
1424 lines
41 KiB
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This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein single player GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2010 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Return to Castle Wolfenstein single player GPL Source Code (“RTCW SP Source Code”).
RTCW SP Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
RTCW SP Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with RTCW SP Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the RTCW SP Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms.
You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the
terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the RTCW SP
Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms,
you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
* name: l_script.c
* desc: lexicographical parser
//#define SCREWUP
//#define BOTLIB
//#define MEQCC
//#define BSPC
#ifdef SCREWUP
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "l_memory.h"
#include "l_script.h"
typedef enum {qfalse, qtrue} qboolean;
#endif //SCREWUP
#ifdef BOTLIB
//include files for usage in the bot library
#include "../game/q_shared.h"
#include "botlib.h"
#include "be_interface.h"
#include "l_script.h"
#include "l_memory.h"
#include "l_log.h"
#include "l_libvar.h"
#endif //BOTLIB
#ifdef MEQCC
//include files for usage in MrElusive's QuakeC Compiler
#include "qcc.h"
#include "l_script.h"
#include "l_memory.h"
#include "l_log.h"
#define qtrue true
#define qfalse false
#endif //MEQCC
#ifdef BSPC
//include files for usage in the BSP Converter
#include "../bspc/qbsp.h"
#include "../bspc/l_log.h"
#include "../bspc/l_mem.h"
#define qtrue true
#define qfalse false
#endif //BSPC
//longer punctuations first
punctuation_t default_punctuations[] =
//binary operators
{"...",P_PARMS, NULL},
//define merge operator
//logic operators
{"||",P_LOGIC_OR, NULL},
{"==",P_LOGIC_EQ, NULL},
//arithmatic operators
{"++",P_INC, NULL},
{"--",P_DEC, NULL},
//binary operators
{">>",P_RSHIFT, NULL},
{"<<",P_LSHIFT, NULL},
//reference operators
{"::",P_CPP1, NULL},
{".*",P_CPP2, NULL},
//arithmatic operators
{"*",P_MUL, NULL},
{"/",P_DIV, NULL},
{"%",P_MOD, NULL},
{"+",P_ADD, NULL},
{"-",P_SUB, NULL},
//binary operators
{"&",P_BIN_AND, NULL},
{"|",P_BIN_OR, NULL},
{"^",P_BIN_XOR, NULL},
{"~",P_BIN_NOT, NULL},
//logic operators
//reference operator
{".",P_REF, NULL},
{",",P_COMMA, NULL},
//label indication
{":",P_COLON, NULL},
//if statement
//precompiler operator
#ifdef DOLLAR
#endif //DOLLAR
{NULL, 0}
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
void PS_CreatePunctuationTable( script_t *script, punctuation_t *punctuations ) {
int i;
punctuation_t *p, *lastp, *newp;
//get memory for the table
if ( !script->punctuationtable ) {
script->punctuationtable = (punctuation_t **)
GetMemory( 256 * sizeof( punctuation_t * ) );
memset( script->punctuationtable, 0, 256 * sizeof( punctuation_t * ) );
//add the punctuations in the list to the punctuation table
for ( i = 0; punctuations[i].p; i++ )
newp = &punctuations[i];
lastp = NULL;
//sort the punctuations in this table entry on length (longer punctuations first)
for ( p = script->punctuationtable[(unsigned int) newp->p[0]]; p; p = p->next )
if ( strlen( p->p ) < strlen( newp->p ) ) {
newp->next = p;
if ( lastp ) {
lastp->next = newp;
} else { script->punctuationtable[(unsigned int) newp->p[0]] = newp;}
} //end if
lastp = p;
} //end for
if ( !p ) {
newp->next = NULL;
if ( lastp ) {
lastp->next = newp;
} else { script->punctuationtable[(unsigned int) newp->p[0]] = newp;}
} //end if
} //end for
} //end of the function PS_CreatePunctuationTable
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
char *PunctuationFromNum( script_t *script, int num ) {
int i;
for ( i = 0; script->punctuations[i].p; i++ )
if ( script->punctuations[i].n == num ) {
return script->punctuations[i].p;
} //end for
return "unkown punctuation";
} //end of the function PunctuationFromNum
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
void QDECL ScriptError( script_t *script, char *str, ... ) {
char text[1024];
va_list ap;
if ( script->flags & SCFL_NOERRORS ) {
va_start( ap, str );
vsprintf( text, str, ap );
va_end( ap );
#ifdef BOTLIB
