/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Marco Hladik * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF MIND, USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #define BOTROUTE_DESTINATION -1 #define BOTROUTE_END -2 void SV_SendChat(entity sender, string msg, entity eEnt, float fType); float bot::GetWalkSpeed(void) { return 120; } float bot::GetRunSpeed(void) { return 240; } void bot::SetEnemy(entity en) { m_eTarget = en; if (m_eTarget) m_flEnemyDist = vlen(origin - m_eTarget.origin); else m_flEnemyDist = -1; } void bot::ChatSay(string msg) { SV_SendChat(this, msg, world, 0); } void bot::ChatSayTeam(string msg) { entity a; for (a = world; (a = find(a, ::classname, "player"));) { if (a.team == this.team) { SV_SendChat(self, msg, a, 1); } } } void bot::Pain(void) { CGameRules rules = g_grMode; player::Pain(); if (rules.IsTeamPlay()) { if (g_dmg_eAttacker.flags & FL_CLIENT && g_dmg_eAttacker.team == team) { ChatSayTeam("Stop shooting me!"); return; } } /* make this pain our new enemy! */ if (g_dmg_eAttacker && g_dmg_eAttacker != this) { float enemydist = vlen(origin - m_eTarget.origin); float newdist = vlen(origin - g_dmg_eAttacker.origin); if (m_eTarget) if (newdist < enemydist) SetEnemy(g_dmg_eAttacker); else SetEnemy(g_dmg_eAttacker); } } void bot::RouteClear(void) { if (!m_iNodes) return; m_iCurNode = BOTROUTE_END; m_iNodes = 0; m_flNodeGiveup = 0.0f; memfree(m_pRoute); } void bot::WeaponThink(void) { int r = Weapons_IsEmpty(this, activeweapon); /* clip empty, but the whole weapon isn't */ if (r == 0 && a_ammo1 <= 0) { input_buttons &= ~INPUT_BUTTON0; input_buttons |= INPUT_BUTTON4; } else if (r == 1) { Weapons_SwitchBest(this, activeweapon); } m_wtWeaponType = Weapons_GetType(this, activeweapon); } void bot::WeaponAttack(void) { int should_attack = 0; if (m_wtWeaponType == WPNTYPE_RANGED) { if (m_flEnemyDist <= 1024) should_attack = 1; } else if (m_wtWeaponType == WPNTYPE_THROW) { if (m_flEnemyDist <= 512) should_attack = 1; } else if (m_wtWeaponType == WPNTYPE_CLOSE) { if (m_flEnemyDist <= 128) should_attack = 1; } else { should_attack = 1; } if (should_attack && m_flAttackTime < time) { if (!m_iAttackMode) { input_buttons |= INPUT_BUTTON0; } m_flAttackTime = time + 0.1f; } else { input_buttons &= ~INPUT_BUTTON0; input_buttons &= ~INPUT_BUTTON4; input_buttons &= ~INPUT_BUTTON5; } m_iAttackMode = 1 - m_iAttackMode; } void bot::BrainThink(int enemyvisible, int enemydistant) { /* we had a target and it's now dead. now what? */ if (m_eTarget) { if (m_eTarget.health <= 0) { SetEnemy(__NULL__); RouteClear(); } } else if (m_eTarget && enemyvisible && enemydistant) { /* we can see the player, but are too far away, plot a route */ route_calculate(this, m_eTarget.origin, 0, Bot_RouteCB); } } void bot::UseButton(void) { #if 1 float best; func_button best_button = __NULL__; best = COST_INFINITE; for (entity e = world; (e = find(e, ::classname, "func_button"));) { float dist; vector pos; pos[0] = e.absmin[0] + (0.5 * (e.absmax[0] - e.absmin[0])); pos[1] = e.absmin[1] + (0.5 * (e.absmax[1] - e.absmin[1])); pos[2] = e.absmin[2] + (0.5 * (e.absmax[2] - e.absmin[2])); dist = vlen(origin - pos); if (dist < best) { best = dist; best_button = (func_button)e; } } if (best_button == __NULL__) return; best_button.Trigger(this, TRIG_TOGGLE); sound(this, CHAN_ITEM, "common/wpn_select.wav", 0.25, ATTN_IDLE); #else float best; vector foo; best = COST_INFINITE; for (entity e = world; (e = find(e, ::classname, "func_button"));) { float dist; vector pos; pos[0] = e.absmin[0] + (0.5 * (e.absmax[0] - e.absmin[0])); pos[1] = e.absmin[1] + (0.5 * (e.absmax[1] - e.absmin[1])); pos[2] = e.absmin[2] + (0.5 * (e.absmax[2] - e.absmin[2])); dist = vlen(origin - pos); if (dist < best) { best = dist; foo = pos; } } v_angle = vectoangles(origin - foo); Player_UseDown(); #endif } void bot::SeeThink(void) { CGameRules rules = (CGameRules)g_grMode; /*if (m_eTarget) return; */ if (m_flSeeTime > time) return; if (autocvar_bot_pacifist) return; m_flSeeTime = time + 0.25f; for (entity w = world; (w = findfloat(w, ::takedamage, DAMAGE_YES));) { float flDot; /* is w a client? */ if (!