#if !defined( INCLUDED_SIGNAL_H ) #define INCLUDED_SIGNAL_H #include "isignal.h" #include "memory/allocator.h" #include "debugging/debugging.h" #include namespace ListDetail { struct ListNodeBase { ListNodeBase* next; ListNodeBase* prev; }; inline void list_initialise( ListNodeBase& self ){ self.next = self.prev = &self; } inline void list_swap( ListNodeBase& self, ListNodeBase& other ){ ListNodeBase tmp( self ); if ( other.next == &other ) { list_initialise( self ); } else { self = other; self.next->prev = self.prev->next = &self; } if ( tmp.next == &self ) { list_initialise( other ); } else { other = tmp; other.next->prev = other.prev->next = &other; } } inline void node_link( ListNodeBase* node, ListNodeBase* next ){ node->next = next; node->prev = next->prev; next->prev = node; node->prev->next = node; } inline void node_unlink( ListNodeBase* node ){ node->prev->next = node->next; node->next->prev = node->prev; } template struct ListNode : public ListNodeBase { Value value; ListNode( const Value& value ) : value( value ){ } ListNode* getNext() const { return static_cast( next ); } ListNode* getPrev() const { return static_cast( prev ); } }; template class NonConstTraits { public: typedef Type value_type; typedef value_type* pointer; typedef value_type& reference; template struct rebind { typedef NonConstTraits other; }; }; template class ConstTraits { public: typedef Type value_type; typedef const value_type* pointer; typedef const value_type& reference; template struct rebind { typedef ConstTraits other; }; }; template class ListIterator { public: typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef difference_type distance_type; typedef typename Traits::value_type value_type; typedef typename Traits::pointer pointer; typedef typename Traits::reference reference; private: typedef ListNode Node; typedef typename Traits::template rebind::other NodeTraits; typedef typename NodeTraits::pointer NodePointer; typedef typename Traits::template rebind< Opaque >::other OpaqueTraits; typedef typename OpaqueTraits::pointer OpaquePointer; NodePointer m_node; void increment(){ m_node = m_node->getNext(); } void decrement(){ m_node = m_node->getPrev(); } public: explicit ListIterator( NodePointer node ) : m_node( node ){ } explicit ListIterator( OpaquePointer p ) : m_node( reinterpret_cast( p ) ){ } NodePointer node(){ return m_node; } OpaquePointer opaque() const { return reinterpret_cast( m_node ); } bool operator==( const ListIterator& other ) const { return m_node == other.m_node; } bool operator!=( const ListIterator& other ) const { return !operator==( other ); } ListIterator& operator++(){ increment(); return *this; } ListIterator operator++( int ){ ListIterator tmp = *this; increment(); return tmp; } ListIterator& operator--(){ decrement(); return *this; } ListIterator operator--( int ){ ListIterator tmp = *this; decrement(); return tmp; } reference operator*() const { return m_node->value; } pointer operator->() const { return &( operator*() ); } }; } template > class List : private Allocator { typedef ListDetail::ListNode Node; ListDetail::ListNodeBase list; typedef typename Allocator::template rebind::other NodeAllocator; Node* newNode( const Value& value ){ return new ( NodeAllocator( *this ).allocate( 1 ) )Node( value ); } void deleteNode( Node* node ){ node->~Node(); NodeAllocator( *this ).deallocate( node, 1 ); } public: typedef Value value_type; typedef ListDetail::ListIterator< ListDetail::NonConstTraits > iterator; typedef ListDetail::ListIterator< ListDetail::ConstTraits > const_iterator; List(){ list_initialise( list ); } explicit List( const Allocator& allocator ) : Allocator( allocator ){ list_initialise( list ); } ~List(){ for (; list.next != &list; ) { Node* node = static_cast( list.next ); list.next = list.next->next; deleteNode( node ); } } iterator begin(){ return iterator( static_cast( list.next ) ); } iterator end(){ return iterator( static_cast( &list ) ); } const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator( static_cast( list.next ) ); } const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator( static_cast( &list ) ); } void push_back( const Value& value ){ insert( end(), value ); } void pop_back( const Value& value ){ erase( --end(), value ); } void push_front( const Value& value ){ insert( begin(), value ); } void pop_front( const Value& value ){ erase( begin(), value ); } iterator insert( iterator pos, const Value& value ){ Node* node = newNode( value ); node_link( node, pos.node() ); return iterator( node ); } iterator erase( iterator pos ){ Node* node = pos.node(); Node* next = node->getNext(); node_unlink( node ); deleteNode( node ); return iterator( next ); } }; template class SignalBase { typedef List SignalList; SignalList events; public: typedef Functor handler_type; typedef Handle< Opaque > handler_id_type; typedef typename SignalList::iterator iterator; typedef typename SignalList::const_iterator const_iterator; iterator begin(){ return events.begin(); } iterator end(){ return events.end(); } const_iterator begin() const { return events.begin(); } const_iterator end() const { return events.end(); } handler_id_type connectFirst( const Functor& event ){ events.push_front( event ); return handler_id_type( begin().opaque() ); } handler_id_type connectLast( const Functor& event ){ events.push_back( event ); return handler_id_type( ( --end() ).opaque() ); } bool isConnected( handler_id_type id ){ for ( iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i ) { if ( id.get() == i.opaque() ) { return true; } } return false; } handler_id_type connectBefore( handler_id_type id, const Functor& event ){ ASSERT_MESSAGE( isConnected( id ), "SignalBase::connectBefore: invalid id" ); return events.insert( iterator( id.get() ), event ).opaque(); } handler_id_type connectAfter( handler_id_type id, const Functor& event ){ ASSERT_MESSAGE( isConnected( id ), "SignalBase::connectAfter: invalid id" ); return events.insert( ++iterator( id.get() ), event ).opaque(); } void disconnect( handler_id_type id ){ ASSERT_MESSAGE( isConnected( id ), "SignalBase::disconnect: invalid id" ); events.erase( iterator( id.get() ) ); } }; ///\brief // It is safe to disconnect the signal handler currently being invoked. template inline void invokeSignalHandlers( InputIterator first, InputIterator last, SignalHandlerInvoke invoke ){ while ( first != last && invoke( *first++ ) != SIGNAL_STOP_EMISSION ); } class Signal0 : public SignalBase { public: void operator()() const { invokeSignalHandlers( begin(), end(), FunctorInvoke() ); } }; template class Signal1 : public SignalBase< SignalHandler1 > { typedef SignalBase< SignalHandler1 > Base; public: void operator()( FirstArgument a1 ) const { invokeSignalHandlers( Base::begin(), Base::end(), FunctorInvoke( a1 ) ); } }; template class Signal2 : public SignalBase< SignalHandler2 > { typedef SignalBase< SignalHandler2 > Base; public: void operator()( FirstArgument a1, SecondArgument a2 ) const { invokeSignalHandlers( Base::begin(), Base::end(), FunctorInvoke( a1, a2 ) ); } }; template class Signal3 : public SignalBase< SignalHandler3 > { typedef SignalBase< SignalHandler3 > Base; public: void operator()( FirstArgument a1, SecondArgument a2, ThirdArgument a3 ) const { invokeSignalHandlers( Base::begin(), Base::end(), FunctorInvoke( a1, a2, a3 ) ); } }; #endif