# Material System(s) {#materials} ## GoldSrc Material System {#gsmaterials} In the GoldSrc games "Material" definitions handle what footsteps and what impact sounds are played against each texture in the game-world. ![Generic bullet impact effect in Half-Life. Half-Life belongs to Valve Corporation.](hl_impact.jpg) So when you walk on dirt, you can hear the difference; or when you shoot wood with a gun it will sound like wood. **Note:** While Nuclide supports this for legacy BSP files, please define the surface properties inside your [material](@ref mat_commands) using the [**surfaceprop**](@ref surfdata) command. ### Details Usually, a game in the GoldSrc engine would provide a `sound/materials.txt` file, where each line defines the properties for a single (or a series of) textures by starting with a material id character, followed by whitespace, followed by a name matching pattern. For example: `C CONCRETEWALL` Will give any surface the id **C** if it starts with the name `CONCRETEWALL`. It will also only compare the length of characters of the name above. So for example if you were to define: `C CONC` Then `CONCRETEWALL` would still be marked as concrete, and any other texture that starts with `CONC[...]`. **Note:** In vanilla Half-Life, the second argument (name) can only be 12 characters long. When you then walk around your level, the footstep will then be aware of you being on a texture marked with the **C** attribute and play a different step sound. Games are free to define what those material id characters mean - so different games/mods may interpret it differently. Porting levels can sometimes be a bit more work than it first appears to be at first glance as a result! ### Later Enhancements #### Community additions In stock GoldSrc games, the `sound/materials.txt` can be overwritten by a modification but it couldn't be dynamically extended in any way. This means there was no possibility of map specific materials, and mods could not inherit Half-Life's materials, so mods would always have to manage a nearly duplicate file if they desired custom material definitions. A few mods tried to remedy this problem, the following below are methods documented so far: file named maps/MAPNAME.mat : Introduced in The Wastes (2003) file named maps/MAPNAME_materials.txt : Convention by Andrew Lucas, creator of Trinity SDK, modeled after MAPNAME_details.txt worldspawn entity key named 'materials_file' with the value `PATH_TO/FILE.txt` : Introduced in Sven Co-op 5.0 **All these methods are supported by Nuclide**, as one goal is to implement conventions by not only Valve but the community as well! #### Nuclide additions In addition Nuclide has also implemented a way of giving modifications their own *inheritable* materials file: `sounds/materials_UNIQUENAME.txt` The idea here is that any mod or even map pack can include ONLY the textures used, and no longer will anyone have to manage a near-clone of `sound/materials.txt`. For repackaging or modding purposes, if you desire to give your map custom material property definitions, we recommend **The Wastes** its method for individual maps, while the Nuclide method should be used for **mods** or **map packs**. **Note:** We recommend only using material text files for GoldSrc related modding purposes. It is inefficient for modern projects as there are much better standards already supported in Nuclide. ## Material List In Nuclide, this is the currently supported list of material IDs: | Material ID | Material Name | |-------------|---------------| | B | Bloody Flesh | | C | Concrete | | D | Dirt | | F | Flesh | | G | Grate | | H | Alien | | K | Snow | | M | Metal | | N | Sand | | O | Foliage | | P | Computer | | S | Slosh | | T | Tile | | V | Vent | | W | Wood | | Y | Glass | ### Game differences Different games/mods can ship with different material properties. To make your life easier, you can edit `scripts/surfaceproperties.txt` and define which Material ID character maps to which [surfaceproperty](@ref surfdata) entry. This way you can add new materials to existing legacy maps without writing a line of code. Listed below are definitions for various games and mods. Only the changes and additions are listed since the rest are identical. ### GoldSrc Games/Mods #### Arrangement | Material ID | Material Name | |-------------------|---------------------| | B | Blue Texture | | N | Snow | | R | Red Texture | | U | Slime | | X | Yellow Texture | | Z | Black Texture | #### Counter-Strike | Material ID | Material Name | |-------------------|---------------------| | N | Snow | | X | Grass | *Afraid of Monsters: DC, Natural Selection, and Snow War uses the same definitions.