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2020-11-17 11:16:16 +00:00
Copyright (C) 2001-2006, William Joseph.
All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of GtkRadiant.
GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#if !defined ( INCLUDED_SCENELIB_H )
#include "globaldefs.h"
#include "iscenegraph.h"
#include "iselection.h"
#include "warnings.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <string.h>
#include "math/aabb.h"
#include "transformlib.h"
#include "generic/callback.h"
#include "generic/reference.h"
#include "container/stack.h"
#include "typesystem.h"
class Selector;
class SelectionTest;
class VolumeTest;
template<typename Element> class BasicVector3;
typedef BasicVector3<float> Vector3;
template<typename Element> class BasicVector4;
typedef BasicVector4<float> Vector4;
class Matrix4;
typedef Vector4 Quaternion;
class AABB;
class ComponentSelectionTestable
STRING_CONSTANT( Name, "ComponentSelectionTestable" );
virtual bool isSelectedComponents() const = 0;
virtual void setSelectedComponents( bool select, SelectionSystem::EComponentMode mode ) = 0;
virtual void testSelectComponents( Selector& selector, SelectionTest& test, SelectionSystem::EComponentMode mode ) = 0;
class ComponentEditable
STRING_CONSTANT( Name, "ComponentEditable" );
virtual const AABB& getSelectedComponentsBounds() const = 0;
class ComponentSnappable
STRING_CONSTANT( Name, "ComponentSnappable" );
virtual void snapComponents( float snap ) = 0;
class Bounded
STRING_CONSTANT( Name, "Bounded" );
virtual const AABB& localAABB() const = 0;
class BrushDoom3
STRING_CONSTANT( Name, "BrushDoom3" );
virtual void setDoom3GroupOrigin( const Vector3& origin ) = 0;
typedef TypeCastTable<NODETYPEID_MAX> NodeTypeCastTable;
template<typename Type>
class NodeType : public StaticTypeSystemInitialiser
TypeId m_typeId;
typedef typename Type::Name Name;
NodeType() : m_typeId( NODETYPEID_NONE ){
StaticTypeSystemInitialiser::instance().addInitialiser( InitialiseCaller( *this ) );
void initialise(){
m_typeId = GlobalSceneGraph().getNodeTypeId( Name() );
typedef MemberCaller<NodeType<Type>, void(), &NodeType<Type>::initialise> InitialiseCaller;
TypeId getTypeId(){
ASSERT_MESSAGE( m_typeId != NODETYPEID_NONE, "node-type " << makeQuoted( Name() ) << " used before being initialised" );
return m_typeId;
template<typename Type>
class StaticNodeType
enum unnamed0 { SIZE = NODETYPEID_MAX };
static TypeId getTypeId(){
return Static< NodeType<Type> >::instance().getTypeId();
template<typename Type, typename Base>
class NodeStaticCast :
public CastInstaller<
StaticCast<Type, Base>
template<typename Type, typename Contained>
class NodeContainedCast :
public CastInstaller<
ContainedCast<Type, Contained>
template<typename Type>
class NodeIdentityCast :
public CastInstaller<
namespace scene
class Node
enum unnamed0 { eVisible = 0 };
enum unnamed1 { eHidden = 1 << 0 };
enum unnamed2 { eFiltered = 1 << 1 };
enum unnamed3 { eExcluded = 1 << 2 };
class Symbiot
virtual void release() = 0;
virtual ~Symbiot(){
unsigned int m_state;
std::size_t m_refcount;
Symbiot* m_symbiot;
void* m_node;
NodeTypeCastTable& m_casts;
bool m_isRoot;
bool isRoot(){
return m_isRoot;
2021-06-07 09:30:54 +00:00
bool isHidden(){
return (m_state == eHidden) ? 1 : 0;
2020-11-17 11:16:16 +00:00
Node( Symbiot* symbiot, void* node, NodeTypeCastTable& casts ) :
m_state( eVisible ),
m_refcount( 0 ),
m_symbiot( symbiot ),
m_node( node ),
m_casts( casts ),
m_isRoot( false ){
void IncRef(){
ASSERT_MESSAGE( m_refcount < ( 1 << 24 ), "Node::decref: uninitialised refcount" );
void DecRef(){
ASSERT_MESSAGE( m_refcount < ( 1 << 24 ), "Node::decref: uninitialised refcount" );
if ( --m_refcount == 0 ) {
std::size_t getReferenceCount() const {
return m_refcount;
void* cast( TypeId typeId ) const {
return m_casts.cast( typeId, m_node );
void enable( unsigned int state ){
m_state |= state;
void disable( unsigned int state ){
m_state &= ~state;
bool visible(){
return m_state == eVisible;
bool excluded(){
return ( m_state & eExcluded ) != 0;
bool operator<( const scene::Node& other ){
