This is the tool used to generate the function and mmove lists for the Yamagi Quake II savegame system. This tool is fundamental broken, it has literally thousands of bugs and the code is unreadable. The tool crashes at every second run. But nevertheless it did the job. Patches (or better pull requests) are welcome. :) This tool was written by Raven Software for 'Return To Caste Wolfenstein' and released with the RTCW code. Knightmare of KMQ2 modified it to work with Quake II and the Yamagi Quake II fixed some bugs. To generate the Yamagi Quake II savegame system function and mmove lists: extractfuncs *.c -o g_func_list.h g_func_decs.h extractfuncs *.c -t mmove_t -o g_mmove_list.h g_mmove_decs.h