/* OpenCS Project Copyright (C) 2015 Marco "eukara" Hladik This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ typedef struct { string sSprite; vector vOrigin; } weaponsymbolinfo_t; weaponsymbolinfo_t wpSymbolTable[ CS_WEAPON_COUNT ] = { { "", '0 0' }, //WEAPON_NONE { "sprites/640hud10.spr_0.tga", '0 0.52734375' }, //WEAPON_KNIFE { "sprites/640hud1.spr_0.tga", '0 0.3515625' }, //WEAPON_USP45 { "sprites/640hud1.spr_0.tga", '0 0.17578125' }, //WEAPON_GLOCK18 { "sprites/640hud10.spr_0.tga", '0 0.3515625' }, //WEAPON_DEAGLE { "sprites/640hud12.spr_0.tga", '0 0.3515625' }, //WEAPON_P228 { "sprites/640hud14.spr_0.tga", '0 0.3515625' }, //WEAPON_ELITES { "sprites/640hud14.spr_0.tga", '0 0.52734375' }, //WEAPON_FIVESEVEN { "sprites/640hud1.spr_0.tga", '0 0.52734375' }, //WEAPON_M3 { "sprites/640hud12.spr_0.tga", '0 0.52734375' }, //WEAPON_XM1014 { "sprites/640hud1.spr_0.tga", '0 0.703125' }, //WEAPON_MP5 { "sprites/640hud12.spr_0.tga", '0 0' }, //WEAPON_P90 { "sprites/640hud16.spr_0.tga", '0 0' }, //WEAPON_UMP45 { "sprites/640hud14.spr_0.tga", '0 0' }, //WEAPON_MAC10 { "sprites/640hud12.spr_0.tga", '0 0' }, //WEAPON_TMP { "sprites/640hud10.spr_0.tga", '0 0' }, //WEAPON_AK47 { "sprites/640hud10.spr_0.tga", '0 0.17578125' }, //WEAPON_SG552 { "sprites/640hud2.spr_0.tga", '0 0.17578125' }, //WEAPON_M4A1 { "sprites/640hud14.spr_0.tga", '0 0.17578125' }, //WEAPON_AUG { "sprites/640hud12.spr_0.tga", '0 0.17578125' }, //WEAPON_SCOUT { "sprites/640hud2.spr_0.tga", '0 0.52734375' }, //WEAPON_AWP { "sprites/640hud2.spr_0.tga", '0 0.703125' }, //WEAPON_G3SG1 { "sprites/640hud14.spr_0.tga", '0 0.703125' }, //WEAPON_SG550 { "sprites/640hud3.spr_0.tga", '0 0' }, //WEAPON_PARA { "sprites/640hud1.spr_0.tga", '0 0' } //WEAPON_C4BOMB }; vector vHUDSlotNumPos[ 4 ] = { '0.65625 0.28125 0', // 1 PRIMARY '0.734375 0.28125 0', // 2 SECONDARY '0.8125 0.28125 0', // 3 MELEE '0.65625 0.359375 0', // 4 GRENADE }; float fHUDWeaponSelectTime; float fHUDWeaponSelected; /* ================= HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_NextItem Checks and returns the next slot with a weapon in it ================= */ float HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_NextItem( float fSlot ) { if ( fSlot == SLOT_PRIMARY ) { if ( getstatf( STAT_SLOT_SECONDARY ) ) { return SLOT_SECONDARY; } else { return HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_NextItem( SLOT_SECONDARY ); } } else if ( fSlot == SLOT_SECONDARY ) { if ( getstatf( STAT_SLOT_MELEE ) ) { return SLOT_MELEE; } else { return HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_NextItem( SLOT_MELEE ); } } else if ( fSlot == SLOT_MELEE ) { if ( getstatf( STAT_SLOT_GRENADE ) ) { return SLOT_GRENADE; } else { return HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_NextItem( SLOT_GRENADE ); } } else { if ( getstatf( STAT_SLOT_PRIMARY ) ) { return SLOT_PRIMARY; } else { return HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_NextItem( SLOT_PRIMARY ); } } } /* ================= HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_PreviousItem Checks and returns the previous slot with a weapon in it ================= */ float HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_PreviousItem( float fSlot ) { if ( fSlot == SLOT_PRIMARY ) { if ( getstatf( STAT_SLOT_GRENADE ) ) { return SLOT_GRENADE; } else { return HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_PreviousItem( SLOT_GRENADE ); } } else if ( fSlot == SLOT_SECONDARY ) { if ( getstatf( STAT_SLOT_PRIMARY ) ) { return SLOT_PRIMARY; } else { return HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_PreviousItem( SLOT_PRIMARY ); } } else if ( fSlot == SLOT_MELEE ) { if ( getstatf( STAT_SLOT_SECONDARY ) ) { return SLOT_SECONDARY; } else { return HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_PreviousItem( SLOT_SECONDARY ); } } else { if ( getstatf( STAT_SLOT_MELEE ) ) { return SLOT_MELEE; } else { return HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_PreviousItem( SLOT_MELEE ); } } } /* ================= HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_GetWeapon