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Sentences are the voice-acting backbone of the sound system.
The definitions for each games' voice acting are stored inside
Each line is a new sentence group.
Real-world example:
attention(p120) male/hello how are you
The above example lists 5 samples that'll get played.
If a sample is not in a sub-directory, it'll be assumed to be part of the vox sub-directory, or the last valid path of a previous sample. For example
attention male/hello how are you
plays the following samples:
/attention.wav male/hello.wav male/how.wav male/are.wav male/you.wav
When parameters are surrounded by spaces, this means they apply to all current samples. They can be overwritten later down the parsing.
When a parameter is attached to a sample, e.g.
Then this parameter only applies to said keyword.
(p120) attention everyone alive
Will apply the pitch effect to all three succeeding samples.
- (pXX) = Pitch. Valid values are from 50 to 150.
- (vXX) = Volume. Valid values are from 0 to 100.
- (sXX) = Start point in %. E.g. 10 skips the first 10% of the sample.
- (eXX) = End point in %. E.g. 75 ends playback 75% into the sample.
- (tXX) = Time shift/compression in %. 100 is unaltered speed, wheras 50 plays the sample back in half the time.
When an entity, say, a scripted_sentence wants to play a sentence, it'll prefix it with an exclamation mark ( ! ). For example:
"sentence" "!GM_SUIT"
Will play:
GM_SUIT gman/gman_suit