/* Copyright (C) 2001-2006, William Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #if !defined( INCLUDED_SELECTABLE_H ) #define INCLUDED_SELECTABLE_H #include #include "generic/vector.h" #include "scenelib.h" #include "generic/callback.h" class SelectionIntersection { float m_depth; float m_distance; public: SelectionIntersection() : m_depth( 1 ), m_distance( 2 ){ } SelectionIntersection( float depth, float distance ) : m_depth( depth ), m_distance( distance ){ } bool operator<( const SelectionIntersection& other ) const { if ( m_distance != other.m_distance ) { return m_distance < other.m_distance; } if ( m_depth != other.m_depth ) { return m_depth < other.m_depth; } return false; } bool equalEpsilon( const SelectionIntersection& other, float distanceEpsilon, float depthEpsilon ) const { return float_equal_epsilon( m_distance, other.m_distance, distanceEpsilon ) && float_equal_epsilon( m_depth, other.m_depth, depthEpsilon ); } float depth() const { return m_depth; } bool valid() const { return depth() < 1; } }; // returns true if self is closer than other inline bool SelectionIntersection_closer( const SelectionIntersection& self, const SelectionIntersection& other ){ return self < other; } // assigns other to best if other is closer than best inline void assign_if_closer( SelectionIntersection& best, const SelectionIntersection& other ){ if ( SelectionIntersection_closer( other, best ) ) { best = other; } } class VertexPointer { typedef const unsigned char* byte_pointer; public: typedef float elem_type; typedef const elem_type* pointer; typedef const elem_type& reference; class iterator { public: iterator() { } iterator( byte_pointer vertices, std::size_t stride ) : m_iter( vertices ), m_stride( stride ) { } bool operator==( const iterator& other ) const { return m_iter == other.m_iter; } bool operator!=( const iterator& other ) const { return !operator==( other ); } iterator operator+( std::size_t i ){ return iterator( m_iter + i * m_stride, m_stride ); } iterator operator+=( std::size_t i ){ m_iter += i * m_stride; return *this; } iterator& operator++(){ m_iter += m_stride; return *this; } iterator operator++( int ){ iterator tmp = *this; m_iter += m_stride; return tmp; } reference operator*() const { return *reinterpret_cast( m_iter ); } private: byte_pointer m_iter; std::size_t m_stride; }; VertexPointer( pointer vertices, std::size_t stride ) : m_vertices( reinterpret_cast( vertices ) ), m_stride( stride ) { } iterator begin() const { return iterator( m_vertices, m_stride ); } reference operator[]( std::size_t i ) const { return *reinterpret_cast( m_vertices + m_stride * i ); } private: byte_pointer m_vertices; std::size_t m_stride; }; class IndexPointer { public: typedef unsigned int index_type; typedef const index_type* pointer; class iterator { public: iterator( pointer iter ) : m_iter( iter ) { } bool operator==( const iterator& other ) const { return m_iter == other.m_iter; } bool operator!=( const iterator& other ) const { return !operator==( other ); } iterator operator+( std::size_t i ){ return m_iter + i; } iterator operator+=( std::size_t i ){ return m_iter += i; } iterator operator++(){ return ++m_iter; } iterator operator++( int ){ return m_iter++; } const index_type& operator*() const { return *m_iter; } private: void increment(){ ++m_iter; } pointer m_iter; }; IndexPointer( pointer indices, std::size_t count ) : m_indices( indices ), m_finish( indices + count ) { } iterator begin() const { return m_indices; } iterator end() const { return m_finish; } private: pointer m_indices; pointer m_finish; }; template class BasicVector3; typedef BasicVector3 Vector3; class Matrix4; class VolumeTest; class SelectionTest { public: virtual void BeginMesh( const Matrix4& localToWorld, bool twoSided = false ) = 0; virtual const VolumeTest& getVolume() const = 0; virtual const Vector3& getNear() const = 0; virtual const Vector3& getFar() const = 0; virtual void TestPoint( const Vector3& point, SelectionIntersection& best ) = 0; virtual void TestPolygon( const VertexPointer& vertices, std::size_t count, SelectionIntersection& best ) = 0; virtual void TestLineLoop( const VertexPointer& vertices, std::size_t count, SelectionIntersection& best ) = 0; virtual void TestLineStrip( const VertexPointer& vertices, std::size_t count, SelectionIntersection& best ) = 0; virtual void TestLines( const VertexPointer& vertices, std::size_t count, SelectionIntersection& best ) = 0; virtual void TestTriangles( const VertexPointer& vertices, const IndexPointer& indices, SelectionIntersection& best ) = 0; virtual void TestQuads( const VertexPointer& vertices, const IndexPointer& indices, SelectionIntersection& best ) = 0; virtual void TestQuadStrip( const VertexPointer& vertices, const IndexPointer& indices, SelectionIntersection& best ) = 0; }; class Selectable; class Selector { public: virtual void pushSelectable( Selectable& selectable ) = 0; virtual void popSelectable() = 0; virtual void addIntersection( const SelectionIntersection& intersection ) = 0; }; inline void Selector_add( Selector& selector, Selectable& selectable ){ selector.pushSelectable( selectable ); selector.addIntersection( SelectionIntersection( 0, 0 ) ); selector.popSelectable(); } inline void Selector_add( Selector& selector, Selectable& selectable, const SelectionIntersection& intersection ){ selector.pushSelectable( selectable ); selector.addIntersection( intersection ); selector.popSelectable(); } class VolumeTest; class SelectionTestable { public: STRING_CONSTANT( Name, "SelectionTestable" ); virtual void testSelect( Selector& selector, SelectionTest& test ) = 0; }; inline SelectionTestable* Instance_getSelectionTestable( scene::Instance& instance ){ return InstanceTypeCast::cast( instance ); } class Plane3; typedef Callback PlaneCallback; class SelectedPlanes { public: virtual bool contains( const Plane3& plane ) const = 0; }; class PlaneSelectable { public: STRING_CONSTANT( Name, "PlaneSelectable" ); virtual void selectPlanes( Selector& selector, SelectionTest& test, const PlaneCallback& selectedPlaneCallback ) = 0; virtual void selectReversedPlanes( Selector& selector, const SelectedPlanes& selectedPlanes ) = 0; }; #endif