#!/bin/sh . ./build.cfg # if we're attempting to update the projects, check for git if [ "$BUILD_UPDATE" -eq 1 ]; then if ! [ -x "$(command -v git)" ]; then printf "'git' is not installed.\n" exit fi fi set -e SCRPATH="$( cd "$( dirname $(readlink -nf $0) )" && pwd )" PATH="$SCRPATH"/bin:"$PATH" if [ -f "$SCRPATH"/bin/fteqcc ]; then # We want to compile a specific game if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then cd "$SCRPATH/$1"/src if [ "$BUILD_UPDATE" -eq 1 ]; then # git pull on the main repo git pull fi make cd "$SCRPATH" ./make_mapdef.sh "$1" exit 0 fi export OLDDIR=$(pwd) cd ./src make cd "$OLDDIR" if [ "$BUILD_UPDATE" -eq 1 ]; then # git pull on the main repo git pull fi find "$SCRPATH" -name Makefile | grep 'src\/Makefile' | grep -v engine | grep -v worldspawn | while read MFILE_N; do NEWDIR=$(dirname "$MFILE_N") cd "$NEWDIR" if [ -f "$NEWDIR/../.git/config" ]; then printf "Updating git repo inside $NEWDIR\n" if [ "$BUILD_UPDATE" -eq 1 ]; then set +e git pull set -e fi fi make cd .. export GAMEDIR=$(basename $PWD) cd $OLDDIR if [ -f "$SCRPATH"/bin/worldspawn ]; then ./make_mapdef.sh $GAMEDIR fi done; else printf "FTEQCC compiler is not present, please run build_engine.sh\n" fi