/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 1999-2007 id Software, Inc. and contributors. For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This code has been altered significantly from its original form, to support several games based on the Quake III Arena engine, in the form of "Q3Map2." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* marker */ #define MESH_C /* dependencies */ #include "vmap.h" /* LerpDrawVert() returns an 50/50 interpolated vert */ void LerpDrawVert( bspDrawVert_t *a, bspDrawVert_t *b, bspDrawVert_t *out ){ int k; out->xyz[ 0 ] = 0.5 * ( a->xyz[ 0 ] + b->xyz[ 0 ] ); out->xyz[ 1 ] = 0.5 * ( a->xyz[ 1 ] + b->xyz[ 1 ] ); out->xyz[ 2 ] = 0.5 * ( a->xyz[ 2 ] + b->xyz[ 2 ] ); out->st[ 0 ] = 0.5 * ( a->st[ 0 ] + b->st[ 0 ] ); out->st[ 1 ] = 0.5 * ( a->st[ 1 ] + b->st[ 1 ] ); for ( k = 0; k < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; k++ ) { out->lightmap[ k ][ 0 ] = 0.5f * ( a->lightmap[ k ][ 0 ] + b->lightmap[ k ][ 0 ] ); out->lightmap[ k ][ 1 ] = 0.5f * ( a->lightmap[ k ][ 1 ] + b->lightmap[ k ][ 1 ] ); out->color[ k ][ 0 ] = ( a->color[ k ][ 0 ] + b->color[ k ][ 0 ] ) >> 1; out->color[ k ][ 1 ] = ( a->color[ k ][ 1 ] + b->color[ k ][ 1 ] ) >> 1; out->color[ k ][ 2 ] = ( a->color[ k ][ 2 ] + b->color[ k ][ 2 ] ) >> 1; out->color[ k ][ 3 ] = ( a->color[ k ][ 3 ] + b->color[ k ][ 3 ] ) >> 1; } /* ydnar: added normal interpolation */ out->normal[ 0 ] = 0.5f * ( a->normal[ 0 ] + b->normal[ 0 ] ); out->normal[ 1 ] = 0.5f * ( a->normal[ 1 ] + b->normal[ 1 ] ); out->normal[ 2 ] = 0.5f * ( a->normal[ 2 ] + b->normal[ 2 ] ); /* if the interpolant created a bogus normal, just copy the normal from a */ if ( VectorNormalize( out->normal, out->normal ) == 0 ) { VectorCopy( a->normal, out->normal ); } } /* LerpDrawVertAmount() returns a biased interpolated vert */ void LerpDrawVertAmount( bspDrawVert_t *a, bspDrawVert_t *b, float amount, bspDrawVert_t *out ){ int k; out->xyz[ 0 ] = a->xyz[ 0 ] + amount * ( b->xyz[ 0 ] - a->xyz[ 0 ] ); out->xyz[ 1 ] = a->xyz[ 1 ] + amount * ( b->xyz[ 1 ] - a->xyz[ 1 ] ); out->xyz[ 2 ] = a->xyz[ 2 ] + amount * ( b->xyz[ 2 ] - a->xyz[ 2 ] ); out->st[ 0 ] = a->st[ 0 ] + amount * ( b->st[ 0 ] - a->st[ 0 ] ); out->st[ 1 ] = a->st[ 1 ] + amount * ( b->st[ 1 ] - a->st[ 1 ] ); for ( k = 0; k < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; k++ ) { out->lightmap[ k ][ 0 ] = a->lightmap[ k ][ 0 ] + amount * ( b->lightmap[ k ][ 0 ] - a->lightmap[ k ][ 0 ] ); out->lightmap[ k ][ 1 ] = a->lightmap[ k ][ 1 ] + amount * ( b->lightmap[ k ][ 1 ] - a->lightmap[ k ][ 1 ] ); out->color[ k ][ 0 ] = a->color[ k ][ 0 ] + amount * ( b->color[ k ][ 0 ] - a->color[ k ][ 0 ] ); out->color[ k ][ 1 ] = a->color[ k ][ 1 ] + amount * ( b->color[ k ][ 1 ] - a->color[ k ][ 1 ] ); out->color[ k ][ 2 ] = a->color[ k ][ 2 ] + amount * ( b->color[ k ][ 2 ] - a->color[ k ][ 2 ] ); out->color[ k ][ 3 ] = a->color[ k ][ 3 ] + amount * ( b->color[ k ][ 3 ] - a->color[ k ][ 3 ] ); } out->normal[ 0 ] = a->normal[ 0 ] + amount * ( b->normal[ 0 ] - a->normal[ 0 ] ); out->normal[ 1 ] = a->normal[ 1 ] + amount * ( b->normal[ 1 ] - a->normal[ 1 ] ); out->normal[ 2 ] = a->normal[ 2 ] + amount * ( b->normal[ 2 ] - a->normal[ 2 ] ); /* if the interpolant created a bogus normal, just copy the normal from a */ if ( VectorNormalize( out->normal, out->normal ) == 0 ) { VectorCopy( a->normal, out->normal ); } } void FreeMesh( mesh_t *m ) { free( m->verts ); free( m ); } void PrintMesh( mesh_t *m ) { int i, j; for ( i = 0 ; i < m->height ; i++ ) { for ( j = 0 ; j < m->width ; j++ ) { Sys_Printf( "(%5.2f %5.2f %5.2f) " , m->verts[i * m->width + j].xyz[0] , m->verts[i * m->width + j].xyz[1] , m->verts[i * m->width + j].xyz[2] ); } Sys_Printf( "\n" ); } } mesh_t *CopyMesh( mesh_t *mesh ) { mesh_t *out; int size; out = safe_malloc( sizeof( *out ) ); out->width = mesh->width; out->height = mesh->height; out->subdiv_x = mesh->subdiv_x; out->subdiv_y = mesh->subdiv_y; size = out->width * out->height * sizeof( *out->verts ); out->verts = safe_malloc( size ); memcpy( out->verts, mesh->verts, size ); return out; } /* TransposeMesh() returns a transposed copy of the mesh, freeing the original */ mesh_t *TransposeMesh( mesh_t *in ) { int w, h; mesh_t *out; out = safe_malloc( sizeof( *out ) ); out->width = in->height; out->height = in->width; out->verts = safe_malloc( out->width * out->height * sizeof( bspDrawVert_t ) ); for ( h = 0 ; h < in->height ; h++ ) { for ( w = 0 ; w < in->width ; w++ ) { out->verts[ w * in->height + h ] = in->verts[ h * in->width + w ]; } } FreeMesh( in ); return out; } void InvertMesh( mesh_t *in ) { int w, h; bspDrawVert_t temp; for ( h = 0 ; h < in->height ; h++ ) { for ( w = 0 ; w < in->width / 2 ; w++ ) { temp = in->verts[ h * in->width + w ]; in->verts[ h * in->width + w ] = in->verts[ h * in->width + in->width - 1 - w ]; in->verts[ h * in->width + in->width - 1 - w ] = temp; } } } /* ================= MakeMeshNormals ================= */ void MakeMeshNormals( mesh_t in ){ int i, j, k, dist; vec3_t normal; vec3_t sum; int count; vec3_t base; vec3_t delta; int x, y; bspDrawVert_t *dv; vec3_t around[8], temp; qboolean good[8]; qboolean wrapWidth, wrapHeight; float len; int neighbors[8][2] = { {0,1}, {1,1}, {1,0}, {1,-1}, {0,-1}, {-1,-1}, {-1,0}, {-1,1} }; wrapWidth = qfalse; for ( i = 0 ; i < in.height ; i++ ) { VectorSubtract( in.verts[i * in.width].xyz, in.verts[i * in.width + in.width - 1].xyz, delta ); len = VectorLength( delta ); if ( len > 1.0 ) { break; } } if ( i == in.height ) { wrapWidth = qtrue; } wrapHeight = qfalse; for ( i = 0 ; i < in.width ; i++ ) { VectorSubtract( in.verts[i].xyz, in.verts[i + ( in.height - 1 ) * in.width].xyz, delta ); len = VectorLength( delta ); if ( len > 1.0 ) { break; } } if ( i == in.width ) { wrapHeight = qtrue; } for ( i = 0 ; i < in.width ; i++ ) { for ( j = 0 ; j < in.height ; j++ ) { count = 0; dv = &in.verts[j * in.width + i]; VectorCopy( dv->xyz, base ); for ( k = 0 ; k < 8 ; k++ ) { VectorClear( around[k] ); good[k] = qfalse; for ( dist = 1 ; dist <= 3 ; dist++ ) { x = i + neighbors[k][0] * dist; y = j + neighbors[k][1] * dist; if ( wrapWidth ) { if ( x < 0 ) { x = in.width - 1 + x; } else if ( x >= in.width ) { x = 1 + x - in.width; } } if ( wrapHeight ) { if ( y < 0 ) { y = in.height - 1 + y; } else if ( y >= in.height ) { y = 1 + y - in.height; } } if ( x < 0 || x >= in.width || y < 0 || y >= in.height ) { break; // edge of patch } VectorSubtract( in.verts[y * in.width + x].xyz, base, temp ); if ( VectorNormalize( temp, temp ) == 0 ) { continue; // degenerate edge, get more dist } else { good[k] = qtrue; VectorCopy( temp, around[k] ); break; // good edge } } } VectorClear( sum ); for ( k = 0 ; k < 8 ; k++ ) { if ( !good[k] || !good[( k + 1 ) & 7] ) { continue; // didn't get two points } CrossProduct( around[( k + 1 ) & 7], around[k], normal ); if ( VectorNormalize( normal, normal ) == 0 ) { continue; } VectorAdd( normal, sum, sum ); count++; } if ( count == 0 ) { //Sys_Printf("bad normal\n"); count = 1; } VectorNormalize( sum, dv->normal ); } } } /* PutMeshOnCurve() drops the aproximating points onto the curve ydnar: fixme: make this use LerpDrawVert() rather than this complicated mess */ void PutMeshOnCurve( mesh_t in ) { int i, j, l, m; float prev, next; // put all the aproximating points on the curve for ( i = 0 ; i < in.width ; i++ ) { for ( j = 1 ; j < in.height ; j += 2 ) { for ( l = 0 ; l < 3 ; l++ ) { prev = ( in.verts[j * in.width + i].xyz[l] + in.verts[( j + 1 ) * in.width + i].xyz[l] ) * 0.5; next = ( in.verts[j * in.width + i].xyz[l] + in.verts[( j - 1 ) * in.width + i].xyz[l] ) * 0.5; in.verts[j * in.width + i].xyz[l] = ( prev + next ) * 0.5; /* ydnar: interpolating st coords */ if ( l < 2 ) { prev = ( in.verts[j * in.width + i].st[l] + in.verts[( j + 1 ) * in.width + i].st[l] ) * 0.5; next = ( in.verts[j * in.width + i].st[l] + in.verts[( j - 1 ) * in.width + i].st[l] ) * 0.5; in.verts[j * in.width + i].st[l] = ( prev + next ) * 0.5; for ( m = 0; m < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; m++ ) { prev = ( in.verts[j * in.width + i].lightmap[ m ][l] + in.verts[( j + 1 ) * in.width + i].lightmap[ m ][l] ) * 0.5; next = ( in.verts[j * in.width + i].lightmap[ m ][l] + in.verts[( j - 1 ) * in.width + i].lightmap[ m ][l] ) * 0.5; in.verts[j * in.width + i].lightmap[ m ][l] = ( prev + next ) * 0.5; } } } } } for ( j = 0 ; j < in.height ; j++ ) { for ( i = 1 ; i < in.width ; i += 2 ) { for ( l = 0 ; l < 3 ; l++ ) { prev = ( in.verts[j * in.width + i].xyz[l] + in.verts[j * in.width + i + 1].xyz[l] ) * 0.5; next = ( in.verts[j * in.width + i].xyz[l] + in.verts[j * in.width + i - 1].xyz[l] ) * 0.5; in.verts[j * in.width + i].xyz[l] = ( prev + next ) * 0.5; /* ydnar: interpolating st coords */ if ( l < 2 ) { prev = ( in.verts[j * in.width + i].st[l] + in.verts[j * in.width + i + 1].st[l] ) * 0.5; next = ( in.verts[j * in.width + i].st[l] + in.verts[j * in.width + i - 1].st[l] ) * 0.5; in.verts[j * in.width + i].st[l] = ( prev + next ) * 0.5; for ( m = 0; m < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; m++ ) { prev = ( in.verts[j * in.width + i].lightmap[ m ][l] + in.verts[j * in.width + i + 1].lightmap[ m ][l] ) * 0.5; next = ( in.verts[j * in.width + i].lightmap[ m ][l] + in.verts[j * in.width + i - 1].lightmap[ m ][l] ) * 0.5; in.verts[j * in.width + i].lightmap[ m ][l] = ( prev + next ) * 0.5; } } } } } } /* ================= SubdivideMesh ================= */ mesh_t *SubdivideMesh( mesh_t in, float maxError, float minLength ){ int i, j, k, l; bspDrawVert_t prev, next, mid; vec3_t prevxyz, nextxyz, midxyz; vec3_t delta; float len; mesh_t out; /* ydnar: static for os x */ MAC_STATIC bspDrawVert_t expand[MAX_EXPANDED_AXIS][MAX_EXPANDED_AXIS]; out.width = in.width; out.height = in.height; out.subdiv_x = in.subdiv_x; out.subdiv_y = in.subdiv_y; if (in.subdiv_x == 0 && in.subdiv_y == 0) { //exact CPs out.verts = in.verts; return CopyMesh( &out ); } for ( i = 0 ; i < in.width ; i++ ) { for ( j = 0 ; j < in.height ; j++ ) { expand[j][i] = in.verts[j * in.width + i]; } } // horizontal subdivisions for ( j = 0 ; j + 2 < out.width ; j += 2 ) { // check subdivided midpoints against control points for ( i = 0 ; i < out.height ; i++ ) { for ( l = 0 ; l < 3 ; l++ ) { prevxyz[l] = expand[i][j + 1].xyz[l] - expand[i][j].xyz[l]; nextxyz[l] = expand[i][j + 2].xyz[l] - expand[i][j + 1].xyz[l]; midxyz[l] = ( expand[i][j].xyz[l] + expand[i][j + 1].xyz[l] * 2 + expand[i][j + 2].xyz[l] ) * 0.25; } // if the span length is too long, force a subdivision if ( VectorLength( prevxyz ) > minLength || VectorLength( nextxyz ) > minLength ) { break; } // see if this midpoint is off far enough to subdivide VectorSubtract( expand[i][j + 1].xyz, midxyz, delta ); len = VectorLength( delta ); if ( len > maxError ) { break; } } if ( out.width + 2 >= MAX_EXPANDED_AXIS ) { break; // can't subdivide any more } if ( i == out.height ) { continue; // didn't need subdivision } // insert two columns and replace the peak out.width += 2; for ( i = 0 ; i < out.height ; i++ ) { LerpDrawVert( &expand[i][j], &expand[i][j + 1], &prev ); LerpDrawVert( &expand[i][j + 1], &expand[i][j + 2], &next ); LerpDrawVert( &prev, &next, &mid ); for ( k = out.width - 1 ; k > j + 3 ; k-- ) { expand[i][k] = expand[i][k - 2]; } expand[i][j + 1] = prev; expand[i][j + 2] = mid; expand[i][j + 3] = next; } // back up and recheck this set again, it may need more subdivision j -= 2; } // vertical subdivisions for ( j = 0 ; j + 2 < out.height ; j += 2 ) { // check subdivided midpoints against control points for ( i = 0 ; i < out.width ; i++ ) { for ( l = 0 ; l < 3 ; l++ ) { prevxyz[l] = expand[j + 1][i].xyz[l] - expand[j][i].xyz[l]; nextxyz[l] = expand[j + 2][i].xyz[l] - expand[j + 1][i].xyz[l]; midxyz[l] = ( expand[j][i].xyz[l] + expand[j + 1][i].xyz[l] * 2 + expand[j + 2][i].xyz[l] ) * 0.25; } // if the span length is too long, force a subdivision if ( VectorLength( prevxyz ) > minLength || VectorLength( nextxyz ) > minLength ) { break; } // see if this midpoint is off far enough to subdivide VectorSubtract( expand[j + 1][i].xyz, midxyz, delta ); len = VectorLength( delta ); if ( len > maxError ) { break; } } if ( out.height + 2 >= MAX_EXPANDED_AXIS ) { break; // can't subdivide any more } if ( i == out.width ) { continue; // didn't need subdivision } // insert two columns and replace the peak out.height += 2; for ( i = 0 ; i < out.width ; i++ ) { LerpDrawVert( &expand[j][i], &expand[j + 1][i], &prev ); LerpDrawVert( &expand[j + 1][i], &expand[j + 2][i], &next ); LerpDrawVert( &prev, &next, &mid ); for ( k = out.height - 1 ; k > j + 3 ; k-- ) { expand[k][i] = expand[k - 2][i]; } expand[j + 1][i] = prev; expand[j + 2][i] = mid; expand[j + 3][i] = next; } // back up and recheck this set again, it may need more subdivision j -= 2; } // collapse the verts out.verts = &expand[0][0]; for ( i = 1 ; i < out.height ; i++ ) { memmove( &out.verts[i * out.width], expand[i], out.width * sizeof( bspDrawVert_t ) ); } return CopyMesh( &out ); } /* IterationsForCurve() - ydnar given a curve of a certain length, return the number of subdivision iterations note: this is affected by subdivision amount */ int IterationsForCurve( float len, int subdivisions ){ int iterations, facets; /* calculate the number of subdivisions */ for ( iterations = 0; iterations < 3; iterations++ ) { facets = subdivisions * 16 * pow( 2, iterations ); if ( facets >= len ) { break; } } /* return to caller */ return iterations; } /* SubdivideMesh2() - ydnar subdivides each mesh quad a specified number of times */ mesh_t *SubdivideMesh2( mesh_t in, int iterations ){ int i, j, k; bspDrawVert_t prev, next, mid; mesh_t out; /* ydnar: static for os x */ MAC_STATIC bspDrawVert_t expand[ MAX_EXPANDED_AXIS ][ MAX_EXPANDED_AXIS ]; /* initial setup */ out.width = in.width; out.height = in.height; out.subdiv_x = in.subdiv_x; out.subdiv_y = in.subdiv_y; if (in.subdiv_x == 0 && in.subdiv_y == 0) { //exact CPs out.verts = in.verts; return CopyMesh( &out ); } for ( i = 0; i < in.width; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < in.height; j++ ) expand[ j ][ i ] = in.verts[ j * in.width + i ]; } if (in.subdiv_x > 0 && in.subdiv_y > 0) { } else { /* keep chopping */ for ( ; iterations > 0; iterations-- ) { /* horizontal subdivisions */ for ( j = 0; j + 2 < out.width; j += 4 ) { /* check size limit */ if ( out.width + 2 >= MAX_EXPANDED_AXIS ) { break; } /* insert two columns and replace the peak */ out.width += 2; for ( i = 0; i < out.height; i++ ) { LerpDrawVert( &expand[ i ][ j ], &expand[ i ][ j + 1 ], &prev ); LerpDrawVert( &expand[ i ][ j + 1 ], &expand[ i ][ j + 2 ], &next ); LerpDrawVert( &prev, &next, &mid ); for ( k = out.width - 1 ; k > j + 3; k-- ) expand [ i ][ k ] = expand[ i ][ k - 2 ]; expand[ i ][ j + 1 ] = prev; expand[ i ][ j + 2 ] = mid; expand[ i ][ j + 3 ] = next; } } /* vertical subdivisions */ for ( j = 0; j + 2 < out.height; j += 4 ) { /* check size limit */ if ( out.height + 2 >= MAX_EXPANDED_AXIS ) { break; } /* insert two columns and replace the peak */ out.height += 2; for ( i = 0; i < out.width; i++ ) { LerpDrawVert( &expand[ j ][ i ], &expand[ j + 1 ][ i ], &prev ); LerpDrawVert( &expand[ j + 1 ][ i ], &expand[ j + 2 ][ i ], &next ); LerpDrawVert( &prev, &next, &mid ); for ( k = out.height - 1; k > j + 3; k-- ) expand[ k ][ i ] = expand[ k - 2 ][ i ]; expand[ j + 1 ][ i ] = prev; expand[ j + 2 ][ i ] = mid; expand[ j + 3 ][ i ] = next; } } } } /* collapse the verts */ out.verts = &expand[ 0 ][ 0 ]; for ( i = 1; i < out.height; i++ ) memmove( &out.verts[ i * out.width ], expand[ i ], out.width * sizeof( bspDrawVert_t ) ); /* return to sender */ return CopyMesh( &out ); } /* ================ ProjectPointOntoVector ================ */ void ProjectPointOntoVector( vec3_t point, vec3_t vStart, vec3_t vEnd, vec3_t vProj ){ vec3_t pVec, vec; VectorSubtract( point, vStart, pVec ); VectorSubtract( vEnd, vStart, vec ); VectorNormalize( vec, vec ); // project onto the directional vector for this segment VectorMA( vStart, DotProduct( pVec, vec ), vec, vProj ); } /* ================ RemoveLinearMeshColumsRows ================ */ mesh_t *RemoveLinearMeshColumnsRows( mesh_t *in ) { int i, j, k; float len, maxLength; vec3_t proj, dir; mesh_t out; /* ydnar: static for os x */ MAC_STATIC bspDrawVert_t expand[MAX_EXPANDED_AXIS][MAX_EXPANDED_AXIS]; out.width = in->width; out.height = in->height; if (in->subdiv_x >= 0 && in->subdiv_y >= 0) { //explicit tessellation should not be subject to simplification. out.verts = in->verts; return CopyMesh( &out ); } for ( i = 0 ; i < in->width ; i++ ) { for ( j = 0 ; j < in->height ; j++ ) { expand[j][i] = in->verts[j * in->width + i]; } } for ( j = 1 ; j < out.width - 1; j++ ) { maxLength = 0; for ( i = 0 ; i < out.height ; i++ ) { ProjectPointOntoVector( expand[i][j].xyz, expand[i][j - 1].xyz, expand[i][j + 1].xyz, proj ); VectorSubtract( expand[i][j].xyz, proj, dir ); len = VectorLength( dir ); if ( len > maxLength ) { maxLength = len; } } if ( maxLength < 0.1 ) { out.width--; for ( i = 0 ; i < out.height ; i++ ) { for ( k = j; k < out.width; k++ ) { expand[i][k] = expand[i][k + 1]; } } j--; } } for ( j = 1 ; j < out.height - 1; j++ ) { maxLength = 0; for ( i = 0 ; i < out.width ; i++ ) { ProjectPointOntoVector( expand[j][i].xyz, expand[j - 1][i].xyz, expand[j + 1][i].xyz, proj ); VectorSubtract( expand[j][i].xyz, proj, dir ); len = VectorLength( dir ); if ( len > maxLength ) { maxLength = len; } } if ( maxLength < 0.1 ) { out.height--; for ( i = 0 ; i < out.width ; i++ ) { for ( k = j; k < out.height; k++ ) { expand[k][i] = expand[k + 