Adds color sliders for the HUD, Crosshair etc. in the Player options Fixed some other small things someone might notice
471 lines
14 KiB
Executable file
471 lines
14 KiB
Executable file
FreeCS Project
Copyright (C) 2016, 2017 Marco "eukara" Hladik
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Initializes external control scheme file, etc.
int iActCount;
int iResCount;
string *strActBind;
string *strActDescr;
string *strResolution;
void Menu_Configuration_Init( void ) {
int iCount = 0;
string sTemp;
filestream fileSettings = fopen( "gfx/shell/kb_act.lst", FILE_READ );
// Count the valid entries.
if ( fileSettings >= 0 ) {
while ( ( sTemp = fgets( fileSettings ) ) ) {
if ( tokenize_console( sTemp ) == 2 ) {
} else {
error( "Cannot parse gfx/shell/kb_act.lst!" );
// Reset filestream position after allocating the strings
strActBind = memalloc( sizeof( string ) * iActCount );
strActDescr = memalloc( sizeof( string ) * iActCount );
fseek( fileSettings, 0 );
// Parse the bindings in
while ( ( sTemp = fgets( fileSettings ) ) ) {
// Tokenize and just parse this stuff in
if ( tokenize_console( sTemp ) == 2 ) {
strActBind[ iCount ] = argv( 0 );
strActDescr[ iCount ] = argv( 1 );
//print( sprintf( "%s %s\n", strActBind[ iCount ], strActDescr[ iCount ] ) );
fclose( fileSettings );
fileSettings = fopen( "resolutions.txt", FILE_READ );
// Count the valid entries.
if ( fileSettings >= 0 ) {
while ( ( sTemp = fgets( fileSettings ) ) ) {
if ( tokenize_console( sTemp ) == 2 ) {
} else {
error( "Cannot parse resolutions.txt!" );
// Reset filestream position after allocating the strings
strResolution = memalloc( sizeof( string ) * iResCount );
fseek( fileSettings, 0 );
// Parse the bindings in
iCount = 0;
while ( ( sTemp = fgets( fileSettings ) ) ) {
strResolution[ iCount ] = sTemp;
fclose( fileSettings );
void Menu_Configuration_ButtonOK( void ) {
void Menu_Configuration_ButtonCancel( void ) {
void Menu_Configuration_Video( void ) {
static int iScrollRes = 0;
static int iSelectedResolution = -1;
static int iVideoScale = -1;
static void Video_Apply( void ) {
if ( iSelectedResolution != -1 ) {
tokenizebyseparator( strResolution[ iSelectedResolution ], "x", " " );
cvar_set( "vid_width", argv( 0 ) );
cvar_set( "vid_height", argv( 1 ) );
localcmd( "vid_restart\n" );
static void Video_DisplayRes( vector vPosition, int i, __inout int iSelected ) {
float fItemAlpha = 1.0f;
vPosition += vMenuOffset;
if ( Menu_InputCheckMouse( [ vPosition_x, vPosition_y ], [ 284, 8 ] ) == TRUE ) {
if ( fMouseClick == TRUE ) {
if ( iSelected != i ) {
iSelected = i;
fInputKeyCode = 0;
fMouseClick = FALSE;
} else {
fItemAlpha = 0.8;
if ( iSelected == i ) {
drawfill( [ vPosition_x, vPosition_y - 1 ], [ 156, 10 ], '1 1 1', 0.5, 2 );
drawstring( [vPosition_x + 8, vPosition_y], strResolution[ i ], '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1.0f, FALSE );
} else {
drawstring( [vPosition_x + 8, vPosition_y], strResolution[ i ], '8 8 0', '1 1 1', fItemAlpha, FALSE );
// Get the current scale method... and resolution
if ( iVideoScale == -1 ) {
