/* FreeCS Project Copyright (C) 2016, 2017 Marco "eukara" Hladik This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* ================= Menu_Configuration_Init Initializes external control scheme file, etc. ================= */ int iActCount; int iResCount; string *strActBind; string *strActDescr; string *strResolution; void Menu_Configuration_Init( void ) { int iCount = 0; string sTemp; filestream fileSettings = fopen( "gfx/shell/kb_act.lst", FILE_READ ); // Count the valid entries. if ( fileSettings >= 0 ) { while ( ( sTemp = fgets( fileSettings ) ) ) { if ( tokenize_console( sTemp ) == 2 ) { iActCount++; } } } else { error( "Cannot parse gfx/shell/kb_act.lst!" ); } // Reset filestream position after allocating the strings strActBind = memalloc( sizeof( string ) * iActCount ); strActDescr = memalloc( sizeof( string ) * iActCount ); fseek( fileSettings, 0 ); // Parse the bindings in while ( ( sTemp = fgets( fileSettings ) ) ) { // Tokenize and just parse this stuff in if ( tokenize_console( sTemp ) == 2 ) { // FTE uses +voip, so replace the GoldSrc bind with that if ( argv( 0 ) != "+voicerecord" ) { strActBind[ iCount ] = argv( 0 ); } else { strActBind[ iCount ] = "+voip"; } strActDescr[ iCount ] = argv( 1 ); //print( sprintf( "%s %s\n", strActBind[ iCount ], strActDescr[ iCount ] ) ); iCount++; } } fclose( fileSettings ); fileSettings = fopen( "resolutions.txt", FILE_READ ); // Count the valid entries. if ( fileSettings >= 0 ) { while ( ( sTemp = fgets( fileSettings ) ) ) { if ( tokenize_console( sTemp ) == 2 ) { iResCount++; } } } else { error( "Cannot parse resolutions.txt!" ); } // Reset filestream position after allocating the strings strResolution = memalloc( sizeof( string ) * iResCount ); fseek( fileSettings, 0 ); // Parse the bindings in iCount = 0; while ( ( sTemp = fgets( fileSettings ) ) ) { strResolution[ iCount ] = sTemp; iCount++; } fclose( fileSettings ); } /* ================= Menu_Configuration_ButtonOK ================= */ void Menu_Configuration_ButtonOK( void ) { iMenu = MENU_CONFIGURATION; } /* ================= Menu_Configuration_ButtonCancel ================= */ void Menu_Configuration_ButtonCancel( void ) { iMenu = MENU_CONFIGURATION; } /* ================= Menu_Configuration_Video ================= */ void Menu_Configuration_Video( void ) { static int iScrollRes = 0; static int iSelectedResolution = -1; static int iVideoScale = -1; static void Video_Apply( void ) { if ( iSelectedResolution != -1 ) { tokenizebyseparator( strResolution[ iSelectedResolution ], "x", " " ); cvar_set( "vid_width", argv( 0 ) ); cvar_set( "vid_height", argv( 1 ) ); localcmd( "vid_restart\n" ); } } static void Video_DisplayRes( vector vPosition, int i, __inout int iSelected ) { float fItemAlpha = 1.0f; vPosition += vMenuOffset; if ( Menu_InputCheckMouse( [ vPosition_x, vPosition_y ], [ 284, 8 ] ) == TRUE ) { if ( fMouseClick == TRUE ) { if ( iSelected != i ) { iSelected = i; fInputKeyCode = 0; fMouseClick = FALSE; } } } else { fItemAlpha = 0.8; } if ( iSelected == i ) { drawfill( [ vPosition_x, vPosition_y - 1 ], [ 156, 10 ], '1 1 1', 0.5, 2 ); drawstring( [vPosition_x + 8, vPosition_y], strResolution[ i ], '12 12', '1 1 