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2004-09-30 00:00:00 +00:00
// file info
#name "Sample Name" // name that appears in asset manager list box
//#dll "sampleconvert" // name of dll in deffiles directory - uses the ConvertValue interface specified in library.h
#source_dir "sample_source_files/"
#target_dir "sample_game_files/"
#file_ext "*.txt" // Specifies extensions of generated files in the directory specified by #target_dir.
// If an extension becomes obsolete, leave it in #file_ext so that a clean build of converter will remove the obsolete files.
// ';' may be used to separate multiple extensions.
// "*" may be used to specify files with no extension.
// variable declarations
int 100 1 500 myInteger // type default min max name
float 2.5 -25.5 50 myFloat // type default min max name
int 0 0 1 myBool // type default min max name - this is how you do a boolean value (defaulted to false)
int 1 0 1 myBool2 // type default min max name - this is how you do a boolean value (defaulted to true)
enum { "hello", "world", "a", "b", "c" } myEnum // type name
string "Default value" myString // type default name
string myFilename // type name
// component definition
vcontainer // arrange all included components vertically
scrollbox(myEnum) // component(variable name)
width(300) // optional custom width
height(100) // optional custom height
edit(myString) // component(variable name)
[ // optional section
labelwidth(200) // specifies label width (can use this for any component which has a label) - default is 128
spinedit(myInteger, 1, 10) // component(variable name, slow spin, fast spin)
floatedit(myFloat, .25, 10) // component(variable name, slow spin, fast spin)
fileedit(myString) // component(variable name)
hcontainer // arrange all included components horizontally
checkbox(myBool) // component(variable name)
checkbox(myBool2) // component(variable name)
// the following spinedit will appear with the value of myBool2 when myBool == 1 or myInteger == 100
spinedit(myBool == 1 || myInteger == 100 ? myBool2 : NULL, 1, 1) // conditional expression, slow spin, fast spin
reldir("model_export/") // specifies directory myFilename will be relative to