/* Copyright 2016-2018 Marco "eukara" Hladik MIT LICENSE Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #define CHAT_LINES 5 #define CHAT_TIME 20 var int iLineScroll = 0; float fChatTime; float fChatAlpha; string sMSGBuffer[ CHAT_LINES ]; /* ================= CSQC_Parse_Print Receives a message and sorts it into the chat messagebuffer ================= */ void CSQC_Parse_Print(string sMessage, float fLevel ) { // This gives messages other than chat an orange tint if ( fLevel != PRINT_CHAT ) { sMessage = sprintf( "^xF80%s", sMessage ); } if ( iLineScroll < ( CHAT_LINES - 1 ) ) { sMSGBuffer[ iLineScroll + 1 ] = sMessage; iLineScroll++; } else { for ( int i = 0; i < ( CHAT_LINES - 1 ); i++ ) { sMSGBuffer[ i ] = sMSGBuffer[ i + 1 ]; } sMSGBuffer[ CHAT_LINES - 1 ] = sMessage; } fChatTime = time + CHAT_TIME; fChatAlpha = 1.0f; // Log to console localcmd( sprintf( "echo \"%s\"\n", sMessage ) ); } /* ================= CSQC_DrawChat Just prints whatever is in the chat buffer and removes lines after some time. ================= */ void CSQC_DrawChat( void ) { vector vChatPos = vVideoMins + [ 16, vVideoResolution_y - 128 ]; // Remove messages after a fChatTime has passed if ( fChatTime < time ) { fChatAlpha -= frametime; } else { fChatAlpha = 1.0f; } if ( fChatAlpha > 0.0f ) { #if 1 for ( int i = 0; i < CHAT_LINES; i++ ) { drawstring( vChatPos, sMSGBuffer[ i ], '12 12', '1 1 1', fChatAlpha, 0 ); vChatPos_y += 14; } #else string sDraw = sMSGBuffer[ 0 ]; for ( int i = 1; i < CHAT_LINES; i++ ) { sDraw = sprintf( "%s\n%s\n", sDraw, sMSGBuffer[ i ] ); } drawtextfield( vChatPos, [vVideoResolution_x - 32, CHAT_LINES * 12 ], 1, sDraw ); #endif } } /* ================= CSQC_DrawCenterprint Read centerprints from a buffer and display them with alpha and whatnot ================= */ float fCenterPrintAlpha; float fCenterPrintTime; float fCenterPrintLines; string sCenterPrintBuffer[ 18 ]; void CSQC_DrawCenterprint( void ) { if ( fCenterPrintAlpha <= 0 ) { return; } vector vCenterPrintPos; if ( fCenterPrintTime > time ) { fCenterPrintAlpha = 1; } else { fCenterPrintAlpha -= frametime; if ( fCenterPrintAlpha < 0 ) { fCenterPrintAlpha = 0; } } vCenterPrintPos_y = vVideoMins_y + ( vVideoResolution_y / 2 ) - ( fCenterPrintLines - 4 ); for ( int i = 0; i < ( fCenterPrintLines ); i++ ) { vCenterPrintPos_x = vVideoMins_x + ( vVideoResolution_x / 2 ) - ( stringwidth( sCenterPrintBuffer[ i ], TRUE, '12 12' ) / 2 ); drawstring( vCenterPrintPos, sCenterPrintBuffer[ i ], '12 12', '1 1 1', fCenterPrintAlpha, 0 ); vCenterPrintPos_y += 8; } } /* ================= CSQC_Parse_CenterPrint Catches every centerprint call and allows us to tinker with it. That's how we are able to add color, alpha and whatnot. Keep in mind that newlines need to be tokenized ================= */ float CSQC_Parse_CenterPrint( string sMessage ) { fCenterPrintLines = tokenizebyseparator( sMessage, "\n" ); for( int i = 0; i < ( fCenterPrintLines ); i++ ) { sCenterPrintBuffer[ i ] = sprintf( "^xF80%s", argv( i ) ); } fCenterPrintAlpha = 1; fCenterPrintTime = time + 3; return TRUE; } void CSQC_CalcViewport( int s, float fWinWidth, float fWinHeight ) { //FIXME: this is awkward. renderscene internally rounds to pixels. //on the other hand, drawpic uses linear filtering and multisample and stuff. //this means that there can be a pixel or so difference between scene and 2d. //as a general rule, you won't notice unless there's some big drawfills. switch ( numclientseats ) { case 3: if ( !s ) { case 2: vVideoResolution = [ fWinWidth, fWinHeight * 0.5 ]; vVideoMins = [ 0, ( s & 1 ) * vVideoResolution_y ]; break; } s++; case 4: vVideoResolution = [ fWinWidth, fWinHeight ] * 0.5; vVideoMins = [ (s&1) * vVideoResolution_x, ( s / 2i ) * vVideoResolution_y ]; break; default: vVideoResolution = [ fWinWidth, fWinHeight ]; vVideoMins = [ 0, 0 ]; break; } } /* ================= CSQC_UpdateView Entry point for drawing on the client ================= */ void CSQC_UpdateView( float fWinWidth, float fWinHeight, float fGameFocus ) { float needcursor; int s; vVideoResolution_x = fWinWidth; vVideoResolution_y = fWinHeight; clearscene(); setproperty( VF_DRAWENGINESBAR, 0 ); setproperty( VF_DRAWCROSSHAIR, 0 ); //just in case... if ( numclientseats > seats.length ) { numclientseats = seats.length; } for ( s = seats.length; s-- > numclientseats; ) { pSeat = &seats[ s ]; pSeat->fVGUI_Display = VGUI_MOTD; pSeat->ePlayer = world; } for ( s = numclientseats; s-- > 0; ) { pSeat = &seats[ s ]; setproperty( VF_ACTIVESEAT, (float)s ); pSeat->ePlayer = self = findfloat( world, entnum, player_localentnum ); if ( self ) { Player_Predict(); } } addentities( MASK_ENGINE ); // Render 3D Game Loop for ( s = 0; s < numclientseats; s++ ) { pSeat = &seats[ s ]; setproperty( VF_ACTIVESEAT, (float)s ); Nightvision_PreDraw(); // Don't hide the player entity if ( autocvar_cl_thirdperson == TRUE && getstatf( STAT_HEALTH ) ) { setproperty( VF_VIEWENTITY, (float)0 ); } else { setproperty( VF_VIEWENTITY, (float)player_localentnum ); } setproperty( VF_AFOV, cvar( "fov" ) * ( getstatf( STAT_VIEWZOOM ) ) ); setsensitivityscaler( ( getstatf( STAT_VIEWZOOM ) ) ); // When Cameratime is active, draw on the forced coords instead if ( pSeat->fCameraTime > time ) { setproperty( VF_ORIGIN, pSeat->vCameraPos ) ; } else { if ( getstatf( STAT_HEALTH ) ) { if ( autocvar_cl_thirdperson == TRUE ) { makevectors( view_angles ); vector vStart = [ pSeat->vPlayerOrigin[0], pSeat->vPlayerOrigin[1], pSeat->vPlayerOrigin[2] + 16 ] + ( v_right * 4 ); vector vEnd = vStart + ( v_forward * -48 ) + '0 0 16' + ( v_right * 4 ); traceline( vStart, vEnd, FALSE, self ); setproperty( VF_ORIGIN, trace_endpos + ( v_forward * 5 ) ); } else { setproperty( VF_ORIGIN, pSeat->vPlayerOrigin + [ 0, 0, getstatf( STAT_VIEWHEIGHT ) ] ); } } else { setproperty( VF_ORIGIN, pSeat->vPlayerOrigin ); } View_DrawViewModel(); } CSQC_CalcViewport( s, fWinWidth, fWinHeight ); setproperty( VF_MIN, vVideoMins ); setproperty( VF_SIZE, vVideoResolution ); setproperty( VF_ANGLES, view_angles + pSeat->vPunchAngle ); setproperty( VF_DRAWWORLD, 1 ); renderscene(); } // Render Overlays, such as the HUD for ( s = 0; s < numclientseats; s++ ) { pSeat = &seats[ s ]; setproperty( VF_ACTIVESEAT, (float)s ); CSQC_CalcViewport( s, fWinWidth, fWinHeight ); View_DropPunchAngle(); Nightvision_PostDraw(); if( fGameFocus == TRUE ) { // The spectator sees things... differently if ( getplayerkeyvalue( player_localnum, "*spec" ) != "0" ) { VGUI_DrawSpectatorHUD(); } else { HUD_Draw(); } HUD_DrawOrbituaries(); HUD_DrawVoice(); CSQC_DrawChat(); // Don't even try to draw centerprints and VGUI menus when scores are shown if ( pSeat->iShowScores == TRUE || getstatf( STAT_GAMESTATE ) == GAME_OVER ) { VGUI_Scores_Show(); } else { CSQC_DrawCenterprint(); needcursor |= CSQC_VGUI_Draw(); } } } pSeat = (void*)0x70000000i; if ( needcursor ) { setcursormode( TRUE, "gfx/cursor", '0 0 0', 1.0f ); } else { setcursormode( FALSE, "gfx/cursor", '0 0 0', 1.0f ); } Sound_ProcessWordQue(); } /* ================= CSQC_UpdateViewLoading Doesn't really do anything useful yet ================= */ void CSQC_UpdateViewLoading( float fWinWidth, float fWinHeight, float fGameFocus ) { drawfill( [ 0, 0 ], [ fWinWidth, fWinHeight ], [ 1, 1, 1 ], 1, 0 ); }