botimport.Print( PRT_ERROR, "file %s, line %d: %s\n", script->filename, script->line, text );
#endif //BOTLIB
#ifdef MEQCC
printf( "error: file %s, line %d: %s\n", script->filename, script->line, text );
#endif //MEQCC
#ifdef BSPC
Log_Print( "error: file %s, line %d: %s\n", script->filename, script->line, text );
#endif //BSPC
} //end of the function ScriptError
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
void QDECL ScriptWarning( script_t *script, char *str, ... ) {
char text[1024];
va_list ap;
if ( script->flags & SCFL_NOWARNINGS ) {
va_start( ap, str );
vsprintf( text, str, ap );
va_end( ap );
#ifdef BOTLIB
botimport.Print( PRT_WARNING, "file %s, line %d: %s\n", script->filename, script->line, text );
#endif //BOTLIB
#ifdef MEQCC
printf( "warning: file %s, line %d: %s\n", script->filename, script->line, text );
#endif //MEQCC
#ifdef BSPC
Log_Print( "warning: file %s, line %d: %s\n", script->filename, script->line, text );
#endif //BSPC
} //end of the function ScriptWarning
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
void SetScriptPunctuations( script_t *script, punctuation_t *p ) {
if ( p ) {
PS_CreatePunctuationTable( script, p );
} else { PS_CreatePunctuationTable( script, default_punctuations );}
#endif //PUNCTABLE
if ( p ) {
script->punctuations = p;
} else { script->punctuations = default_punctuations;}
} //end of the function SetScriptPunctuations
// Reads spaces, tabs, C-like comments etc.
// When a newline character is found the scripts line counter is increased.
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
int PS_ReadWhiteSpace( script_t *script ) {
while ( 1 )
//skip white space
while ( *script->script_p <= ' ' )
if ( !*script->script_p ) {
return 0;
if ( *script->script_p == '\n' ) {
} //end while
//skip comments
if ( *script->script_p == '/' ) {
//comments //
if ( *( script->script_p + 1 ) == '/' ) {
if ( !*script->script_p ) {
return 0;
} //end do
while ( *script->script_p != '\n' );
if ( !*script->script_p ) {
return 0;
} //end if
//comments /* */
else if ( *( script->script_p + 1 ) == '*' ) {
if ( !*script->script_p ) {
return 0;
if ( *script->script_p == '\n' ) {
} //end do
while ( !( *script->script_p == '*' && *( script->script_p + 1 ) == '/' ) );
if ( !*script->script_p ) {
return 0;
if ( !*script->script_p ) {
return 0;
} //end if
} //end if
} //end while
return 1;
} //end of the function PS_ReadWhiteSpace
// Reads an escape character.
// Parameter: script : script to read from
// ch : place to store the read escape character
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
int PS_ReadEscapeCharacter( script_t *script, char *ch ) {
int c, val, i;
//step over the leading '\\'
//determine the escape character
switch ( *script->script_p )
case '\\': c = '\\'; break;
case 'n': c = '\n'; break;
case 'r': c = '\r'; break;
case 't': c = '\t'; break;
case 'v': c = '\v'; break;
case 'b': c = '\b'; break;
case 'f': c = '\f'; break;
case 'a': c = '\a'; break;
case '\'': c = '\''; break;
case '\"': c = '\"'; break;
case '\?': c = '\?'; break;
case 'x':
for ( i = 0, val = 0; ; i++, script->script_p++ )
c = *script->script_p;
if ( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) {
c = c - '0';
} else if ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' ) {
c = c - 'A' + 10;
} else if ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' ) {
c = c - 'a' + 10;
} else { break;}
val = ( val << 4 ) + c;
} //end for
if ( val > 0xFF ) {
ScriptWarning( script, "too large value in escape character" );
val = 0xFF;
} //end if
c = val;
} //end case
default: //NOTE: decimal ASCII code, NOT octal
if ( *script->script_p < '0' || *script->script_p > '9' ) {
ScriptError( script, "unknown escape char" );
for ( i = 0, val = 0; ; i++, script->script_p++ )
c = *script->script_p;
if ( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) {
c = c - '0';
} else { break;}
val = val * 10 + c;
} //end for
if ( val > 0xFF ) {
ScriptWarning( script, "too large value in escape character" );
val = 0xFF;
} //end if
c = val;
} //end default
} //end switch
//step over the escape character or the last digit of the number
//store the escape character
*ch = c;
//succesfully read escape character
return 1;
} //end of the function PS_ReadEscapeCharacter
// Reads C-like string. Escape characters are interpretted.
