Marco Hladik bf1adc491a Support for more muzzleflashes
Fixes and cleanups regarding effects, networking
All sorts of other cool things
2017-01-14 16:00:31 +01:00

186 lines
5.2 KiB

OpenCS Project
Copyright (C) 2016, 2017 Marco "eukara" Hladik
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
string sViewModels[ CS_WEAPON_COUNT - 1 ] = {
float View_CalcBob( void ) {
static float fBobTime;
static float fBob;
float fCycle;
vector vVelocity;
if ( self.flags & FL_ONGROUND == -1 ) {
return fBob;
fBobTime += frametime;
fCycle = fBobTime - (int)( fBobTime / autocvar_cl_bobcycle ) * autocvar_cl_bobcycle;
fCycle /= autocvar_cl_bobcycle;
if ( fCycle < autocvar_cl_bobup ) {
fCycle = MATH_PI * fCycle / autocvar_cl_bobup;
} else {
fCycle = MATH_PI + MATH_PI * ( fCycle - autocvar_cl_bobup )/( 1.0 - autocvar_cl_bobup );
vVelocity = pmove_vel; //ePlayerEnt.velocity;
vVelocity_z = 0;
fBob = sqrt( vVelocity_x * vVelocity_x + vVelocity_y * vVelocity_y ) * autocvar_cl_bob;
fBob = fBob * 0.3 + fBob * 0.7 * sin( fCycle );
fBob = min( fBob, 4 );
fBob = max( fBob, -7 );
return fBob;
entity eViewModel;
entity eMuzzleflash;
float fNumBones;
void View_ProcessEvent( float fTimeStamp, int iCode, string sData ) {
if ( iCode == 5004 ) {
localsound( sData, CHAN_AUTO, 1.0 );
} else if ( iCode == 5001 ) {
eMuzzleflash.alpha = 1.0f;
eMuzzleflash.scale = 0.5; = fNumBones;
setmodel( eMuzzleflash, sprintf( "sprites/muzzleflash%s.spr", substring( sData, 1, 1 ) ) );
} else if( iCode == 5011 ) {
eMuzzleflash.alpha = 1.0f;
eMuzzleflash.scale = 0.5; = fNumBones + 1;
setmodel( eMuzzleflash, sprintf( "sprites/muzzleflash%s.spr", substring( sData, 1, 1 ) ) );
} else if ( iCode == 5021 ) {
eMuzzleflash.alpha = 1.0f;
eMuzzleflash.scale = 0.5; = fNumBones + 2;
setmodel( eMuzzleflash, sprintf( "sprites/muzzleflash%s.spr", substring( sData, 1, 1 ) ) );
} else if ( iCode == 5031 ) {
eMuzzleflash.alpha = 1.0f;
eMuzzleflash.scale = 0.5; = fNumBones + 3;
setmodel( eMuzzleflash, sprintf( "sprites/muzzleflash%s.spr", substring( sData, 1, 1 ) ) );
void View_DrawViewModel( void ) {
static float fLastTime;
static float fBob;
static float fLastWeapon;
if( !eViewModel ) {
eViewModel = spawn();
eViewModel.renderflags = RF_DEPTHHACK;
eMuzzleflash = spawn();
eMuzzleflash.renderflags = RF_DEPTHHACK | RF_ADDITIVE;
if ( getstatf( STAT_HEALTH ) <= 0 ) {
// Don't update when paused
if ( time != fLastTime ) {
fBob = View_CalcBob();
if ( fLastWeapon != getstatf( STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON ) ) {
fLastWeapon = getstatf( STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON );
if ( fLastWeapon ) {
setmodel( eViewModel, sViewModels[ getstatf( STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON ) - 1 ] );
skel_delete( eMuzzleflash.skeletonindex );
eMuzzleflash.skeletonindex = skel_create( eViewModel.modelindex );
fNumBones = skel_get_numbones( eMuzzleflash.skeletonindex ) + 1;
// Take away alpha once it has drawn fully at least once
if ( eMuzzleflash.alpha > 0.0f ) {
eMuzzleflash.alpha -= ( frametime * 45 );
static float fBaseTime;
processmodelevents( eViewModel.modelindex, eViewModel.frame, fBaseTime, eViewModel.frame1time, View_ProcessEvent );
eViewModel.frame1time += frametime;
makevectors( getproperty( VF_ANGLES ) );
eViewModel.origin = getproperty( VF_ORIGIN ) + '0 0 -1' + ( v_forward * ( fBob * 0.4 ) );
eViewModel.angles = getproperty( VF_ANGLES );
// Give the gun a tilt effect like in old HL/CS versions
if ( autocvar_cl_bobclassic == 1 ) {
eViewModel.angles_z = -fBob;
fLastTime = time;
// Update muzzleflash position and draw it
if ( eMuzzleflash.alpha > 0.0f ) {
eMuzzleflash.origin = gettaginfo( eViewModel, );
dynamiclight_add( eMuzzleflash.origin, 400 * eMuzzleflash.alpha, '1 0.45 0');
addentity( eMuzzleflash );
addentity( eViewModel );
void View_PlayAnimation( int iSequence ) {
eViewModel.frame = (float)iSequence;
eViewModel.frame1time = 0.0f;