* #### Cry of Fear | Material ID | Material Name | |-------------------|---------------------| | B | Random Twig Snap | | H | Paper | | I | Mud | | O | Sand | | P | Snow | | R | Gravel | | U | Grass | | Y | Broken Glass | | Z | Carpet | #### Gunman Chronicles | Material ID | Material Name | |-------------------|---------------------| | G | Wood | | T | Rock | | V | Sand | | W | Unknown/Unused? | #### Firearms | Material ID | Material Name | |-------------------|-----------------------------------------| | B | Sandbag | | N | Snow | | U | No impact or decals, just smoke effects | #### Heart of Evil | Material ID | Material Name | |-------------------|---------------------| | U | Mud | #### Hostile Intent | Material ID | Material Name | |-------------------|---------------------| | A | Sand | | E | Foliage | | N | Snow | | R | Carpet | | U | Mud | | Z | Grass | #### Household DEATH! | Material ID | Material Name | |-------------------|---------------------| | H | Wood (Creaky) | | I | Grass | #### Night at the Office | Material ID | Material Name | |-------------------|---------------------| | T | Carpet | #### Opposing Force | Material ID | Material Name | |-------------------|---------------------| | O | Snow | *Science and Industry uses the same definitions as Opposing Force.* #### Poke646 | Material ID | Material Name | |-------------------|---------------------| | M | Metal/Grate | | T | Wood/Tile | | G | Carpet/Grass | #### Wasteland Half-Life | Material ID | Material Name | |-------------------|---------------------| | B | Barrel | | I | Sand | | N | Tinroof | | R | Rust | | U | Drywall | *The Wastes uses the same definitions.* ### Source Engine Games/Mods While Source has materials describing a surface with its own **$surfaceprop** command, the GoldSrc way of describing materials with a 1-character symbol is still used to define which **impact effect** to use. The **Material ID** is used via the `gamematerial` command inside `scripts/surfaceproperties.txt` entries. In Nuclide that's used for compatibility with the GoldSrc system instead. ![Bullet impact on Plaster](source_plaster.jpg) ![Bullet impact on Wood](source_wood.jpg) ![Bullet impact on Metal](source_metal.jpg) Be aware that a Source engine game may actually have more surface materials than this, these are *solely the IDs associated with impact effects*. #### Alien Swarm | Material ID | Material Name | |-------------------|---------------------| | 11 | Steam Pipe | **Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop uses the same definitions.** #### Counter-Strike: Global Offensive | Material ID | Material Name | |-------------------|---------------------------| | 11 | Mud | | 12 | Sand Barrel | | 13 | Sand Barrel (Penetration) | | 14 | Metal Shield | #### Half-Life 2 | Material ID | Material Name | |-------------------|---------------------| | A | Antlion | | B | Flesh (Bloody) | | H | Flesh (Antlion) | | K | Snow | | L | Plastic | | N | Sand | | I | Clip | | O | Foliage | | X | Fake | | - | No Decal | #### Half-Life 2: Episode 2 | Material ID | Material Name | |-------------------|---------------------| | E | Antlion Egg Sacks | | Z | Adviser Shield | #### Insurgency | Material ID | Material Name | |-------------------|---------------------| | A | Fruit | *Day of Infamy uses the same definitions.* #### Left 4 Dead | Material ID | Material Name | |-------------------|---------------------| | J | Grass | | K | Mud | | Q | Asphalt | | R | Brick | | U | Cardboard | | 1 | Clay | | 2 | Plaster | | 3 | Rock | | 4 | Rubber | | 5 | Sheetrock | | 6 | Cloth | | 7 | Carpet | | 8 | Paper | | 9 | Upholstery | | 10 | Puddle | #### Portal 2 | Material ID | Material Name | |-------------------|---------------------| | R | Reflective |