// Quotes are included with the string.
// Reads two strings with a white space between them as one string.
// Parameter: script : script to read from
// token : buffer to store the string
// Returns: qtrue when a string was read succesfully
// Changes Globals: -
int PS_ReadString( script_t *script, token_t *token, int quote ) {
int len, tmpline;
char *tmpscript_p;
if ( quote == '\"' ) {
token->type = TT_STRING;
} else { token->type = TT_LITERAL;}
len = 0;
//leading quote
token->string[len++] = *script->script_p++;
while ( 1 )
//minus 2 because trailing double quote and zero have to be appended
if ( len >= MAX_TOKEN - 2 ) {
ScriptError( script, "string longer than MAX_TOKEN = %d", MAX_TOKEN );
return 0;
} //end if
//if there is an escape character and
//if escape characters inside a string are allowed
if ( *script->script_p == '\\' && !( script->flags & SCFL_NOSTRINGESCAPECHARS ) ) {
if ( !PS_ReadEscapeCharacter( script, &token->string[len] ) ) {
token->string[len] = 0;
return 0;
} //end if
} //end if
//if a trailing quote
else if ( *script->script_p == quote ) {
//step over the double quote
//if white spaces in a string are not allowed
if ( script->flags & SCFL_NOSTRINGWHITESPACES ) {
tmpscript_p = script->script_p;
tmpline = script->line;
//read unusefull stuff between possible two following strings
if ( !PS_ReadWhiteSpace( script ) ) {
script->script_p = tmpscript_p;
script->line = tmpline;
} //end if
//if there's no leading double qoute
if ( *script->script_p != quote ) {
script->script_p = tmpscript_p;
script->line = tmpline;
} //end if
//step over the new leading double quote
} //end if
if ( *script->script_p == '\0' ) {
token->string[len] = 0;
ScriptError( script, "missing trailing quote" );
return 0;
} //end if
if ( *script->script_p == '\n' ) {
token->string[len] = 0;
ScriptError( script, "newline inside string %s", token->string );
return 0;
} //end if
token->string[len++] = *script->script_p++;
} //end else
} //end while
//trailing quote
token->string[len++] = quote;
//end string with a zero
token->string[len] = '\0';
//the sub type is the length of the string
token->subtype = len;
return 1;
} //end of the function PS_ReadString
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
int PS_ReadName( script_t *script, token_t *token ) {
int len = 0;
char c;
token->type = TT_NAME;
token->string[len++] = *script->script_p++;
if ( len >= MAX_TOKEN ) {
ScriptError( script, "name longer than MAX_TOKEN = %d", MAX_TOKEN );
return 0;
} //end if
c = *script->script_p;
} while ( ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' ) ||
( c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' ) ||
( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) ||
c == '_' );
token->string[len] = '\0';
//the sub type is the length of the name
token->subtype = len;
return 1;
} //end of the function PS_ReadName
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
void NumberValue( char *string, int subtype, unsigned long int *intvalue,
long double *floatvalue ) {
unsigned long int dotfound = 0;
*intvalue = 0;
*floatvalue = 0;
//floating point number
if ( subtype & TT_FLOAT ) {
while ( *string )
if ( *string == '.' ) {
if ( dotfound ) {
dotfound = 10;
} //end if
if ( dotfound ) {
*floatvalue = *floatvalue + ( long double )( *string - '0' ) /
(long double) dotfound;
dotfound *= 10;
} //end if
*floatvalue = *floatvalue * 10.0 + ( long double )( *string - '0' );
} //end else
} //end while
*intvalue = (unsigned long) *floatvalue;
} //end if
else if ( subtype & TT_DECIMAL ) {
while ( *string ) *intvalue = *intvalue * 10 + ( *string++ - '0' );
*floatvalue = *intvalue;
} //end else if
else if ( subtype & TT_HEX ) {
//step over the leading 0x or 0X
