# Materials: Commands {#mat_commands} ## diffusemap ### Syntax **diffusemap ** ### Overview Specifies the default texture asset to use on the diffuse/albedo pass of the material. This is the base texture in most cases. Some special materials used for special effects and the like might not have one. However surfaces such as floors, walls etc. certainly do. It will affect which texture is used to get color information from for lighting passes, etc. ### See also {#see_also} - [normalmap](Documentation/Materials/commands/normalmap.md) - [specularmap](Documentation/Materials/commands/specularmap.md) - [fullbrightmap](Documentation/Materials/commands/fullbrightmap.md) - [uppermap](Documentation/Materials/commands/uppermap.md) - [lowermap](Documentation/Materials/commands/lowermap.md) - [reflectmask](Documentation/Materials/commands/reflectmask.md) - [reflectcube](Documentation/Materials/commands/reflectcube.md)