return this < &other;
bool operator==( const scene::Node& other ){
return this == &other;
bool operator!=( const scene::Node& other ){
return this != &other;
class NullNode : public Node::Symbiot
NodeTypeCastTable m_casts;
Node m_node;
NullNode() : m_node( this, 0, m_casts ){
void release(){
delete this;
scene::Node& node(){
return m_node;
template<typename Type>
class NodeTypeCast
static Type* cast( scene::Node& node ){
return static_cast<Type*>( node.cast( StaticNodeType<Type>::getTypeId() ) );
static const Type* cast( const scene::Node& node ){
return static_cast<const Type*>( node.cast( StaticNodeType<Type>::getTypeId() ) );
inline scene::Instantiable* Node_getInstantiable( scene::Node& node ){
return NodeTypeCast<scene::Instantiable>::cast( node );
inline scene::Traversable* Node_getTraversable( scene::Node& node ){
return NodeTypeCast<scene::Traversable>::cast( node );
inline void Node_traverseSubgraph( scene::Node& node, const scene::Traversable::Walker& walker ){
if ( walker.pre( node ) ) {
scene::Traversable* traversable = Node_getTraversable( node );
if ( traversable != 0 ) {
traversable->traverse( walker );
walker.post( node );
inline TransformNode* Node_getTransformNode( scene::Node& node ){
return NodeTypeCast<TransformNode>::cast( node );
inline scene::Node& NewNullNode(){
return ( new scene::NullNode )->node();
inline void Path_deleteTop( const scene::Path& path ){
Node_getTraversable( path.parent() )->erase( path.top() );
class delete_all : public scene::Traversable::Walker
scene::Node& m_parent;
delete_all( scene::Node& parent ) : m_parent( parent ){
bool pre( scene::Node& node ) const {
return false;
void post( scene::Node& node ) const {
Node_getTraversable( m_parent )->erase( node );
inline void DeleteSubgraph( scene::Node& subgraph ){
Node_getTraversable( subgraph )->traverse( delete_all( subgraph ) );
class EntityUndefined
STRING_CONSTANT( Name, "Entity" );
inline bool Node_isEntity( scene::Node& node ){
return NodeTypeCast<EntityUndefined>::cast( node ) != 0;
template<typename Functor>
class EntityWalker : public scene::Graph::Walker
const Functor& functor;
EntityWalker( const Functor& functor ) : functor( functor ){
bool pre( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const {
if ( Node_isEntity( path.top() ) ) {
functor( instance );
return false;
return true;
template<typename Functor>
inline const Functor& Scene_forEachEntity( const Functor& functor ){
GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( EntityWalker<Functor>( functor ) );
return functor;
class BrushUndefined
STRING_CONSTANT( Name, "Brush" );
inline bool Node_isBrush( scene::Node& node ){
return NodeTypeCast<BrushUndefined>::cast( node ) != 0;
class PatchUndefined
STRING_CONSTANT( Name, "Patch" );
inline bool Node_isPatch( scene::Node& node ){
return NodeTypeCast<PatchUndefined>::cast( node ) != 0;
inline bool Node_isPrimitive( scene::Node& node ){
#if 1
return Node_isBrush( node ) || Node_isPatch( node );
return !node.isRoot();
2021-06-07 09:30:54 +00:00
inline bool Node_isHidden( scene::Node& node ){
return node.isHidden();
2020-11-17 11:16:16 +00:00
class ParentBrushes : public scene::Traversable::Walker
scene::Node& m_parent;
ParentBrushes( scene::Node& parent )
: m_parent( parent ){
bool pre( scene::Node& node ) const {
return false;
void post( scene::Node& node ) const {
if ( Node_isPrimitive( node ) ) {
Node_getTraversable( m_parent )->insert( node );
inline void parentBrushes( scene::Node& subgraph, scene::Node& parent ){
Node_getTraversable( subgraph )->traverse( ParentBrushes( parent ) );
class HasBrushes : public scene::Traversable::Walker
bool& m_hasBrushes;
HasBrushes( bool& hasBrushes )
: m_hasBrushes( hasBrushes ){
m_hasBrushes = true;
bool pre( scene::Node& node ) const {
if ( !Node_isPrimitive( node ) ) {
m_hasBrushes = false;
return false;
inline bool node_is_group( scene::Node& node ){
scene::Traversable* traversable = Node_getTraversable( node );
if ( traversable != 0 ) {
bool hasBrushes = false;
traversable->traverse( HasBrushes( hasBrushes ) );
return hasBrushes;