string += 2;
while ( *string )
*intvalue <<= 4;
if ( *string >= 'a' && *string <= 'f' ) {
*intvalue += *string - 'a' + 10;
} else if ( *string >= 'A' && *string <= 'F' ) {
*intvalue += *string - 'A' + 10;
} else { *intvalue += *string - '0';}
} //end while
*floatvalue = *intvalue;
} //end else if
else if ( subtype & TT_OCTAL ) {
//step over the first zero
string += 1;
while ( *string ) *intvalue = ( *intvalue << 3 ) + ( *string++ - '0' );
*floatvalue = *intvalue;
} //end else if
else if ( subtype & TT_BINARY ) {
//step over the leading 0b or 0B
string += 2;
while ( *string ) *intvalue = ( *intvalue << 1 ) + ( *string++ - '0' );
*floatvalue = *intvalue;
} //end else if
} //end of the function NumberValue
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
int PS_ReadNumber( script_t *script, token_t *token ) {
int len = 0, i;
int octal, dot;
char c;
// unsigned long int intvalue = 0;
// long double floatvalue = 0;
token->type = TT_NUMBER;
//check for a hexadecimal number
if ( *script->script_p == '0' &&
( *( script->script_p + 1 ) == 'x' ||
*( script->script_p + 1 ) == 'X' ) ) {
token->string[len++] = *script->script_p++;
token->string[len++] = *script->script_p++;
c = *script->script_p;
while ( ( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) ||
( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' ) ||
( c >= 'A' && c <= 'A' ) )
token->string[len++] = *script->script_p++;
if ( len >= MAX_TOKEN ) {
ScriptError( script, "hexadecimal number longer than MAX_TOKEN = %d", MAX_TOKEN );
return 0;
} //end if
c = *script->script_p;
} //end while
token->subtype |= TT_HEX;
} //end if
//check for a binary number
else if ( *script->script_p == '0' &&
( *( script->script_p + 1 ) == 'b' ||
*( script->script_p + 1 ) == 'B' ) ) {
token->string[len++] = *script->script_p++;
token->string[len++] = *script->script_p++;
c = *script->script_p;
while ( c == '0' || c == '1' )
token->string[len++] = *script->script_p++;
if ( len >= MAX_TOKEN ) {
ScriptError( script, "binary number longer than MAX_TOKEN = %d", MAX_TOKEN );
return 0;
} //end if
c = *script->script_p;
} //end while
token->subtype |= TT_BINARY;
} //end if
else //decimal or octal integer or floating point number
octal = qfalse;
dot = qfalse;
if ( *script->script_p == '0' ) {
octal = qtrue;
while ( 1 )
token->string[len++] = *script->script_p++;
if ( len >= MAX_TOKEN ) {
ScriptError( script, "number longer than MAX_TOKEN = %d", MAX_TOKEN );
return 0;
} //end if
c = *script->script_p;
if ( c == '.' ) {
dot = qtrue;
} else if ( c == '8' || c == '9' ) {
octal = qfalse;
} else if ( c < '0' || c > '9' ) {
} //end while
if ( octal ) {
token->subtype |= TT_OCTAL;
} else { token->subtype |= TT_DECIMAL;}
if ( dot ) {
token->subtype |= TT_FLOAT;
} //end else
for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
c = *script->script_p;
//check for a LONG number
if ( (c == 'l' || c == 'L') &&
!( token->subtype & TT_LONG ) ) {
token->subtype |= TT_LONG;
} //end if
//check for an UNSIGNED number
else if ( (c == 'u' || c == 'U') &&
!( token->subtype & ( TT_UNSIGNED | TT_FLOAT ) ) ) {
token->subtype |= TT_UNSIGNED;
} //end if
} //end for
token->string[len] = '\0';
NumberValue( token->string, token->subtype, &token->intvalue, &token->floatvalue );
#endif /* NUMBERVALUE */
if ( !( token->subtype & TT_FLOAT ) ) {
token->subtype |= TT_INTEGER;
return 1;
} //end of the function PS_ReadNumber
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
int PS_ReadLiteral( script_t *script, token_t *token ) {
token->type = TT_LITERAL;
//first quote
token->string[0] = *script->script_p++;
//check for end of file
if ( !*script->script_p ) {
ScriptError( script, "end of file before trailing \'" );