1', 1.0f, FALSE ); } else { drawstring( [vPosition_x + 8, vPosition_y], strResolution[ i ], '12 12', '1 1 1', fItemAlpha, FALSE ); } } // Get the current scale method... and resolution if ( iVideoScale == -1 ) { if ( cvar( "vid_conautoscale" ) == 0 ) { iVideoScale = 1; } else { iVideoScale = 0; } for ( int i = 1; i < iResCount; i++ ) { tokenizebyseparator( strResolution[ i ], "x", " " ); if ( ( stof( argv( 0 ) ) == vVideoSize_x && ( stof( argv( 1 ) ) == vVideoSize_y ) ) ) { iSelectedResolution = i; } } } Object_Label( '196 148', _("VIDEO_RES"), '12 12' ); Object_Frame( '196 160', '164 300' ); Object_Scrollbar( '372 160', 284, iScrollRes ); Menu_SetClipArea( '196 162', '164 298' ); vector vListPos = '200 165'; vListPos_y -= fabs( ( ( iResCount - 8 ) * 10 ) * ( iScrollRes / 300 ) ); for ( int i = 0; i < iResCount; i++ ) { Video_DisplayRes( vListPos, i, iSelectedResolution ); vListPos_y += 10; } Menu_ResetClipArea(); static void Video_ScaleSwitch( void ) { iVideoScale = 1 - iVideoScale; if ( iVideoScale == 1 ) { cvar_set( "vid_conautoscale", "0" ); cvar_set( "vid_conwidth", "0" ); cvar_set( "vid_conheight", "480" ); } else { cvar_set( "vid_conautoscale", "1" ); } } Object_CvarToggle( '400 165', "Fullscreen", "vid_fullscreen" ); Object_CvarToggle( '400 185', "Triple Buffering", "vid_triplebuffer" ); Object_CvarToggle( '400 205', "Virtual Synchronisation", "vid_vsync" ); Object_FuncToggle( '400 225', "HDPI Mode", Video_ScaleSwitch, iVideoScale ); drawtextfield( vMenuOffset + '400 265', '200 200', 1, _("VIDEO_RESTARTMSG") ) ; Object_Button( '32 148', BTN_REFRESH, Video_Apply, fButtonAlpha[0] ); Object_Button( '32 180', BTN_DONE, Menu_Configuration_ButtonCancel, fButtonAlpha[1] ); } /* ================= Menu_Configuration_Audio ================= */ void Menu_Configuration_Audio( void ) { static int iAudioMaster = -1; static int iLastMaster = -1; // Page is first opened, initialize the scrollbar variables if ( iAudioMaster == -1 ) { iAudioMaster = cvar( "volume" ) * 256; iLastMaster = iAudioMaster; } Object_Label( '196 148', _("AUDIO_MASTER"), '12 12' ); Object_ScrollbarH( '196 160', 256, iAudioMaster ); if ( iAudioMaster != iLastMaster ) { localcmd( sprintf( "volume %f\n", iAudioMaster / 256 ) ); iLastMaster = iAudioMaster; } Object_Button( '32 148', BTN_OK, Menu_Configuration_ButtonOK, fButtonAlpha[0] ); Object_Button( '32 180', BTN_CANCEL, Menu_Configuration_ButtonCancel, fButtonAlpha[1] ); } /* ================= Menu_Configuration_Player ================= */ void Menu_Configuration_Player( void ) { static string strPlayername; static int iFirst = 1; static color cCross; static color cVGUI; static color cCon; static void Player_OK( void ) { if ( strPlayername != __NULL__ ) { localcmd( sprintf( "name %s\n", strPlayername ) ); iMenu = MENU_CONFIGURATION; } else { strPlayername = cvar_string( "name" ); } cvar_set( "cross_color", sprintf( "%i %i %i", cCross.iR, cCross.iG, cCross.iB ) ); cvar_set( "vgui_color", sprintf( "%i %i %i", cVGUI.iR, cVGUI.iG, cVGUI.iB ) ); cvar_set( "con_color", sprintf( "%i %i %i", cCon.iR, cCon.iG, cCon.iB ) ); } if ( iFirst == 1 ) { float fCheck; strPlayername = cvar_string( "name" ); fCheck = tokenize( cvar_string( "cross_color" ) ); if ( fCheck == 3 ) { cCross.iR = stof( argv( 0 ) ); cCross.iG = stof( argv( 1 ) ); cCross.iB = stof( argv( 2 ) ); } else { // TODO... put this in a more global location? If this is changed, change Defs.h in Source/Client too! cCross.iR = 0; cCross.iG = 255; cCross.iB = 0; cvar_set( "cross_color", "0 255 0" ); } fCheck = tokenize( cvar_string( "vgui_color" ) ); if ( fCheck == 3 ) { cVGUI.iR = stof( argv( 0 ) ); cVGUI.iG = stof( argv( 1 ) ); cVGUI.iB = stof( argv( 2 ) ); } else { cVGUI.iR = 255; cVGUI.iG = 170; cVGUI.iB = 0; cvar_set( "vgui_color", "255 170 0" ); } fCheck = tokenize( cvar_string( "con_color" ) ); if ( fCheck == 3 ) { cCon.iR = stof( argv( 0 ) ); cCon.iG = stof( argv( 1 ) ); cCon.iB = stof( argv( 2 ) ); } else { cCon.iR = 255; cCon.iG = 170; cCon.iB = 0; cvar_set( "con_color", "255 170 0" ); } iFirst = 0; } Object_Label( '196 148', _("PLAYER_NICK"), '12 12' ); Object_Textfield( '196 160', strPlayername, 16 ); Object_Label( '196 200', _("PLAYER_CROSSCOLOR"), '12 12' ); Object_ScrollbarH( '196 212', 255, cCross.iR ); Object_ScrollbarH( '196 230', 255, cCross.iG ); Object_ScrollbarH( '196 248', 255, cCross.iB ); Object_Frame( '468 388', '52 52' ); drawfill( vMenuOffset + '469 213', '50 50', [ cCross.iR / 255, cCross.iG / 255, cCross.iB / 255 ], 1.0f ); Object_Label( '196 288', _("PLAYER_GUICOLOR"), '12 12' ); Object_ScrollbarH( '196 300', 255, cVGUI.iR ); Object_ScrollbarH( '196 318', 255, cVGUI.iG ); Object_ScrollbarH( '196 336', 255, cVGUI.iB ); Object_Frame( '468 388', '52 52' ); drawfill( vMenuOffset + '469 300', '50 50', [ cVGUI.iR / 255, cVGUI.iG / 255, cVGUI.iB / 255 ], 1.0f ); Object_Label( '196 376', _("PLAYER_HUDCOLOR"), '12 12' ); Object_ScrollbarH( '196 388', 255, cCon.iR ); Object_ScrollbarH( '196 406', 255, cCon.iG ); Object_ScrollbarH( '196 424', 255, cCon.iB ); Object_Frame( '468 388', '52 52' ); drawfill( vMenuOffset + '469 388', '50 50', [ cCon.iR / 255, cCon.iG / 255, cCon.iB / 255 ], 1.0f ); Object_Button( '32 148', BTN_OK, Player_OK, fButtonAlpha[0] ); Object_Button( '32 180', BTN_CANCEL, Menu_Configuration_ButtonCancel, fButtonAlpha[1] ); } /* ================= Menu_Configuration_Controls ================= */ void Menu_Configuration_Controls( void ) { static float fActClickTime; static int iBindKey = -1; void Controls_Default( void ) { localcmd( "unbindall\nexec default.cfg\n" ); } void Controls_DisplayAct( vector vPosition, int i, __inout int iSelected ) { float fItemAlpha = 0.8f; float fBindKey = tokenize( findkeysforcommand( strActBind[ i ] ) ); string sBindTx = ""; float j, k; for( j = 0; j < fBindKey; ++j ) { k = stof( argv( j ) ); if( k != -1 ) { if( sBindTx != "" ) { sBindTx = strcat( sBindTx, ", " ); } sBindTx = strcat( sBindTx, keynumtostring( k ) ); } } vPosition += vMenuOffset; if ( Menu_InputCheckMouse( [ vPosition_x, vPosition_y ], [ 397, 8 ] ) == TRUE ) { if ( strActBind[ i ] != "blank" ) { fItemAlpha = 1.0f; if ( fMouseClick == TRUE ) { if ( iSelected != i ) { iSelected = i; fInputKeyCode = 0; fMouseClick = FALSE; fActClickTime = time + 0.2; } else { // change bind iBindKey = iSelected; fInputKeyCode = 0; fMouseClick = FALSE; } } } } if ( iSelected == i ) { drawfill( [ vPosition_x, vPosition_y - 1 ], [ 397, 14 ], '1 1 1', 0.5, 2 ); drawstring( [vPosition_x + 8, vPosition_y], sBindTx, '12 12', '1 1 1', 1.0f, FALSE ); drawstring( [vPosition_x + 128, vPosition_y], strActDescr[ i ], '12 12', '1 1 1', 1.0f, FALSE ); } else { drawstring( [vPosition_x + 8, vPosition_y], sBindTx, '12 12', '1 1 1', fItemAlpha, FALSE ); drawstring( [vPosition_x + 128, vPosition_y], strActDescr[ i ], '12 12', '1 1 1', fItemAlpha, FALSE ); } } static int iSelectedAct = -1; static int iScrollAct; Object_Button( '32 148', BTN_OK, Menu_Configuration_ButtonOK, fButtonAlpha[0] ); Object_Button( '32 180', BTN_CANCEL, Menu_Configuration_ButtonCancel, fButtonAlpha[1] ); Object_Button( '32 244', BTN_DEFAULTS, Controls_Default, fButtonAlpha[2] ); Object_Frame( '196 140', '404 308' ); Object_Scrollbar( '604 140', 308, iScrollAct ); Object_Label( '208 124', _("Keybind"), '12 12' ); Object_Label( '328 124', _("Description"), '12 12' ); Menu_SetClipArea( '196 141', '404 306' ); vector vListPos = '200 145'; vListPos_y -= fabs( ( ( iActCount - rint( 308 / iActCount ) ) * 10 ) * ( iScrollAct / 308 ) ); for ( int i = 0; i < iActCount; i++ ) { Controls_DisplayAct( vListPos, i, iSelectedAct ); vListPos_y += 14; } Menu_ResetClipArea(); if ( iBindKey >= 0 ) { Object_Frame( '196 150', '404 100' ); drawstring( vMenuOffset + '216 170', "Press any button to assign it to:", '12 12', autocvar_menu_fgcolor, 1.0f, FALSE ); drawstring( vMenuOffset + '216 232', "To clear, press Backspace.", '12 12', autocvar_menu_fgcolor, 1.0f, FALSE ); drawstring( vMenuOffset + '216 190', strActDescr[ iBindKey ], '16 16', autocvar_menu_fgcolor, 1.0f, FALSE ); if ( fInputKeyCode > 0 ) { if( fInputKeyCode == K_BACKSPACE ) { float fBindKey = tokenize( findkeysforcommand( strActBind[ iBindKey ] ) ); for ( int i = 0; i < fBindKey; i++ ) { localcmd( sprintf( "unbind %s\n", keynumtostring( stof( argv( i ) ) ) ) ); } iBindKey = -1; fInputKeyCode = 0; fInputKeyASCII = 0; } else if ( fInputKeyCode != K_ESCAPE ) { localcmd( sprintf( "bind %s %s\n", keynumtostring( fInputKeyCode ), strActBind[ iBindKey ] ) ); iBindKey = -1; fInputKeyCode = 0; fInputKeyASCII = 0; } else { iBindKey = -1; fInputKeyCode = 0; fInputKeyASCII = 0; } } } } /* ================= Menu_Configuration First config screen ================= */ void Menu_Configuration( void ) { static void Configuration_ButtonAudio( void ) { iMenu = MENU_CONFIGURATION_AUDIO; } static void Configuration_ButtonVideo( void ) { iMenu = MENU_CONFIGURATION_VIDEO; } static void Configuration_ButtonCustomize( void ) { iMenu = MENU_CONFIGURATION_PLAYER; } static void Configuration_ButtonControls( void ) { iMenu = MENU_CONFIGURATION_CONTROLS; } static void Configuration_ButtonDone( void ) { iMenu = MENU_MAIN; } Object_Button( '32 148', BTN_AUDIO, Configuration_ButtonAudio, fButtonAlpha[0] ); Object_Button( '32 180', BTN_VIDEO, Configuration_ButtonVideo, fButtonAlpha[1] ); Object_Button( '32 212', BTN_CUSTOMIZE, Configuration_ButtonCustomize, fButtonAlpha[2] ); Object_Button( '32 244', BTN_CONTROLS, Configuration_ButtonControls, fButtonAlpha[3] ); Object_Button( '32 276', BTN_DONE, Configuration_ButtonDone, fButtonAlpha[4] ); }