return false;
typedef TypeCastTable<INSTANCETYPEID_MAX> InstanceTypeCastTable;
template<typename Type>
class InstanceType : public StaticTypeSystemInitialiser
TypeId m_typeId;
typedef typename Type::Name Name;
InstanceType() : m_typeId( INSTANCETYPEID_NONE ){
StaticTypeSystemInitialiser::instance().addInitialiser( InitialiseCaller( *this ) );
void initialise(){
m_typeId = GlobalSceneGraph().getInstanceTypeId( Name() );
typedef MemberCaller<InstanceType<Type>, void(), &InstanceType<Type>::initialise> InitialiseCaller;
TypeId getTypeId(){
ASSERT_MESSAGE( m_typeId != INSTANCETYPEID_NONE, "instance-type " << makeQuoted( Name() ) << " used before being initialised" );
return m_typeId;
template<typename Type>
class StaticInstanceType
enum unnamed0 { SIZE = INSTANCETYPEID_MAX };
static TypeId getTypeId(){
return Static< InstanceType<Type> >::instance().getTypeId();
template<typename Type, typename Base>
class InstanceStaticCast :
public CastInstaller<
StaticCast<Type, Base>
template<typename Type, typename Contained>
class InstanceContainedCast :
public CastInstaller<
ContainedCast<Type, Contained>
template<typename Type>
class InstanceIdentityCast :
public CastInstaller<
inline Selectable* Instance_getSelectable( scene::Instance& instance );
inline const Selectable* Instance_getSelectable( const scene::Instance& instance );
inline Bounded* Instance_getBounded( scene::Instance& instance );
inline const Bounded* Instance_getBounded( const scene::Instance& instance );
namespace scene
class Instance
class AABBAccumulateWalker : public scene::Graph::Walker
AABB& m_aabb;
mutable std::size_t m_depth;
AABBAccumulateWalker( AABB& aabb ) : m_aabb( aabb ), m_depth( 0 ){
bool pre( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const {
if ( m_depth == 1 ) {
aabb_extend_by_aabb_safe( m_aabb, instance.worldAABB() );
return ++m_depth != 2;
void post( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const {
class TransformChangedWalker : public scene::Graph::Walker
bool pre( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const {
return true;
class ParentSelectedChangedWalker : public scene::Graph::Walker
bool pre( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const {
return true;
class ChildSelectedWalker : public scene::Graph::Walker
bool& m_childSelected;
mutable std::size_t m_depth;
ChildSelectedWalker( bool& childSelected ) : m_childSelected( childSelected ), m_depth( 0 ){
m_childSelected = false;
bool pre( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const {
if ( m_depth == 1 && !m_childSelected ) {
m_childSelected = instance.isSelected() || instance.childSelected();
return ++m_depth != 2;
void post( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const {
Path m_path;
Instance* m_parent;
void* m_instance;
InstanceTypeCastTable& m_casts;
mutable Matrix4 m_local2world;
mutable AABB m_bounds;
mutable AABB m_childBounds;
mutable bool m_transformChanged;
mutable bool m_transformMutex;
mutable bool m_boundsChanged;
mutable bool m_boundsMutex;
mutable bool m_childBoundsChanged;
mutable bool m_childBoundsMutex;
mutable bool m_isSelected;
mutable bool m_isSelectedChanged;
mutable bool m_childSelected;
mutable bool m_childSelectedChanged;
mutable bool m_parentSelected;
mutable bool m_parentSelectedChanged;
Callback<void()> m_childSelectedChangedCallback;
Callback<void()> m_transformChangedCallback;
void evaluateTransform() const {
if ( m_transformChanged ) {
ASSERT_MESSAGE( !m_transformMutex, "re-entering transform evaluation" );
m_transformMutex = true;
m_local2world = ( m_parent != 0 ) ? m_parent->localToWorld() : g_matrix4_identity;
TransformNode* transformNode = Node_getTransformNode( m_path.top() );
if ( transformNode != 0 ) {
matrix4_multiply_by_matrix4( m_local2world, transformNode->localToParent() );
m_transformMutex = false;
m_transformChanged = false;
void evaluateChildBounds() const {
if ( m_childBoundsChanged ) {
ASSERT_MESSAGE( !m_childBoundsMutex, "re-entering bounds evaluation" );
m_childBoundsMutex = true;
m_childBounds = AABB();
GlobalSceneGraph().traverse_subgraph( AABBAccumulateWalker( m_childBounds ), m_path );
