/* FreeCS Project Copyright (C) 2016, 2017 Marco "eukara" Hladik This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ fcsMenu fcsMain[ MENU_COUNT ] = { { Menu_Main, -1 }, { Menu_Configuration, HEAD_CONFIG }, { Menu_Configuration_Audio, HEAD_AUDIO }, { Menu_Configuration_Video, HEAD_VIDEO }, { Menu_Configuration_Player, HEAD_CUSTOMIZE }, { Menu_Configuration_Controls, HEAD_CONTROLS }, { Menu_Multiplayer, HEAD_MULTI }, { Menu_Multiplayer_Create, HEAD_CREATEGAME }, { Menu_Multiplayer_Create, HEAD_ADVOPTIONS }, { Menu_Multiplayer_IRC, HEAD_ADVOPTIONS }, { Menu_Quit, -1 } }; string sHeaderImage[] = { "gfx/shell/head_advanced", "gfx/shell/head_advoptions", "gfx/shell/head_audio", "gfx/shell/head_config", "gfx/shell/head_controls", "gfx/shell/head_creategame", "gfx/shell/head_createroom", "gfx/shell/head_custom", "gfx/shell/head_customize", "gfx/shell/head_filter", "gfx/shell/head_gameopts", "gfx/shell/head_gore", "gfx/shell/head_inetgames", "gfx/shell/head_keyboard", "gfx/shell/head_lan", "gfx/shell/head_load", "gfx/shell/head_multi", "gfx/shell/head_readme", "gfx/shell/head_room", "gfx/shell/head_rooms", "gfx/shell/head_save", "gfx/shell/head_saveload", "gfx/shell/head_specgames", "gfx/shell/head_video", "gfx/shell/head_vidmodes", "gfx/shell/head_vidoptions" }; void Header_Draw( void ) { static int iHeader; static int iLastHeader = -1; static float fHeaderLerp = 1.0f; static vector vHeaderPos; static vector vHeaderSize; iHeader = fcsMain[ iMenu ].iHeaderID; if ( iHeader != iLastHeader ) { fHeaderLerp = 0.0f; iLastHeader = iHeader; } if ( iHeader == -1 ) { return; } if ( fHeaderLerp < 1.0f ) { vHeaderPos_x = Math_Lerp( vHeaderButtonPos_x, 18, fHeaderLerp ); vHeaderPos_y = Math_Lerp( vHeaderButtonPos_y, 32, fHeaderLerp ); vHeaderSize_x = Math_Lerp( 156, 460, fHeaderLerp ); vHeaderSize_y = Math_Lerp( 26, 80, fHeaderLerp ); vHeaderPos += vMenuOffset; drawpic( vHeaderPos, sHeaderImage[iHeader], vHeaderSize, '1 1 1', 0.5f, 1 ); fHeaderLerp += ( frametime * 3 ); } else { drawpic( '18 32' + vMenuOffset, sHeaderImage[ iHeader ], '460 80', '1 1 1', 0.5f, 1 ); } }