if ( cvar( "vid_conautoscale" ) == 0 ) {
iVideoScale = 1;
} else {
iVideoScale = 0;
for ( int i = 1; i < iResCount; i++ ) {
tokenizebyseparator( strResolution[ i ], "x", " " );
if ( ( stof( argv( 0 ) ) == vVideoSize_x && ( stof( argv( 1 ) ) == vVideoSize_y ) ) ) {
iSelectedResolution = i;
Object_Label( '196 148', _("VIDEO_RES"), '8 8' );
Object_Frame( '196 160', '164 300' );
Object_Scrollbar( '372 160', 284, iScrollRes );
Menu_SetClipArea( '196 162', '164 298' );
vector vListPos = '200 165';
vListPos_y -= fabs( ( ( iResCount - 8 ) * 10 ) * ( iScrollRes / 300 ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < iResCount; i++ ) {
Video_DisplayRes( vListPos, i, iSelectedResolution );
vListPos_y += 10;
static void Video_ScaleSwitch( void ) {
iVideoScale = 1 - iVideoScale;
if ( iVideoScale == 1 ) {
cvar_set( "vid_conautoscale", "0" );
cvar_set( "vid_conwidth", "0" );
cvar_set( "vid_conheight", "480" );
} else {
cvar_set( "vid_conautoscale", "1" );
Object_CvarToggle( '400 165', "Fullscreen", "vid_fullscreen" );
Object_CvarToggle( '400 185', "Triple Buffering", "vid_triplebuffer" );
Object_CvarToggle( '400 205', "Virtual Synchronisation", "vid_vsync" );
Object_FuncToggle( '400 225', "HDPI Mode", Video_ScaleSwitch, iVideoScale );
drawtextfield( vMenuOffset + '400 265', '200 200', 1, _("VIDEO_RESTARTMSG") ) ;
Object_Button( '32 148', BTN_REFRESH, Video_Apply, fButtonAlpha[0] );
Object_Button( '32 180', BTN_DONE, Menu_Configuration_ButtonCancel, fButtonAlpha[1] );
void Menu_Configuration_Audio( void ) {
static int iAudioMaster = -1;
static int iLastMaster = -1;
// Page is first opened, initialize the scrollbar variables
if ( iAudioMaster == -1 ) {
iAudioMaster = cvar( "volume" ) * 256;
iLastMaster = iAudioMaster;
Object_Label( '196 148', _("AUDIO_MASTER"), '8 8' );
Object_ScrollbarH( '196 160', 256, iAudioMaster );
if ( iAudioMaster != iLastMaster ) {
localcmd( sprintf( "volume %f\n", iAudioMaster / 256 ) );
iLastMaster = iAudioMaster;
Object_Button( '32 148', BTN_OK, Menu_Configuration_ButtonOK, fButtonAlpha[0] );
Object_Button( '32 180', BTN_CANCEL, Menu_Configuration_ButtonCancel, fButtonAlpha[1] );
void Menu_Configuration_Player( void ) {
static string strPlayername;
static int iFirst = 1;
static color cCross;
static color cVGUI;
static color cCon;
static void Player_OK( void ) {
if ( strPlayername != __NULL__ ) {
localcmd( sprintf( "name %s\n", strPlayername ) );
} else {
strPlayername = cvar_string( "name" );
cvar_set( "cross_color", sprintf( "%i %i %i", cCross.iR, cCross.iG, cCross.iB ) );
cvar_set( "vgui_color", sprintf( "%i %i %i", cVGUI.iR, cVGUI.iG, cVGUI.iB ) );
cvar_set( "con_color", sprintf( "%i %i %i", cCon.iR, cCon.iG, cCon.iB ) );
if ( iFirst == 1 ) {
float fCheck;
strPlayername = cvar_string( "name" );
fCheck = tokenize( cvar_string( "cross_color" ) );
if ( fCheck == 3 ) {
cCross.iR = stof( argv( 0 ) );
cCross.iG = stof( argv( 1 ) );
cCross.iB = stof( argv( 2 ) );
} else {
// TODO... put this in a more global location? If this is changed, change Defs.h in Source/Client too!
