/* Copyright 2016-2018 Marco "eukara" Hladik MIT LICENSE Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #define HUD_NUMFILE "sprites/640hud7.spr" // We'll precache this #define HUD_NUMFILE_LAYER "sprites/640hud7.spr_0.tga" // And only use the first frame for drawing (needs precache) // Sigh #define NUMSIZE_X 0.09375 #define NUMSIZE_Y 0.09765625 #define HUD_ALPHA 0.5 // Instead of calculating them on demand, just read the offsets here float vHUDNumPos[10] = { 0, 0.09375, 0.1875, 0.28125, 0.375, 0.46875, 0.5625, 0.65625, 0.75, 0.84375 }; // Ditto vector vHUDCalPos[15] = { [0, 0], [0.09375, 0.28125], // 50AE [0.28125, 0.28125], // 762MM [0, 0.375], // 556MM [0, 0.375], // 556MM [0.09375, 0.375], // 338MAG [0.1875, 0.28125], // 9MM [0, 0.28125], // BUCKSHOT [0.375, 0.28125], // 45ACP [0.46875, 0.28125], // 357SIG [0.46875, 0.375], // 57MM [0.375, 0.375], // C4 [0.5625, 0.375], // SMOKE [0.28125, 0.375], // HE [0.1875, 0.375] // FLASH }; /* ================= HUD_DrawRedNumber Draws a normal number ================= */ void HUD_DrawNumber(int iNumber, vector vPos, float fAlpha, vector vColor) { drawsubpic(vPos, [24,25], HUD_NUMFILE_LAYER, [vHUDNumPos[iNumber], 0], [NUMSIZE_X, NUMSIZE_Y], vColor, fAlpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); } /* ================= HUD_DrawNums Draws numerals quickly for health, armor etc. ================= */ void HUD_DrawNums(float fNumber, vector vPos, float fAlpha, vector vColor) { int iNumber = fNumber; if (iNumber > 0) { while (iNumber > 0) { HUD_DrawNumber((float)iNumber % 10, vPos, fAlpha, vColor); iNumber = iNumber / 10; vPos[0] -= 24; } } else { HUD_DrawNumber(0, vPos, fAlpha, vColor); } } /* ================= HUD_DrawHealth Draw the current amount of health ================= */ void HUD_DrawHealth(void) { static float fOldHealth; static float fHealthAlpha; if (getstatf(STAT_HEALTH) != fOldHealth) { fHealthAlpha = 1.0; } if (fHealthAlpha >= HUD_ALPHA) { fHealthAlpha -= frametime * 0.5; } else { fHealthAlpha = HUD_ALPHA; } vector vHealthPos = vVideoMins + [16, vVideoResolution[1] - 42]; if (getstatf(STAT_HEALTH) > 25) { drawsubpic(vHealthPos, [24, 24], HUD_NUMFILE_LAYER, [NUMSIZE_X * 2, NUMSIZE_Y], [NUMSIZE_X, NUMSIZE_X], vHUDColor, HUD_ALPHA, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); HUD_DrawNums(getstatf(STAT_HEALTH), vHealthPos + [72, 0], HUD_ALPHA, vHUDColor); } else { drawsubpic(vHealthPos, [24, 24], HUD_NUMFILE_LAYER, [NUMSIZE_X * 2, NUMSIZE_Y], [NUMSIZE_X, NUMSIZE_X], [1,0,0], HUD_ALPHA, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); HUD_DrawNums(getstatf(STAT_HEALTH), vHealthPos + [72, 0], HUD_ALPHA, [1,0,0]); } fOldHealth = getstatf(STAT_HEALTH); } /* ================= HUD_DrawArmor Draw the current amount of Kevlar ================= */ void HUD_DrawArmor(void) { static float fOldArmor; static float fArmorAlpha; if (getstatf(STAT_ARMOR) != fOldArmor) { fArmorAlpha = 1.0; } if (fArmorAlpha >= HUD_ALPHA) { fArmorAlpha -= frametime * 0.5; } else { fArmorAlpha = HUD_ALPHA; } vector vArmorPos = vVideoMins + [128, vVideoResolution[1] - 42]; if (getstatf(STAT_EQUIPMENT) & EQUIPMENT_HELMET) { drawsubpic(vArmorPos, [24,24], HUD_NUMFILE_LAYER, [0, 0.4862745098], [NUMSIZE_X, NUMSIZE_X], vHUDColor, fArmorAlpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); } else { drawsubpic(vArmorPos, [24,24], HUD_NUMFILE_LAYER, [0, NUMSIZE_Y], [NUMSIZE_X, NUMSIZE_X], vHUDColor, fArmorAlpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); } HUD_DrawNums(getstatf(STAT_ARMOR), vArmorPos + [72,0], fArmorAlpha, vHUDColor); fOldArmor = getstatf(STAT_ARMOR); } /* ================= HUD_DrawIcons Draw icons such as hostage, bomb and buyzones ================= */ void HUD_DrawIcons(void) { // BuyZone Icon if(getstatf(STAT_BUYZONE) == TRUE) { vector vBuyIconPos = vVideoMins + [16, (vVideoResolution[1] / 2) - 12]; drawsubpic(vBuyIconPos, [32,32], HUD_NUMFILE_LAYER, [0.125 * 3, 0.125 * 5 - 0.046875], [0.125, 0.125], [0,1,0], 1, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); } // Hostage-Rescue Area Icon if(getstatf(STAT_HOSTAGEZONE) == TRUE) { vector vRIconPos = vVideoMins + [16, (vVideoResolution[1] / 2) + 24]; drawsubpic(vRIconPos, [32,32], HUD_NUMFILE_LAYER, [0.125 * 2, 0.125 * 5 - 0.046875], [0.125, 0.125], [0,1,0], 1, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); } // Bomb-Area vector vBIconPos = vVideoMins + [16, (vVideoResolution[1] / 2) + 24]; if (getstatf(STAT_SLOT_GRENADE) == WEAPON_C4BOMB) { if (getstatf(STAT_BOMBZONE) == TRUE) { float fAlpha = fabs(sin(time * 20)); drawsubpic(vBIconPos, [32,32], HUD_NUMFILE_LAYER, [0, 0.125 * 5 - 0.046875], [0.125, 0.125], [1,0,0], fAlpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); drawsubpic(vBIconPos, [32,32], HUD_NUMFILE_LAYER, [0, 0.125 * 5 - 0.046875], [0.125, 0.125], [0,1,0], 1 - fAlpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); } else { drawsubpic(vBIconPos, [32,32], HUD_NUMFILE_LAYER, [0, 0.125 * 5 - 0.046875], [0.125, 0.125], [0,1,0], 1, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); } } } /* ================= HUD_DrawTimer Draws the roundtime at the bottom of the screen (always visible) ================= */ void HUD_DrawTimer(void) { static int iOldUnits; static float fTimerAlpha; int iMinutes, iSeconds, iTens, iUnits; vector vTimePos = vVideoMins+[(vVideoResolution[0] / 2) - 62, vVideoResolution[1] - 42]; if (getstatf(STAT_GAMETIME) == -1) { return; } iMinutes = getstatf(STAT_GAMETIME) / 60; iSeconds = getstatf(STAT_GAMETIME) - 60 * iMinutes; iTens = iSeconds / 10; iUnits = iSeconds - 10 * iTens; // Flashing red numbers if ((iMinutes == 0) && (iTens <= 1)) { float fAlpha; // 0:00 is fully red if ((iTens == 0) && (iUnits == 0)) { fAlpha = 1; } else { fAlpha = fabs(sin(time * 20)); } HUD_DrawNumber(iMinutes, vTimePos + [48,0], fAlpha, [1,0,0]); HUD_DrawNumber(iTens, vTimePos + [75,0], fAlpha, [1,0,0]); HUD_DrawNumber(iUnits, vTimePos + [99,0],fAlpha, [1,0,0]); HUD_DrawNumber(iMinutes, vTimePos + [48,0], 1 - fAlpha, vHUDColor); HUD_DrawNumber(iTens, vTimePos + [75,0], 1 - fAlpha, vHUDColor); HUD_DrawNumber(iUnits, vTimePos + [99,0],1 - fAlpha, vHUDColor); // : symbol drawsubpic(vTimePos + [70,6], [3,3], HUD_NUMFILE_LAYER, [0.9375, 0], [0.01171875, 0.01171875], [1,0,0], fAlpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); drawsubpic(vTimePos + [70,16], [3,3], HUD_NUMFILE_LAYER, [0.9375, 0], [0.01171875, 0.01171875], [1,0,0], fAlpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); drawsubpic(vTimePos + [70,6], [3,3], HUD_NUMFILE_LAYER, [0.9375, 0], [0.01171875, 0.01171875], vHUDColor, 1 - fAlpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); drawsubpic(vTimePos + [70,16], [3,3], HUD_NUMFILE_LAYER, [0.9375, 0], [0.01171875, 0.01171875], vHUDColor, 1 - fAlpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); drawsubpic(vTimePos, [24,25], HUD_NUMFILE_LAYER, [NUMSIZE_X * 6, NUMSIZE_Y * 3], [NUMSIZE_X, NUMSIZE_Y], [1,0,0], fAlpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); drawsubpic(vTimePos, [24,25], HUD_NUMFILE_LAYER, [NUMSIZE_X * 6, NUMSIZE_Y * 3], [NUMSIZE_X, NUMSIZE_Y], vHUDColor, 1 - fAlpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); } else { if (iUnits != iOldUnits) { fTimerAlpha = 1.0; } if (fTimerAlpha >= HUD_ALPHA) { fTimerAlpha -= frametime * 0.5; } else { fTimerAlpha = HUD_ALPHA; } HUD_DrawNumber(iMinutes, vTimePos + [48,0], fTimerAlpha, vHUDColor); HUD_DrawNumber(iTens, vTimePos + [75,0], fTimerAlpha, vHUDColor); HUD_DrawNumber(iUnits, vTimePos + [99,0], fTimerAlpha, vHUDColor); drawsubpic(vTimePos + [70,6], [3,3], HUD_NUMFILE_LAYER, [0.9375, 0], [0.01171875, 0.01171875], vHUDColor, fTimerAlpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); drawsubpic(vTimePos + [70,16], [3,3], HUD_NUMFILE_LAYER, [0.9375, 0], [0.01171875, 0.01171875], vHUDColor, fTimerAlpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); drawsubpic(vTimePos, [24,25], HUD_NUMFILE_LAYER, [NUMSIZE_X * 6, NUMSIZE_Y * 3], [NUMSIZE_X, NUMSIZE_Y], vHUDColor, fTimerAlpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); iOldUnits = iUnits; } } /* ================= HUD_DrawMoney Draws the amount of money (0-16000) with an icon to the screen ================= */ void HUD_DrawMoney(void) { static float fOldMoneyValue; static float fMoneyAlphaEffect; static vector vMoneyColorEffect; static float fMoneyDifference; // If the money differs from last frame, paint it appropriately if (getstatf(STAT_MONEY) > fOldMoneyValue) { // Effect already in progress from something else, go add on top of it! if (fMoneyAlphaEffect > 0) { fMoneyDifference += (fOldMoneyValue - getstatf(STAT_MONEY)); } else { fMoneyDifference = fOldMoneyValue - getstatf(STAT_MONEY); } // Make it green for a short time vMoneyColorEffect = [0,1,0]; fMoneyAlphaEffect = 1.0; } else if (getstatf(STAT_MONEY) < fOldMoneyValue) { // Same