/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Vera Visions LLC. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF MIND, USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /** Bitfield enumeration for NSMonster its SendFlags field. These give hint as to which internal fields get networked to the client. */ typedef enumflags { MONFL_CHANGED_ORIGIN_X, MONFL_CHANGED_ORIGIN_Y, MONFL_CHANGED_ORIGIN_Z, MONFL_CHANGED_ANGLES_X, MONFL_CHANGED_ANGLES_Y, MONFL_CHANGED_ANGLES_Z, MONFL_CHANGED_MODELINDEX, MONFL_CHANGED_SIZE, MONFL_CHANGED_FLAGS, MONFL_CHANGED_SOLID, MONFL_CHANGED_FRAME, MONFL_CHANGED_SKIN, MONFL_CHANGED_MOVETYPE, MONFL_CHANGED_EFFECTS, MONFL_CHANGED_BODY, MONFL_CHANGED_SCALE, MONFL_CHANGED_VELOCITY, MONFL_CHANGED_RENDERCOLOR, MONFL_CHANGED_RENDERAMT, MONFL_CHANGED_RENDERMODE, } nsmonster_changed_t; /** List of supported ACT types. These originate from GoldSrc and framegroups within models can be tagged with them. This way the game-logic doesn't need to know the exact framegroup but can instead pick a random ACT and we'll pick the right framegroup for you. */ typedef enum { ACT_RESET = 0, ACT_IDLE = 1i, ACT_GUARD, ACT_WALK, ACT_RUN, ACT_FLY, ACT_SWIM, ACT_HOP, ACT_LEAP, ACT_FALL, ACT_LAND, ACT_STRAFE_LEFT, ACT_STRAFE_RIGHT, ACT_ROLL_LEFT, ACT_ROLL_RIGHT, ACT_TURN_LEFT, ACT_TURN_RIGHT, ACT_CROUCH, ACT_CROUCHIDLE, ACT_STAND, ACT_USE, ACT_SIGNAL1, ACT_SIGNAL2, ACT_SIGNAL3, ACT_TWITCH, ACT_COWER, ACT_SMALL_FLINCH, ACT_BIG_FLINCH, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK1, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK2, ACT_MELEE_ATTACK1, ACT_MELEE_ATTACK2, ACT_RELOAD, ACT_ARM, ACT_DISARM, ACT_EAT, ACT_DIESIMPLE, ACT_DIEBACKWARD, ACT_DIEFORWARD, ACT_DIEVIOLENT, ACT_BARNACLE_HIT, ACT_BARNACLE_PULL, ACT_BARNACLE_CHOMP, ACT_BARNACLE_CHEW, ACT_SLEEP, ACT_INSPECT_FLOOR, ACT_INSPECT_WALL, ACT_IDLE_ANGRY, ACT_WALK_HURT, ACT_RUN_HURT, ACT_HOVER, ACT_GLIDE, ACT_FLY_LEFT, ACT_FLY_RIGHT, ACT_DETECT_SCENT, ACT_SNIFF, ACT_BITE, ACT_THREAT_DISPLAY, ACT_FEAR_DISPLAY, ACT_EXCITED, ACT_SPECIAL_ATTACK1, ACT_SPECIAL_ATTACK2, ACT_COMBAT_IDLE, ACT_WALK_SCARED, ACT_RUN_SCARED, ACT_VICTORY_DANCE, ACT_DIE_HEADSHOT, ACT_DIE_CHESTSHOT, ACT_DIE_GUTSHOT, ACT_DIE_BACKSHOT, ACT_FLINCH_HEAD, ACT_FLINCH_CHEST, ACT_FLINCH_STOMACH, ACT_FLINCH_LEFTARM, ACT_FLINCH_RIGHTARM, ACT_FLINCH_LEFTLEG, ACT_FLINCH_RIGHTLEG, } monster_activity_t; /** Monster flags, these are defined by the level designers. */ typedef enumflags { MSF_WAITTILLSEEN, MSF_GAG, MSF_MONSTERCLIP, MSF_RESERVED1, MSF_PRISONER, MSF_RESERVED2, MSF_IGNOREPLAYER, MSF_WAITFORSCRIPT, MSF_PREDISASTER, MSF_FADECORPSE, MSF_MULTIPLAYER, MSF_FALLING, MSF_HORDE } monsterFlag_t; /** Behaviour states. */ typedef enum { MONSTER_IDLE, MONSTER_ALERT, MONSTER_FOLLOWING, MONSTER_CHASING, MONSTER_AIMING, MONSTER_DEAD, MONSTER_GIBBED } monsterState_t; /** Scripted sequence states. */ typedef enum { SEQUENCESTATE_NONE, SEQUENCESTATE_IDLE, SEQUENCESTATE_ACTIVE, SEQUENCESTATE_ENDING } sequenceState_t; /** Alliance states. */ typedef enum { MAL_FRIEND, /* friendly towards the player */ MAL_ENEMY, /* unfriendly towards the player */ MAL_ALIEN, /* unfriendly towards anyone but themselves */ MAL_ROGUE /* no allies, not even amongst themselves */ } allianceState_t; /** Movement states */ typedef enum { MOVESTATE_IDLE, MOVESTATE_WALK, MOVESTATE_RUN } movementState_t; /** These numerations involve the m_iTriggerCondition attribute. Basically these conditions are being checked and triggered