m_childBoundsMutex = false;
m_childBoundsChanged = false;
void evaluateBounds() const {
if ( m_boundsChanged ) {
ASSERT_MESSAGE( !m_boundsMutex, "re-entering bounds evaluation" );
m_boundsMutex = true;
m_bounds = childBounds();
const Bounded* bounded = Instance_getBounded( *this );
if ( bounded != 0 ) {
aabb_for_oriented_aabb_safe( bounded->localAABB(), localToWorld() )
m_boundsMutex = false;
m_boundsChanged = false;
Instance( const scene::Instance& other );
Instance& operator=( const scene::Instance& other );
Instance( const scene::Path& path, Instance* parent, void* instance, InstanceTypeCastTable& casts ) :
m_path( path ),
m_parent( parent ),
m_instance( instance ),
m_casts( casts ),
m_local2world( g_matrix4_identity ),
m_transformChanged( true ),
m_transformMutex( false ),
m_boundsChanged( true ),
m_boundsMutex( false ),
m_childBoundsChanged( true ),
m_childBoundsMutex( false ),
m_isSelectedChanged( true ),
m_childSelectedChanged( true ),
m_parentSelectedChanged( true ){
ASSERT_MESSAGE( ( parent == 0 ) == ( path.size() == 1 ), "instance has invalid parent" );
virtual ~Instance(){
const scene::Path& path() const {
return m_path;
void* cast( TypeId typeId ) const {
return m_casts.cast( typeId, m_instance );
const Matrix4& localToWorld() const {
return m_local2world;
void transformChangedLocal(){
ASSERT_NOTNULL( m_parent );
m_transformChanged = true;
m_boundsChanged = true;
m_childBoundsChanged = true;
void transformChanged(){
GlobalSceneGraph().traverse_subgraph( TransformChangedWalker(), m_path );
void setTransformChangedCallback( const Callback<void()>& callback ){
m_transformChangedCallback = callback;
const AABB& worldAABB() const {
return m_bounds;
const AABB& childBounds() const {
return m_childBounds;
void boundsChanged(){
m_boundsChanged = true;
m_childBoundsChanged = true;
if ( m_parent != 0 ) {
void childSelectedChanged(){
m_childSelectedChanged = true;
if ( m_parent != 0 ) {
bool childSelected() const {
if ( m_childSelectedChanged ) {
m_childSelectedChanged = false;
GlobalSceneGraph().traverse_subgraph( ChildSelectedWalker( m_childSelected ), m_path );
return m_childSelected;
void setChildSelectedChangedCallback( const Callback<void()>& callback ){
m_childSelectedChangedCallback = callback;
void selectedChanged(){
m_isSelectedChanged = true;
if ( m_parent != 0 ) {
GlobalSceneGraph().traverse_subgraph( ParentSelectedChangedWalker(), m_path );
bool isSelected() const {
if ( m_isSelectedChanged ) {
m_isSelectedChanged = false;
const Selectable* selectable = Instance_getSelectable( *this );
m_isSelected = selectable != 0 && selectable->isSelected();
return m_isSelected;
void parentSelectedChanged(){
m_parentSelectedChanged = true;
bool parentSelected() const {
if ( m_parentSelectedChanged ) {
m_parentSelectedChanged = false;
m_parentSelected = m_parent != 0 && ( m_parent->isSelected() || m_parent->parentSelected() );
return m_parentSelected;
template<typename Type>
class InstanceTypeCast
static Type* cast( scene::Instance& instance ){
return static_cast<Type*>( instance.cast( StaticInstanceType<Type>::getTypeId() ) );
static const Type* cast( const scene::Instance& instance ){
return static_cast<const Type*>( instance.cast( StaticInstanceType<Type>::getTypeId() ) );
template<typename Functor>
class InstanceWalker : public scene::Graph::Walker
const Functor& m_functor;
InstanceWalker( const Functor& functor ) : m_functor( functor ){
bool pre( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const {
m_functor( instance );
return true;
template<typename Functor>
class ChildInstanceWalker : public scene::Graph::Walker
const Functor& m_functor;
mutable std::size_t m_depth;
ChildInstanceWalker( const Functor& functor ) : m_functor( functor ), m_depth( 0 ){
bool pre( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const {
if ( m_depth == 1 ) {
m_functor( instance );
return ++m_depth != 2;
void post( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const {
template<typename Type, typename Functor>
class InstanceApply : public Functor
