry/infantry.o \ src/monster/insane/insane.o \ src/monster/medic/medic.o \ src/monster/misc/move.o \ src/monster/mutant/mutant.o \ src/monster/parasite/parasite.o \ src/monster/soldier/soldier.o \ src/monster/stalker/stalker.o \ src/monster/supertank/supertank.o \ src/monster/tank/tank.o \ src/monster/turret/turret.o \ src/monster/widow/widow.o \ src/monster/widow/widow2.o \ src/player/client.o \ src/player/hud.o \ src/player/trail.o \ src/player/view.o \ src/player/weapon.o \ src/savegame/savegame.o \ src/shared/flash.o \ src/shared/rand.o \ src/shared/shared.o # ---------- # Rewrite pathes to our object directory ROGUE_OBJS = $(patsubst %,build/%,$(ROGUE_OBJS_)) # ---------- # Generate header dependencies ROGUE_DEPS= $(ROGUE_OBJS:.o=.d) # ---------- # Suck header dependencies in -include $(ROGUE_DEPS) # ---------- ifeq ($(YQ2_OSTYPE), Windows) release/game.dll : $(ROGUE_OBJS) @echo "===> LD $@" ${Q}$(CC) -o $@ $(ROGUE_OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) else ifeq ($(YQ2_OSTYPE), Darwin) release/game.dylib : $(ROGUE_OBJS) @echo "===> LD $@" ${Q}$(CC) -o $@ $(ROGUE_OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) else release/game.so : $(ROGUE_OBJS) @echo "===> LD $@" ${Q}$(CC) -o $@ $(ROGUE_OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) endif # ----------