1. Building all of the game-logic To build the game-logic for all games, issue 'make' inside the src/ directory of the repository. This requires you to have the latest fteqcc installed. 2. Building a specific game or mod For that you'll have to navigate into the client and server directory of the game you want to compile. For example if you're only wanting to build the Half-Life game-logic, navigate into src/client/valve, issue 'make' there, then do the same inside src/server/valve. 3. Building the engine The engine is not part of this project. However, as of this writing, building the engine is simple. Checkout/Clone the FTEQW engine repository, then navigate into the engine/ sub-directory and issue 'make m-rel' there. This will generate a 'fteqw' binary for your platform in the sub-directory titled 'release'. 3. Building fteqcc Issue 'make qcc-rel' in the FTEQW repository folder 'engine', like in 3. It will generate an fteqcc binary inside the sub-directory 'release'. 4. Misc notes To those not in the know, the game-logic is written in QuakeC, it is thus platform and architecture independent. You do not need to rebuild the logic for each and every platform. The result will be identical.