/*** * * Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Marco 'eukara' Hladik. All rights reserved. * * See the file LICENSE attached with the sources for usage details. * ****/ // Clientside cvars var vector autocvar_cross_color = '0 255 0'; // autocvar of "cross_color" var int autocvar_cl_radar = 1; // Particle stuff var float PARTICLE_SMOKEGRENADE; .float flUpAngle; vector vHUDColor; // Defined in HUD_Draw (HUD.c) vector vCrossColor; // Defined in HUD_Draw (HUDCrosshair.c) string sShellModel [ 4 ] = { "models/pshell.mdl", "models/rshell.mdl", "models/rshell_big.mdl", "models/shotgunshell.mdl" }; var string autocvar_skins_dir = ""; string sViewModels[ CS_WEAPON_COUNT - 1 ] = { "v_knife.mdl", "v_usp.mdl", "v_glock18.mdl", "v_deagle.mdl", "v_p228.mdl", "v_elite.mdl", "v_fiveseven.mdl", "v_m3.mdl", "v_xm1014.mdl", "v_mp5.mdl", "v_p90.mdl", "v_ump45.mdl", "v_mac10.mdl", "v_tmp.mdl", "v_ak47.mdl", "v_sg552.mdl", "v_m4a1.mdl", "v_aug.mdl", "v_scout.mdl", "v_awp.mdl", "v_g3sg1.mdl", "v_sg550.mdl", "v_m249.mdl", "v_c4.mdl", "v_flashbang.mdl", "v_hegrenade.mdl", "v_smokegrenade.mdl" }; struct { //Viewmodel stuff entity eViewModel; entity eMuzzleflash; float fNumBones; float fEjectBone; vector vPunchAngle; float fLastWeapon; float fBobTime; float fBob; float damage_alpha; vector damage_pos; /* Camera Bob */ float flCamMove; float flCamTime; int iCamCycle; float flCamFracSin; float flCamDelta; int iZoomed; float flZoomTime; //Player fields entity ePlayer; vector vPlayerOrigin; vector vPlayerOriginOld; vector vPlayerVelocity; float fPlayerFlags; // Camera Fields //entity ePlayerEnt; vector vCameraPos; vector vCameraAngle; float fCameraTime; // Flashbang'd float fFlashTime; float fFlashAlpha; //UI fields float fVGUI_Display; // The VGUI menu currently being drawn int iShowScores; // This is seperated from the other VGUI stuff so we can check scores while buying and whatnot // Testing int iOverview; int iMapExpand; float fMapLerp; //crosshair int iOldShotMultiplier; float fCrosshairDistance; float fDecreaseShotTime; int iShotMultiplier; //buy menu // We can only carry one item per slot, so this is hacking around the last one int iHUDGrenades; int iHUDGrenadesSelected; float fHUDWeaponSelectTime; float fHUDWeaponSelected; // Input float fInputKeyCode; float fInputKeyASCII; float fInputKeyDown; int iInputAttack2; int iInputReload; int iInputUse; int iInputDuck; float fInputSendNext; } seats[4], *pSeat; // Sound Stuff //.string sSoundSample; //.float fVolume; string HUD_GetChatColorHEX( float fTeam ); // For the player entity .entity eGunModel; float fWeaponEventPlayer; .float fWeaponLast; .float fWeaponBoneID; .float health; .float oldhealth; void Animation_ShootWeapon( entity ePlayer ); void Animation_ReloadWeapon( entity ePlayer ); /* ==================== HUD_GetChatColor Returns an RGB color vector for the specified team ==================== */ vector HUD_GetChatColor( float fTeam ) { if ( fTeam == TEAM_CT ) { return '0.45 0.60 0.75'; } else if ( fTeam == TEAM_T ) { return '0.75 0.1875 0.1875'; } else { return '0.75 0.75 0.75'; } } /* ==================== HUD_GetChatColor Returns a HEX color string prefix for the specified team ==================== */ string HUD_GetChatColorHEX( float fTeam ) { if ( fTeam == TEAM_CT ) { return "^x7AC"; } else if ( fTeam == TEAM_T ) { return "^xC33"; } else { return "^xCCC"; } } /* ==================== HUD_GetChatColor Returns a HEX color string prefix with teamname ==================== */ string HUD_GetChatColorHEXTeam( float fTeam ) { if ( fTeam == TEAM_CT ) { return "^x7AC(Counter-Terrorist) "; } else if ( fTeam == TEAM_T ) { return "^xC33(Terrorist) "; } else { return "^xCCC(Spectator) "; } }