/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Marco Hladik * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF MIND, USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ void EFX_DebugInfo(void) { static vector pos = [16, 16]; static void epr(string tx) { Font_DrawText(pos, tx, FONT_CON); pos[1] += 12; } pos = [16,16]; epr("OpenAL EFX Debug Information:"); epr(strcat("EFX Name: ", g_efx_name[g_iEFX])); epr(sprintf("Density: %d", g_efx[g_iEFX].flDensity)); epr(sprintf("Diffusion: %d", g_efx[g_iEFX].flDiffusion)); epr(sprintf("Gain: %d", g_efx[g_iEFX].flGain)); epr(sprintf("Gain HF: %d", g_efx[g_iEFX].flGainHF)); epr(sprintf("Gain LF: %d", g_efx[g_iEFX].flGainLF)); epr(sprintf("Decay Time: %d", g_efx[g_iEFX].flDecayTime)); epr(sprintf("Decay HF Ratio: %d", g_efx[g_iEFX].flDecayHFRatio)); epr(sprintf("Decay LF Ratio: %d", g_efx[g_iEFX].flDecayLFRatio)); epr(sprintf("Reflections Gain: %d", g_efx[g_iEFX].flReflectionsGain)); epr(sprintf("Reflections Delay: %d", g_efx[g_iEFX].flReflectionsDelay)); epr(sprintf("Reflections Pan: %v", g_efx[g_iEFX].flReflectionsPan)); epr(sprintf("Late Reverb Gain: %d", g_efx[g_iEFX].flLateReverbGain)); epr(sprintf("Late Reverb Delay: %d", g_efx[g_iEFX].flLateReverbDelay)); epr(sprintf("Late Reverb Pan: %v", g_efx[g_iEFX].flLateReverbPan)); epr(sprintf("Echo Time: %d", g_efx[g_iEFX].flEchoTime)); epr(sprintf("Echo Depth: %d", g_efx[g_iEFX].flEchoDepth)); epr(sprintf("Modulation Time: %d", g_efx[g_iEFX].flModulationTime)); epr(sprintf("Modulation Depth: %d", g_efx[g_iEFX].flModulationDepth)); epr(sprintf("Air Absorption Gain HF: %d", g_efx[g_iEFX].flAirAbsorptionGainHF)); epr(sprintf("HF Reference: %d", g_efx[g_iEFX].flHFReference)); epr(sprintf("LF Reference: %d", g_efx[g_iEFX].flLFReference)); epr(sprintf("Romm Rolloff Factor: %d", g_efx[g_iEFX].flRoomRolloffFactor)); epr(sprintf("Decay HF Limit: %i", g_efx[g_iEFX].iDecayHFLimit)); } int EFX_Load(string efx_file) { filestream fh; string line; int i; if (!efx_file) { return (0); } i = g_efx_count; efx_file = strtolower(efx_file); /* check if it's already cached */ for (int x = 0; x < g_efx_count; x++) { if (efx_file == g_efx_name[x]) { return x; } } g_efx_count++; g_efx = (reverbinfo_t *)memrealloc(g_efx, sizeof(reverbinfo_t), i, g_efx_count); g_efx_name = (string *)memrealloc(g_efx_name, sizeof(string), i, g_efx_count); fh = fopen(strcat("efx/", efx_file, ".efx"), FILE_READ); if (fh < 0) { return (0); } /* cache the name */ g_efx_name[i] = efx_file; /* add some default values */ g_efx[i].flDensity = 1.000000; g_efx[i].flDiffusion = 1.000000; g_efx[i].flGain = 0.000000; g_efx[i].flGainHF = 1.000000; g_efx[i].flGainLF = 1.000000; g_efx[i].flDecayTime = 1.000000; g_efx[i].flDecayHFRatio = 1.000000; g_efx[i].flDecayLFRatio = 1.000000; g_efx[i].flReflectionsGain = 0.000000; g_efx[i].flReflectionsDelay = 0.000000; g_efx[i].flReflectionsPan = [0,0,0]; g_efx[i].flLateReverbGain = 1.000000; g_efx[i].flLateReverbDelay = 0.000000; g_efx[i].flLateReverbPan = [0,0,0]; g_efx[i].flEchoTime = 0.250000; g_efx[i].flEchoDepth = 0.000000; g_efx[i].flModulationTime = 0.250000; g_efx[i].flModulationDepth = 