/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Marco Hladik * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF MIND, USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ font_s g_fntDefault; var int g_vguiWidgetCount; #ifdef CLASSIC_VGUI #define UI_MAINCOLOR '255 200 0' / 255 #define UI_MAINALPHA 255 #else var vector UI_MAINCOLOR; var float UI_MAINALPHA; #endif int Util_MouseAbove(vector vecMousePos, vector vecPos, vector vecSize) { if (vecMousePos[0] >= vecPos[0] && vecMousePos[0] <= vecPos[0] + vecSize[0]) { if (vecMousePos[1] >= vecPos[1] && vecMousePos[1] <= vecPos[1] + vecSize[1]) { return 1; } } return 0; } class CUIWidget { vector m_vecOrigin; CUIWidget m_next; CUIWidget m_parent; int m_iFlags; virtual void( CUIWidget ) Add; virtual void( int ) FlagAdd; virtual void( int ) FlagRemove; virtual void( vector ) SetPos; virtual vector() GetPos; virtual int() GetPosWidth; virtual int() GetPosHeight; virtual void( ) Draw; virtual void( float, float, float, float ) Input; }; void CUIWidget :: SetPos ( vector vecPos ) { m_vecOrigin = vecPos; } vector CUIWidget :: GetPos ( void ) { return m_vecOrigin; } int CUIWidget :: GetPosWidth ( void ) { return m_vecOrigin[0]; } int CUIWidget :: GetPosHeight ( void ) { return m_vecOrigin[1]; } void CUIWidget :: FlagAdd ( int iFlag ) { m_iFlags |= iFlag; } void CUIWidget :: FlagRemove ( int iFlag ) { m_iFlags -= ( m_iFlags & iFlag ); } void CUIWidget :: Add ( CUIWidget wNew ) { CUIWidget wNext = this; CUIWidget wParent; do { wParent = wNext; wNext = wNext.m_next; } while ( wNext ); wParent.m_next = wNew; wNew.m_parent = this; } void CUIWidget :: Draw ( void ) { CUIWidget wNext = this; do { wNext = wNext.m_next; if ( wNext && wNext.m_iFlags & 1 && wNext.m_parent.m_iFlags & 1 ) { wNext.Draw(); } } while ( wNext ); } void CUIWidget :: Input ( float flEVType, float flKey, float flChar, float flDevID ) { CUIWidget wNext = this; g_vguiWidgetCount = 0; do { wNext = wNext.m_next; if ( wNext && wNext.m_iFlags & 1 && wNext.m_parent.m_iFlags & 1 ) { g_vguiWidgetCount++; wNext.Input( flEVType, flKey, flChar, flDevID ); } } while ( wNext ); } void UISystem_Init ( void ) { #ifndef CLASSIC_VGUI string strTemp; string strUIFile = "scripts/ui_style.txt"; filestream fileUI = fopen( strUIFile, FILE_READ ); UI_MAINCOLOR = '68 68 68' / 255; UI_MAINALPHA = 1.0f; if ( fileUI >= 0 ) { while ( ( strTemp = fgets( fileUI ) ) ) { if ( tokenizebyseparator( strTemp, "=" ) == 2 ) { switch ( argv( 0 ) ) { case "COLOR": UI_MAINCOLOR = stov( argv( 1 ) ) / 255; break; case "ALPHA": UI_MAINALPHA = stof( argv( 1 ) ) / 255; break; } } } fclose( fileUI ); } else { error( sprintf( "[MENU] Cannot load UI file %s!", strUIFile ) ); } #endif Font_Load( "scripts/ui_font.txt", g_fntDefault ); precache_pic( "textures/ui/steam/icon_radiosel" ); precache_pic( "textures/ui/steam/icon_radiounsel" ); precache_pic( "textures/ui/steam/icon_checked" ); precache_pic( "textures/ui/steam/icon_emptybox" ); precache_pic( "textures/ui/steam/icon_down" ); precache_pic( "textures/ui/steam/icon_up" ); precache_pic( "textures/ui/steam/icon_close" ); }