one as above if (fMoneyAlphaEffect > 0) { fMoneyDifference += (fOldMoneyValue - getstatf(STAT_MONEY)); } else { fMoneyDifference = fOldMoneyValue - getstatf(STAT_MONEY); } // Make it red vMoneyColorEffect = [1,0,0]; fMoneyAlphaEffect = 1.0; fMoneyDifference = fOldMoneyValue - getstatf(STAT_MONEY); } vector vMoneyPos = vVideoMins+[vVideoResolution[0] - 160, vVideoResolution[1] - 72]; // If the alpha/color effect is active, draw the money twice in their varying alphas/colors if (fMoneyAlphaEffect > 0) { fMoneyAlphaEffect -= frametime * 0.5; drawsubpic(vMoneyPos, [18,25], HUD_NUMFILE_LAYER, [NUMSIZE_X * 8, NUMSIZE_Y * 1], [NUMSIZE_X * 0.75, NUMSIZE_Y], vMoneyColorEffect, fMoneyAlphaEffect, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); drawsubpic(vMoneyPos, [18,25], HUD_NUMFILE_LAYER, [NUMSIZE_X * 8, NUMSIZE_Y * 1], [NUMSIZE_X * 0.75, NUMSIZE_Y], vHUDColor, HUD_ALPHA - (fMoneyAlphaEffect * 0.5), DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); // Draw the +/- symbols depending on whether or not we made or lost money if (fMoneyDifference < 0) { drawsubpic(vMoneyPos + [0,-32], [18,23], HUD_NUMFILE_LAYER, [0.8671875, 0.09765625], [0.0703125, 0.08984375], vMoneyColorEffect, fMoneyAlphaEffect, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); } else { drawsubpic(vMoneyPos + [0,-32], [13,23], HUD_NUMFILE_LAYER, [0.8203125, 0.09765625], [0.05078125, 0.08984375], vMoneyColorEffect, fMoneyAlphaEffect, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); } // Shift the numbers for reverse drawing vMoneyPos[0] += (24 * 5); // Draw the regular numbers at their normal positions HUD_DrawNums(getstatf(STAT_MONEY), vMoneyPos, fMoneyAlphaEffect, vMoneyColorEffect); HUD_DrawNums(getstatf(STAT_MONEY), vMoneyPos, HUD_ALPHA - (fMoneyAlphaEffect * 0.5), vHUDColor); // Draw above how much money we've gotten from all this HUD_DrawNums(fabs(fMoneyDifference), vMoneyPos + [0,-32], fMoneyAlphaEffect, vMoneyColorEffect); } else { drawsubpic(vMoneyPos, [18,25], HUD_NUMFILE_LAYER, [NUMSIZE_X * 8, NUMSIZE_Y * 1], [NUMSIZE_X * 0.75, NUMSIZE_Y], vHUDColor, HUD_ALPHA, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); vMoneyPos[0] += (24 * 5); HUD_DrawNums(getstatf(STAT_MONEY), vMoneyPos, HUD_ALPHA, vHUDColor); } fOldMoneyValue = getstatf(STAT_MONEY); } /* ================= HUD_DrawAmmo Draws the current clip, the amount of ammo for the caliber and a matching caliber icon ================= */ void HUD_DrawAmmo(void) { static float fOldMag, fOldCal; static float fAmmoAlpha; static vector vAmmoMagPos; static vector vAmmoCalPos; if (getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON) == 0) { return; } if (getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON) == WEAPON_KNIFE || getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON) == WEAPON_C4BOMB) { return; } if (getstatf(STAT_CURRENT_MAG) != fOldMag || getstatf(STAT_CURRENT_CALIBER) != fOldCal) { fAmmoAlpha = 1.0; } if (fAmmoAlpha >= HUD_ALPHA) { fAmmoAlpha -= frametime * 0.5; } else { fAmmoAlpha = HUD_ALPHA; } if (wptTable[getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON)].iCaliber < 11) { vAmmoMagPos = vVideoMins+[vVideoResolution[0] - 142, vVideoResolution[1] - 42]; HUD_DrawNums(getstatf(STAT_CURRENT_MAG), vAmmoMagPos, fAmmoAlpha, vHUDColor); drawsubpic(vVideoMins+[vVideoResolution[0] - 118, vVideoResolution[1] - 42], '3 25', HUD_NUMFILE_LAYER, [0.9375, 0], [0.01171875, 0.09765625], vHUDColor, fAmmoAlpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); vAmmoCalPos = vVideoMins+[vVideoResolution[0] - 64, vVideoResolution[1] - 42]; HUD_DrawNums(getstatf(STAT_CURRENT_CALIBER), vAmmoCalPos, fAmmoAlpha, vHUDColor); } else { vAmmoMagPos = vVideoMins+[vVideoResolution[0] - 64, vVideoResolution[1] - 42]; HUD_DrawNums(getstatf(STAT_CURRENT_MAG), vAmmoMagPos, fAmmoAlpha, vHUDColor); } // Caliber icon drawsubpic(vVideoMins+vVideoResolution - [42,42], [24,24], HUD_NUMFILE_LAYER, vHUDCalPos[wptTable[getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON)].iCaliber], [NUMSIZE_X, NUMSIZE_X], vHUDColor, fAmmoAlpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); fOldMag = getstatf(STAT_CURRENT_MAG); fOldCal = getstatf(STAT_CURRENT_CALIBER); } void HUD_DrawProgressBar(void) { vector vSize = [540,16]; vector vMainPos; if (getstatf(STAT_PROGRESS) > 0) { vMainPos = vVideoMins; vMainPos[0] += (vVideoResolution[0] / 2) - (vSize[0] / 2); vMainPos[1] += (vVideoResolution[1] / 2) - (vSize[1] / 2); // Draw the background vector vBar = vSize; vBar[0] = 538 * getstatf(STAT_PROGRESS); vBar[1] = 14; drawfill(vMainPos + [1,1], vBar, vHUDColor, 1, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); drawfill(vMainPos, [vSize[0], 1], vHUDColor, 1.0f); // Top drawfill([vMainPos[0], vMainPos[1] + vSize[1]], [vSize[0], 1], vHUDColor, 1.0f); // Bottom drawfill(vMainPos, [1, vSize[1]], vHUDColor, 1.0f); // Left drawfill([vMainPos[0] + vSize[0], vMainPos[1]], [1, vSize[1] + 1], vHUDColor, 1.0f); // Right } } void HUD_DrawRadar(void) { if (autocvar_cl_radar == 1) { drawpic(vVideoMins, "sprites/radar640.spr_0.tga", [128,128], [1,1,1], 0.25, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); } else if (autocvar_cl_radar == 2) { static int iLastMode = 0; static vector vMapSize; static float fZoom; if (iLastMode != pSeat.iMapExpand) { iLastMode = pSeat.iMapExpand; } if (pSeat.iMapExpand == 1) { if (pSeat.fMapLerp < 1.0f) { vMapSize[0] = rint(Math_Lerp(128, vVideoResolution[0] - 32, pSeat.fMapLerp)); vMapSize[1] = rint(Math_Lerp(128, vVideoResolution[1] - 32, pSeat.fMapLerp)); fZoom = Math_Lerp((ovMap.fCameraHeight * (128 / (vVideoResolution[1] - 32))), ovMap.fCameraHeight - 32, pSeat.fMapLerp); pSeat.fMapLerp += frametime * 2; } else { pSeat.fMapLerp = 1.0f; fZoom = ovMap.fCameraHeight; vMapSize = vVideoResolution + [-32,-32]; } } else { if (pSeat.fMapLerp > 0.0f) { vMapSize[0] = rint(Math_Lerp(128, vVideoResolution[0] - 