Returns what weapon is in which slot ================= */ float HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_GetWeapon( float fSlot ) { if ( fSlot == SLOT_PRIMARY ) { return getstatf( STAT_SLOT_PRIMARY ); } else if ( fSlot == SLOT_SECONDARY ) { return getstatf( STAT_SLOT_SECONDARY ); } else if ( fSlot == SLOT_MELEE ) { return getstatf( STAT_SLOT_MELEE ); } else { return getstatf( STAT_SLOT_GRENADE ); } } /* ================= HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_Forward Called via the invprev command ================= */ void HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_Forward( void ) { if ( !getstatf( STAT_SLOT_MELEE ) && !getstatf( STAT_SLOT_MELEE ) && !getstatf( STAT_SLOT_MELEE ) && !getstatf( STAT_SLOT_MELEE ) ) { return; } if ( fHUDWeaponSelected == 0 ) { sound( self, CHAN_ITEM, "common/wpn_hudon.wav", 0.5, ATTN_NONE ); fHUDWeaponSelected = HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_GetWeapon( HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_NextItem( wptTable[ getstatf( STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON ) ].iSlot ) ); } else { sound( self, CHAN_ITEM, "common/wpn_moveselect.wav", 0.5, ATTN_NONE ); fHUDWeaponSelected = HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_GetWeapon( HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_NextItem( wptTable[ fHUDWeaponSelected ].iSlot ) ); } print( sprintf( "Selected %f\n", fHUDWeaponSelected ) ); fHUDWeaponSelectTime = time + 3; } /* ================= HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_Back Called via the invnext command ================= */ void HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_Back( void ) { if ( !getstatf( STAT_SLOT_MELEE ) && !getstatf( STAT_SLOT_MELEE ) && !getstatf( STAT_SLOT_MELEE ) && !getstatf( STAT_SLOT_MELEE ) ) { return; } if ( fHUDWeaponSelected == 0 ) { sound( self, CHAN_ITEM, "common/wpn_hudon.wav", 0.5, ATTN_NONE ); fHUDWeaponSelected = HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_GetWeapon( HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_PreviousItem( wptTable[ getstatf( STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON ) ].iSlot ) ); } else { sound( self, CHAN_ITEM, "common/wpn_moveselect.wav", 0.5, ATTN_NONE ); fHUDWeaponSelected = HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_GetWeapon( HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_PreviousItem( wptTable[ fHUDWeaponSelected ].iSlot ) ); } fHUDWeaponSelectTime = time + 3; } /* ================= HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_Num Draws the numbers 1-4 on the selection display ================= */ void HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_Num( vector vPos, float fValue ) { drawsubpic( vPos, '20 20', "sprites/640hud7.spr_0.tga", vHUDSlotNumPos[ fValue ], [ 0.078125, 0.078125 ], vHUDColor, 1, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE ); } /* ================= HUD_DrawWeaponSelect Drawn every frame through HUD.c ================= */ void HUD_DrawWeaponSelect( void ) { if ( fHUDWeaponSelectTime < time ) { if ( fHUDWeaponSelected ) { sound( self, CHAN_ITEM, "common/wpn_hudoff.wav", 0.5, ATTN_NONE ); fHUDWeaponSelected = 0; } return; } vector vSelectPos = '138 12 0'; for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_Num( vSelectPos, i ); if ( wptTable[ fHUDWeaponSelected ].iSlot == i ) { drawsubpic( vSelectPos + '0 20', '170 45', wpSymbolTable[ fHUDWeaponSelected ].sSprite, wpSymbolTable[ fHUDWeaponSelected ].vOrigin, [ 0.6640625, 0.17578125 ], vHUDColor, 1, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE ); vSelectPos_x += 170; } else { vSelectPos_x += 20; } } } /* ================= HUD_DrawWeaponSelect Called by CSQC_Input_Frame when conditions are met ================= */ void HUD_DrawWeaponSelect_Trigger( void ) { sendevent( "PlayerSwitchWeapon", "f", fHUDWeaponSelected ); sound( self, CHAN_ITEM, "common/wpn_select.wav", 0.5, ATTN_NONE ); fHUDWeaponSelectTime = 0; fHUDWeaponSelected = 0; }