#!/bin/sh # takes one argument: path to .def file ed_for_def() { printf -- "" > "/tmp/def_name" printf -- "" > "/tmp/def_color" printf -- "" > "/tmp/def_mins" printf -- "" > "/tmp/def_mins" printf -- "" > "/tmp/def_maxs" printf -- "" > "/tmp/def_usage" printf -- "" > "/tmp/def_model" { cat "$1"; echo; } | while read LINE do SEG1=$(echo "$LINE" | awk '{ print $1 }') SEG2=$(echo "$LINE" | awk '{ print $2 }') KEY="$(echo "$LINE" | awk -F"\"" '{ print $2 }')" VAL="$(echo "$LINE" | awk -F"\"" '{ print $4 }')" if [ "$KEY" = "entityDef" ] then printf -- "$VAL" > "/tmp/def_name" fi if [ "$SEG1" = "entityDef" ] then printf -- "$SEG2" > "/tmp/def_name" fi if [ "$KEY" = "editor_color" ] then printf -- "$VAL" > "/tmp/def_color" fi if [ "$KEY" = "editor_mins" ] then printf -- "$VAL" > "/tmp/def_mins" fi if [ "$KEY" = "editor_maxs" ] then printf -- "$VAL" > "/tmp/def_maxs" fi if [ "$KEY" = "mins" ] then if [ -z "$(cat /tmp/def_mins)" ] then printf -- "$VAL" > "/tmp/def_mins" fi fi if [ "$KEY" = "maxs" ] then if [ -z "$(cat /tmp/def_maxs)" ] then printf -- "$VAL" > "/tmp/def_maxs" fi fi if [ "$KEY" = "editor_usage" ] then printf -- "$VAL" > "/tmp/def_usage" fi if [ "$KEY" = "netname" ] then if [ -z "$(cat /tmp/def_usage)" ] then printf -- "$VAL" > "/tmp/def_usage" fi fi if [ "$KEY" = "editor_model" ] then printf -- "$VAL" > "/tmp/def_model" fi if [ "$KEY" = "model" ] then if [ -z "$(cat /tmp/def_model)" ] then printf -- "$VAL" > "/tmp/def_model" fi fi if [ "$SEG1" = "}" ] then KEY_NAME="$(cat /tmp/def_name)" KEY_COLOR="$(cat /tmp/def_color)" KEY_MINS="$(cat /tmp/def_mins)" KEY_MAXS="$(cat /tmp/def_maxs)" KEY_USAGE="$(cat /tmp/def_usage)" KEY_MODEL="$(cat /tmp/def_model)" # reset defaults printf -- "" > "/tmp/def_name" printf -- "" > "/tmp/def_color" printf -- "" > "/tmp/def_mins" printf -- "" > "/tmp/def_mins" printf -- "" > "/tmp/def_maxs" printf -- "" > "/tmp/def_usage" printf -- "" > "/tmp/def_model" if [ -z "$KEY_NAME" ] then exit 0 fi if [ -z "$KEY_COLOR" ] then exit 0 fi # no mins/maxs if [ -z "$KEY_MINS" ] then printf "/*QUAKED $KEY_NAME ($KEY_COLOR) ?\n" else printf "/*QUAKED $KEY_NAME ($KEY_COLOR) ($KEY_MINS) ($KEY_MAXS)\n" fi printf "$KEY_USAGE\n" # no model if [ ! -z "$KEY_MODEL" ] then printf -- "-------- MODEL FOR RADIANT ONLY - DO NOT SET THIS AS A KEY --------\n" printf "model=\"$KEY_MODEL\"\n" fi printf "*/\n" fi done } ent_for_mod() { # don't bother if we don't have sources if ! [ -f "./$1/src/Makefile" ]; then exit fi mkdir -p "./$1/scripts" ENT_OUTFILE="./$1/scripts/entities.def" echo '' > "$ENT_OUTFILE" echo "Scanning for definitions inside the game directory." find ./$1/src/ -type f \( -iname \*.qc \) | while read EDEF_N; do echo "... $EDEF_N" sed -n '/\/*!QUAKED/,/*\//p' $EDEF_N >> "$ENT_OUTFILE" # fix doxygen markup done; sed -i 's/*!QUAKED/*QUAKED/g' "$ENT_OUTFILE" find ./$1/ -type f \( -iname \*.def \) | grep "decls/def" | while read EDEF_N; do echo "parsing decl $EDEF_N..." ed_for_def "$EDEF_N" >> "$ENT_OUTFILE" done; cat ./Tools/base_entities.def >> $ENT_OUTFILE } # first dump all the general purpose entities BASE_ENT="./Tools/base_entities.def" echo '' > "$BASE_ENT" echo "Scanning for definitions inside the general entity codebase." find ./src/gs-entbase/ -type f \( -iname \*.qc \) | while read EDEF_N; do echo "... $EDEF_N" sed -n '/\/*!QUAKED/,/*\//p' $EDEF_N >> "$BASE_ENT" # fix doxygen markup done; sed -i 's/*!QUAKED/*QUAKED/g' "$BASE_ENT" # each game gets its own ents + general purpose ents appended at the end if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then ent_for_mod $1 fi