132 lines
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132 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Marco 'eukara' Hladik. All rights reserved.
* See the file LICENSE attached with the sources for usage details.
//.float bonecontrol1; //Halflife model format bone controller. On player models, this typically affects the spine's yaw.
//.float bonecontrol2; //Halflife model format bone controller. On player models, this typically affects the spine's yaw.
//.float bonecontrol3; //Halflife model format bone controller. On player models, this typically affects the spine's yaw.
//.float bonecontrol4; //Halflife model format bone controller. On player models, this typically affects the spine's yaw.
//.float bonecontrol5; //Halflife model format bone controller. This typically affects the mouth.
//.float subblendfrac; //Weird animation value specific to halflife models. On player models, this typically affects the spine's pitch.
//.float basesubblendfrac; // legs part.
.float subblend2frac; // Up/Down
void player::gun_offset(void)
vector v1, v2;
this.p_model.angles = this.angles; // Set it to something consistent
gettaginfo(this, this.p_hand_bone); // Updates the v_ globals for the player hand bone angle
v1 = vectoangles(v_right, v_up); // Create angles from the v_ matrix
gettaginfo(this.p_model, this.p_model_bone); // Updates the v_ globals for the weapon hand bone angle
v2 = vectoangles(v_right, v_up);
this.p_model.angles = this.angles + (v1 - v2); // The difference is applied
// Fix the origin
setorigin(this.p_model, this.origin); // Set it to something consistent
vector ofs = gettaginfo(this.p_model, this.p_model_bone) - gettaginfo(this, this.p_hand_bone);
setorigin(this.p_model, this.origin - ofs);
void player::draw(void)
if (!this.p_model) {
this.p_model = spawn();
this.p_model.classname = "pmodel";
this.p_model.owner = this;
this.subblend2frac = this.pitch;
// Only bother updating the model if the weapon has changed
if (this.lastweapon != this.activeweapon) {
if (this.activeweapon) {
// FIXME: setmodel(this.p_model, sPModels[this.weapon - 1]);
} else {
setmodel(this.p_model, "");
this.lastweapon = this.activeweapon;
// Update the bone index of the current p_ model so we can calculate the offset
// Get the weapon bone ID for the current player model
this.p_hand_bone = gettagindex(this, "Bip01 R Hand");
this.p_model_bone = gettagindex(this.p_model, "Bip01 R Hand");
/*makevectors([0, this.angles[1], 0]);
float fDirection = dotproduct(this.velocity, v_forward);
if (fDirection != 0)
print(sprintf("fDirection: %d\n", fDirection));
if (fDirection < 0) {
this.baseframe1time -= clframetime;
this.baseframe2time -= clframetime;
this.frame2time -= clframetime;
this.frame1time -= clframetime;
} else {*/
this.baseframe1time += clframetime;
this.baseframe2time += clframetime;
this.frame2time += clframetime;
this.frame1time += clframetime;
this.bonecontrol5 = getplayerkeyfloat(this.entnum - 1, "voiploudness");
makevectors([0, this.angles[1], 0]);
float fCorrect = dotproduct(this.velocity, v_right);
float a, s;
if (this.velocity[0] == 0 && this.velocity[1] == 0) {
a = 0;
s = 0;
} else {
a = this.angles[1] - vectoyaw(this.velocity);
s = vlen(this.velocity);
if (s < 100) {
a *= s/100;
s /= 400;
/* Clamp */
if (a < -180) {
a += 360;
if (a > 180) {
a -= 360;
if (a > 120) {
a = 120;
if (a < -120) {
a = -120;
/* Turn torso */
this.subblendfrac = (a)/-120;
/* Correct the legs */
this.angles[1] -= a;
float player::predraw(void)
/* Run animations regardless of rendering the player */
if (autocvar_cl_thirdperson == TRUE || this.entnum != player_localentnum) {
} else {