depending on what it's set to. If any of those checks are successful, we trigger our target under the m_strTriggerTarget attribute. */ typedef enum { MTRIG_NONE, /**< nothing */ MTRIG_SEEPLAYER_ANGRY, /**< we see an enemy player, that we want to harm */ MTRIG_PAIN, /**< taken damage */ MTRIG_HALFHEALTH, /**< lost half of our base_health */ MTRIG_DEATH, /**< we have died. */ MTRIG_SQUADMEMBERDEAD, /**< a squad member died */ MTRIG_SQUADLEADERDEAD, /**< the squad leader died */ MTRIG_HEARNOISE, /**< we hear some noise around the world. */ MTRIG_HEARENEMYPLAYER, /**< we hear a player we are enemies with */ MTRIG_HEARWEAPONS, /**< we hear weapons being fired */ MTRIG_SEEPLAYER, /**< we see a player, don't have to be angry at him. */ MTRIG_SEEPLAYER_RELAXED, /**< we see a player and we're currently attacking anything */ } triggerCondition_t; /* FIXME: I'd like to move this into NSMonster, but our current IsFriend() * check is currently only checking on a .takedamage basis. */ .int m_iAlliance; /** This entity class represents non-player characters. They have the ability to move around (or stand still) but are all capable of fighting if prompted to. There are a few methods that you need to reimplement in order for them to do some basic combat: virtual void(void) AttackDraw; virtual void(void) AttackHolster; virtual int(void) AttackMelee; virtual int(void) AttackRanged; Check their individual descriptions as to how you're supposed to approach them. */ class NSMonster:NSNavAI { private: #ifdef SERVER entity m_ssLast; vector oldnet_velocity; float m_flPitch; int m_iFlags; vector base_mins; vector base_maxs; float base_health; /* sequences */ string m_strRouteEnded; int m_iSequenceRemove; int m_iSequenceState; float m_flSequenceEnd; float m_flSequenceSpeed; vector m_vecSequenceAngle; int m_iSequenceFlags; movementState_t m_iMoveState; int m_iTriggerCondition; string m_strTriggerTarget; /* model events */ float m_flBaseTime; /* attack/alliance system */ entity m_eEnemy; float m_flAttackThink; monsterState_t m_iMState; monsterState_t m_iOldMState; vector m_vecLKPos; /* last-known pos */ /* see/hear subsystem */ float m_flSeeTime; /* animation cycles */ float m_flAnimTime; #endif public: void NSMonster(void); #ifdef SERVER /* overrides */ virtual void Save(float); virtual void Restore(string,string); virtual void EvaluateEntity(void); virtual float SendEntity(entity,float); virtual void Touch(entity); //virtual void Hide(void); virtual void Respawn(void); virtual void Pain(void); virtual void Death(void); virtual void Physics(void); virtual void Gib(void); virtual void Sound(string); virtual void SpawnKey(string,string); /** Internal use only. Run every frame to go through the main AI loop. */ virtual void RunAI(void); /** Overridable: Called after a while when they've got nothing to do. */ virtual void IdleNoise(void); /** Overridable: Called when they start falling. */ virtual void FallNoise(void); /** Overridable: Called when this monster gets 'alerted' to something new. */ virtual void AlertNoise(void); /** Returns if they're considered alive. */ virtual bool IsAlive(void); /** Returns whether they are allied with the type in question */ virtual bool IsFriend(int); /* see/hear subsystem */ /** Internal use only. Called every frame to simulate vision. */ virtual void SeeThink(void); /** Overridable: Returns the field of view in degrees. */ virtual float SeeFOV(void); /** FIXME: Same as WarnAllies/StartleAllies? WTF? */ virtual void