/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Marco Hladik * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF MIND, USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ typedef struct waypoint_s { vector m_vecOrigin; float m_flRadius; /* used for picking the closest waypoint. aka proximity weight. also relaxes routes inside the area. */ struct wpneighbour_s { int m_iNode; float m_flCost; int m_iFlags; } *m_pNeighbour; int m_numNeighbours; } waypoint_t; static waypoint_t *g_pWaypoints; static int g_iWaypoints; static int g_waylink_status; var int g_way1 = -1; var int g_way2 = -1; static void Way_WipeWaypoints(void) { for (int i = 0; i < g_iWaypoints; i++) { memfree(g_pWaypoints[i].m_pNeighbour); } memfree(g_pWaypoints); g_iWaypoints = 0; } static void Way_LinkNodes(waypoint_t *wp, waypoint_t *w2) { int w2n = w2 - g_pWaypoints; /* don't bother if we're already linked */ for (int i = 0i; i < wp->m_numNeighbours; i++) { if (wp->m_pNeighbour[i].m_iNode == w2n) { return; } } int idx = wp->m_numNeighbours++; wp->m_pNeighbour = memrealloc(wp->m_pNeighbour, sizeof(*wp->m_pNeighbour), idx, wp->m_numNeighbours); local struct wpneighbour_s *n = wp->m_pNeighbour+idx; n->m_iNode = w2n; n->m_flCost = vlen(w2->m_vecOrigin - wp->m_vecOrigin); n->m_iFlags = 0; } static void Way_AutoLink(waypoint_t *wp) { int wpidx = wp-g_pWaypoints; for (int i = 0i; i < g_iWaypoints; i++) { //don't link to ourself... if (i == wpidx) { continue; } //autolink distance cutoff. if (vlen(wp->m_vecOrigin - g_pWaypoints[i].m_vecOrigin) > autocvar_nav_linksize) { continue; } //not going to use the full player size because that makes steps really messy. //however, we do need a little size, for sanity's sake tracebox(wp->m_vecOrigin, '-16 -16 0', '16 16 32', g_pWaypoints[i].m_vecOrigin, TRUE, world); //light of sight blocked, don't try autolinking. if (trace_fraction < 1) { continue; } Way_LinkNodes(wp, &g_pWaypoints[i]); Way_LinkNodes(&g_pWaypoints[i], wp); } } void Way_CreateNode(entity ePlayer, int iAutoLink) { int iID = g_iWaypoints++; g_pWaypoints = memrealloc(g_pWaypoints, sizeof(waypoint_t), iID, g_iWaypoints); waypoint_t *n = g_pWaypoints + iID; n->m_vecOrigin = ePlayer.origin; n->m_pNeighbour = __NULL__; n->m_numNeighbours = 0; n->m_flRadius = autocvar_nav_radius; if (iAutoLink == 1) { Way_AutoLink(n); } else { if (iID != 0) { if (iAutoLink == 0) { Way_LinkNodes(n, &g_pWaypoints[iID-1]); Way_LinkNodes(&g_pWaypoints[iID-1], n); } else if (iAutoLink == -1) { Way_LinkNodes(&g_pWaypoints[iID-1], n); } else if (iAutoLink == -2) { Way_LinkNodes(n, &g_pWaypoints[iID-1]); } } } } void Way_DeleteNode(int iID) { if (iID < 0i || iID >= g_iWaypoints) { print("Way_DeleteNode: invalid waypoint\n"); return; } //wipe the waypoint memfree(g_pWaypoints[iID].m_pNeighbour); memcpy(g_pWaypoints + iID, g_pWaypoints + iID + 1, (g_iWaypoints - (iID + 1)) * sizeof(*g_pWaypoints)); g_iWaypoints--; //clean up any links to it. for (int i = 0; i < g_iWaypoints; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < g_pWaypoints[i].m_numNeighbours;) { int l = g_pWaypoints[i].m_pNeighbour[j].m_iNode; if (l == iID) { memcpy(g_pWaypoints[i].m_pNeighbour+j, g_pWaypoints[i].m_pNeighbour+j+1, (g_pWaypoints[i].m_numNeighbours-(j+1))*sizeof(*g_pWaypoints[i].m_pNeighbour)); g_pWaypoints[i].m_numNeighbours--; continue; } else if (l > iID) { g_pWaypoints[i].m_pNeighbour[j].m_iNode = l-1; } j++; } } } void Way_SetRadius(int iID, float flRadValue) { if (iID < 0i || iID >= g_iWaypoints) { print("Way_SetRadius: invalid waypoint\n"); return; } g_pWaypoints[iID].m_flRadius = flRadValue; } int Way_FindClosestNode(vector vecOrigin) { /* -1 for no nodes anywhere... */ int r = -1i; float flBestDist = COST_INFINITE; for (int i = 0i; i < g_iWaypoints; i++) { float fDist = vlen(g_pWaypoints[i].m_vecOrigin - vecOrigin) - g_pWaypoints[i].m_flRadius; if (fDist < flBestDist) { /* within the waypoint's radius */ if (fDist < 0) { flBestDist = fDist; r = i; } else { /* outside the waypoint, make sure its valid. */ traceline(vecOrigin, g_pWaypoints[i].m_vecOrigin, TRUE, world); if (trace_fraction == 1) { /* FIXME: sort them frst, to avoid traces? */ flBestDist = fDist; r = i; } } } } return r; } void Way_FlagJump(void) { if (g_waylink_status == 0) { g_way1 = Way_FindClosestNode(self.origin); g_waylink_status = 1; env_message_single(self, "^2Selected first waypoint!\n"); } else if (g_waylink_status == 1) { g_way2 = Way_FindClosestNode(self.origin); g_waylink_status = 0; if (g_way1 != g_way2) { for (int b = 0i; b < g_pWaypoints[g_way1].m_numNeighbours; b++) { if (g_pWaypoints[g_way1].m_pNeighbour[b].m_iNode == g_way2) { g_pWaypoints[g_way1].m_pNeighbour[b].m_iFlags |= LF_JUMP; env_message_single(self, "^2Jump-linked the two points!\n"); } } } else { env_message_single(self, "^1Failed to link, the two points are the same!\n"); } g_way1 = g_way2 = -1; } } void Way_FlagCrouch(void) { if (g_waylink_status == 0) { g_way1 = Way_FindClosestNode(self.origin); g_waylink_status = 1; env_message_single(self, "^2Selected first waypoint!\n"); } else if (g_waylink_status == 1) { g_way2 = Way_FindClosestNode(self.origin); g_waylink_status = 0; if (g_way1 != g_way2) { for (int b = 0i; b < g_pWaypoints[g_way1].m_numNeighbours; b++) { if (g_pWaypoints[g_way1].m_pNeighbour[b].m_iNode == g_way2) { g_pWaypoints[g_way1].m_pNeighbour[b].m_iFlags |= LF_CROUCH; env_message_single(self, "^2Crouch-linked the two points!\n"); } } } else { env_message_single(self, "^1Failed to link, the two points are the same!\n"); } g_way1 = g_way2 = -1; } } void Way_FlagWalk(void) { if (g_waylink_status == 0) { g_way1 = Way_FindClosestNode(self.origin); g_waylink_status = 1; env_message_single(self, "^2Selected first waypoint!\n"); } else if (g_waylink_status == 1) { g_way2 = Way_FindClosestNode(self.origin); g_waylink_status = 0; if (g_way1 != g_way2) { for (int b = 0i; b < g_pWaypoints[g_way1].m_numNeighbours; b++) { if (g_pWaypoints[g_way1].m_pNeighbour[b].m_iNode == g_way2) { g_pWaypoints[g_way1].m_pNeighbour[b].m_iFlags |= LF_WALK; env_message_single(self, "^2Walk-linked the two points!\n"); } } } else { env_message_single(self, "^1Failed to link, the two points are the same!\n"); } g_way1 = g_way2 = -1; } } void Way_HelperSpawns() { for (entity a = world; (a = find(a, ::classname, "info_player_deathmatch"));) { Way_CreateNode(a, TRUE); } } void Way_GoToPoint(entity pl) { vector vecSrc; makevectors(pl.v_angle); vecSrc = pl.origin + pl.view_ofs; traceline(vecSrc, vecSrc + (v_forward * 4096), FALSE, pl); print(sprintf("Telling all bots to go to %v\n", trace_endpos)); for (entity a = world; (a = find(a, classname, "player"));) { if (clienttype(a) != CLIENTTYPE_REAL) { bot targ; targ = (bot)a; targ.RouteClear(); route_calculate(targ, pl.origin, 0, Bot_RouteCB); print(sprintf("Told bot to go to %v\n", trace_endpos)); } } } void Way_SaveFile(string filename) { filestream file; if (!g_iWaypoints) { env_message_single(self, "^1ERROR: Tried to save empty waypoints.