32, pSeat.fMapLerp)); vMapSize[1] = rint(Math_Lerp(128, vVideoResolution[1] - 32, pSeat.fMapLerp)); fZoom = Math_Lerp((ovMap.fCameraHeight * (128 / (vVideoResolution[1] - 32))), ovMap.fCameraHeight - 32, pSeat.fMapLerp); pSeat.fMapLerp -= frametime * 2; } else { pSeat.fMapLerp = 0.0f; fZoom = (ovMap.fCameraHeight * (128 / (vVideoResolution[1] - 32))); vMapSize = [128,128]; } } clearscene(); drawfill(vVideoMins + [15,15], vMapSize + [2,2], vHUDColor, 1.0f, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); drawfill(vVideoMins + [16,16], vMapSize, [0,0,0], 1.0f, 0); setproperty(VF_MIN, vVideoMins + [16,16]); setproperty(VF_SIZE, vMapSize); Overview_DrawLayer(); makevectors(view_angles); setproperty(VF_ORIGIN, [pSeat->vPlayerOrigin[0], pSeat->vPlayerOrigin[1], fZoom] ); setproperty(VF_ANGLES, [Math_Lerp(90, 60, pSeat.fMapLerp), view_angles[1], 0]); setproperty(VF_DRAWWORLD, 0); renderscene(); } } void HUD_DrawFlash(void) { if (pSeat->fFlashTime > 0.0f) { pSeat->fFlashTime -= frametime; } else { if (pSeat->fFlashAlpha > 0.0f) { pSeat->fFlashAlpha -= (frametime * 0.5); } else { return; } } drawfill(vVideoMins, vVideoResolution, [1,1,1], pSeat->fFlashAlpha, 0/*pSeat->fFlashTime*/); } /* ================= HUD_Draw Called every frame in Draw.c ================= */ void HUD_Draw(void) { vHUDColor = autocvar_con_color * (1 / 255); // I guess viewzoom turns from 0.0-1.0 float into a 0-255 byte if (getstatf(STAT_VIEWZOOM) < 1.0f) { if (getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON) == WEAPON_SG552 || getstatf(STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON) == WEAPON_AUG) { HUD_DrawSimpleCrosshair(); } else { HUD_DrawScope(); } } else { HUD_DrawCrosshair(); } HUD_DrawFlash(); Damage_Draw(); HUD_DrawTimer(); HUD_DrawHealth(); HUD_DrawArmor(); HUD_DrawIcons(); HUD_DrawMoney(); HUD_DrawAmmo(); HUD_DrawRadar(); HUD_DrawProgressBar(); HUD_DrawWeaponSelect(); } /* ================= HUD_DrawVoice Draws a little notification for anyone using voice chat ================= */ void HUD_DrawVoice(void) { vector vVoicePos = vVideoMins + [vVideoResolution[0] - 160, vVideoResolution[1] - 136]; for (int i = -1; i > -32; i--) { if (getplayerkeyfloat(i, INFOKEY_P_VOIPSPEAKING) == 1) { drawfill(vVoicePos, [144,24], VGUI_WINDOW_BGCOLOR, VGUI_WINDOW_BGALPHA); drawfill(vVoicePos, [144, 1], vVGUIColor, VGUI_WINDOW_FGALPHA); drawfill([vVoicePos[0], vVoicePos[1] + 23], [144, 1], vVGUIColor, VGUI_WINDOW_FGALPHA); drawfill(vVoicePos, [1, 24], vVGUIColor, VGUI_WINDOW_FGALPHA); drawfill([vVoicePos[0] + 143, vVoicePos[1]], [1, 24], vVGUIColor, VGUI_WINDOW_FGALPHA); CSQC_DrawText([vVoicePos[0] + 28, vVoicePos[1] + 8], getplayerkeyvalue(i, "name"), [12,12], vVGUIColor, VGUI_WINDOW_FGALPHA, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, FONT_CON); drawpic(vVoicePos + [2,0], "gfx/vgui/icntlk_sv.tga", [24,24], vVGUIColor, 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); vVoicePos[1] -= 32; } } }