return 0;
} //end if
//if it is an escape character
if ( *script->script_p == '\\' ) {
if ( !PS_ReadEscapeCharacter( script, &token->string[1] ) ) {
return 0;
} //end if
token->string[1] = *script->script_p++;
} //end else
//check for trailing quote
if ( *script->script_p != '\'' ) {
ScriptWarning( script, "too many characters in literal, ignored" );
while ( *script->script_p &&
*script->script_p != '\'' &&
*script->script_p != '\n' )
} //end while
if ( *script->script_p == '\'' ) {
} //end if
//store the trailing quote
token->string[2] = *script->script_p++;
//store trailing zero to end the string
token->string[3] = '\0';
//the sub type is the integer literal value
token->subtype = token->string[1];
return 1;
} //end of the function PS_ReadLiteral
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
int PS_ReadPunctuation( script_t *script, token_t *token ) {
int len;
char *p;
punctuation_t *punc;
for ( punc = script->punctuationtable[(unsigned int)*script->script_p]; punc; punc = punc->next )
int i;
for ( i = 0; script->punctuations[i].p; i++ )
punc = &script->punctuations[i];
#endif //PUNCTABLE
p = punc->p;
len = strlen( p );
//if the script contains at least as much characters as the punctuation
if ( script->script_p + len <= script->end_p ) {
//if the script contains the punctuation
if ( !strncmp( script->script_p, p, len ) ) {
strncpy( token->string, p, MAX_TOKEN );
script->script_p += len;
token->type = TT_PUNCTUATION;
//sub type is the number of the punctuation
token->subtype = punc->n;
return 1;
} //end if
} //end if
} //end for
return 0;
} //end of the function PS_ReadPunctuation
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
int PS_ReadPrimitive( script_t *script, token_t *token ) {
int len;
len = 0;
while ( *script->script_p > ' ' && *script->script_p != ';' )
if ( len >= MAX_TOKEN ) {
ScriptError( script, "primitive token longer than MAX_TOKEN = %d", MAX_TOKEN );
return 0;
} //end if
token->string[len++] = *script->script_p++;
} //end while
token->string[len] = 0;
//copy the token into the script structure
memcpy( &script->token, token, sizeof( token_t ) );
//primitive reading successfull
return 1;
} //end of the function PS_ReadPrimitive
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
int PS_ReadToken( script_t *script, token_t *token ) {
//if there is a token available (from UnreadToken)
if ( script->tokenavailable ) {
script->tokenavailable = 0;
memcpy( token, &script->token, sizeof( token_t ) );
return 1;
} //end if
//save script pointer
script->lastscript_p = script->script_p;
//save line counter
script->lastline = script->line;
//clear the token stuff
memset( token, 0, sizeof( token_t ) );
//start of the white space
script->whitespace_p = script->script_p;
token->whitespace_p = script->script_p;
//read unusefull stuff
if ( !PS_ReadWhiteSpace( script ) ) {
return 0;
//end of the white space
script->endwhitespace_p = script->script_p;
token->endwhitespace_p = script->script_p;
//line the token is on
token->line = script->line;
//number of lines crossed before token
token->linescrossed = script->line - script->lastline;
//if there is a leading double quote
if ( *script->script_p == '\"' ) {
if ( !PS_ReadString( script, token, '\"' ) ) {
return 0;
} //end if
//if an literal
else if ( *script->script_p == '\'' ) {
//if (!PS_ReadLiteral(script, token)) return 0;
if ( !PS_ReadString( script, token, '\'' ) ) {
return 0;
} //end if
//if there is a number
else if ( ( *script->script_p >= '0' && *script->script_p <= '9' ) ||
( *script->script_p == '.' &&
( *( script->script_p + 1 ) >= '0' && *( script->script_p + 1 ) <= '9' ) ) ) {
if ( !PS_ReadNumber( script, token ) ) {
return 0;
} //end if