\n"); return; } file = fopen(filename, FILE_WRITE); if (file < 0) { print("Way_SaveFile: unable to open ", filename, "\n"); return; } fputs(file, sprintf("%i\n", g_iWaypoints)); for (int i = 0i; i < g_iWaypoints; i++) { fputs(file, sprintf("%v %f %i\n", g_pWaypoints[i].m_vecOrigin, g_pWaypoints[i].m_flRadius, g_pWaypoints[i].m_numNeighbours)); for(int j = 0i; j < g_pWaypoints[i].m_numNeighbours; j++) { fputs(file, sprintf(" %i %f %x\n", g_pWaypoints[i].m_pNeighbour[j].m_iNode, g_pWaypoints[i].m_pNeighbour[j].m_flCost, (float)g_pWaypoints[i].m_pNeighbour[j].m_iFlags)); } } fclose(file); } void Way_ReadFile(string strFile) { float file = fopen(strFile, FILE_READ); if (file < 0) { print("Way_ReadFile: unable to open ", strFile, "\n"); return; } Way_WipeWaypoints(); tokenize(fgets(file)); g_iWaypoints = stoi(argv(0)); g_pWaypoints = memalloc(sizeof(*g_pWaypoints) * g_iWaypoints); for (int i = 0i; i < g_iWaypoints; i++) { tokenize(fgets(file)); g_pWaypoints[i].m_vecOrigin[0] = stof(argv(0)); g_pWaypoints[i].m_vecOrigin[1] = stof(argv(1)); g_pWaypoints[i].m_vecOrigin[2] = stof(argv(2)); g_pWaypoints[i].m_flRadius = stof(argv(3)); g_pWaypoints[i].m_numNeighbours = stoi(argv(4)); g_pWaypoints[i].m_pNeighbour = memalloc(sizeof(*g_pWaypoints[i].m_pNeighbour) * g_pWaypoints[i].m_numNeighbours); for (int j = 0i; j < g_pWaypoints[i].m_numNeighbours; j++) { tokenize(fgets(file)); g_pWaypoints[i].m_pNeighbour[j].m_iNode = stoi(argv(0)); g_pWaypoints[i].m_pNeighbour[j].m_flCost = stof(argv(1)); g_pWaypoints[i].m_pNeighbour[j].m_iFlags = stoh(argv(2)); } } fclose(file); } void Way_ConnectOne(void) { if (g_waylink_status == 0) { g_way1 = Way_FindClosestNode(self.origin); g_waylink_status = 1; env_message_single(self, "^21/2 nodes selected... \n"); } else if (g_waylink_status == 1) { g_way2 = Way_FindClosestNode(self.origin); g_waylink_status = 0; if (g_way1 != g_way2) { Way_LinkNodes(&g_pWaypoints[g_way1], &g_pWaypoints[g_way2]); env_message_single(self, "^22/2 nodes selected, done!\n"); } else { env_message_single(self, "^1Failed to link, the two points are the same!\n"); } g_way1 = g_way2 = -1; } } void Way_ConnectTwo(void) { if (g_waylink_status == 0) { g_way1 = Way_FindClosestNode(self.origin); g_waylink_status = 1; env_message_single(self, "^21/2 nodes selected... \n"); } else if (g_waylink_status == 1) { g_way2 = Way_FindClosestNode(self.origin); g_waylink_status = 0; if (g_way1 != g_way2) { Way_LinkNodes(&g_pWaypoints[g_way1], &g_pWaypoints[g_way2]); Way_LinkNodes(&g_pWaypoints[g_way2], &g_pWaypoints[g_way1]); env_message_single(self, "^22/2 nodes selected, done!\n"); } else { env_message_single(self, "^1Failed to link, the two points are the same!\n"); } g_way1 = g_way2 = -1; } } void Way_Cmd(void) { if (!self) { return; } switch (argv(1)) { case "goto": Way_GoToPoint(self); break; case "autolink": Way_AutoLink(Way_FindClosestNode(self.origin)); break; case "connect1": Way_ConnectOne(); break; case "connect2": Way_ConnectTwo(); break; case "add": Way_CreateNode(self, 1); break; case "addchain": Way_CreateNode(self, 0); break; case "addsingle": Way_CreateNode(self, -3); break; case "addltn": Way_CreateNode(self, -1); break; case "addntl": Way_CreateNode(self, -2); break; case "addspawns": Way_HelperSpawns(); break; case "delete": Way_DeleteNode(Way_FindClosestNode(self.origin)); break; case "purge": Way_WipeWaypoints(); break; case "radius": Way_SetRadius(Way_FindClosestNode(self.origin), stof(argv(2))); break; case "radiushack": for (int i = 0i; i < g_iWaypoints; i++) { g_pWaypoints[i].m_flRadius = autocvar_nav_radius; } break; case "linkjump": Way_FlagJump(); break; case "linkcrouch": Way_FlagCrouch(); break; case "linkwalk": Way_FlagWalk(); break; case "move": vector p; int n = Way_FindClosestNode(self.origin); if (n >= 0) { p[0] = stof(argv(2)); p[1] = stof(argv(3)); p[2] = stof(argv(4)); g_pWaypoints[n].m_vecOrigin += p; } break; case "movetopos": int nearest = Way_FindClosestNode(self.origin); if (nearest >= 0) { g_pWaypoints[nearest].m_vecOrigin = self.origin; } break; case "save": Way_SaveFile(argv(2)); break; case "load": Way_ReadFile(argv(2)); break; } } void Way_DrawDebugInfo(void) { if (!g_iWaypoints) { return; } int iNearest = Way_FindClosestNode(self.origin); makevectors(self.v_angle); R_BeginPolygon("", 0, 0); for (int i = 0i; i < g_iWaypoints; i++) { waypoint_t *w = g_pWaypoints + i; vector org = w->m_vecOrigin; vector rgb = [1,1,1]; if (iNearest == i) { rgb = [0,1,0]; } R_PolygonVertex(org + v_right * 4 - v_up * 4, [1,1], rgb, 1); R_PolygonVertex(org - v_right * 4 - v_up * 4, [0,1], rgb, 1); R_PolygonVertex(org - v_right * 4 + v_up * 4, [0,0], rgb, 1); R_PolygonVertex(org + v_right * 4 + v_up * 4, [1,0], rgb, 1); R_EndPolygon(); } R_BeginPolygon("", 1, 0); for (int i = 0i; i < g_iWaypoints; i++) { waypoint_t *w = g_pWaypoints+i; vector org = w->m_vecOrigin; vector rgb = [1,1,1]; for (int j = 0i; j < w->m_numNeighbours; j++) { int k = w->m_pNeighbour[j].m_iNode; int fl = w->m_pNeighbour[j].m_iFlags; if (k < 0i || k >= g_iWaypoints) { break; } waypoint_t *w2 = &g_pWaypoints[k]; if (fl & LF_JUMP) { vector middle; middle = (w2->m_vecOrigin + org) / 2; R_PolygonVertex(org + [0,0,1], [0,1], [1,1,0], 1); R_PolygonVertex(middle + [0,0,32], [0,1], [0.5,0.5,0], 1); R_EndPolygon(); R_PolygonVertex(middle + [0,0,32], [0,1], [0.5,0.5,0], 1); R_PolygonVertex(w2->m_vecOrigin + [0,0,1], [1,1], [0,0,0], 1); R_EndPolygon(); } if (fl & LF_CROUCH) { R_PolygonVertex(org + [0,0,-2], [0,1], [0,1,0], 1); R_PolygonVertex(w2->m_vecOrigin + [0,0,-2], [1,1], [0,0,0], 1); R_EndPolygon(); } if (fl & LF_WALK) { R_PolygonVertex(org + [0,0,-1], [0,1], [1,0,0], 1); R_PolygonVertex(w2->m_vecOrigin + [0,0,-1], [1,1], [0,0,0], 1); R_EndPolygon(); } R_PolygonVertex(org, [0,1], [1,0,1], 1); R_PolygonVertex(w2->m_vecOrigin, [1,1], [0,1,0], 1); R_EndPolygon(); } } if (g_way1 >= 0) { R_PolygonVertex(g_pWaypoints[g_way1]->m_vecOrigin, [0,1], [0,1,0], 1); R_PolygonVertex(self.origin, [1,1], [0,1,0], 1); R_EndPolygon(); } R_BeginPolygon("", 0, 0); for (int i = 0i; i < g_iWaypoints; i++) { vector rgb; waypoint_t *w = g_pWaypoints + i; vector org = w->m_vecOrigin; if (iNearest == i) { rgb = [0,1,0]; } else { rgb = [0.5,0,1.0]; } if (w->m_flRadius) { for(int j = 0; j < 16; j++) { float theta = 2.0f * M_PI * j / 16; vector p = (v_right * sin(theta)) + (v_up * cos(theta)); R_PolygonVertex(org + (p * w->m_flRadius), [1,1], rgb, 0.1f); } R_EndPolygon(); for(int j = 0; j < 16; j++) { float theta = 2.0f * M_PI * j / 16; R_PolygonVertex(org + [sin(theta), cos(theta)] * w->m_flRadius, [1,1], rgb, 0.2f); } R_EndPolygon(); } } }