/*** * * Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Marco 'eukara' Hladik. All rights reserved. * * See the file LICENSE attached with the sources for usage details. * ****/ enum { SHOTGUN_IDLE1, SHOTGUN_FIRE1, SHOTGUN_FIRE2, SHOTGUN_RELOAD, SHOTGUN_PUMP, SHOTGUN_START_RELOAD, SHOTGUN_DRAW, SHOTGUN_HOLSTER, SHOTGUN_IDLE2, SHOTGUN_IDLE3 }; void w_shotgun_precache(void) { precache_model("models/v_shotgun.mdl"); precache_model("models/w_shotgun.mdl"); precache_model("models/p_shotgun.mdl"); precache_sound("weapons/sbarrel1.wav"); precache_sound("weapons/dbarrel1.wav"); } string w_shotgun_vmodel(void) { return "models/v_shotgun.mdl"; } string w_shotgun_wmodel(void) { return "models/w_shotgun.mdl"; } string w_shotgun_pmodel(void) { return "models/p_shotgun.mdl"; } string w_shotgun_deathmsg(void) { return ""; } void w_shotgun_draw(void) { #ifdef CSQC Weapons_ViewAnimation(SHOTGUN_DRAW); #else player pl = (player)self; Weapons_UpdateAmmo(pl, pl.shotgun_mag, pl.ammo_buckshot, __NULL__); #endif } void w_shotgun_holster(void) { Weapons_ViewAnimation(SHOTGUN_HOLSTER); } void w_shotgun_primary(void) { player pl = (player)self; if (pl.w_attack_next > 0.0) { return; } Weapons_PlaySound(pl, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/sbarrel1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); Weapons_ViewAnimation(SHOTGUN_FIRE1); Weapons_ViewPunchAngle([-5,0,0]); #ifdef SSQC /* Singleplayer is more accurate */ if (cvar("sv_playerslots") == 1) { TraceAttack_FireBullets(6, pl.origin + pl.view_ofs, 5, [0.08716,0.08716]); } else { TraceAttack_FireBullets(4, pl.origin + pl.view_ofs, 5, [0.08716,0.04362]); } #endif pl.w_attack_next = Math_Time() + 0.75; pl.w_idle_next = Math_Time() + 2.5f; } void w_shotgun_secondary(void) { player pl = (player)self; if (pl.w_attack_next > 0.0) { return; } #ifdef SSQC /* Singleplayer is more accurate */ if (cvar("sv_playerslots") == 1) { TraceAttack_FireBullets(12, pl.origin + pl.view_ofs, 5, [0.08716,0.08716]); } else { TraceAttack_FireBullets(8, pl.origin + pl.view_ofs, 5, [0.17365,0.04362]); } #endif Weapons_PlaySound(pl, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/dbarrel1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); Weapons_ViewAnimation(SHOTGUN_FIRE2); Weapons_ViewPunchAngle([-10,0,0]); pl.w_attack_next = 1.5f; pl.w_idle_next = 2.5f; } void w_shotgun_reload(void) { } void w_shotgun_release(void) { player pl = (player)self; if (pl.w_idle_next > 0.0) { return; } int r = floor(random(0,3)); switch (r) { case 0: Weapons_ViewAnimation(SHOTGUN_IDLE1); break; case 1: Weapons_ViewAnimation(SHOTGUN_IDLE2); break; case 2: Weapons_ViewAnimation(SHOTGUN_IDLE3); break; } pl.w_idle_next = 15.0f; } void w_shotgun_crosshair(void) { #ifdef CSQC static vector cross_pos; cross_pos = (video_res / 2) + [-12,-12]; drawsubpic(cross_pos, [24,24], "sprites/crosshairs.spr_0.tga", [48/128,24/128], [0.1875, 0.1875], [1,1,1], 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); HUD_DrawAmmo1(); HUD_DrawAmmo2(); #endif } void w_shotgun_hudpic(int s, vector pos) { #ifdef CSQC if (s) { drawsubpic(pos, [170,45], "sprites/640hud4.spr_0.tga", [0,180/256], [170/256,45/256], g_hud_color, 1, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); } else { drawsubpic(pos, [170,45], "sprites/640hud1.spr_0.tga", [0,180/256], [170/256,45/256], g_hud_color, 1, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); } #endif } weapon_t w_shotgun = { ITEM_SHOTGUN, 2, 1, w_shotgun_draw, w_shotgun_holster, w_shotgun_primary, w_shotgun_secondary, w_shotgun_reload, w_shotgun_release, w_shotgun_crosshair, w_shotgun_precache, __NULL__, w_shotgun_vmodel, w_shotgun_wmodel, w_shotgun_pmodel, w_shotgun_deathmsg, w_shotgun_hudpic }; #ifdef SSQC void weapon_shotgun(void) { Weapons_InitItem(WEAPON_SHOTGUN); } #endif