//if this is a primitive script
else if ( script->flags & SCFL_PRIMITIVE ) {
return PS_ReadPrimitive( script, token );
} //end else if
//if there is a name
else if ( ( *script->script_p >= 'a' && *script->script_p <= 'z' ) ||
( *script->script_p >= 'A' && *script->script_p <= 'Z' ) ||
*script->script_p == '_' ) {
if ( !PS_ReadName( script, token ) ) {
return 0;
} //end if
//check for punctuations
else if ( !PS_ReadPunctuation( script, token ) ) {
ScriptError( script, "can't read token" );
return 0;
} //end if
//copy the token into the script structure
memcpy( &script->token, token, sizeof( token_t ) );
//succesfully read a token
return 1;
} //end of the function PS_ReadToken
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
int PS_ExpectTokenString( script_t *script, char *string ) {
token_t token;
if ( !PS_ReadToken( script, &token ) ) {
ScriptError( script, "couldn't find expected %s", string );
return 0;
} //end if
if ( strcmp( token.string, string ) ) {
ScriptError( script, "expected %s, found %s", string, token.string );
return 0;
} //end if
return 1;
} //end of the function PS_ExpectToken
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
int PS_ExpectTokenType( script_t *script, int type, int subtype, token_t *token ) {
char str[MAX_TOKEN];
if ( !PS_ReadToken( script, token ) ) {
ScriptError( script, "couldn't read expected token" );
return 0;
} //end if
if ( token->type != type ) {
if ( type == TT_STRING ) {
strcpy( str, "string" );
if ( type == TT_LITERAL ) {
strcpy( str, "literal" );
if ( type == TT_NUMBER ) {
strcpy( str, "number" );
if ( type == TT_NAME ) {
strcpy( str, "name" );
if ( type == TT_PUNCTUATION ) {
strcpy( str, "punctuation" );
ScriptError( script, "expected a %s, found %s", str, token->string );
return 0;
} //end if
if ( token->type == TT_NUMBER ) {
if ( ( token->subtype & subtype ) != subtype ) {
if ( subtype & TT_DECIMAL ) {
strcpy( str, "decimal" );
if ( subtype & TT_HEX ) {
strcpy( str, "hex" );
if ( subtype & TT_OCTAL ) {
strcpy( str, "octal" );
if ( subtype & TT_BINARY ) {
strcpy( str, "binary" );
if ( subtype & TT_LONG ) {
strcat( str, " long" );
if ( subtype & TT_UNSIGNED ) {
strcat( str, " unsigned" );
if ( subtype & TT_FLOAT ) {
strcat( str, " float" );
if ( subtype & TT_INTEGER ) {
strcat( str, " integer" );
ScriptError( script, "expected %s, found %s", str, token->string );
return 0;
} //end if
} //end if
else if ( token->type == TT_PUNCTUATION ) {
if ( subtype < 0 ) {
ScriptError( script, "BUG: wrong punctuation subtype" );
return 0;
} //end if
if ( token->subtype != subtype ) {
ScriptError( script, "expected %s, found %s",
script->punctuations[subtype], token->string );
return 0;
} //end if
} //end else if
return 1;
} //end of the function PS_ExpectTokenType
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
int PS_ExpectAnyToken( script_t *script, token_t *token ) {
if ( !PS_ReadToken( script, token ) ) {
ScriptError( script, "couldn't read expected token" );
return 0;
} //end if
return 1;
} //end else
} //end of the function PS_ExpectAnyToken
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
int PS_CheckTokenString( script_t *script, char *string ) {
token_t tok;
if ( !PS_ReadToken( script, &tok ) ) {
return 0;
//if the token is available
if ( !strcmp( tok.string, string ) ) {
return 1;
//token not available
script->script_p = script->lastscript_p;
return 0;
} //end of the function PS_CheckTokenString
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
int PS_CheckTokenType( script_t *script, int type, int subtype, token_t *token ) {
token_t tok;
if ( !PS_ReadToken( script, &tok ) ) {
return 0;
//if the type matches
if ( tok.type == type &&
( tok.subtype & subtype ) == subtype ) {
