{"-debuginset","Push all triangle vertexes towards the triangle center"},
{"-debugportals","Make BSP portals visible in the map"},
{"-debugsurfaces","Color the vertexes according to the index of the surface"},
{"-deep","Use detail brushes in the BSP tree, but at lowest priority (should give more fps)"},
{"-de <F>","Distance epsilon for plane snapping etc."},
{"-fakemap","Write fakemap.map containing all world brushes"},
{"-flat","Enable flat shading (good for combining with -celshader)"},
{"-fulldetail","Treat detail brushes as structural ones"},
{"-leaktest","Continue even if a leak was found"},
{"-linfile <filename.lin>","Line file to write"},
{"-meta","Combine adjacent triangles of the same texture to surfaces (ALWAYS USE THIS)"},
{"-minsamplesize <N>","Sets minimum lightmap resolution in luxels/qu"},
{"-mi <N>","Sets the maximum number of indexes per surface"},
{"-mv <N>","Sets the maximum number of vertices of a lightmapped surface"},
{"-ne <F>","Normal epsilon for plane snapping etc."},
{"-nocurves","Turn off support for patches"},
{"-nodetail","Leave out detail brushes"},
{"-nofog","Turn off support for fog volumes"},
{"-nohint","Turn off support for hint brushes"},
{"-nosubdivide","Turn off support for `q3map_tessSize` (breaks water vertex deforms)"},
{"-notjunc","Do not fix T-junctions (causes cracks between triangles, do not use)"},
{"-nowater","Turn off support for water, slime or lava (Stef, this is for you)"},
{"-np <A>","Force all surfaces to be nonplanar with a given shade angle"},
{"-onlyents","Only update entities in the BSP"},
{"-patchmeta","Turn patches into triangle meshes for display"},
{"-prtfile <filename.prt>","Portal file to write"},
{"-rename","Append suffix to miscmodel shaders (needed for SoF2)"},
{"-samplesize <N>","Sets default lightmap resolution in luxels/qu"},
{"-skyfix","Turn sky box into six surfaces to work around ATI problems"},
{"-snap <N>","Snap brush bevel planes to the given number of units"},
{"-srffile <filename.srf>","Surface file to write"},
{"-tempname <filename.map>","Read the MAP file from the given file name"},
{"-texrange <N>","Limit per-surface texture range to the given number of units, and subdivide surfaces like with `q3map_tessSize` if this is not met"},
{"-tmpout","Write the BSP file to /tmp"},
{"-verboseentities","Enable `-v` only for map entities, not for the world"},
{"-debugaxis","Color the lightmaps according to the lightmap axis"},
{"-debugcluster","Color the lightmaps according to the index of the cluster"},
{"-debugdeluxe","Show deluxemaps on the lightmap"},
{"-debugnormals","Color the lightmaps according to the direction of the surface normal"},
{"-debugorigin","Color the lightmaps according to the origin of the luxels"},
{"-debugsurfaces, -debugsurface","Color the lightmaps according to the index of the surface"},
{"-debugunused","This option does nothing"},
{"-debug","Mark the lightmaps according to the cluster: unmapped clusters get yellow, occluded ones get pink, flooded ones get blue overlay color, otherwise red"},
{"-deluxe, -deluxemap","Enable deluxemapping (light direction maps)"},
{"-dirtdebug, -debugdirt","Store the dirtmaps as lightmaps for debugging"},
{"-dirtdepth","Dirtmapping depth"},
{"-dirtgain","Dirtmapping exponent"},
{"-dirtmode 0","Ordered direction dirtmapping"},
{"-dirtmode 1","Randomized direction dirtmapping"},
{"-dirtscale","Dirtmapping scaling factor"},
{"-dirty","Enable dirtmapping"},
{"-dump","Dump radiosity from `-bounce` into numbered MAP file prefabs"},
{"-export","Export lightmaps when compile finished (like `-export` mode)"},
{"-exposure <F>","Lightmap exposure to better support overbright spots"},
{"-external","Force external lightmaps even if at size of internal lightmaps"},
{"-extravisnudge","Broken feature to nudge the luxel origin to a better vis cluster"},
{"-fastallocate","Use `-fastallocate` to trade lightmap size against allocation time (useful with hi res lightmaps on large maps: reduce allocation time from days to minutes for only some extra bytes)"},
{"-minimap <filename.bsp>","Creates a minimap of the BSP, by default writes to `../gfx/filename_mini.tga`"},
{"-black","Write the minimap as a black-on-transparency RGBA32 image"},
{"-boost <F>","Sets the contrast boost value (higher values make a brighter image); contrast boost is somewhat similar to gamma, but continuous even at zero"},
{"-border <F>","Sets the amount of border pixels relative to the total image size"},
{"-gray","Write the minimap as a white-on-black GRAY8 image"},
{"-keepaspect","Ensure the aspect ratio is kept (the minimap is then letterboxed to keep aspect)"},
{"-minmax <xmin ymin zmin xmax ymax zmax>","Forces specific map dimensions (note: the minimap actually uses these dimensions, scaled to the target size while keeping aspect with centering, and 1/64 of border appended to all sides)"},
{"-nokeepaspect","Do not ensure the aspect ratio is kept (makes it easier to use the image in your code, but looks bad together with sharpening)"},
{"-o <filename.tga>","Sets the output file name"},
{"-random <N>","Sets the randomized supersampling count (cannot be combined with `-samples`)"},
{"-samples <N>","Sets the ordered supersampling count (cannot be combined with `-random`)"},
{"-sharpen <F>","Sets the sharpening coefficient"},
{"-size <N>","Sets the width and height of the output image"},
{"-white","Write the minimap as a white-on-transparency RGBA32 image"},