cCross.iR = 0;
cCross.iG = 255;
cCross.iB = 0;
cvar_set( "cross_color", "0 255 0" );
fCheck = tokenize( cvar_string( "vgui_color" ) );
if ( fCheck == 3 ) {
cVGUI.iR = stof( argv( 0 ) );
cVGUI.iG = stof( argv( 1 ) );
cVGUI.iB = stof( argv( 2 ) );
} else {
cVGUI.iR = 255;
cVGUI.iG = 170;
cVGUI.iB = 0;
cvar_set( "vgui_color", "255 170 0" );
fCheck = tokenize( cvar_string( "con_color" ) );
if ( fCheck == 3 ) {
cCon.iR = stof( argv( 0 ) );
cCon.iG = stof( argv( 1 ) );
cCon.iB = stof( argv( 2 ) );
} else {
cCon.iR = 255;
cCon.iG = 170;
cCon.iB = 0;
cvar_set( "con_color", "255 170 0" );
iFirst = 0;
Object_Label( '196 148', _("PLAYER_NICK"), '8 8' );
Object_Textfield( '196 160', strPlayername, 16 );
Object_Label( '196 200', _("PLAYER_CROSSCOLOR"), '8 8' );
Object_ScrollbarH( '196 212', 255, cCross.iR );
Object_ScrollbarH( '196 230', 255, cCross.iG );
Object_ScrollbarH( '196 248', 255, cCross.iB );
Object_Frame( '468 388', '52 52' );
drawfill( vMenuOffset + '469 213', '50 50', [ cCross.iR / 255, cCross.iG / 255, cCross.iB / 255 ], 1.0f );
Object_Label( '196 288', _("PLAYER_GUICOLOR"), '8 8' );
Object_ScrollbarH( '196 300', 255, cVGUI.iR );
Object_ScrollbarH( '196 318', 255, cVGUI.iG );
Object_ScrollbarH( '196 336', 255, cVGUI.iB );
Object_Frame( '468 388', '52 52' );
drawfill( vMenuOffset + '469 300', '50 50', [ cVGUI.iR / 255, cVGUI.iG / 255, cVGUI.iB / 255 ], 1.0f );
Object_Label( '196 376', _("PLAYER_HUDCOLOR"), '8 8' );
Object_ScrollbarH( '196 388', 255, cCon.iR );
Object_ScrollbarH( '196 406', 255, cCon.iG );
Object_ScrollbarH( '196 424', 255, cCon.iB );
Object_Frame( '468 388', '52 52' );
drawfill( vMenuOffset + '469 388', '50 50', [ cCon.iR / 255, cCon.iG / 255, cCon.iB / 255 ], 1.0f );
Object_Button( '32 148', BTN_OK, Player_OK, fButtonAlpha[0] );
Object_Button( '32 180', BTN_CANCEL, Menu_Configuration_ButtonCancel, fButtonAlpha[1] );
void Menu_Configuration_Controls( void ) {
static float fActClickTime;
static int iBindKey = -1;
void Controls_Default( void ) {
localcmd( "unbindall\nexec default.cfg\n" );
void Controls_DisplayAct( vector vPosition, int i, __inout int iSelected ) {
float fItemAlpha = 0.8f;
float fBindKey = tokenize( findkeysforcommand( strActBind[ i ] ) );
string sBindTx = "";
float j, k;
for( j = 0; j < fBindKey; ++j ) {
k = stof( argv( j ) );
if( k != -1 ) {
if( sBindTx != "" ) {
sBindTx = strcat( sBindTx, ", " );
sBindTx = strcat( sBindTx, keynumtostring( k ) );
vPosition += vMenuOffset;
if ( Menu_InputCheckMouse( [ vPosition_x, vPosition_y ], [ 397, 8 ] ) == TRUE ) {
if ( strActBind[ i ] != "blank" ) {
fItemAlpha = 1.0f;
if ( fMouseClick == TRUE ) {
if ( iSelected != i ) {
iSelected = i;
fInputKeyCode = 0;
fMouseClick = FALSE;
fActClickTime = time + 0.2;
} else {
// change bind
iBindKey = iSelected;
fInputKeyCode = 0;
fMouseClick = FALSE;
if ( iSelected == i ) {
drawfill( [ vPosition_x, vPosition_y - 1 ], [ 397, 10 ], '1 1 1', 0.5, 2 );
