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Sentences are the voice-acting backbone of the sound system.
The definitions for each games' voice acting are stored inside
One keyword, referred to as the Sentence, substitutes a range of voiced samples. Sometimes spanning multiple real sentences.
In addition, it is capable of playing a random Sentence from a group of Sentences.
Due to their versatility, they should be used exclusively to deliver spoken dialog in the game.
Within a Sentences definition file, each new line is a new Sentence entry.
The syntax:
And here a practical, advanced, real-world example of a Sentence:
MALETEST (vol50) attention(p120) male/hello how are you
The above example lists 5 samples that'll get played. One sample (the first) is special in that it gets pitch shifted up by 20%. All of them play at %50 volume.
If a sample is not in a sub-directory, it'll be assumed to be part of the vox/ sub-directory under sound/, or the last valid path of a previous sample.
As a demonstration, the following, minimized samples:
attention male/hello how are you
will unpack to become the following samples:
vox/attention.wav male/hello.wav male/how.wav male/are.wav male/you.wav
When parameters are surrounded by spaces, this means they apply to all current samples. They can be overwritten later down the parsing.
When a parameter is attached to the end of a sample:
...then this parameter only applies to said keyword.
(p120) attention everyone alive
Will apply the pitch effect to all three succeeding samples.
- (pXX) = Pitch. Valid values are from 50 to 150. Default: 100
- (vXX) = Volume. Valid values are from 0 to 100. Default: 100
- (sXX) = Start point in %. E.g. 10 skips the first 10% of the sample. Default: 0
- (eXX) = End point in %. E.g. 75 ends playback 75% into the sample. Default: 100
- (tXX) = Time shift/compression in %. 100 is unaltered speed, wheras 50 plays the sample back in half the time.
Random Sentences
When naming your Sentences, enumerate them, starting with the number 0. An example syntax would be as follows:
TEST0 yes
TEST1 no
TEST2 maybe
And when referring to this Group of Sentences, simply refer to the name without the enumeration at the end:
"sentence" "!TEST"
Entity Usage
When referencing a Sentence level designers are asked to prefix keys referring to them with an exclamation mark ( ! ). You'll find this in scripted_sentence type entities:
"sentence" "!GM_SUIT"
which in turn, will look up GM_SUIT:
GM_SUIT gman/gman_suit
This will also apply to any other entity that supports working with Sentences, like ambient_generic.