/* FreeCS Project Copyright (C) 2016, 2017 Marco "eukara" Hladik This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ var vector vMenuClickMins; var vector vMenuClickMaxs; /* ================= Menu_InputCheckMouse Checks a specified region and returns TRUE if the mouse is above it. ================= */ int Menu_InputCheckMouse( vector vPosition, vector vRegion ) { vector vSMins, vSMaxs; // Some elements will be blocked (scrolling lists) outside of this region if ( vMousePos_x >= vMenuClickMins_x && vMousePos_x <= vMenuClickMaxs_x ) { if ( vMousePos_y >= vMenuClickMins_y && vMousePos_y <= vMenuClickMaxs_y ) { vSMins = vSMaxs = vPosition; vSMaxs_y = vPosition_y - 1; vSMaxs_x = vPosition_x + vRegion_x; vSMaxs_y = vPosition_y + vRegion_y; if ( vMousePos_x >= vSMins_x && vMousePos_x <= vSMaxs_x ) { if ( vMousePos_y >= vSMins_y && vMousePos_y <= vSMaxs_y ) { return TRUE; } } } } return FALSE; } /* ================= Menu_SetClipArea This will set the region in which mouse activity and drawing of objects will happen. Use it to clip text and mouse activity. ================= */ void Menu_SetClipArea( vector vPosition, vector vRegion ) { vPosition += vMenuOffset; vMenuClickMins = vPosition; vMenuClickMaxs = vPosition; vMenuClickMins_x = vPosition_x; vMenuClickMaxs_y = vPosition_y - 1; vMenuClickMaxs_x = vPosition_x + vRegion_x; vMenuClickMaxs_y = vPosition_y + vRegion_y; drawsetcliparea( vPosition_x, vPosition_y, vRegion_x, vRegion_y ); } /* ================= Menu_ResetClipArea Resets the clip area that was set via Menu_SetClipArea ================= */ void Menu_ResetClipArea( void ) { vMenuClickMins = vMenuOffset; vMenuClickMaxs = vMenuOffset + '640 480'; drawresetcliparea(); } /* ================= Menu_InputEvent New FTE routine for advanced mouse input in menuqc! ================= */ float Menu_InputEvent( float fEventType, float fKey, float fCharacter, float fDeviceID ) { if ( fEventType == IE_KEYDOWN ) { if ( fKey == K_MOUSE1 ) { fMouseClick = 1; } else { if ( fKey == K_ESCAPE ) { m_toggle( 0 ); } fInputKeyDown = 1; } if ( fKey == K_MWHEELDOWN ) { fScrollWheel = SCROLL_DOWN; } else if ( fKey == K_MWHEELUP ) { fScrollWheel = SCROLL_UP; } fInputKeyCode = fKey; fInputKeyASCII = fCharacter; } else if ( fEventType == IE_KEYUP ) { if ( fKey == K_MOUSE1 ) { fMouseClick = 0; iScrollbarHold = FALSE; } else { fInputKeyDown = 0; } fInputKeyCode = 0; fInputKeyASCII = 0; } else if ( fEventType == IE_MOUSEABS ) { vMousePos_x = fKey; vMousePos_y = fCharacter; } return TRUE; } /* ================= m_display, m_hide, m_toggle Essentially what happens when togglemenu is used, called by the engine as well. ================= */ void m_display( void ) { iMenuActive = TRUE; setkeydest( KEY_MENU ); setmousetarget( TARGET_MENU ); setcursormode( TRUE, "gfx/cursor", '0 0 0', 1.0f ); } void m_hide( void ) { iMenuActive = FALSE; setkeydest( KEY_GAME ); setmousetarget( TARGET_CLIENT ); setcursormode( FALSE ); } void m_toggle( float fMode ) { if ( fMode == FALSE ) { m_hide(); } else { m_display(); } } float m_consolecommand( string sCMD ) { tokenize( sCMD ); switch ( argv( 0 ) ) { case "togglemenu": m_display( ); return TRUE; break; } return FALSE; }