/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Marco Hladik * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF MIND, USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include "textmenu.h" /* flags for 2d drawing */ #define DRAWFLAG_NORMAL 0 #define DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE 1 #define DRAWFLAG_MODULATE 2 #define DRAWFLAG_2XMODULATE 3 /* undocumented printcall types */ #define PRINT_LOW 0 #define PRINT_MEDIUM 1 #define PRINT_HIGH 2 #define PRINT_CHAT 3 /* fonts */ var float FONT_16; var float FONT_20; var float FONT_CON; /* clientside cvars */ var float autocvar_cl_bob = 0; var float autocvar_v_bob = 0.01; var float autocvar_v_bobcycle = 0.8; var float autocvar_v_bobup = 0.5; var float autocvar_zoom_sensitivity = 1.0f; var int autocvar_cl_smoothstairs = TRUE; var int autocvar_cl_thirdperson = FALSE; var int autocvar_v_bobclassic = TRUE; var int autocvar_v_lefthanded = FALSE; var string autocvar_cl_logofile = "lambda"; var vector autocvar_cl_logocolor = [255,0,0]; var vector autocvar_con_color = [255,150,0]; var vector autocvar_vgui_color = [255,170,0]; var vector autocvar_v_gunofs = [0,0,0]; var int autocvar_r_viewmodelpass = 0; var float autocvar_r_viewmodelfov = 90.0f; var float autocvar_r_viewmodelscale = 1.0f; var float autocvar_cl_hudaspect = 0.0f; /* particle descriptors */ var float PART_DUSTMOTE; /* muzzleflash indices */ var int MUZZLE_SMALL; var int MUZZLE_RIFLE; var int MUZZLE_WEIRD; var int SHELL_DEFAULT; var int SHELL_SHOTGUN; /* misc globals */ vector video_mins; vector video_res; vector mouse_pos; int g_iIntermission; int g_iWorldInitialized; /* this actually belongs in builtins.h since its an undocumented global */ float clframetime; /* prototypes */ void Damage_Draw(void); string(string modelname, int frame, float frametime) spriteframe = #0; void drawstring_r(vector p, string t, vector s, vector c, float a, float f) { p[0] -= stringwidth(t, TRUE, s); drawstring(p, t, s, c, a, f); } void GameMessage_Setup(string, int); void Game_Input(void); void View_SetMuzzleflash(int); void Event_Callback(float mtime, __inout float btime); void View_AddEvent(void(void) pCallback, float flTime); void View_PlayAnimation(int); void View_PlayAnimation(int); void Vox_Play(string); void Event_ProcessModel(float, int, string); void ClientGame_ModelEvent(float, int, string); /* this really should be done in-engine */ __wrap float(vector pos, string pic, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha, optional float drawflag) drawpic = { return prior([(int)pos[0],(int)pos[1]], pic, size, rgb, alpha, drawflag); }; __wrap void(vector pos, vector sz, string pic, vector srcpos, vector srcsz, vector rgb, float alpha, optional float drawflag) drawsubpic = { return prior([(int)pos[0],(int)pos[1]], sz, pic, srcpos, srcsz, rgb, alpha, drawflag); }; void drawrect(vector pos, vector sz, float thickness, vector rgb, float al, optional float dfl) { /* top */ drawfill(pos, [sz[0], thickness], rgb, al, dfl); /* bottom */ drawfill(pos + [0, sz[1] - thickness], [sz[0], thickness], rgb, al, dfl); /* left */ drawfill(pos + [0, thickness], [thickness, sz[1] - (thickness * 2)], rgb, al, dfl); /* right */ drawfill(pos + [sz[0] - thickness, thickness], [thickness, sz[1] - (thickness * 2)], rgb, al, dfl); }