/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 1999-2007 id Software, Inc. and contributors. For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This code has been altered significantly from its original form, to support several games based on the Quake III Arena engine, in the form of "Q3Map2." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* marker */ #define LIGHT_TRACE_C /* dependencies */ #include "vmap.h" /* dependencies */ #include "vmap.h" #define Vector2Copy( a, b ) ( ( b )[ 0 ] = ( a )[ 0 ], ( b )[ 1 ] = ( a )[ 1 ] ) #define Vector4Copy( a, b ) ( ( b )[ 0 ] = ( a )[ 0 ], ( b )[ 1 ] = ( a )[ 1 ], ( b )[ 2 ] = ( a )[ 2 ], ( b )[ 3 ] = ( a )[ 3 ] ) #define MAX_NODE_ITEMS 5 #define MAX_NODE_TRIANGLES 5 #define MAX_TRACE_DEPTH 32 #define MIN_NODE_SIZE 32.0f #define GROW_TRACE_INFOS 32768 //% 4096 #define GROW_TRACE_WINDINGS 65536 //% 32768 #define GROW_TRACE_TRIANGLES 131072 //% 32768 #define GROW_TRACE_NODES 16384 //% 16384 #define GROW_NODE_ITEMS 16 //% 256 // vortex: increased from 12 to 24 for ability co compile some insane maps with large curve count #define MAX_TW_VERTS 24 #define TRACE_ON_EPSILON 0.1f #define TRACE_LEAF -1 #define TRACE_LEAF_SOLID -2 typedef struct traceVert_s { vec3_t xyz; float st[ 2 ]; } traceVert_t; typedef struct traceInfo_s { shaderInfo_t *si; int surfaceNum, castShadows, skipGrid; } traceInfo_t; typedef struct traceWinding_s { vec4_t plane; int infoNum, numVerts; traceVert_t v[ MAX_TW_VERTS ]; } traceWinding_t; typedef struct traceTriangle_s { vec3_t edge1, edge2; int infoNum; traceVert_t v[ 3 ]; } traceTriangle_t; typedef struct traceNode_s { int type; vec4_t plane; vec3_t mins, maxs; int children[ 2 ]; int numItems, maxItems; int *items; } traceNode_t; int noDrawContentFlags, noDrawSurfaceFlags, noDrawCompileFlags; int numTraceInfos = 0, maxTraceInfos = 0, firstTraceInfo = 0; traceInfo_t *traceInfos = NULL; int numTraceWindings = 0, maxTraceWindings = 0, deadWinding = -1; traceWinding_t *traceWindings = NULL; int numTraceTriangles = 0, maxTraceTriangles = 0, deadTriangle = -1; traceTriangle_t *traceTriangles = NULL; int headNodeNum = 0, skyboxNodeNum = 0, maxTraceDepth = 0, numTraceLeafNodes = 0; int numTraceNodes = 0, maxTraceNodes = 0; traceNode_t *traceNodes = NULL; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- allocation and list management ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* AddTraceInfo() - ydnar adds a trace info structure to the pool */ static int AddTraceInfo( traceInfo_t *ti ){ int num; void *temp; /* find an existing info */ for ( num = firstTraceInfo; num < numTraceInfos; num++ ) { if ( traceInfos[ num ].si == ti->si && traceInfos[ num ].surfaceNum == ti->surfaceNum && traceInfos[ num ].castShadows == ti->castShadows && traceInfos[ num ].skipGrid == ti->skipGrid ) { return num; } } /* enough space? */ if ( numTraceInfos >= maxTraceInfos ) { /* allocate more room */ maxTraceInfos += GROW_TRACE_INFOS; temp = safe_malloc( maxTraceInfos * sizeof( *traceInfos ) ); if ( traceInfos != NULL ) { memcpy( temp, traceInfos, numTraceInfos * sizeof( *traceInfos ) ); free( traceInfos ); } traceInfos = (traceInfo_t*) temp; } /* add the info */ memcpy( &traceInfos[ num ], ti, sizeof( *traceInfos ) ); if ( num == numTraceInfos ) { numTraceInfos++; } /* return the ti number */ return num; } /* AllocTraceNode() - ydnar allocates a new trace node */ static int AllocTraceNode( void ){ traceNode_t *temp; /* enough space? */ if ( numTraceNodes >= maxTraceNodes ) { /* reallocate more room */ maxTraceNodes += GROW_TRACE_NODES; temp = safe_malloc( maxTraceNodes * sizeof( traceNode_t ) ); if ( traceNodes != NULL ) { memcpy( temp, traceNodes, numTraceNodes * sizeof( traceNode_t ) ); free( traceNodes ); } traceNodes = temp; } /* add the node */ memset( &traceNodes[ numTraceNodes ], 0, sizeof( traceNode_t ) ); traceNodes[ numTraceNodes ].type = TRACE_LEAF; ClearBounds( traceNodes[ numTraceNodes ].mins, traceNodes[ numTraceNodes ].maxs ); numTraceNodes++; /* return the count */ return ( numTraceNodes - 1 ); } /* AddTraceWinding() - ydnar adds a winding to the raytracing pool */ static int AddTraceWinding( traceWinding_t *tw ){ int num; void *temp; /* check for a dead winding */ if ( deadWinding >= 0 && deadWinding < numTraceWindings ) { num = deadWinding; } else { /* put winding at the end of the list */ num = numTraceWindings; /* enough space? */ if ( numTraceWindings >= maxTraceWindings ) { /* allocate more room */ maxTraceWindings += GROW_TRACE_WINDINGS; temp = safe_malloc( maxTraceWindings * sizeof( *traceWindings ) ); if ( traceWindings != NULL ) { memcpy( temp, traceWindings, numTraceWindings * sizeof( *traceWindings ) ); free( traceWindings ); } traceWindings = (traceWinding_t*) temp; } } /* add the winding */ memcpy( &traceWindings[ num ], tw, sizeof( *traceWindings ) ); if ( num == numTraceWindings ) { numTraceWindings++; } deadWinding = -1; /* return the winding number */ return num; } /* AddTraceTriangle() - ydnar adds a triangle to the raytracing pool */ static int AddTraceTriangle( traceTriangle_t *tt ){ int num; void *temp; /* check for a dead triangle */ if ( deadTriangle >= 0 && deadTriangle < numTraceTriangles ) { num = deadTriangle; } else { /* put triangle at the end of the list */ num = numTraceTriangles; /* enough space? */ if ( numTraceTriangles >= maxTraceTriangles ) { /* allocate more room */ maxTraceTriangles += GROW_TRACE_TRIANGLES; temp = safe_malloc( maxTraceTriangles * sizeof( *traceTriangles ) ); if ( traceTriangles != NULL ) { memcpy( temp, traceTriangles, numTraceTriangles * sizeof( *traceTriangles ) ); free( traceTriangles ); } traceTriangles = (traceTriangle_t*) temp; } } /* find vectors for two edges sharing the first vert */ VectorSubtract( tt->v[ 1 ].xyz, tt->v[ 0 ].xyz, tt->edge1 ); VectorSubtract( tt->v[ 2 ].xyz, tt->v[ 0 ].xyz, tt->edge2 ); /* add the triangle */ memcpy( &traceTriangles[ num ], tt, sizeof( *traceTriangles ) ); if ( num == numTraceTriangles ) { numTraceTriangles++; } deadTriangle = -1; /* return the triangle number */ return num; } /* AddItemToTraceNode() - ydnar adds an item reference (winding or triangle) to a trace node */ static int AddItemToTraceNode( traceNode_t *node, int num ){ void *temp; /* dummy check */ if ( num < 0 ) { return -1; } /* enough space? */ if ( node->numItems >= node->maxItems ) { /* allocate more room */ if ( node == traceNodes ) { node->maxItems *= 2; } else{ node->maxItems += GROW_NODE_ITEMS; } if ( node->maxItems <= 0 ) { node->maxItems = GROW_NODE_ITEMS; } temp = safe_malloc( node->maxItems * sizeof( *node->items ) ); if ( node->items != NULL ) { memcpy( temp, node->items, node->numItems * sizeof( *node->items ) ); free( node->items ); } node->items = (int*) temp; } /* add the poly */ node->items[ node->numItems ] = num; node->numItems++; /* return the count */ return ( node->numItems - 1 ); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- trace node setup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* SetupTraceNodes_r() - ydnar recursively create the initial trace node structure from the bsp tree */ static int SetupTraceNodes_r( int bspNodeNum ){ int i, nodeNum, bspLeafNum, newNode; bspPlane_t *plane; bspNode_t *bspNode; /* get bsp node and plane */ bspNode = &bspNodes[ bspNodeNum ]; plane = &bspPlanes[ bspNode->planeNum ]; /* allocate a new trace node */ nodeNum = AllocTraceNode(); /* setup trace node */ traceNodes[ nodeNum ].type = PlaneTypeForNormal( plane->normal ); VectorCopy( plane->normal, traceNodes[ nodeNum ].plane ); traceNodes[ nodeNum ].plane[ 3 ] = plane->dist; /* setup children */ for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { /* leafnode */ if ( bspNode->children[ i ] < 0 ) { bspLeafNum = -bspNode->children[ i ] - 1; /* new code */ newNode = AllocTraceNode(); traceNodes[ nodeNum ].children[ i ] = newNode; /* have to do this separately, as gcc first executes LHS, then RHS, and if a realloc took place, this fails */ if ( bspLeafs[ bspLeafNum ].cluster == -1 ) { traceNodes[ traceNodes[ nodeNum ].children[ i ] ].type = TRACE_LEAF_SOLID; } } /* normal node */ else { newNode = SetupTraceNodes_r( bspNode->children[ i ] ); traceNodes[ nodeNum ].children[ i ] = newNode; } if ( traceNodes[ nodeNum ].children[ i ] == 0 ) { Error( "Invalid tracenode allocated" ); } } /* return node number */ return nodeNum; } /* ClipTraceWinding() - ydnar clips a trace winding against a plane into one or two parts */ #define TW_ON_EPSILON 0.25f void ClipTraceWinding( traceWinding_t *tw, vec4_t plane, traceWinding_t *front, traceWinding_t *back ){ int i, j, k; int sides[ MAX_TW_VERTS ], counts[ 3 ] = { 0, 0, 0 }; float dists[ MAX_TW_VERTS ]; float frac; traceVert_t *a, *b, mid; /* clear front and back */ front->numVerts = 0; back->numVerts = 0; /* classify points */ for ( i = 0; i < tw->numVerts; i++ ) { dists[ i ] = DotProduct( tw->v[ i ].xyz, plane ) - plane[ 3 ]; if ( dists[ i ] < -TW_ON_EPSILON ) { sides[ i ] = SIDE_BACK; } else if ( dists[ i ] > TW_ON_EPSILON ) { sides[ i ] = SIDE_FRONT; } else{ sides[ i ] = SIDE_ON; } counts[ sides[ i ] ]++; } /* entirely on front? */ if ( counts[ SIDE_BACK ] == 0 ) { memcpy( front, tw, sizeof( *front ) ); } /* entirely on back? */ else if ( counts[ SIDE_FRONT ] == 0 ) { memcpy( back, tw, sizeof( *back ) ); } /* straddles the plane */ else { /* setup front and back */ memcpy( front, tw, sizeof( *front ) ); front->numVerts = 0; memcpy( back, tw, sizeof( *back ) ); back->numVerts = 0; /* split the winding */ for ( i = 0; i < tw->numVerts; i++ ) { /* radix */ j = ( i + 1 ) % tw->numVerts; /* get verts */ a = &tw->v[ i ]; b = &tw->v[ j ]; /* handle points on the splitting plane */ switch ( sides[ i ] ) { case SIDE_FRONT: if ( front->numVerts >= MAX_TW_VERTS ) { Error( "MAX_TW_VERTS (%d) exceeded", MAX_TW_VERTS ); } front->v[ front->numVerts++ ] = *a; break; case SIDE_BACK: if ( back->numVerts >= MAX_TW_VERTS ) { Error( "MAX_TW_VERTS (%d) exceeded", MAX_TW_VERTS ); } back->v[ back->numVerts++ ] = *a; break; case SIDE_ON: if ( front->numVerts >= MAX_TW_VERTS || back->numVerts >= MAX_TW_VERTS ) { Error( "MAX_TW_VERTS (%d) exceeded", MAX_TW_VERTS ); } front->v[ front->numVerts++ ] = *a; back->v[ back->numVerts++ ] = *a; continue; } /* check next point to see if we need to split the edge */ if ( sides[ j ] == SIDE_ON || sides[ j ] == sides[ i ] ) { continue; } /* check limit */ if ( front->numVerts >= MAX_TW_VERTS || back->numVerts >= MAX_TW_VERTS ) { Error( "MAX_TW_VERTS (%d) exceeded", MAX_TW_VERTS ); } /* generate a split point */ frac = dists[ i ] / ( dists[ i ] - dists[ j ] ); for ( k = 0; k < 3; k++ ) { /* minimize fp precision errors */ if ( plane[ k ] == 1.0f ) { mid.xyz[ k ] = plane[ 3 ]; } else if ( plane[ k ] == -1.0f ) { mid.xyz[ k ] = -plane[ 3 ]; } else{ mid.xyz[ k ] = a->xyz[ k ] + frac * ( b->xyz[ k ] - a->xyz[ k ] ); } } /* set texture coordinates */ mid.st[ 0 ] = a->st[ 0 ] + frac * ( b->st[ 0 ] - a->st[ 0 ] ); mid.st[ 1 ] = a->st[ 1 ] + frac * ( b->st[ 1 ] - a->st[ 1 ] ); /* copy midpoint to front and back polygons */ front->v[ front->numVerts++ ] = mid; back->v[ back->numVerts++ ] = mid; } } } /* FilterTraceWindingIntoNodes_r() - ydnar filters a trace winding into the raytracing tree */ static void FilterTraceWindingIntoNodes_r( traceWinding_t *tw, int nodeNum ){ int num; vec4_t plane1, plane2, reverse; traceNode_t *node; traceWinding_t front, back; /* don't filter if passed a bogus node (solid, etc) */ if ( nodeNum < 0 || nodeNum >= numTraceNodes ) { return; } /* get node */ node = &traceNodes[ nodeNum ]; /* is this a decision node? */ if ( node->type >= 0 ) { /* create winding plane if necessary, filtering out bogus windings as well */ if ( nodeNum == headNodeNum ) { if ( !PlaneFromPoints( tw->plane, tw->v[ 0 ].xyz, tw->v[ 1 ].xyz, tw->v[ 2 ].xyz ) ) { return; } } /* validate the node */ if ( node->children[ 0 ] == 0 || node->children[ 1 ] == 0 ) { Error( "Invalid tracenode: %d", nodeNum ); } /* get node plane */ Vector4Copy( node->plane, plane1 ); /* get winding plane */ Vector4Copy( tw->plane, plane2 ); /* invert surface plane */ VectorSubtract( vec3_origin, plane2, reverse ); reverse[ 3 ] = -plane2[ 3 ]; /* front only */ if ( DotProduct( plane1, plane2 ) > 0.999f && fabs( plane1[ 3 ] - plane2[ 3 ] ) < 0.001f ) { FilterTraceWindingIntoNodes_r( tw, node->children[ 0 ] ); return; } /* back only */ if ( DotProduct( plane1, reverse ) > 0.999f && fabs( plane1[ 3 ] - reverse[ 3 ] ) < 0.001f ) { FilterTraceWindingIntoNodes_r( tw, node->children[ 1 ] ); return; } /* clip the winding by node plane */ ClipTraceWinding( tw, plane1, &front, &back ); /* filter by node plane */ if ( front.numVerts >= 3 ) { FilterTraceWindingIntoNodes_r( &front, node->children[ 0 ] ); } if ( back.numVerts >= 3 ) { FilterTraceWindingIntoNodes_r( &back, node->children[ 1 ] ); } /* return to caller */ return; } /* add winding to leaf node */ num = AddTraceWinding( tw ); AddItemToTraceNode( node, num ); } /* SubdivideTraceNode_r() - ydnar recursively subdivides a tracing node until it meets certain size and complexity criteria */ static void SubdivideTraceNode_r( int nodeNum, int depth ){ int i, j, count, num, frontNum, backNum, type; vec3_t size; float dist; double average[ 3 ]; traceNode_t *node, *frontNode, *backNode; traceWinding_t *tw, front, back; /* dummy check */ if ( nodeNum < 0 || nodeNum >= numTraceNodes ) { return; } /* get node */ node = &traceNodes[ nodeNum ]; /* runaway recursion check */ if ( depth >= MAX_TRACE_DEPTH ) { //% Sys_Printf( "Depth: (%d items)\n", node->numItems ); numTraceLeafNodes++; return; } depth++; /* is this a decision node? */ if ( node->type >= 0 ) { /* subdivide children */ frontNum = node->children[ 0 ]; backNum = node->children[ 1 ]; SubdivideTraceNode_r( frontNum, depth ); SubdivideTraceNode_r( backNum, depth ); return; } /* bound the node */ ClearBounds( node->mins, node->maxs ); VectorClear( average ); count = 0; for ( i = 0; i < node->numItems; i++ ) { /* get winding */ tw = &traceWindings[ node->items[ i ] ]; /* walk its verts */ for ( j = 0; j < tw->numVerts; j++ ) { AddPointToBounds( tw->v[ j ].xyz, node->mins, node->maxs ); average[ 0 ] += tw->v[ j ].xyz[ 0 ]; average[ 1 ] += tw->v[ j ].xyz[ 1 ]; average[ 2 ] += tw->v[ j ].xyz[ 2 ]; count++; } } /* check triangle limit */ //% if( node->numItems <= MAX_NODE_ITEMS ) if ( ( count - ( node->numItems * 2 ) ) < MAX_NODE_TRIANGLES ) { //% Sys_Printf( "Limit: (%d triangles)\n", (count - (node->numItems * 2)) ); numTraceLeafNodes++; return; } /* the largest dimension of the bounding box will be the split axis */ VectorSubtract( node->maxs, node->mins, size ); if ( size[ 0 ] >= size[ 1 ] && size[ 0 ] >= size[ 2 ] ) { type = PLANE_X; } else if ( size[ 1 ] >= size[ 0 ] && size[ 1 ] >= size[ 2 ] ) { type = PLANE_Y; } else{ type = PLANE_Z; } /* don't split small nodes */ if ( size[ type ] <= MIN_NODE_SIZE ) { //% Sys_Printf( "Limit: %f %f %f (%d items)\n", size[ 0 ], size[ 1 ], size[ 2 ], node->numItems ); numTraceLeafNodes++; return; } /* set max trace depth */ if ( depth > maxTraceDepth ) { maxTraceDepth = depth; } /* snap the average */ dist = floor( average[ type ] / count ); /* dummy check it */ if ( dist <= node->mins[ type ] || dist >= node->maxs[ type ] ) { dist = floor( 0.5f * ( node->mins[ type ] + node->maxs[ type ] ) ); } /* allocate child nodes */ frontNum = AllocTraceNode(); backNum = AllocTraceNode(); /* reset pointers */ node = &traceNodes[ nodeNum ]; frontNode = &traceNodes[ frontNum ]; backNode = &traceNodes[ backNum ]; /* attach children */ node->type = type; node->plane[ type ] = 1.0f; node->plane[ 3 ] = dist; node->children[ 0 ] = frontNum; node->children[ 1 ] = backNum; /* setup front node */ frontNode->maxItems = ( node->maxItems >> 1 ); frontNode->items = safe_malloc( frontNode->maxItems * sizeof( *frontNode->items ) ); /* setup back node */ backNode->maxItems = ( node->maxItems >> 1 ); backNode->items = safe_malloc( backNode->maxItems * sizeof( *backNode->items ) ); /* filter windings into child nodes */ for ( i = 0; i < node->numItems; i++ ) { /* get winding */ tw = &traceWindings[ node->items[ i ] ]; /* clip the winding by the new split plane */ ClipTraceWinding( tw, node->plane, &front, &back ); /* kill the existing winding */ if ( front.numVerts >= 3 || back.numVerts >= 3 ) { deadWinding = node->items[ i ]; } /* add front winding */ if ( front.numVerts >= 3 ) { num = AddTraceWinding( &front ); AddItemToTraceNode( frontNode, num ); } /* add back winding */ if ( back.numVerts >= 3 ) { num = AddTraceWinding( &back ); AddItemToTraceNode( backNode, num ); } } /* free original node winding list */ node->numItems = 0; node->maxItems = 0; free( node->items ); node->items = NULL; /* check children */ if ( frontNode->numItems <= 0 ) { frontNode->maxItems = 0; free( frontNode->items ); frontNode->items = NULL; } if ( backNode->numItems <= 0 ) { backNode->maxItems = 0; free( backNode->items ); backNode->items = NULL; } /* subdivide children */ SubdivideTraceNode_r( frontNum, depth ); SubdivideTraceNode_r( backNum, depth ); } /* TriangulateTraceNode_r() optimizes the tracing data by changing trace windings into triangles */ static int TriangulateTraceNode_r( int nodeNum ){ int i, j, num, frontNum, backNum, numWindings, *windings; traceNode_t *node; traceWinding_t *tw; traceTriangle_t tt; /* dummy check */ if ( nodeNum < 0 || nodeNum >= numTraceNodes ) { return 0; } /* get node */ node = &traceNodes[ nodeNum ]; /* is this a decision node? */ if ( node->type >= 0 ) { /* triangulate children */ frontNum = node->children[ 0 ]; backNum = node->children[ 1 ]; node->numItems = TriangulateTraceNode_r( frontNum ); node->numItems += TriangulateTraceNode_r( backNum ); return node->numItems; } /* empty node? */ if ( node->numItems == 0 ) { node->maxItems = 0; if ( node->items != NULL ) { free( node->items ); } return node->numItems; } /* store off winding data */ numWindings = node->numItems; windings = node->items; /* clear it */ node->numItems = 0; node->maxItems = numWindings * 2; node->items = safe_malloc( node->maxItems * sizeof( tt ) ); /* walk winding list */ for ( i = 0; i < numWindings; i++ ) { /* get winding */ tw = &traceWindings[ windings[ i ] ]; /* initial setup */ tt.infoNum = tw->infoNum; tt.v[ 0 ] = tw->v[ 0 ]; /* walk vertex list */ for ( j = 1; j + 1 < tw->numVerts; j++ ) { /* set verts */ tt.v[ 1 ] = tw->v[ j ]; tt.v[ 2 ] = tw->v[ j + 1 ]; /* find vectors for two edges sharing the first vert */ VectorSubtract( tt.v[ 1 ].xyz, tt.v[ 0 ].xyz, tt.edge1 ); VectorSubtract( tt.v[ 2 ].xyz, tt.v[ 0 ].xyz, tt.edge2 ); /* add it to the node */ num = AddTraceTriangle( &tt ); AddItemToTraceNode( node, num ); } } /* free windings */ if ( windings != NULL ) { free( windings ); } /* return item count */ return node->numItems; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- shadow casting item setup (triangles, patches, entities) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* PopulateWithBSPModel() - ydnar filters a bsp model's surfaces into the raytracing tree */ static void PopulateWithBSPModel( bspModel_t *model, m4x4_t transform ){ int i, j, x, y, pw[ 5 ], r, nodeNum; bspDrawSurface_t *ds; surfaceInfo_t *info; bspDrawVert_t *verts; int *indexes; mesh_t srcMesh, *mesh, *subdivided; traceInfo_t ti; traceWinding_t tw; /* dummy check */ if ( model == NULL || transform == NULL ) { return; } /* walk the list of surfaces in this model and fill out the info structs */ for ( i = 0; i < model->numBSPSurfaces; i++ ) { /* get surface and info */ ds = &bspDrawSurfaces[ model->firstBSPSurface + i ]; info = &surfaceInfos[ model->firstBSPSurface + i ]; if ( info->si == NULL ) { continue; } /* no shadows */ if ( !info->castShadows ) { continue; } /* patchshadows? */ if ( (ds->surfaceType == MST_PATCH||ds->surfaceType == MST_PATCHFIXED) && patchShadows == qfalse ) { continue; } /* some surfaces in the bsp might have been tagged as nodraw, with a bogus shader */ if ( ( bspShaders[ ds->shaderNum ].contentFlags & noDrawContentFlags ) || ( bspShaders[ ds->shaderNum ].surfaceFlags & noDrawSurfaceFlags ) ) { continue; } /* translucent surfaces that are neither alphashadow or lightfilter don't cast shadows */ if ( ( info->si->compileFlags & C_NODRAW ) ) { continue; } if ( ( info->si->compileFlags & C_TRANSLUCENT ) && !( info->si->compileFlags & C_ALPHASHADOW ) && !( info->si->compileFlags & C_LIGHTFILTER ) ) { continue; } /* setup trace info */ ti.si = info->si; ti.castShadows = info->castShadows; ti.surfaceNum = model->firstBSPBrush + i; ti.skipGrid = ( ds->surfaceType == MST_PATCH || ds->surfaceType == MST_PATCHFIXED ); /* choose which node (normal or skybox) */ if ( info->parentSurfaceNum >= 0 ) { nodeNum = skyboxNodeNum; /* sky surfaces in portal skies are ignored */ if ( info->si->compileFlags & C_SKY ) { continue; } } else{ nodeNum = headNodeNum; } /* setup trace winding */ memset( &tw, 0, sizeof( tw ) ); tw.infoNum = AddTraceInfo( &ti ); tw.numVerts = 3; /* switch on type */ switch ( ds->surfaceType ) { /* handle patches */ case MST_PATCH: case MST_PATCHFIXED: /* subdivide the surface */ if (ds->surfaceType == MST_PATCHFIXED) { srcMesh.width = ds->patchWidth&0xffff; srcMesh.height = ds->patchHeight&0xffff; srcMesh.subdiv_x = ds->patchWidth>>16; srcMesh.subdiv_y = ds->patchHeight>>16; } else { srcMesh.width = ds->patchWidth; srcMesh.height = ds->patchHeight; srcMesh.subdiv_x = -1; srcMesh.subdiv_y = -1; } srcMesh.verts = &bspDrawVerts[ ds->firstVert ]; //% subdivided = SubdivideMesh( srcMesh, 8, 512 ); subdivided = SubdivideMesh2( srcMesh, info->patchIterations ); /* fit it to the curve and remove colinear verts on rows/columns */ PutMeshOnCurve( *subdivided ); mesh = RemoveLinearMeshColumnsRows( subdivided ); FreeMesh( subdivided ); /* set verts */ verts = mesh->verts; /* subdivide each quad to place the models */ for ( y = 0; y < ( mesh->height - 1 ); y++ ) { for ( x = 0; x < ( mesh->width - 1 ); x++ ) { /* set indexes */ pw[ 0 ] = x + ( y * mesh->width ); pw[ 1 ] = x + ( ( y + 1 ) * mesh->width ); pw[ 2 ] = x + 1 + ( ( y + 1 ) * mesh->width ); pw[ 3 ] = x + 1 + ( y * mesh->width ); pw[ 4 ] = x + ( y * mesh->width ); /* same as pw[ 0 ] */ /* set radix */ r = ( x + y ) & 1; /* make first triangle */ VectorCopy( verts[ pw[ r + 0 ] ].xyz, tw.v[ 0 ].xyz ); Vector2Copy( verts[ pw[ r + 0 ] ].st, tw.v[ 0 ].st ); VectorCopy( verts[ pw[ r + 1 ] ].xyz, tw.v[ 1 ].xyz ); Vector2Copy( verts[ pw[ r + 1 ] ].st, tw.v[ 1 ].st ); VectorCopy( verts[ pw[ r + 2 ] ].xyz, tw.v[ 2 ].xyz ); Vector2Copy( verts[ pw[ r + 2 ] ].st, tw.v[ 2 ].st ); m4x4_transform_point( transform, tw.v[ 0 ].xyz ); m4x4_transform_point( transform, tw.v[ 1 ].xyz ); m4x4_transform_point( transform, tw.v[ 2 ].xyz ); FilterTraceWindingIntoNodes_r( &tw, nodeNum ); /* make second triangle */ VectorCopy( verts[ pw[ r + 0 ] ].xyz, tw.v[ 0 ].xyz ); Vector2Copy( verts[ pw[ r + 0 ] ].st, tw.v[ 0 ].st ); VectorCopy( verts[ pw[ r + 2 ] ].xyz, tw.v[ 1 ].xyz ); Vector2Copy( verts[ pw[ r + 2 ] ].st, tw.v[ 1 ].st ); VectorCopy( verts[ pw[ r + 3 ] ].xyz, tw.v[ 2 ].xyz ); Vector2Copy( verts[ pw[ r + 3 ] ].st, tw.v[ 2 ].st ); m4x4_transform_point( transform, tw.v[ 0 ].xyz ); m4x4_transform_point( transform, tw.v[ 1 ].xyz ); m4x4_transform_point( transform, tw.v[ 2 ].xyz ); FilterTraceWindingIntoNodes_r( &tw, nodeNum ); } } /* free the subdivided mesh */ FreeMesh( mesh ); break; /* handle triangle surfaces */ case MST_TRIANGLE_SOUP: case MST_PLANAR: /* set verts and indexes */ verts = &bspDrawVerts[ ds->firstVert ]; indexes = &bspDrawIndexes[ ds->firstIndex ]; /* walk the triangle list */ for ( j = 0; j < ds->numIndexes; j += 3 ) { VectorCopy( verts[ indexes[ j ] ].xyz, tw.v[ 0 ].xyz ); Vector2Copy( verts[ indexes[ j ] ].st, tw.v[ 0 ].st ); VectorCopy( verts[ indexes[ j + 1 ] ].xyz, tw.v[ 1 ].xyz ); Vector2Copy( verts[ indexes[ j + 1 ] ].st, tw.v[ 1 ].st ); VectorCopy( verts[ indexes[ j + 2 ] ].xyz, tw.v[ 2 ].xyz ); Vector2Copy( verts[ indexes[ j + 2 ] ].st, tw.v[ 2 ].st ); m4x4_transform_point( transform, tw.v[ 0 ].xyz ); m4x4_transform_point( transform, tw.v[ 1 ].xyz ); m4x4_transform_point( transform, tw.v[ 2 ].xyz ); FilterTraceWindingIntoNodes_r( &tw, nodeNum ); } break; /* other surface types do not cast shadows */ default: break; } } } /* PopulateWithPicoModel() - ydnar filters a picomodel's surfaces into the raytracing tree */ static void PopulateWithPicoModel( int castShadows, picoModel_t *model, m4x4_t transform ){ int i, j, k, numSurfaces, numIndexes; picoSurface_t *surface; picoShader_t *shader; picoVec_t *xyz, *st; picoIndex_t *indexes; traceInfo_t ti; traceWinding_t tw; /* dummy check */ if ( model == NULL || transform == NULL ) { return; } /* get info */ numSurfaces = PicoGetModelNumSurfaces( model ); /* walk the list of surfaces in this model and fill out the info structs */ for ( i = 0; i < numSurfaces; i++ ) { /* get surface */ surface = PicoGetModelSurface( model, i ); if ( surface == NULL ) { continue; } /* only handle triangle surfaces initially (fixme: support patches) */ if ( PicoGetSurfaceType( surface ) != PICO_TRIANGLES ) { continue; } /* get shader (fixme: support shader remapping) */ shader = PicoGetSurfaceShader( surface ); if ( shader == NULL ) { continue; } ti.si = ShaderInfoForShaderNull( PicoGetShaderName( shader ) ); if ( ti.si == NULL ) { continue; } /* translucent surfaces that are neither alphashadow or lightfilter don't cast shadows */ if ( ( ti.si->compileFlags & C_NODRAW ) ) { continue; } if ( ( ti.si->compileFlags & C_TRANSLUCENT ) && !( ti.si->compileFlags & C_ALPHASHADOW ) && !( ti.si->compileFlags & C_LIGHTFILTER ) ) { continue; } /* setup trace info */ ti.castShadows = castShadows; ti.surfaceNum = -1; ti.skipGrid = qtrue; // also ignore picomodels when skipping patches /* setup trace winding */ memset( &tw, 0, sizeof( tw ) ); tw.infoNum = AddTraceInfo( &ti ); tw.numVerts = 3; /* get info */ numIndexes = PicoGetSurfaceNumIndexes( surface ); indexes = PicoGetSurfaceIndexes( surface, 0 ); /* walk the triangle list */ for ( j = 0; j < numIndexes; j += 3, indexes += 3 ) { for ( k = 0; k < 3; k++ ) { xyz = PicoGetSurfaceXYZ( surface, indexes[ k ] ); st = PicoGetSurfaceST( surface, 0, indexes[ k ] ); VectorCopy( xyz, tw.v[ k ].xyz ); Vector2Copy( st, tw.v[ k ].st ); m4x4_transform_point( transform, tw.v[ k ].xyz ); } FilterTraceWindingIntoNodes_r( &tw, headNodeNum ); } } } /* PopulateTraceNodes() - ydnar fills the raytracing tree with