drawstring( [vPosition_x + 8, vPosition_y], sBindTx, '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1.0f, FALSE );
drawstring( [vPosition_x + 128, vPosition_y], strActDescr[ i ], '8 8 0', '1 1 1', 1.0f, FALSE );
} else {
drawstring( [vPosition_x + 8, vPosition_y], sBindTx, '8 8 0', '1 1 1', fItemAlpha, FALSE );
drawstring( [vPosition_x + 128, vPosition_y], strActDescr[ i ], '8 8 0', '1 1 1', fItemAlpha, FALSE );
static int iSelectedAct = -1;
static int iScrollAct;
Object_Button( '32 148', BTN_OK, Menu_Configuration_ButtonOK, fButtonAlpha[0] );
Object_Button( '32 180', BTN_CANCEL, Menu_Configuration_ButtonCancel, fButtonAlpha[1] );
Object_Button( '32 244', BTN_DEFAULTS, Controls_Default, fButtonAlpha[2] );
Object_Frame( '196 140', '404 308' );
Object_Scrollbar( '604 140', 308, iScrollAct );
Object_Label( '208 124', _("Keybind"), '8 8' );
Object_Label( '328 124', _("Description"), '8 8' );
Menu_SetClipArea( '196 141', '404 306' );
vector vListPos = '200 145';
vListPos_y -= fabs( ( ( iActCount - 8 ) * 10 ) * ( iScrollAct / 308 ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < iActCount; i++ ) {
Controls_DisplayAct( vListPos, i, iSelectedAct );
vListPos_y += 10;
if ( iBindKey >= 0 ) {
Object_Frame( '196 150', '404 100' );
drawstring( vMenuOffset + '216 170', "Press any button to assign it to:", '8 8 0', autocvar_menu_fgcolor, 1.0f, FALSE );
drawstring( vMenuOffset + '216 232', "To clear, press Backspace.", '8 8 0', autocvar_menu_fgcolor, 1.0f, FALSE );
drawstring( vMenuOffset + '216 190', strActDescr[ iBindKey ], '16 16', autocvar_menu_fgcolor, 1.0f, FALSE );
if ( fInputKeyCode > 0 ) {
if( fInputKeyCode == K_BACKSPACE ) {
float fBindKey = tokenize( findkeysforcommand( strActBind[ iBindKey ] ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < fBindKey; i++ ) {
localcmd( sprintf( "unbind %s\n", keynumtostring( stof( argv( i ) ) ) ) );
iBindKey = -1;
fInputKeyCode = 0;
fInputKeyASCII = 0;
} else if ( fInputKeyCode != K_ESCAPE ) {
localcmd( sprintf( "bind %s %s\n", keynumtostring( fInputKeyCode ), strActBind[ iBindKey ] ) );
iBindKey = -1;
fInputKeyCode = 0;
fInputKeyASCII = 0;
First config screen
void Menu_Configuration( void ) {
static void Configuration_ButtonAudio( void ) {
static void Configuration_ButtonVideo( void ) {
static void Configuration_ButtonCustomize( void ) {
static void Configuration_ButtonControls( void ) {
static void Configuration_ButtonDone( void ) {
iMenu = MENU_MAIN;
Object_Button( '32 148', BTN_AUDIO, Configuration_ButtonAudio, fButtonAlpha[0] );
Object_Button( '32 180', BTN_VIDEO, Configuration_ButtonVideo, fButtonAlpha[1] );
Object_Button( '32 212', BTN_CUSTOMIZE, Configuration_ButtonCustomize, fButtonAlpha[2] );
Object_Button( '32 244', BTN_CONTROLS, Configuration_ButtonControls, fButtonAlpha[3] );
Object_Button( '32 276', BTN_DONE, Configuration_ButtonDone, fButtonAlpha[4] );
} |