AlertNearby(void); /* movement */ /** Overridable: Returns the walking speed in Quake units per second. */ virtual float GetWalkSpeed(void); /** Overridable: Returns the chase speed in Quake units per second. */ virtual float GetChaseSpeed(void); /** Overridable: Returns the running speed in Quake units per second. */ virtual float GetRunSpeed(void); /* attack system */ /** Overridable: Called when they're drawing a weapon. */ virtual void AttackDraw(void); /** Overridable: Called when they're holstering a weapon. */ virtual void AttackHolster(void); /** Overridable: Called when aiming their weapon. */ virtual void AttackThink(void); /** Overridable: Called when attempting to melee attack. Return 0 if impossible. */ virtual int AttackMelee(void); /** Overridable: Called when attempting to attack from a distance. Return 0 if impossible. */ virtual int AttackRanged(void); /** Overridable: Returns the distance in qu of what'll be a successfull melee attack. */ virtual float MeleeMaxDistance(void); /** Returns whether or not we should attempt a melee attack. FIXME: Should pass a parameter for the enemy in question instead! */ virtual bool MeleeCondition(void); /** Returns TRUE if 'enemy' should be considered a valid target for killing */ nonvirtual bool IsValidEnemy(entity); /* sequences */ /** Internal use only. Called when a sequence is done. */ virtual void FreeState(void); /** Internal use only. Called when a sequence is done. */ virtual void FreeStateMoved(void); /** Internal use only. Called when a movement route is done. */ virtual void RouteEnded(void); /** Internal use only. Called every frame to progress through a route. */ virtual void WalkRoute(void); /** Returns the type of sequence they're currently in. */ nonvirtual int GetSequenceState(void); /** Returns if they're currently in a scripted sequence. */ nonvirtual bool InSequence(void); /* animation cycles */ /** Overridable: Called when we need to play a fresh idle framegroup. */ virtual int AnimIdle(void); /** Overridable: Called when we need to play a fresh walking framegroup. */ virtual int AnimWalk(void); /** Overridable: Called when we need to play a fresh running framegroup. */ virtual int AnimRun(void); /** Call to play a single animation onto it, which cannot be interrupted by movement. */ virtual void AnimPlay(float); /** Internal use only. Run every frame to update animation parameters. */ virtual void AnimationUpdate(void); /** Returns if we're currently in a forced animation sequence. */ nonvirtual bool InAnimation(void); /* states */ /** Called whenever the state of this NSMonster changes. */ virtual void StateChanged(monsterState_t,monsterState_t); /** Sets the current state of this NSMonster. */ nonvirtual void SetState(monsterState_t); /** Returns the current state of this NSMonster. */ nonvirtual monsterState_t GetState(void); /* TriggerTarget/Condition */ /** Returns the condition under which they'll trigger their targets. */ nonvirtual int GetTriggerCondition(void); /** Call to trigger their targets manually. */ virtual void TriggerTargets(void); #endif #ifdef CLIENT virtual void customphysics(void); virtual float predraw(void); virtual void ReceiveEntity(float,float); #endif }; #ifdef CLIENT string Sentences_GetSamples(string); string Sentences_ProcessSample(string); void NSMonster_ReadEntity(bool); #endif #ifdef SERVER void NSMonster_AlertEnemyAlliance(vector pos, float radius, int alliance); entity NSMonster_FindClosestPlayer(entity); #endif