GENERAL ENTITY CODE BASE ======================== This is part reverse-engineering effort, part innovation, in terms of reusable and game-agnostic map-entity logic. A lot of entities from Half-Life and Source Engine based titles are implemented. Those are made possible through the documentation efforts of and a lot of trial and error. A lot of mods and custom maps have been used to make sure this is as compatible as can be. It's always improving. Others objects I have come up with on my own for the projects. A few warnings to the uneducated: If you're planning on merging or using any of this code in combination with the original Half-Life SDK, you're violating the Half-Life SDK License Agreement. Thanks to Spike for FTEQCC's advanced features and his engine, FTEQW, that makes FreeCS and other projects even possible. Marco 'eukara' Hladik