Developers: the internal class `bot` is now `NSBot`, and an entityDef of the old name will be instantiated instead. Override defs/bot.def in your mod and make it use any custom spawnclass you wish. Now games don't have to override `addbot` or `bot_add` inside the multiplayer game rules. There's also more console commands. Clients now have access to: addBot, killAllBots, killClass [classname], killMovables, trigger [targetname], input [entnum] [input] [data], listBotProfiles, listTargets, teleport [targetname], teleportToClass [classname], respawnEntities, spawn
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// bots
seta bot_enable 1 // Enable (1) or disable (0) usage of bots in the game.
seta bot_pause 0 // Enable (1) or disable (0) an interrupt for the Bot AIs thinking.
seta bot_noChat 0 // Enable (1) or disable (0) a suppression of any bot chatter.
seta bot_fastChat 0 // Enable (1) or disable (0) bot chatter that does not stop other inputs.
seta bot_debug 0 // Enable (1) or disable (0) bot debug features that otherwise won't work.
seta bot_developer 0 // Enable (1) or disable (0) bot debug text in console.
seta bot_minClients -1 // When set, ensures to fill the server with this many players/bots.
// common
seta com_showFPS 0 // Draws the Frames Per Second counter. Has two values: 1 - Simple 2 - Detailed
seta com_showTracers 0 // Debug display for tracelines, networking intensive.
// client game console variables
seta cg_chatEnabled 1 // Enable/disable the chat message window during gameplay.
seta cg_hudAspect 0 // Control for overriding the aspect ratio/canvas of HUD elements.
seta cg_viewmodelFov 90 // Field of view of the first-person view model.
seta cg_viewmodelPass 0 // Enable/disable the viewmodel to be rendered in a second pass.
seta cg_viewmodelOffset "0 0 0" // Vector offset for the first-person view model.
seta cg_viewmodelFlip 0 // Enable/disable flipping/mirroring of the first-person view model.
seta cg_viewmodelLag 0 // Enable/disable delayed updated of the first-person view model.
seta cg_viewmodelScale 1.0 // Scale multiplier for the first-person view model.
seta cg_muzzleDLight 1 // Enable/disable dynamic light updates when muzzleflashes are drawn.
// player movement console variables
seta pm_stepsize 18 // Maximum step height for climbing up stairs.
seta pm_airstepsize 18 // Maximum step height for climbing up surfaces in-air.
seta pm_friction 4 // Friction multiplier for walking on ground.
seta pm_edgefriction 1 // Friction multiplier for walking on edges.
seta pm_stopspeed 75 // Speed at which the player stops moving.
seta pm_accelerate 8 // Acceleration multiplier for walking on ground.
seta pm_airaccelerate 10 // Acceleration multiplier for walking in air.
seta pm_wateraccelerate 8 // Acceleration multiplier for swimming in liquid.
seta pm_maxspeed 270 // Maximum desired player speed.
seta pm_stairSmoothing 1 // Smooth the client's camera on the Z axis when climbing stairs.
seta pm_thirdPerson 0 // Enable/disable third-person view mode.
seta pm_crouchToggle 0 // Enable/disable sticky crouch, ducking behaviour.
seta pm_autoJump 0 // Enable/disable automatically jumping when holding down the jump key.
// network variables
seta net_showUpdates 0 // Enable/disable console prints about entity updates.
// game console variables
seta g_gravity 800 // Global gravity setting, in unit per second.
seta g_mapCycle "mapcycle.txt" // Map cycle file for multiplayer games.
seta g_developer 0 // Prints game-logic specific debug messages when 1.
// input console variables
seta in_zoomSensitivity 1.0 // Mouse sensitivity multiplier for when we're using the +zoomin command.
// rendering related cvars
seta r_drawGLQuakeShadow 0 // Draws a GLQuake styled shadow under certain entities when enabled.
seta r_skipBeams 0 // Skip rendering of beam effects.
seta r_skipDiffuse 0 // Skip rendering of diffuse/albedo textures.
seta r_skipGlows 0 // Skip rendering of coronas/glow sprite effects.
seta r_skipLensFlares 0 // Skip rendering of lens flares.
seta r_skipLightmap 0 // Skip rendering of the lightmap in levels.
seta r_skipDetail 0 // Skip rendering of detail textures on surfaces.
seta r_skipEnvmap 0 // Skip rendering of environment/cube maps on surfaces.
seta r_skipFullbright 0 // Skip rendering of fullbright textures on surfaces.
seta r_skipNormal 0 // Skip rendering of normal/bump maps on surfaces.
seta r_showDlights 0 // Show debug info for dynamic light entities.
seta r_showPhysicsInfo 0 // Show debug info for NSPhysicsEntity entities.
seta r_showRenderInfo 0 // Show debug info for NSRenderableEntity entities.
seta r_showSkeleton 0 // Shows joints for skeletal entities.
seta r_showTexts 0 // Shows debug info for game_text messages.
seta r_showView 0 // Shows debug info for NSView objects.
seta r_showViewCone 0 // Shows view cone for actors and other similar entities.
// teamplay related cvars
seta sv_friendlyFire 0 // When set to 1, players/actors/bots belonging to the same team can damage each other
seta mp_td_dmgToKick 300 // Specifies how much damage one player has to inflict to others players before getting kicked.
seta mp_td_dmgToWarn 200 // Specifies how much damage one player has to inflict to others players before getting warned.
alias mp_friendlyfire sv_friendlyFire
// xr related cvars
seta xr_roomScale 1.0 // Scales world<>game translation.
seta xr_viewHeight -48.0 // Specifies the head offset when in XR mode.
seta xr_testInputs 0 // Send faux XR input signals when enabled.
seta s_developer 0 // Prints sound-logic specific debug messages when 1.
// aliases for the older commands (may be removed some day)
alias cl_autojump pm_autoJump
alias cl_showfps com_showFPS
alias pm_autoJump "setinfo autojump $*"
alias cl_chat_enabled cg_chatEnabled
alias cl_crouch_toggle pm_crouchToggle
alias cl_hudaspect cg_hudAspect
alias cl_smoothstairs pm_stairSmoothing
alias cl_thirdperson pm_thirdPerson
alias com_showFPS "show_fps $*"
alias r_viewmodelfov cg_viewmodelFov
alias r_viewmodelpass cg_viewmodelPass
alias v_gunofs cg_viewmodelOffset
alias v_lefthanded cg_viewmodelFlip
alias v_modellag cg_viewmodelLag
alias v_muzzledlight cg_muzzleDLight
alias viewmodelscale cg_viewmodelScale
alias zoom_sensitivity in_zoomSensitivity
alias sv_stepheight pm_stepsize
alias sv_airstepheight pm_airstepsize
alias sv_friction pm_friction
alias sv_edgefriction pm_edgefriction
alias sv_stopspeed pm_stopspeed
alias sv_airaccelerate pm_airaccelerate
alias sv_wateraccelerate pm_wateraccelerate
alias sv_accelerate pm_accelerate
alias sv_maxspeed pm_maxspeed
alias sv_gravity g_gravity |