(w.flags & FL_CLIENT)) continue; /* is w alive? */ if (w.health <= 0) continue; /* ain't go hurt our brothers and sisters */ if (rules.IsTeamPlay() == TRUE) if (team == w.team) continue; /* first, is the potential enemy in our field of view? */ makevectors(v_angle); vector v = normalize(w.origin - origin); flDot = v * v_forward; if (flDot < 90/180) continue; /* is it even physically able to be seen? */ traceline(origin, w.origin, MOVE_NORMAL, this); /* break out if at all a valid trace */ if (trace_ent == w) { SetEnemy(w); return; } } } void bot::CheckRoute(void) { float flDist; vector evenpos; float rad; if (!m_iNodes) { return; } /* level out position/node stuff */ if (m_iCurNode < 0) { evenpos = m_vecLastNode - origin; rad = 128; /* destination is not a node, therefore has a virtual radius */ } else { evenpos = m_pRoute[m_iCurNode].m_vecDest - origin; rad = m_pRoute[m_iCurNode].m_flRadius; } flDist = floor(vlen(evenpos)); /* we're inside the radius */ if (flDist <= rad) { dprint(sprintf("^2bot::^3CheckRoute^7: " \ "%s reached node\n", this.targetname)); m_iCurNode--; /* if we're inside an actual node (not a virtual one */ if (m_iCurNode >= 0) { /* if a node is flagged as jumpy, jump! */ if (Route_GetNodeFlags(&m_pRoute[m_iCurNode]) & LF_JUMP) input_buttons |= INPUT_BUTTON2; /* find the nearest usable item (func_button) and use them */ if (Route_GetNodeFlags(&m_pRoute[m_iCurNode]) & LF_USER) UseButton(); } /* we've still traveling and from this node we may be able to walk * directly to our end-destination */ if (m_iCurNode > -1) { tracebox(origin, mins, maxs, m_vecLastNode, MOVE_NORMAL, this); /* can we walk directly to our target destination? */ if (trace_fraction == 1.0) { dprint("^2bot::^3CheckRoute^7: " \ "Walking directly to last node\n"); m_iCurNode = -1; } } } else { /* we're not near the node quite yet */ traceline(origin, m_pRoute[m_iCurNode].m_vecDest, MOVE_NORMAL, this); /* we can't trace against our next node... that should never happen */ if (trace_fraction != 1.0f) { m_flNodeGiveup += frametime; } else { /* if we're literally stuck in a corner aiming at something we should * not, also give up */ if (flDist == m_flLastDist) { m_flNodeGiveup += frametime; } else { m_flNodeGiveup = bound(0, m_flNodeGiveup - frametime, 1.0); } } } m_flLastDist = flDist; /* after one second, also give up the route */ if (m_flNodeGiveup >= 1.0f || m_iCurNode <= BOTROUTE_END) { RouteClear(); } else if (m_flNodeGiveup >= 0.5f) { /* attempt a jump after half a second */ input_buttons |= INPUT_BUTTON2; } else { /* entire way-link needs to be crouched. that's the law of the land */ if (Route_GetNodeFlags(&m_pRoute[m_iCurNode]) & LF_CROUCH) input_buttons |= INPUT_BUTTON8; } } void bot::CreateObjective(void) { route_calculate(this, Route_SelectDestination(this), 0, Bot_RouteCB); } void bot::RunAI(void) { vector aimdir, aimpos; int enemyvisible, enemydistant; float flLerp; /* reset input frame */ input_buttons = 0; input_movevalues = [0,0,0]; input_angles = [0,0,0]; /* attempt to respawn when dead */ if (health <= 0) { RouteClear(); WeaponAttack(); SetEnemy(__NULL__); return; } /* freeze the bot */ if (autocvar_bot_wait) return; /* create our first route */ if (!m_iNodes && autocvar_bot_aimless == 0) { CreateObjective(); dprint(sprintf("bot::RunAI: %s is calculating first bot route\n", this.netname)); /* our route probably has not been processed yet */ if (!m_iNodes) { return; } } /* prepare our weapons for firing */ WeaponThink(); /* see if enemies are nearby */ SeeThink(); /* calculate enemy distance _once_ */ if (m_eTarget) { m_flEnemyDist = vlen(origin - m_eTarget.origin); } else { m_flEnemyDist = -1; } enemyvisible = FALSE; enemydistant = FALSE; if (m_eTarget != __NULL__) { traceline(origin + view_ofs, m_eTarget.origin, TRUE, this); /* is it 'visible'? can we 'see' them? */ enemyvisible = (trace_ent == m_eTarget || trace_fraction == 1.0f); /* if they're distant, remember that */ if (m_flEnemyDist > 1024) { enemydistant = TRUE; } /* attack if visible! */ if (enemyvisible) { WeaponAttack(); } } BrainThink(enemyvisible, enemydistant); CheckRoute(); aimpos = [0,0,0]; /* if we've got a path (we always should) move the bot */ if (m_iNodes) { float goroute; vector vecNewAngles; vector vecDirection; /* no enemy, or it isn't visible... then stare at nodes! */ if (!m_eTarget || !enemyvisible) { /* aim at the next node */ if (m_iCurNode == BOTROUTE_DESTINATION) aimpos = m_vecLastNode; else { if (m_iCurNode > 0 && !