1][i]; } } j--; } } // collapse the verts out.verts = &expand[0][0]; for ( i = 1 ; i < out.height ; i++ ) { memmove( &out.verts[i * out.width], expand[i], out.width * sizeof( bspDrawVert_t ) ); } return CopyMesh( &out ); } /* ================= SubdivideMeshQuads ================= */ mesh_t *SubdivideMeshQuads( mesh_t *in, float minLength, int maxsize, int *widthtable, int *heighttable ){ int i, j, k, w, h, maxsubdivisions, subdivisions; vec3_t dir; float length, maxLength, amount; mesh_t out; bspDrawVert_t expand[MAX_EXPANDED_AXIS][MAX_EXPANDED_AXIS]; out.width = in->width; out.height = in->height; if (in->subdiv_x == 0 && in->subdiv_y == 0) { //exact CPs out.verts = in->verts; return CopyMesh( &out ); } for ( i = 0 ; i < in->width ; i++ ) { for ( j = 0 ; j < in->height ; j++ ) { expand[j][i] = in->verts[j * in->width + i]; } } if ( maxsize > MAX_EXPANDED_AXIS ) { Error( "SubdivideMeshQuads: maxsize > MAX_EXPANDED_AXIS" ); } // horizontal subdivisions maxsubdivisions = ( maxsize - in->width ) / ( in->width - 1 ); for ( w = 0, j = 0 ; w < in->width - 1; w++, j += subdivisions + 1 ) { maxLength = 0; for ( i = 0 ; i < out.height ; i++ ) { VectorSubtract( expand[i][j + 1].xyz, expand[i][j].xyz, dir ); length = VectorLength( dir ); if ( length > maxLength ) { maxLength = length; } } subdivisions = (int) ( maxLength / minLength ); if ( subdivisions > maxsubdivisions ) { subdivisions = maxsubdivisions; } widthtable[w] = subdivisions + 1; if ( subdivisions <= 0 ) { continue; } out.width += subdivisions; for ( i = 0 ; i < out.height ; i++ ) { for ( k = out.width - 1 ; k > j + subdivisions; k-- ) { expand[i][k] = expand[i][k - subdivisions]; } for ( k = 1; k <= subdivisions; k++ ) { amount = (float) k / ( subdivisions + 1 ); LerpDrawVertAmount( &expand[i][j], &expand[i][j + subdivisions + 1], amount, &expand[i][j + k] ); } } } maxsubdivisions = ( maxsize - in->height ) / ( in->height - 1 ); for ( h = 0, j = 0 ; h < in->height - 1; h++, j += subdivisions + 1 ) { maxLength = 0; for ( i = 0 ; i < out.width ; i++ ) { VectorSubtract( expand[j + 1][i].xyz, expand[j][i].xyz, dir ); length = VectorLength( dir ); if ( length > maxLength ) { maxLength = length; } } subdivisions = (int) ( maxLength / minLength ); if ( subdivisions > maxsubdivisions ) { subdivisions = maxsubdivisions; } heighttable[h] = subdivisions + 1; if ( subdivisions <= 0 ) { continue; } out.height += subdivisions; for ( i = 0 ; i < out.width ; i++ ) { for ( k = out.height - 1 ; k > j + subdivisions; k-- ) { expand[k][i] = expand[k - subdivisions][i]; } for ( k = 1; k <= subdivisions; k++ ) { amount = (float) k / ( subdivisions + 1 ); LerpDrawVertAmount( &expand[j][i], &expand[j + subdivisions + 1][i], amount, &expand[j + k][i] ); } } } // collapse the verts out.verts = &expand[0][0]; for ( i = 1 ; i < out.height ; i++ ) { memmove( &out.verts[i * out.width], expand[i], out.width * sizeof( bspDrawVert_t ) ); } return CopyMesh( &out ); }