# Support

If you require assistance that involves the internals of Nuclide itself (as in, you have already gotten it running) and need someone to talk to about it - there's a few places where we all gather and talk about this project as well as sub-projects and related projects.

## Matrix
This is the default for us. [You can find a dedicated **Space** right here.](https://matrix.to/#/#nuclide:matrix.org)

## Internet Relay Chat
This is our fallback. It is also bridged with the general room on Matrix.

You can connect to irc.libera.chat and join #nuclide.

## Commercial Support

While the code is free - both in price and in license, our time is not.
If you require support that involves more than what the documentation here offers, reach out over at <mailto:biz@vera-visions.com>.

While we are a tiny team, and need to be compensated, keep your expectations reasonable as to the level of support we can provide - especially with only one programmer.