Marco Hladik f19f73ffc8 Simplified a whole bunch of GUI stuff
Basic, albeit mathematically lame angle correction for p_ weapons
2017-06-26 11:12:16 +02:00

166 lines
7.5 KiB
Executable file

FreeCS Project
Copyright (C) 2016, 2017 Marco "eukara" Hladik
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// TODO: expose these to the clients?
int iOrbituaryScroll;
float fOrbituaryTime;
typedef struct {
string sSprite;
vector vOrigin;
vector vSize;
} weaponiconinfo_t;
// It's easier to just look up the info than to create it on the fly...
weaponiconinfo_t wpIconTable[ CS_WEAPON_COUNT ] = {
{ "", '0 0', '0 0' }, //WEAPON_NONE
{ "sprites/640hud1.spr_0.tga", '0.75 0', '0.1875 0.0625' }, //WEAPON_KNIFE
{ "sprites/640hud1.spr_0.tga", '0.75 0.125', '0.125 0.0625' }, //WEAPON_USP45
{ "sprites/640hud1.spr_0.tga", '0.75 0.0625', '0.125 0.0625' }, //WEAPON_GLOCK18
{ "sprites/640hud1.spr_0.tga", '0.875 0.0625', '0.125 0.0625' }, //WEAPON_DEAGLE
{ "sprites/640hud1.spr_0.tga", '0.875 0.125', '0.125 0.0625' }, //WEAPON_P228
{ "sprites/640hud1.spr_0.tga", '0.203125 0.9375', '0.21875 0.0625' }, //WEAPON_ELITES
{ "sprites/640hud16.spr_0.tga", '0.75 0', '0.125 0.0625' }, //WEAPON_FIVESEVEN
{ "sprites/640hud1.spr_0.tga", '0.75 0.1875', '0.1875 0.0625' }, //WEAPON_M3
{ "sprites/640hud1.spr_0.tga", '0.75 0.875', '0.1875 0.0625' }, //WEAPON_XM1014
{ "sprites/640hud1.spr_0.tga", '0.75 0.25', '0.125 0.0625' }, //WEAPON_MP5
{ "sprites/640hud1.spr_0.tga", '0.75 0.6875', '0.1875 0.0625' }, //WEAPON_P90
{ "sprites/640hud16.spr_0.tga", '0.78125 0.3125', '0.125 0.0625' }, //WEAPON_UMP45
{ "sprites/640hud1.spr_0.tga", '0.421875 0.9375', '0.125 0.0625' }, //WEAPON_MAC10
{ "sprites/640hud1.spr_0.tga", '0.875 0.25', '0.125 0.0625' }, //WEAPON_TMP
{ "sprites/640hud1.spr_0.tga", '0.75 0.3125', '0.1875 0.0625' }, //WEAPON_AK47
{ "sprites/640hud1.spr_0.tga", '0.75 0.4375', '0.1875 0.0625' }, //WEAPON_SG552
{ "sprites/640hud1.spr_0.tga", '0.75 0.375', '0.1875 0.0625' }, //WEAPON_M4A1
{ "sprites/640hud1.spr_0.tga", '0.5625 0.9375', '-0.1875 0.0625' }, //WEAPON_AUG
{ "sprites/640hud1.spr_0.tga", '0.75 0.8125', '0.1875 0.0625' }, //WEAPON_SCOUT
{ "sprites/640hud1.spr_0.tga", '0.75 0.5', '0.1875 0.0625' }, //WEAPON_AWP
{ "sprites/640hud1.spr_0.tga", '0.75 0.5625', '0.1875 0.0625' }, //WEAPON_G3SG1
{ "sprites/640hud16.spr_0.tga", '0.75 0.1875', '0.125 0.0625' }, //WEAPON_SG550
{ "sprites/640hud1.spr_0.tga", '0.75 0.625', '0.1875 0.0625' }, //WEAPON_PARA
{ "", '0 0', '-1 0.0625' }, //WEAPON_C4BOMB
{ "", '0 0', '-1 0.0625' }, //WEAPON_FLASHBANG
{ "", '0 0', '-1 0.0625' }, //WEAPON_HEGRENADE
{ "", '0 0', '-1 0.0625' } //WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE
typedef struct {
string sAttacker;
vector vColor1;
string sVictim;
vector vColor2;
float fWeapon;
float fHeadShot;
float fOffset1;
float fOffset2;
float fOffset3;
} orbituaryinfo_t;
orbituaryinfo_t orbBuffer[ ORBITUARY_LINES ];
This actually displays the contents of orbBuffer
void HUD_DrawOrbituaries( void ) {
vector vOrbPos = [ vVideoResolution_x - 200, 56 ];
if ( fOrbituaryTime < time && iOrbituaryScroll >= 0 ) {
// We are cheap, just clear the attacker and we're good.