world and entity occluders */ static void PopulateTraceNodes( void ){ int i, m, frame, castShadows; float temp; entity_t *e; const char *value; picoModel_t *model; vec3_t origin, scale, angles; m4x4_t transform; /* add worldspawn triangles */ m4x4_identity( transform ); PopulateWithBSPModel( &bspModels[ 0 ], transform ); /* walk each entity list */ for ( i = 1; i < numEntities; i++ ) { /* get entity */ e = &entities[ i ]; /* get shadow flags */ castShadows = ENTITY_CAST_SHADOWS; GetEntityShadowFlags( e, NULL, &castShadows, NULL ); /* early out? */ if ( !castShadows ) { continue; } /* get entity origin */ GetVectorForKey( e, "origin", origin ); /* get scale */ scale[ 0 ] = scale[ 1 ] = scale[ 2 ] = 1.0f; temp = FloatForKey( e, "modelscale" ); if ( temp != 0.0f ) { scale[ 0 ] = scale[ 1 ] = scale[ 2 ] = temp; } value = ValueForKey( e, "modelscale_vec" ); if ( value[ 0 ] != '\0' ) { sscanf( value, "%f %f %f", &scale[ 0 ], &scale[ 1 ], &scale[ 2 ] ); } /* get "angle" (yaw) or "angles" (pitch yaw roll) */ angles[ 0 ] = angles[ 1 ] = angles[ 2 ] = 0.0f; angles[ 2 ] = FloatForKey( e, "angle" ); value = ValueForKey( e, "angles" ); if ( value[ 0 ] != '\0' ) { sscanf( value, "%f %f %f", &angles[ 1 ], &angles[ 2 ], &angles[ 0 ] ); } /* set transform matrix (thanks spog) */ m4x4_identity( transform ); m4x4_pivoted_transform_by_vec3( transform, origin, angles, eXYZ, scale, vec3_origin ); /* hack: Stable-1_2 and trunk have differing row/column major matrix order this transpose is necessary with Stable-1_2 uncomment the following line with old m4x4_t (non 1.3/spog_branch) code */ //% m4x4_transpose( transform ); /* get model */ value = ValueForKey( e, "model" ); /* switch on model type */ switch ( value[ 0 ] ) { /* no model */ case '\0': break; /* bsp model */ case '*': m = atoi( &value[ 1 ] ); if ( m <= 0 || m >= numBSPModels ) { continue; } PopulateWithBSPModel( &bspModels[ m ], transform ); break; /* external model */ default: frame = 0; if ( strcmp( "", ValueForKey( e, "_frame" ) ) ) { frame = IntForKey( e, "_frame" ); } else if ( strcmp( "", ValueForKey( e, "frame" ) ) ) { frame = IntForKey( e, "frame" ); } model = LoadModel( value, frame ); if ( model == NULL ) { continue; } PopulateWithPicoModel( castShadows, model, transform ); continue; } /* get model2 */ value = ValueForKey( e, "model2" ); /* switch on model type */ switch ( value[ 0 ] ) { /* no model */ case '\0': break; /* bsp model */ case '*': m = atoi( &value[ 1 ] ); if ( m <= 0 || m >= numBSPModels ) { continue; } PopulateWithBSPModel( &bspModels[ m ], transform ); break; /* external model */ default: frame = IntForKey( e, "_frame2" ); model = LoadModel( value, frame ); if ( model == NULL ) { continue; } PopulateWithPicoModel( castShadows, model, transform ); continue; } } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- trace initialization ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* SetupTraceNodes() - ydnar creates a balanced bsp with axis-aligned splits for efficient raytracing */ void SetupTraceNodes( void ){ /* note it */ Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "--- SetupTraceNodes ---\n" ); /* find nodraw bit */ noDrawContentFlags = noDrawSurfaceFlags = noDrawCompileFlags = 0; ApplySurfaceParm( "nodraw", &noDrawContentFlags, &noDrawSurfaceFlags, &noDrawCompileFlags ); /* create the baseline raytracing tree from the bsp tree */ headNodeNum = SetupTraceNodes_r( 0 ); /* create outside node for skybox surfaces */ skyboxNodeNum = AllocTraceNode(); /* populate the tree with triangles from the world and shadow casting entities */ PopulateTraceNodes(); /* create the raytracing bsp */ if ( loMem == qfalse ) { SubdivideTraceNode_r( headNodeNum, 0 ); SubdivideTraceNode_r( skyboxNodeNum, 0 ); } /* create triangles from the trace windings */ TriangulateTraceNode_r( headNodeNum ); TriangulateTraceNode_r( skyboxNodeNum ); /* emit some stats */ //% Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "%9d original triangles\n", numOriginalTriangles ); Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "%9d trace windings (%.2fMB)\n", numTraceWindings, (float) ( numTraceWindings * sizeof( *traceWindings ) ) / ( 1024.0f * 1024.0f ) ); Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "%9d trace triangles (%.2fMB)\n", numTraceTriangles, (float) ( numTraceTriangles * sizeof( *traceTriangles ) ) / ( 1024.0f * 1024.0f ) ); Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "%9d trace nodes (%.2fMB)\n", numTraceNodes, (float) ( numTraceNodes * sizeof( *traceNodes ) ) / ( 1024.0f * 1024.0f ) ); Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "%9d leaf nodes (%.2fMB)\n", numTraceLeafNodes, (float) ( numTraceLeafNodes * sizeof( *traceNodes ) ) / ( 1024.0f * 1024.0f ) ); //% Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "%9d average triangles per leaf node\n", numTraceTriangles / numTraceLeafNodes ); Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "%9d average windings per leaf node\n", numTraceWindings / ( numTraceLeafNodes + 1 ) ); Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "%9d max trace depth\n", maxTraceDepth ); /* free trace windings */ free( traceWindings ); numTraceWindings = 0; maxTraceWindings = 0; deadWinding = -1; /* debug code: write out trace triangles to an alias obj file */ #if 0 { int i, j; FILE *file; char filename[ 1024 ]; traceWinding_t *tw; /* open the file */ strcpy( filename, source ); StripExtension( filename ); strcat( filename, ".lin" ); Sys_Printf( "Opening light trace file %s...