InstanceApply( const Functor& functor ) : Functor( functor ){
void operator()( scene::Instance& instance ) const {
Type* result = InstanceTypeCast<Type>::cast( instance );
if ( result != 0 ) {
Functor::operator()( *result );
inline Selectable* Instance_getSelectable( scene::Instance& instance ){
return InstanceTypeCast<Selectable>::cast( instance );
inline const Selectable* Instance_getSelectable( const scene::Instance& instance ){
return InstanceTypeCast<Selectable>::cast( instance );
template<typename Functor>
inline void Scene_forEachChildSelectable( const Functor& functor, const scene::Path& path ){
GlobalSceneGraph().traverse_subgraph( ChildInstanceWalker< InstanceApply<Selectable, Functor> >( functor ), path );
class SelectableSetSelected
bool m_selected;
SelectableSetSelected( bool selected ) : m_selected( selected ){
void operator()( Selectable& selectable ) const {
selectable.setSelected( m_selected );
inline Bounded* Instance_getBounded( scene::Instance& instance ){
return InstanceTypeCast<Bounded>::cast( instance );
inline const Bounded* Instance_getBounded( const scene::Instance& instance ){
return InstanceTypeCast<Bounded>::cast( instance );
inline Transformable* Instance_getTransformable( scene::Instance& instance ){
return InstanceTypeCast<Transformable>::cast( instance );
inline const Transformable* Instance_getTransformable( const scene::Instance& instance ){
return InstanceTypeCast<Transformable>::cast( instance );
inline ComponentSelectionTestable* Instance_getComponentSelectionTestable( scene::Instance& instance ){
return InstanceTypeCast<ComponentSelectionTestable>::cast( instance );
inline ComponentEditable* Instance_getComponentEditable( scene::Instance& instance ){
return InstanceTypeCast<ComponentEditable>::cast( instance );
inline ComponentSnappable* Instance_getComponentSnappable( scene::Instance& instance ){
return InstanceTypeCast<ComponentSnappable>::cast( instance );
inline void Instance_setSelected( scene::Instance& instance, bool selected ){
Selectable* selectable = Instance_getSelectable( instance );
if ( selectable != 0 ) {
selectable->setSelected( selected );
inline bool Instance_isSelected( scene::Instance& instance ){
Selectable* selectable = Instance_getSelectable( instance );
if ( selectable != 0 ) {
return selectable->isSelected();
return false;
inline scene::Instance& findInstance( const scene::Path& path ){
scene::Instance* instance = GlobalSceneGraph().find( path );
ASSERT_MESSAGE( instance != 0, "findInstance: path not found in scene-graph" );
return *instance;
inline void selectPath( const scene::Path& path, bool selected ){
Instance_setSelected( findInstance( path ), selected );
class SelectChildren : public scene::Traversable::Walker
mutable scene::Path m_path;
SelectChildren( const scene::Path& root )
: m_path( root ){
bool pre( scene::Node& node ) const {
m_path.push( makeReference( node ) );
selectPath( m_path, true );
return false;
void post( scene::Node& node ) const {
inline void Entity_setSelected( scene::Instance& entity, bool selected ){
scene::Node& node = entity.path().top();
if ( node_is_group( node ) ) {
Node_getTraversable( node )->traverse( SelectChildren( entity.path() ) );
Instance_setSelected( entity, selected );
inline bool Entity_isSelected( scene::Instance& entity ){
if ( node_is_group( entity.path().top() ) ) {
return entity.childSelected();
return Instance_isSelected( entity );
class InstanceCounter
unsigned int m_count;
InstanceCounter() : m_count( 0 ){
class Counter
virtual void increment() = 0;
virtual void decrement() = 0;
#include "generic/callback.h"
class SimpleCounter : public Counter
Callback<void()> m_countChanged;
std::size_t m_count;
void setCountChangedCallback( const Callback<void()>& countChanged ){
m_countChanged = countChanged;
void increment(){
void decrement(){
std::size_t get() const {
return m_count;
template<typename Contained>
class ConstReference;
typedef ConstReference<scene::Path> PathConstReference;
#include "generic/referencecounted.h"
typedef SmartReference<scene::Node, IncRefDecRefCounter<scene::Node> > NodeSmartReference;