(Route_GetNodeFlags(&m_pRoute[m_iCurNode]) & LF_AIM)) aimpos = m_pRoute[m_iCurNode - 1].m_vecDest; else aimpos = m_pRoute[m_iCurNode].m_vecDest; } } else { /* aim towards the enemy */ aimpos = m_eTarget.origin; } /* aim ahead if aimpos is somehow invalid */ if (aimpos == [0,0,0]) { makevectors(angles); aimpos = origin + v_forward * 128; } /* lerping speed, faster when we've got a target */ if (m_eTarget && enemyvisible) flLerp = bound(0.0f, frametime * 45, 1.0f); else flLerp = bound(0.0f, frametime * 30, 1.0f); /* that's the old angle */ makevectors(v_angle); vecNewAngles = v_forward; /* aimdir = new final angle */ aimdir = vectoangles(aimpos - origin); makevectors(aimdir); /* slowly lerp towards the final angle */ vecNewAngles[0] = Math_Lerp(vecNewAngles[0], v_forward[0], flLerp); vecNewAngles[1] = Math_Lerp(vecNewAngles[1], v_forward[1], flLerp); vecNewAngles[2] = Math_Lerp(vecNewAngles[2], v_forward[2], flLerp); /* make sure we're aiming tight */ v_angle = vectoangles(vecNewAngles); v_angle[0] = Math_FixDelta(v_angle[0]); v_angle[1] = Math_FixDelta(v_angle[1]); v_angle[2] = Math_FixDelta(v_angle[2]); angles[0] = Math_FixDelta(v_angle[0]); angles[1] = Math_FixDelta(v_angle[1]); angles[2] = Math_FixDelta(v_angle[2]); input_angles = v_angle; float shouldwalk = 0; if (m_wtWeaponType == WPNTYPE_RANGED) { /* walk _directly_ towards the enemy if we're less than 512 units away */ if (m_eTarget && enemyvisible && m_flEnemyDist < 1024) { aimpos = m_eTarget.origin; } else { goroute = 1; } /* we should probably walk we're distant enough to be more accurate */ if ((m_eTarget && enemyvisible && m_flEnemyDist > 512)) shouldwalk = 1; } else if (m_wtWeaponType == WPNTYPE_CLOSE) { /* move directly towards the enemy if we're 256 units away */ if (m_eTarget && enemyvisible && m_flEnemyDist < 256) { /* we are far away, inch closer */ aimpos = m_eTarget.origin; } else { goroute = 1; } } else if (m_wtWeaponType == WPNTYPE_THROW) { if ((m_eTarget && enemyvisible && !enemydistant) && m_flEnemyDist < 512) { aimpos = m_eTarget.origin; } else { goroute = 1; } } if (goroute) { if (m_iCurNode <= BOTROUTE_DESTINATION) aimpos = m_vecLastNode; else aimpos = m_pRoute[m_iCurNode].m_vecDest; } /* now we'll set the movevalues relative to the input_angle */ if ((m_iCurNode >= 0 && Route_GetNodeFlags(&m_pRoute[m_iCurNode]) & LF_WALK) || shouldwalk) vecDirection = normalize(aimpos - origin) * GetWalkSpeed(); else vecDirection = normalize(aimpos - origin) * GetRunSpeed(); makevectors(input_angles); input_movevalues = [v_forward * vecDirection, v_right * vecDirection, v_up * vecDirection]; input_movevalues[2] = 0; #if 0 /* duck and stand still when our enemy is far away */ if (m_eTarget && enemyvisible && vlen(aimpos-origin) > 512) { input_buttons |= INPUT_BUTTON8; input_movevalues = [0,0,0]; } #endif } /* press any buttons needed */ button0 = input_buttons & INPUT_BUTTON0; // attack button2 = input_buttons & INPUT_BUTTON2; // jump button3 = input_buttons & INPUT_BUTTON3; // tertiary button4 = input_buttons & INPUT_BUTTON4; // reload button5 = input_buttons & INPUT_BUTTON5; // secondary button6 = input_buttons & INPUT_BUTTON6; // use button7 = input_buttons & INPUT_BUTTON7; // unused button8 = input_buttons & INPUT_BUTTON8; // duck movement = input_movevalues; } void bot::PreFrame(void) { } void bot::PostFrame(void) { /* we've picked something new up */ if (m_iOldItems != g_items) { Weapons_SwitchBest(this); print(sprintf("%s is now using %s (%d)\n", netname, g_weapons[activeweapon].name, activeweapon)); m_iOldItems = g_items; } } void bot::bot(void) { classname = "player"; targetname = "_nuclide_bot_"; }