memcpy( token, &tok, sizeof( token_t ) );
return 1;
} //end if
//token is not available
script->script_p = script->lastscript_p;
return 0;
} //end of the function PS_CheckTokenType
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
int PS_SkipUntilString( script_t *script, char *string ) {
token_t token;
while ( PS_ReadToken( script, &token ) )
if ( !strcmp( token.string, string ) ) {
return 1;
} //end while
return 0;
} //end of the function PS_SkipUntilString
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
void PS_UnreadLastToken( script_t *script ) {
script->tokenavailable = 1;
} //end of the function UnreadLastToken
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
void PS_UnreadToken( script_t *script, token_t *token ) {
memcpy( &script->token, token, sizeof( token_t ) );
script->tokenavailable = 1;
} //end of the function UnreadToken
// returns the next character of the read white space, returns NULL if none
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
char PS_NextWhiteSpaceChar( script_t *script ) {
if ( script->whitespace_p != script->endwhitespace_p ) {
return *script->whitespace_p++;
} //end if
return 0;
} //end else
} //end of the function PS_NextWhiteSpaceChar
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
void StripDoubleQuotes( char *string ) {
if ( *string == '\"' ) {
strcpy( string, string + 1 );
} //end if
if ( string[strlen( string ) - 1] == '\"' ) {
string[strlen( string ) - 1] = '\0';
} //end if
} //end of the function StripDoubleQuotes
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
void StripSingleQuotes( char *string ) {
if ( *string == '\'' ) {
strcpy( string, string + 1 );
} //end if
if ( string[strlen( string ) - 1] == '\'' ) {
string[strlen( string ) - 1] = '\0';
} //end if
} //end of the function StripSingleQuotes
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
long double ReadSignedFloat( script_t *script ) {
token_t token;
long double sign = 1;
PS_ExpectAnyToken( script, &token );
if ( !strcmp( token.string, "-" ) ) {
sign = -1;
PS_ExpectTokenType( script, TT_NUMBER, 0, &token );
} //end if
else if ( token.type != TT_NUMBER ) {
ScriptError( script, "expected float value, found %s\n", token.string );
} //end else if
return sign * token.floatvalue;
} //end of the function ReadSignedFloat
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
signed long int ReadSignedInt( script_t *script ) {
token_t token;
signed long int sign = 1;
PS_ExpectAnyToken( script, &token );
if ( !strcmp( token.string, "-" ) ) {
sign = -1;
PS_ExpectTokenType( script, TT_NUMBER, TT_INTEGER, &token );
} //end if
else if ( token.type != TT_NUMBER || token.subtype == TT_FLOAT ) {
ScriptError( script, "expected integer value, found %s\n", token.string );
} //end else if
return sign * token.intvalue;
} //end of the function ReadSignedInt
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
void SetScriptFlags( script_t *script, int flags ) {
script->flags = flags;
} //end of the function SetScriptFlags
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
int GetScriptFlags( script_t *script ) {
return script->flags;
} //end of the function GetScriptFlags
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
void ResetScript( script_t *script ) {
//pointer in script buffer
script->script_p = script->buffer;
//pointer in script buffer before reading token
script->lastscript_p = script->buffer;
//begin of white space
script->whitespace_p = NULL;
//end of white space
script->endwhitespace_p = NULL;
//set if there's a token available in script->token
script->tokenavailable = 0;
script->line = 1;
script->lastline = 1;
//clear the saved token
memset( &script->token, 0, sizeof( token_t ) );