0.000000; g_efx[i].flAirAbsorptionGainHF = 1.000000; g_efx[i].flHFReference = 5000.000000; g_efx[i].flLFReference = 250.000000; g_efx[i].flRoomRolloffFactor = 0.000000; g_efx[i].iDecayHFLimit = 1i; while ((line = fgets(fh))) { int c = tokenize_console(line); switch (argv(0)) { case "density": g_efx[i].flDensity = stof(argv(1)); break; case "diffusion": g_efx[i].flDiffusion = stof(argv(1)); break; case "gain": g_efx[i].flGain = stof(argv(1)); break; case "gain_hf": g_efx[i].flGainHF = stof(argv(1)); break; case "gain_lf": g_efx[i].flGainLF = stof(argv(1)); break; case "decay_time": g_efx[i].flDecayTime = stof(argv(1)); break; case "decay_hf_ratio": g_efx[i].flDecayHFRatio = stof(argv(1)); break; case "decay_lf_ratio": g_efx[i].flDecayLFRatio = stof(argv(1)); break; case "reflections_gain": g_efx[i].flReflectionsGain = stof(argv(1)); break; case "reflections_delay": g_efx[i].flReflectionsDelay = stof(argv(1)); break; case "reflections_pan": /* VECTOR! */ g_efx[i].flReflectionsPan = stov(argv(1)); break; case "late_reverb_gain": g_efx[i].flLateReverbGain = stof(argv(1)); break; case "late_reverb_delay": g_efx[i].flLateReverbDelay = stof(argv(1)); break; case "late_reverb_pan": g_efx[i].flLateReverbPan = stov(argv(1)); break; case "echo_time": g_efx[i].flEchoTime = stof(argv(1)); break; case "echo_depth": g_efx[i].flEchoDepth = stof(argv(1)); break; case "modulation_time": g_efx[i].flModulationTime = stof(argv(1)); break; case "modulation_depth": g_efx[i].flModulationDepth = stof(argv(1)); break; case "air_absorbtion_hf": g_efx[i].flAirAbsorptionGainHF = stof(argv(1)); break; case "hf_reference": g_efx[i].flHFReference = stof(argv(1)); break; case "lf_reference": g_efx[i].flLFReference = stof(argv(1)); break; case "room_rolloff_factor": g_efx[i].flRoomRolloffFactor = stof(argv(1)); break; case "decay_limit": g_efx[i].iDecayHFLimit = stoi(argv(1)); break; } } fclose(fh); return i; } void EFX_SetEnvironment(int id) { /* out of bounds... MAP BUG! */ if (id >= g_efx_count) return; /* same as before, skip */ if (g_iEFX == id) return; g_iEFXold = g_iEFX; g_iEFX = id; g_flEFXTime = 0.0f; } void EFX_Interpolate(int id) { mix.flDensity = Math_Lerp(mix.flDensity, g_efx[id].flDensity, g_flEFXTime); mix.flDiffusion = Math_Lerp(mix.flDiffusion, g_efx[id].flDiffusion, g_flEFXTime); mix.flGain = Math_Lerp(mix.flGain, g_efx[id].flGain, g_flEFXTime); mix.flGainHF = Math_Lerp(mix.flGainHF, g_efx[id].flGainHF, g_flEFXTime); mix.flGainLF = Math_Lerp(mix.flGainLF, g_efx[id].flGainLF, g_flEFXTime); mix.flDecayTime = Math_Lerp(mix.flDecayTime, g_efx[id].flDecayTime, g_flEFXTime); mix.flDecayHFRatio = Math_Lerp(mix.flDecayHFRatio, g_efx[id].flDecayHFRatio, g_flEFXTime); mix.flDecayLFRatio = Math_Lerp(mix.flDecayLFRatio, g_efx[id].flDecayLFRatio, g_flEFXTime); mix.flReflectionsGain = Math_Lerp(mix.flReflectionsGain, g_efx[id].flReflectionsGain, g_flEFXTime); mix.flReflectionsDelay = Math_Lerp(mix.flReflectionsDelay, g_efx[id].flReflectionsDelay, g_flEFXTime); mix.flReflectionsPan[0] = Math_Lerp(mix.flReflectionsPan[0], g_efx[id].flReflectionsPan[0], g_flEFXTime); mix.flReflectionsPan[1] = Math_Lerp(mix.flReflectionsPan[1], g_efx[id].flReflectionsPan[1], g_flEFXTime); mix.flReflectionsPan[1] = Math_Lerp(mix.flReflectionsPan[2], g_efx[id].flReflectionsPan[2], g_flEFXTime); mix.flLateReverbGain = Math_Lerp(mix.flLateReverbGain, g_efx[id].flLateReverbGain, g_flEFXTime); mix.flLateReverbDelay = Math_Lerp(mix.flLateReverbDelay, g_efx[id].flLateReverbDelay, g_flEFXTime); mix.flLateReverbPan[0] = Math_Lerp(mix.flLateReverbPan[0], g_efx[id].flLateReverbPan[0], g_flEFXTime); mix.flLateReverbPan[1] = Math_Lerp(mix.flLateReverbPan[1], g_efx[id].flLateReverbPan[1], g_flEFXTime); mix.flLateReverbPan[2] = Math_Lerp(mix.flLateReverbPan[2], g_efx[id].flLateReverbPan[2], g_flEFXTime); mix.flEchoTime = Math_Lerp(mix.flEchoTime, g_efx[id].flEchoTime, g_flEFXTime); mix.flEchoDepth = Math_Lerp(mix.flEchoDepth, g_efx[id].flEchoDepth, g_flEFXTime); mix.flModulationTime = Math_Lerp(mix.flModulationTime, g_efx[id].flModulationTime, g_flEFXTime); mix.flModulationDepth = Math_Lerp(mix.flModulationDepth, g_efx[id].flModulationDepth, g_flEFXTime); mix.flAirAbsorptionGainHF = Math_Lerp(mix.flAirAbsorptionGainHF, g_efx[id].flAirAbsorptionGainHF, g_flEFXTime); mix.flHFReference = Math_Lerp(mix.flHFReference, g_efx[id].flHFReference, g_flEFXTime); mix.flLFReference = Math_Lerp(mix.flLFReference, g_efx[id].flLFReference, g_flEFXTime); mix.flRoomRolloffFactor = Math_Lerp(mix.flRoomRolloffFactor, g_efx[id].flRoomRolloffFactor, g_flEFXTime); mix.iDecayHFLimit = Math_Lerp(mix.iDecayHFLimit, g_efx[id].iDecayHFLimit, g_flEFXTime); } void EFX_UpdateListener(void) { static int old_dsp; vector vecPlayer; if (autocvar_s_al_use_reverb == FALSE) { return; } int s = (float)getproperty(VF_ACTIVESEAT); pSeat = &g_seats[s]; vecPlayer = pSeat->m_vecPredictedOrigin; float bestdist = 999999; for (entity e = world; (e = find(e, classname, "env_sound"));) { env_sound scape = (env_sound)e; other = world; traceline(scape.origin, vecPlayer, MOVE_OTHERONLY, scape); if (trace_fraction < 1.0f) { continue; } float dist = vlen(e.origin - vecPlayer); if (dist > scape.m_iRadius) { continue; } if (dist > bestdist) { continue; } bestdist = dist; EFX_SetEnvironment(scape.m_iRoomType); } makevectors(getproperty(VF_CL_VIEWANGLES)); SetListener(getproperty(VF_ORIGIN), v_forward, v_right, v_up, 12); if (old_dsp == g_iEFX) { return; } #ifdef EFX_LERP if (g_flEFXTime < 1.0) { EFX_Interpolate(g_iEFX); setup_reverb(12, &mix, sizeof(reverbinfo_t)); } else { old_dsp = g_iEFX; } g_flEFXTime += clframetime; #else dprint(sprintf("EFX_UpdateListener: Changed style to %s (%i)\n", g_efx_name[g_iEFX], g_iEFX)); old_dsp = g_iEFX; setup_reverb(12, &g_efx[g_iEFX], sizeof(reverbinfo_t)); #endif } void EFX_Init(void) { int efx_default; int efx_underwater; efx_default = EFX_Load("default"); efx_underwater = EFX_Load("underwater"); EFX_SetEnvironment(efx_default); /* mix the final value immediately */ #ifdef EFX_LERP g_flEFXTime = 1.0f; EFX_Interpolate(g_iEFX); #endif setup_reverb(12, &g_efx[g_iEFX], sizeof(reverbinfo_t)); setup_reverb(10, &g_efx[efx_underwater], sizeof(reverbinfo_t)); } void EFX_Shutdown(void) { if (!g_efx_count) return; g_efx_count = 0; memfree(g_efx); }