orbBuffer[ iOrbituaryScroll ].sAttacker = "";
fOrbituaryTime = time + ORBITUARY_TIME;
for ( int i = 0; i < ORBITUARY_LINES; i++ ) {
if ( orbBuffer[ i ].sAttacker == "" ) {
// Calculate the position based on the saved offsets
vOrbPos_x = vVideoResolution_x - ( orbBuffer[ i ].fOffset1 + orbBuffer[ i ].fOffset2 + orbBuffer[ i ].fOffset3 ) - 16;
// Draw the attacker's name, shadow first
drawstring( vOrbPos + '1 1', orbBuffer[ i ].sAttacker, '8 8', '0 0 0', VGUI_WINDOW_FGALPHA, 0 );
drawstring( vOrbPos, orbBuffer[ i ].sAttacker, '8 8', orbBuffer[ i ].vColor1, VGUI_WINDOW_FGALPHA, 0 );
// Draw the weapon icon
drawsubpic( vOrbPos + [ orbBuffer[ i ].fOffset1, 0 ], wpIconTable[ orbBuffer[ i ].fWeapon ].vSize * 256, wpIconTable[ orbBuffer[ i ].fWeapon ].sSprite, wpIconTable[ orbBuffer[ i ].fWeapon ].vOrigin, wpIconTable[ orbBuffer[ i ].fWeapon ].vSize, '1 0.5 0', 1, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE );
// Draw the victim's name, shadow first again
drawstring( vOrbPos + [ orbBuffer[ i ].fOffset2 + orbBuffer[ i ].fOffset1, 0 ] + '1 1', orbBuffer[ i ].sVictim, '8 8', '0 0', VGUI_WINDOW_FGALPHA, 0 );
drawstring( vOrbPos + [ orbBuffer[ i ].fOffset2 + orbBuffer[ i ].fOffset1, 0 ], orbBuffer[ i ].sVictim, '8 8', orbBuffer[ i ].vColor2, VGUI_WINDOW_FGALPHA, 0 );
vOrbPos_y += 18;
Update the buffer for orbituaries with infos and whatnot
void HUD_AddOrbituaries( float fAttacker, float fAttackerTeam, float fVictim, float fVictimTeam, float fWeapon, float fHeadshot ) {
if ( iOrbituaryScroll < ( ORBITUARY_LINES - 1 ) ) {
// Fill up the buffer
orbBuffer[ iOrbituaryScroll + 1 ].sAttacker = getplayerkeyvalue( fAttacker, "name" );
orbBuffer[ iOrbituaryScroll + 1 ].vColor1 = HUD_GetChatColor( fAttackerTeam );
orbBuffer[ iOrbituaryScroll + 1 ].sVictim = getplayerkeyvalue( fVictim, "name" );
orbBuffer[ iOrbituaryScroll + 1 ].vColor2 = HUD_GetChatColor( fVictimTeam );
orbBuffer[ iOrbituaryScroll + 1 ].fWeapon = fWeapon;
orbBuffer[ iOrbituaryScroll + 1 ].fHeadShot = fHeadshot;
orbBuffer[ iOrbituaryScroll + 1 ].fOffset1 = stringwidth( orbBuffer[ iOrbituaryScroll + 1 ].sAttacker, TRUE ) + 8;
orbBuffer[ iOrbituaryScroll + 1 ].fOffset2 = ( wpIconTable[ fWeapon ].vSize[0] * 256 ) + 8;
orbBuffer[ iOrbituaryScroll + 1 ].fOffset3 = stringwidth( orbBuffer[ iOrbituaryScroll + 1 ].sVictim, TRUE ) + 8;
} else {
for ( int i = 0; i < ( ORBITUARY_LINES - 1 ); i++ ) {
// Rearrange the order, clear the oldest
orbBuffer[ i ].sAttacker = orbBuffer[ i + 1 ].sAttacker;
orbBuffer[ i ].vColor1 = orbBuffer[ i + 1 ].vColor1;
orbBuffer[ i ].sVictim = orbBuffer[ i + 1 ].sVictim;
orbBuffer[ i ].vColor2 = orbBuffer[ i + 1 ].vColor2;
orbBuffer[ i ].fWeapon = orbBuffer[ i + 1 ].fWeapon;
orbBuffer[ i ].fHeadShot = orbBuffer[ i + 1 ].fHeadShot;
orbBuffer[ i ].fOffset1 = orbBuffer[ i + 1 ].fOffset1;
orbBuffer[ i ].fOffset2 = orbBuffer[ i + 1 ].fOffset2;
orbBuffer[ i ].fOffset3 = orbBuffer[ i + 1 ].fOffset3;
// After rearranging, add the newest to the bottom.
orbBuffer[ ORBITUARY_LINES - 1 ].sAttacker = getplayerkeyvalue( fAttacker, "name" );
orbBuffer[ ORBITUARY_LINES - 1 ].vColor1 = HUD_GetChatColor( fAttackerTeam );
orbBuffer[ ORBITUARY_LINES - 1 ].sVictim = getplayerkeyvalue( fVictim, "name" );
orbBuffer[ ORBITUARY_LINES - 1 ].vColor2 = HUD_GetChatColor( fVictimTeam );
orbBuffer[ ORBITUARY_LINES - 1 ].fWeapon = fWeapon;
orbBuffer[ ORBITUARY_LINES - 1 ].fHeadShot = fHeadshot;
orbBuffer[ ORBITUARY_LINES - 1 ].fOffset1 = stringwidth( orbBuffer[ ORBITUARY_LINES - 1 ].sAttacker, TRUE ) + 8;
orbBuffer[ ORBITUARY_LINES - 1 ].fOffset2 = ( wpIconTable[ fWeapon ].vSize[0] * 256 ) + 8;
orbBuffer[ ORBITUARY_LINES - 1 ].fOffset3 = stringwidth( orbBuffer[ ORBITUARY_LINES - 1 ].sVictim, TRUE ) + 8;
fOrbituaryTime = time + ORBITUARY_TIME;