# Nuclide build config environment # Don't ship this with your application! # Build the engine using the SDL2 instead of the native backend BUILD_SDL2=1 # Build the engine with debug information BUILD_DEBUG=1 # Clean compile, removing old object files BUILD_CLEAN=0 # Build any deps the engine requires and statically link them into the binary BUILD_ENGINE_DEPENDENCIES=1 # Build Source engine format support BUILD_SOURCE=1 # Build the Open Dynamics Engine physics simulator. More feature complete. BUILD_ODE=1 # Build the Bullet physics simulator, still WiP BUILD_BULLET=0 # Build ffmpeg, required for video, flac and menu header playback BUILD_FFMPEG=1 # Build the IQM/VVM model exporter our skeletal animation based model format of choice BUILD_IQMTOOL=1 # Build the imgtool which analysis images and compresses them for GPUs BUILD_IMGTOOL=1 # Specify which engine revision to build, these are considered 'stable'; 0 = latest BUILD_ENGINEREVISION=6283 # Whether or not to run 'git pull' or 'svn up' before building a component BUILD_UPDATE=1 # If we should try to use CLANG instead of GCC (Linux only) BUILD_CLANG=0 # Build the Quake III game logic and protocol support BUILD_QUAKE3=1