} //end of the function ResetScript
// returns true if at the end of the script
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
int EndOfScript( script_t *script ) {
return script->script_p >= script->end_p;
} //end of the function EndOfScript
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
int NumLinesCrossed( script_t *script ) {
return script->line - script->lastline;
} //end of the function NumLinesCrossed
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
int ScriptSkipTo( script_t *script, char *value ) {
int len;
char firstchar;
firstchar = *value;
len = strlen( value );
if ( !PS_ReadWhiteSpace( script ) ) {
return 0;
if ( *script->script_p == firstchar ) {
if ( !strncmp( script->script_p, value, len ) ) {
return 1;
} //end if
} //end if
} while ( 1 );
} //end of the function ScriptSkipTo
#ifndef BOTLIB
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
int FileLength( FILE *fp ) {
int pos;
int end;
pos = ftell( fp );
fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_END );
end = ftell( fp );
fseek( fp, pos, SEEK_SET );
return end;
} //end of the function FileLength
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
script_t *LoadScriptFile( char *filename ) {
#ifdef BOTLIB
fileHandle_t fp;
char pathname[MAX_QPATH];
FILE *fp;
int length;
void *buffer;
script_t *script;
#ifdef BOTLIB
Com_sprintf( pathname, MAX_QPATH, "botfiles/%s", filename );
length = botimport.FS_FOpenFile( pathname, &fp, FS_READ );
if ( !fp ) {
return NULL;
fp = fopen( filename, "rb" );
if ( !fp ) {
return NULL;
length = FileLength( fp );
buffer = GetClearedMemory( sizeof( script_t ) + length + 1 );
script = (script_t *) buffer;
memset( script, 0, sizeof( script_t ) );
strcpy( script->filename, filename );
script->buffer = (char *) buffer + sizeof( script_t );
script->buffer[length] = 0;
script->length = length;
//pointer in script buffer
script->script_p = script->buffer;
//pointer in script buffer before reading token
script->lastscript_p = script->buffer;
//pointer to end of script buffer
script->end_p = &script->buffer[length];
//set if there's a token available in script->token
script->tokenavailable = 0;
script->line = 1;
script->lastline = 1;
SetScriptPunctuations( script, NULL );
#ifdef BOTLIB
botimport.FS_Read( script->buffer, length, fp );
botimport.FS_FCloseFile( fp );
if ( fread( script->buffer, length, 1, fp ) != 1 ) {
FreeMemory( buffer );
script = NULL;
} //end if
fclose( fp );
return script;
} //end of the function LoadScriptFile
//load a script from the given memory with the given length
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
script_t *LoadScriptMemory( char *ptr, int length, char *name ) {
void *buffer;
script_t *script;
buffer = GetClearedMemory( sizeof( script_t ) + length + 1 );
script = (script_t *) buffer;
memset( script, 0, sizeof( script_t ) );
strcpy( script->filename, name );
script->buffer = (char *) buffer + sizeof( script_t );
script->buffer[length] = 0;
script->length = length;
//pointer in script buffer
script->script_p = script->buffer;
//pointer in script buffer before reading token
script->lastscript_p = script->buffer;
//pointer to end of script buffer
script->end_p = &script->buffer[length];
//set if there's a token available in script->token
script->tokenavailable = 0;
script->line = 1;
script->lastline = 1;
SetScriptPunctuations( script, NULL );
memcpy( script->buffer, ptr, length );
return script;
} //end of the function LoadScriptMemory
// Parameter: -
// Returns: -
// Changes Globals: -
void FreeScript( script_t *script ) {
if ( script->punctuationtable ) {
FreeMemory( script->punctuationtable );
#endif //PUNCTABLE
FreeMemory( script );
} //end of the function FreeScript