\n", filename ); file = fopen( filename, "w" ); if ( file == NULL ) { Error( "Error opening %s for writing", filename ); } /* walk node list */ for ( i = 0; i < numTraceWindings; i++ ) { tw = &traceWindings[ i ]; for ( j = 0; j < tw->numVerts + 1; j++ ) fprintf( file, "%f %f %f\n", tw->v[ j % tw->numVerts ].xyz[ 0 ], tw->v[ j % tw->numVerts ].xyz[ 1 ], tw->v[ j % tw->numVerts ].xyz[ 2 ] ); } /* close it */ fclose( file ); } #endif } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- raytracer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* TraceTriangle() based on code written by william 'spog' joseph based on code originally written by tomas moller and ben trumbore, journal of graphics tools, 2(1):21-28, 1997 */ #define BARY_EPSILON 0.01f #define ASLF_EPSILON 0.0001f /* so to not get double shadows */ #define COPLANAR_EPSILON 0.25f //% 0.000001f #define NEAR_SHADOW_EPSILON 1.5f //% 1.25f #define SELF_SHADOW_EPSILON 0.5f qboolean TraceTriangle( traceInfo_t *ti, traceTriangle_t *tt, trace_t *trace ){ int i; float tvec[ 3 ], pvec[ 3 ], qvec[ 3 ]; float det, invDet, depth; float u, v, w, s, t; int is, it; byte *pixel; float shadow; shaderInfo_t *si; /* don't double-trace against sky */ si = ti->si; if ( trace->compileFlags & si->compileFlags & C_SKY ) { return qfalse; } /* receive shadows from worldspawn group only */ if ( trace->recvShadows == 1 ) { if ( ti->castShadows != 1 ) { return qfalse; } } /* receive shadows from same group and worldspawn group */ else if ( trace->recvShadows > 1 ) { if ( ti->castShadows != 1 && abs( ti->castShadows ) != abs( trace->recvShadows ) ) { return qfalse; } //% Sys_Printf( "%d:%d ", tt->castShadows, trace->recvShadows ); } /* receive shadows from the same group only (< 0) */ else { if ( abs( ti->castShadows ) != abs( trace->recvShadows ) ) { return qfalse; } } /* skip patches when doing the grid (FIXME this is an ugly hack) */ if ( inGrid ) { if ( ti->skipGrid ) { return qfalse; } } /* begin calculating determinant - also used to calculate u parameter */ CrossProduct( trace->direction, tt->edge2, pvec ); /* if determinant is near zero, trace lies in plane of triangle */ det = DotProduct( tt->edge1, pvec ); /* the non-culling branch */ if ( fabs( det ) < COPLANAR_EPSILON ) { return qfalse; } invDet = 1.0f / det; /* calculate distance from first vertex to ray origin */ VectorSubtract( trace->origin, tt->v[ 0 ].xyz, tvec ); /* calculate u parameter and test bounds */ u = DotProduct( tvec, pvec ) * invDet; if ( u < -BARY_EPSILON || u > ( 1.0f + BARY_EPSILON ) ) { return qfalse; } /* prepare to test v parameter */ CrossProduct( tvec, tt->edge1, qvec ); /* calculate v parameter and test bounds */ v = DotProduct( trace->direction, qvec ) * invDet; if ( v < -BARY_EPSILON || ( u + v ) > ( 1.0f + BARY_EPSILON ) ) { return qfalse; } /* calculate t (depth) */ depth = DotProduct( tt->edge2, qvec ) * invDet; if ( depth <= trace->inhibitRadius || depth >= trace->distance ) { return qfalse; } /* if hitpoint is really close to trace origin (sample point), then check for self-shadowing */ if ( depth <= SELF_SHADOW_EPSILON ) { /* don't self-shadow */ for ( i = 0; i < trace->numSurfaces; i++ ) { if ( ti->surfaceNum == trace->surfaces[ i ] ) { return qfalse; } } } /* stack compile flags */ trace->compileFlags |= si->compileFlags; /* don't trace against sky */ if ( si->compileFlags & C_SKY ) { return qfalse; } /* most surfaces are completely opaque */ if ( !( si->compileFlags & ( C_ALPHASHADOW | C_LIGHTFILTER ) ) || si->lightImage == NULL || si->lightImage->pixels == NULL ) { VectorMA( trace->origin, depth, trace->direction, trace->hit ); VectorClear( trace->color ); trace->opaque = qtrue; return qtrue; } /* force subsampling because the lighting is texture dependent */ trace->forceSubsampling = 1.0; /* try to avoid double shadows near triangle seams */ if ( u < -ASLF_EPSILON || u > ( 1.0f + ASLF_EPSILON ) || v < -ASLF_EPSILON || ( u + v ) > ( 1.0f + ASLF_EPSILON ) ) { return qfalse; } /* calculate w parameter */ w = 1.0f - ( u + v ); /* calculate st from uvw (barycentric) coordinates */ s = w * tt->v[ 0 ].st[ 0 ] + u * tt->v[ 1 ].st[ 0 ] + v * tt->v[ 2 ].st[ 0 ]; t = w * tt->v[ 0 ].st[ 1 ] + u * tt->v[ 1 ].st[ 1 ] + v * tt->v[ 2 ].st[ 1 ]; s = s - floor( s ); t = t - floor( t ); is = s * si->lightImage->width; it = t * si->lightImage->height; if ( is < 0 ) { is = 0; } if ( is > si->lightImage->width - 1 ) { is = si->lightImage->width - 1; } if ( it < 0 ) { it = 0; } if ( it > si->lightImage->height - 1 ) { it = si->lightImage->height - 1; } /* get pixel */ pixel = si->lightImage->pixels + 4 * ( it * si->lightImage->width + is ); /* ydnar: color filter */ if ( si->compileFlags & C_LIGHTFILTER ) { /* filter by texture color */ trace->color[ 0 ] *= ( ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) * pixel[ 0 ] ); trace->color[ 1 ] *= ( ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) * pixel[ 1 ] ); trace->color[ 2 ] *= ( ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) * pixel[ 2 ] ); } /* ydnar: alpha filter */ if ( si->compileFlags & C_ALPHASHADOW ) { /* filter by inverse texture alpha */ shadow = ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) * ( 255 - pixel[ 3 ] ); trace->color[ 0 ] *= shadow; trace->color[ 1 ] *= shadow; trace->color[ 2 ] *= shadow; } /* check filter for opaque */ if ( trace->color[ 0 ] <= 0.001f && trace->color[ 1 ] <= 0.001f && trace->color[ 2 ] <= 0.001f ) { VectorClear( trace->color ); VectorMA( trace->origin, depth, trace->direction, trace->hit ); trace->opaque = qtrue; return qtrue; } /* continue tracing */ return qfalse; } /* TraceWinding() - ydnar temporary hack */ qboolean TraceWinding( traceWinding_t *tw, trace_t *trace ){ int i; traceTriangle_t tt; /* initial setup */ tt.infoNum = tw->infoNum; tt.v[ 0 ] = tw->v[ 0 ]; /* walk vertex list */ for ( i = 1; i + 1 < tw->numVerts; i++ ) { /* set verts */ tt.v[ 1 ] = tw->v[ i ]; tt.v[ 2 ] = tw->v[ i + 1 ]; /* find vectors for two edges sharing the first vert */ VectorSubtract( tt.v[ 1 ].xyz, tt.v[ 0 ].xyz, tt.edge1 ); VectorSubtract( tt.v[ 2 ].xyz, tt.v[ 0 ].xyz, tt.edge2 ); /* trace it */ if ( TraceTriangle( &traceInfos[ tt.infoNum ], &tt, trace ) ) { return qtrue; } } /* done */ return qfalse; } /* TraceLine_r() returns qtrue if something is hit and tracing can stop */ static qboolean TraceLine_r( int nodeNum, vec3_t origin, vec3_t end, trace_t *trace ){ traceNode_t *node; int side; float front, back, frac; vec3_t mid; qboolean r; /* bogus node number means solid, end tracing unless testing all */ if ( nodeNum < 0 ) { VectorCopy( origin, trace->hit ); trace->passSolid = qtrue; return qtrue; } /* get node */ node = &traceNodes[ nodeNum ]; /* solid? */ if ( node->type == TRACE_LEAF_SOLID ) { VectorCopy( origin, trace->hit ); trace->passSolid = qtrue; return qtrue; } /* leafnode? */ if ( node->type < 0 ) { /* note leaf and return */ if ( node->numItems > 0 && trace->numTestNodes < MAX_TRACE_TEST_NODES ) { trace->testNodes[ trace->numTestNodes++ ] = nodeNum; } return qfalse; } /* ydnar 2003-09-07: don't test branches of the bsp with nothing in them when testall is enabled */ if ( trace->testAll && node->numItems == 0 ) { return qfalse; } /* classify beginning and end points */ switch ( node->type ) { case PLANE_X: front = origin[ 0 ] - node->plane[ 3 ]; back = end[ 0 ] - node->plane[ 3 ]; break; case PLANE_Y: front = origin[ 1 ] - node->plane[ 3 ]; back = end[ 1 ] - node->plane[ 3 ]; break; case PLANE_Z: front = origin[ 2 ] - node->plane[ 3 ]; back = end[ 2 ] - node->plane[ 3 ]; break; default: front = DotProduct( origin, node->plane ) - node->plane[ 3 ]; back = DotProduct( end, node->plane ) - node->plane[ 3 ]; break; } /* entirely in front side? */ if ( front >= -TRACE_ON_EPSILON && back >= -TRACE_ON_EPSILON ) { return TraceLine_r( node->children[ 0 ], origin, end, trace ); } /* entirely on back side? */ if ( front < TRACE_ON_EPSILON && back < TRACE_ON_EPSILON ) { return TraceLine_r( node->children[ 1 ], origin, end, trace ); } /* select side */ side = front < 0; /* calculate intercept point */ frac = front / ( front - back ); mid[ 0 ] = origin[ 0 ] + ( end[ 0 ] - origin[ 0 ] ) * frac; mid[ 1 ] = origin[ 1 ] + ( end[ 1 ] - origin[ 1 ] ) * frac; mid[ 2 ] = origin[ 2 ] + ( end[ 2 ] - origin[ 2 ] ) * frac; /* fixme: check inhibit radius, then solid nodes and ignore */ /* set trace hit here */ //% VectorCopy( mid, trace->hit ); /* trace first side */ r = TraceLine_r( node->children[ side ], origin, mid, trace ); if ( r ) { return r; } /* trace other side */ return TraceLine_r( node->children[ !side ], mid, end, trace ); } /* TraceLine() - ydnar rewrote this function a bit :) */ void TraceLine( trace_t *trace ){ int i, j; traceNode_t *node; traceTriangle_t *tt; traceInfo_t *ti; /* setup output (note: this code assumes the input data is completely filled out) */ trace->passSolid = qfalse; trace->opaque = qfalse; trace->compileFlags = 0; trace->numTestNodes = 0; /* early outs */ if ( !trace->recvShadows || !trace->testOcclusion || trace->distance <= 0.00001f ) { return; } /* trace through nodes */ TraceLine_r( headNodeNum, trace->origin, trace->end, trace ); if ( trace->passSolid && !trace->testAll ) { trace->opaque = qtrue; return; } /* skip surfaces? */ if ( noSurfaces ) { return; } /* testall means trace through sky */ if ( trace->testAll && trace->numTestNodes < MAX_TRACE_TEST_NODES && trace->compileFlags & C_SKY && ( trace->numSurfaces == 0 || surfaceInfos[ trace->surfaces[ 0 ] ].childSurfaceNum < 0 ) ) { //% trace->testNodes[ trace->numTestNodes++ ] = skyboxNodeNum; TraceLine_r( skyboxNodeNum, trace->origin, trace->end, trace ); } /* walk node list */ for ( i = 0; i < trace->numTestNodes; i++ ) { /* get node */ node = &traceNodes[ trace->testNodes[ i ] ]; /* walk node item list */ for ( j = 0; j < node->numItems; j++ ) { tt = &traceTriangles[ node->items[ j ] ]; ti = &traceInfos[ tt->infoNum ]; if ( TraceTriangle( ti, tt, trace ) ) { return; } //% if( TraceWinding( &traceWindings[ node->items[ j ] ], trace ) ) //% return; } } } /* SetupTrace() - ydnar sets up certain trace values */ float SetupTrace( trace_t *trace ){ VectorSubtract( trace->end, trace->origin, trace->displacement ); trace->distance = VectorNormalize( trace->displacement, trace->direction ); VectorCopy( trace->origin, trace->hit ); return trace->distance; }